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1、新目标英语与初中英新目标英语与初中英语课堂教学活动设计语课堂教学活动设计周智忠周智忠新教材新教材 新困惑新困惑?你见,或者不见我我就在那里 不悲不喜 你念,或者不念我 情就在那里 不来不去 你爱,或者不爱我 爱就在那里 不增不减 你跟,或者不跟我 我的手就在你手里 不舍不弃 来我的怀里 或者 让我住进你的心里黯然 相爱 寂静 欢喜仓央嘉措认识教材认识教材What WhyHow呈现并操练话呈现并操练话题、目标词汇题、目标词汇模仿输出模仿输出简单输入简单输入修订前修订前birthday week think about food sure how about burger vegetable fr

2、uit right apple then John likes what about?Lets have Sounds good.Role-play 教学建议:导入语境,处理部分生词;阅读对话、理解大意;点拨重难点生词及句式;听录音并跟读,模仿语音语调;角色扮演,表演对话,使用恰当的动作、眼神,并拓展对话中的语言表达;程度较好的学生编写并表演新的对话。关于 role-play 的教学时机Linda:Good afternoon!My names Linda.Are you Helen?Helen:Yes,I am.Nice to meet you,Linda.Linda:Nice to mee

3、t you,too.Whats her name?Helen:Shes Jane.Linda:Is he Jack?Helen:No,he isnt.His names Mike.探究、发现、归纳探究、发现、归纳认知动词在不同人称下的变认知动词在不同人称下的变化化关注语言形式关注语言形式从句式和语序上关注本单元从句式和语序上关注本单元的重点表达法的重点表达法提供了相对开放的口头交际活提供了相对开放的口头交际活动,让学生在接近真实的语境动,让学生在接近真实的语境中运用所学的语言结构。中运用所学的语言结构。Grammar Focus 课例 七年级上第一单元 在在Grammar Focus之后设计之


5、语言较为复杂的语言输出输出Pre-listening activities:two main categories:language oriented activities-to prepare your students for the type of language and even specific words that they may hear knowledge oriented activities-to prepare your students by encouraging them to activate or acquire relevant types of worl

6、d knowledge(previous knowledge).brainstorming mind-mapping discussion games questions pictures prediction skimmingPost-listening:Post-listening activities should be an extension of communicative outcomes and listening materials.They have several aims:practice language skills(speaking,reading,writing

7、)using the same topic.examine and reinforce language points(e.g.grammar,vocabulary,useful expression)acquire further content knowledge related to the theme/topic of the listening material.short written texts;summaries;oral presentation;role play;language analysis;language work;vocabulary work;record

8、ing;group sharing;reading;oral practiceHelena:Language Development for Teachers(Developing Communicative Skills)Homework Jouranls contest主讲:教师主讲:教师语言技能的语言技能的发展。她的发展。她的教学方式和教学方式和对课堂结构对课堂结构的完美把握的完美把握给我们留下给我们留下深刻的影响。深刻的影响。Listening lesson processA phone call between an answering machine and a mobile ph

9、one Phone ringingBill:Hey,this Bill.Im sorry Im not in.Just leave a message.BeepHank:Hey,Bill.This is Hank.I,just calling to let you know that Ill be a little late to the game tomorrow night.I have to work a few extra hours at work to finish a report.I should wrap things up sometime between seven an

10、d eight though.Oh,then Im planning on dropping by Lisas house for about an hour since shes been sick recently.And,uh,one more thing.Ill swing by my house to pick up some food for the game.See you then.Step 1 Pre-listening1.Talk about the ways and expressions of leaving call message:identifying who g

11、ives the call the purpose of the call action request(details/contact)verbal sign off(thanks,look forward to hearing from you,bye)2.Discuss and form a short passage,using the given words:Hours LateGameEightExtraSickFinishPick upAim:to get us to predict what we will hear in the material.Aim:to activat

12、e learners previous knowledge on how to make a callStep 2 While-listening1.Listen and finish the following exercise (1)What will take place at Bills house tomorrow?A.A party.B.A game.C.A dance.(2)Why does Hank have to work late?A.He has to attend a meeting.B.He has to write a report.C.He has to clos

13、e the office.(3)Why is Hank going to visit Lisa after work?A.Because she is sick in bed.B.Because he has to return something.C.Because he is going to take her to Bills house.(4)Where is Hank going to get the snakes to take to Bills house?A.From his house.B.From his store.C.From his work.(5)What time

