1、消化性溃疡、胃癌的外科治疗,北京大学第三医院普通外科 王德臣,消化性溃疡的外科治疗,消化性溃疡的手术指征,经内科正规治疗不能愈合的顽固性溃疡 穿透性溃疡或瘢痕组织较多的胼胝性溃疡 并发幽门梗阻 并发急性穿孔 并发大出血 高位胃溃疡或巨大溃疡(直径大于2.5cm) 不能排除恶变,消化性溃疡的手术方式,消化性溃疡穿孔单纯缝合修补术 胃大部切除术(subtotal) 高选择性胃迷走神经切断术,溃疡穿孔单纯修补,胃大部切除术,治疗消化性溃疡的机制 切除大部分壁细胞和主细胞 切除胃窦部G细胞 切除溃疡的好发部位和溃疡,胃大部切除术,切除范围:切除胃远端2/33/4,包括胃体远侧、胃窦、幽门及十二指肠球部
2、的近侧。 消化道重建: 1、胃十二指肠吻合(Billroth I式) 2、胃空肠吻合(Billroth II式) 3、胃空肠Roux-en-Y吻合,胃大部切除范围,Billroth I式吻合,优点:接近正常解剖生理状态,术后因胃肠功能紊乱所致的并发症少。 缺点:对十二指肠溃疡较大、炎症水肿重,瘢痕大粘连重的病例,毕I式手术困难。 残胃与十二指肠吻合有张力,易致胃切除范围不够,术后溃疡复发。,Billroth I式吻合器吻合,腹腔镜下毕I式吻合(三角吻合),Billroth II吻合,优点:切除范围不受限,吻合无张力。 缺点:改变正常解剖生理关系,胃肠功能紊乱增加,返流性胃炎常见。,Billro
3、th II式吻合器吻合,14,Roux-en-Y吻合,优点:减少返流。 缺点:增加了手术操作,有可能带来相应的手术并发症;淤积综合征。,Roux-en-Y吻合器吻合,Roux-en-Y 吻合,胃大部切除术后近期并发症,术中脏器损伤(脾、胆道、结肠等) 术后出血 十二指肠残端破裂(瘘) 胃肠吻合口破裂或瘘 胃排空障碍(胃瘫) 术后梗阻 输入袢梗阻、吻合口梗阻、输出袢梗阻,胃大部切除术后远期并发症,倾倒综合症、低血糖综合症 碱性反流性胃炎及食道炎 吻合口溃疡复发 营养不良、贫血、腹泻、骨病 残胃癌:10年以后 慢性输入袢或输出袢梗阻,胃迷走神经切断术,治疗消化性溃疡的机制 阻断迷走神经对壁细胞的刺
4、激,消除神经性胃酸分泌 消除了迷走神经引起的胃泌素分泌,从而阻断了胃酸分泌,迷走神经干切断术,选择性迷走神经干切断术,高选择性胃迷走神经切断,切断前后迷走神经分布至胃底体的分支。 保留迷走神经前后干、肝支、腹腔支及分布到胃窦的鸦爪支。 保留胃的容积,保留幽门功能,高选择性迷走神经切断术,高选择性胃迷走神经切断,优点:保留胃的容积,不影响进食量。基本保留了正常解剖生理功能。 缺点:不易切断完全,术后溃疡病复发率高。 适于十二指肠溃疡(高胃酸),不适于幽门前区溃疡、胃溃疡、幽门梗阻及药物性溃疡,迷走神经切断术后并发症,术后出血 胃小弯缺血坏死 胃潴留 胆石症 腹泻 高选迷切后溃疡复发,26,非手术
5、治疗 指征 方法,空腹穿孔,症状、体征轻 年轻者,急性溃疡,不伴出血、梗阻、癌变等 腹膜炎体征很快局限,无感染表现,胃肠减压 补液 抗感染 抑酸药 严密观察,胃十二指肠溃疡急性穿孔,胃十二指肠溃疡急性穿孔,手术治疗 指征 方法,单纯穿孔修补 单纯穿孔修补高选迷切 胃大部切除术 Bancroft,胃大部切除:力争切除溃疡 胃大部切除:将溃疡旷置在肠腔外 缝扎出血点,周围血管切断?,卧床,镇静 补充血容量 冰肾盐水灌胃 胃镜下止血 胃十二指肠动脉栓塞?,胃十二指肠溃疡大出血,内科治疗,外科治疗,外科治疗,术前准备 禁食、胃减压、盐水洗胃 纠正水电、酸碱紊乱 营养支持 手术方式 胃大部切除(毕) 或
6、 Bancroft,胃十二指肠溃疡瘢痕性幽门梗阻,胃癌的外科治疗,要遵循肿瘤外科原则,胃要切除一定范围,力争切缘阴性(R0)。 要清扫肿瘤引流区域内一定范围淋巴结。 消化道重建大致与良性疾病手术相同。,胃癌切除术后标本,胃癌手术术中照片,胃癌的分期,Clinical classification (c) 体检,影像学,内镜、腹腔镜、手术发现、活检、细胞学,生化生物检查。 Pathological classification (p) 手术、内镜切除标本组织学检查,Gastric Cancer TNM Staging,Macroscopic Types,Macroscopic Types,Tum
7、or location,Tumor location,Location of lymph node stations,39,Types and definitions of gastric surgery,Curative surgery 1、Standard gastrectomy 2、Non-standard gastrectomy a、Modified surgery b、Extended surgery Non-curative surgery 1、Palliative surgery 2、Reduction surgery,Curative surgery,Standard gast
