1、Lesson 16Whats this in English?Its a pineapple.pineapplelemonWhats this in English?Its a lemon.watermelonWhats this in English?Its a watermelon.tomatoWhats this in English?Its a tomato.Whats that in English?Its a tomato.potatoWhats this in English?Its a potato.Whats that in English?Its a potato.What
2、s that in English?Its a carrot.Pardon?Carrot.C-A-R-R-O-T,carrot.cucumberWhats that in English?Its a cucumber.Pardon?Cucumber.C-U-C-U-M-B-E-R,cucumber.Whats this in English?Its an eggplant.green pepperWhats this in English?Its a green pepper.orangebananaorangeorangeb bananaananaappleappleapplepearpea
3、rpearpotatop po ot ta at to oWhats that in English?Its a potato.Pardon?Potato.P-O-T-A-T-O,potato.tomatot tomaomat to oWhats that in English?Its a tomato.Pardon?Potato.T-O-M-A-T-O,tomato.pineapplepineapplepineappleWhats that in English?Its a pineapple.Pardon?Pineapple.P-I-N-E-A-P-P-L-E,pineapple.歌曲歌曲超链接超链接Chant超链接超链接课文超链接课文超链接3 6 41 5 2 Swf 生日故事生日故事英语游戏英语游戏吃饭吃饭storyHomework 继续完成水果继续完成水果/蔬菜篮的制作。蔬菜篮的制作。Try to talk about it in English.