8、rectomy at least two-thirds of the stomach with a D2 lymph node dissection Non-standard gastrectomy 1、 Modied surgery 2、Extended surgery,D2 lymphadenectomy,for potentially curable T2-T4 tumors, as well as cT1N tumors The role of splenectomy for complete resection of No. 10 and No. 11 nodes has long
9、been controversial,Resection margin,A proximal margin of at least 3 cm is recommended for T2 or deeper tumors with an expansive growth pattern (Types 1 and 2) 5 cm is recommended for Types 3 and 4 For T1 tumors, a gross resection margin of 2 cm should be obtained,Gastric resections,Total gastrectomy
10、 Distal gastrectomy Pylorus-preserving gastrectomy (PPG) Proximal gastrectomy Segmental gastrectomy Local resection Non-resectional surgery (bypass surgery, gastrostomy, jejunostomy),Total gastrectomy,D0: Lymphadenectomy less than D1 D1: Nos. 17 D1: D1 Nos. 8a, 9, 11p D2: D1 Nos. 8a, 9, 10, 11p, 11d
11、, 12a,Total gastrectomy,Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy Jejunal interposition Double tract method,Distal gastrectomy,D0: Lymphadenectomy less than D1 D1: Nos. 1, 3, 4sb, 4d, 5, 6, 7 D1: D1 Nos. 8a, 9 D2: D1 Nos. 8a, 9, 11p, 12a.,Distal gastrectomy,Billroth I gastroduodenostomy Billroth II gastrojejuno
12、stomy Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy Jejunal interposition,Proximal gastrectomy,D0: Lymphadenectomy less than D1 D1: Nos. 1, 2, 3a, 4sa, 4sb, 7 D1: D1 Nos. 8a, 9, 11p,Proximal gastrectomy,Esophagogastrostomy Jejunal interposition Double tract method,Omentectomy,Removal of the greater omentum is usually
13、 integrated in the standard gastrectomy for T3 (SS) or deeper tumors For T1/T2 tumors, the omentum more than 3 cm away from the gastroepiploic arcade may be preserved,Bursectomy,For tumors penetrating the serosa of the posterior gastric wall, bursectomy may be performed with the aim of removing micr
14、oscopic tumor deposits in the lesser sac There is no evidence that bursectomy reduces peritoneal or local recurrence, and it should be avoided in T1/T2 tumors,Laparoscopic surgery,Laparoscopic surgery can be considered an option in general clinical practice to treat cStage I cancer that is indicated for distal gastrectomy laparoscopic total gastrectomy has been rated by the guidelines of the Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery (2014) as recommendation C1,治疗决策流程图,Thanks,