14、 will Hank most likely arrive at Bills house?A.At 7:00 PM.B.At 8:00 PM.C.At 9:00 PM 2.Compare learners passages with the listening materialAim:to made learners understand the phone call much better.Step 3 Post-listeningMake a similar phone call from a mobile to a answering machineHank:Hello.This is

15、Hank.Im sorry Im not in now.Just leave a message.Ill call back late.Bill:Hi,Hank.This is Bill.Ive received our message.Dont worry about the game.Sorry to hear that Lisa is ill.Dont forget to say hello to her when you see her.Its unnecessary to take food from your home.We have everything here.Looking

16、 forward to seeing you soon.Give my regards to your family.Bye.Aim:This activity was crucial to the listening activity.It will encourage learners to use what theyve learned in authentic situation.If the first three activities focus on receptive use,the fourth activity is concentrated on productive u

17、se,which is the ultimate aim of language teaching.Step 4 idiomatic LANGUAGE 1.Fill in the blanks with:wrap up(phrasal verb):to finish drop up(phrasal verb):to visit swing up(phrasal verb):drop by,stop by -I need to _ the store and pick up some food for dinner.-We need to _ this project by the end of

18、 the day.-Please _ my place on your way home from workAim:From skills to knowledge.Language knowledge is also crucial to language learning,while learning knowledge in the context is undoubtedly one of the best ways.This activity is aimed to arouse learners attention to phrasal verbs.2.Read a passage

19、 and underline all the phrasal verbs with get.Read the dialogue.Are peter and Susan enjoying working on their latest film?Who:Peter SusanWhere:On the set of their latest film.Talking about:working on their latest filmS:What are you getting up to at the weekend?P:I am going out with Tom and Catherine

20、 though I dont get on with them that well.How about you?S:Not much I guess.Im still getting over the flu.Do you think I can get away with taking Monday off?P:You can ask the director.But probably not.Hes the worst director Ive ever worked with.Hes really getting at us,isnt he?S:Yes,I wish we could g

21、et rid of him.P:Yes,youre right.Im glad we got out of doing that last scene today because of the bad weather.We got off lightly for once.S:Yes,Ive tried to get through to him that we are working too hard.P:I know,but we shouldnt get too wound up about it.After all we are earning 17 million each for

22、this film.Aim:Try to understand the phrasal verbs in the context.2.Match the phrasal verbs from the dialogue to the meaningPhrasal verbsAnswerMeaningA.get up to7)1)be successful in somethingB.get on with sb.2)avoid sth.you dont want to doC.get over sth./sb.3)get angry abut sth.D.get away with sth.4)

23、recover fromE.get at sb.5)to experience less suffering than expectedF.get rid of sth./sb.6)successfully explain sth.G.get out of doing sth7)doH.get off lightly8)have a good relationshipI.get through to sb.9)criticise someone repeatedlyJ.get wound up about sth.10)remove/throw away sth.unwantedAim:to

24、help learners understand these phrasal verbs better3.Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs with getget rid of get through to get off slightly get out of get away get up to get on with get over get wound up get atE.g.My mum is always getting at me to start a family1)I think criminals _ in this co

25、untry.They never get sent to prison for long enough.2)This washing machine is too old.We need to _ it.3.I dont know how we managed to win.We should never have got that penalty.We really _ it his time.4)He still hasnt _ losing his job.Ive never seen him so depressed.5)I _ doing that boring project be

26、cause I said I was too busy.6)I cant _ my students about the importance of speaking English.They only want to do written grammar exercises.7)I didnt _ much last weekend.I just stayed in and watched DVDs.8)I_ by the neighbors dog.Hes always barking and keeps me awake at night.Im getting really angry.

27、9).I dont _ my mother-in-law.Shes always telling me what to do and she is really annoying.Aim:to practice the phrasal verbs with get in the contextTip:Before we prepare a lesson plan,two things should be considered.One is how to support students,that is,how to provide scaffolding in tasks.The other

28、is how to deal with the teaching material.Possibly the lesson Helena gave us would provide us with the answers,at least with regard to teaching listening.4.Group workEveryone picks a question with one“get”phrase and asks the others to answer.Aim:to use the phrasal verbs in authentic context.读前活动:激读前

29、活动:激活背景知识,活背景知识,进行语言准备进行语言准备读中活动:理读中活动:理解文本内容解文本内容读后活动:语读后活动:语言知识言知识Pre-reading:to prepare the learners for what they are going to read,just as we are usually prepared in real life.Guess the topic of the text from the headings,illustrations,etc.Brainstorm atound a topic word on the board Predict wha

30、t the text will say Write questions that may be answered by the textWhile-reading:to help the learners ynderstand the text.They may first do an easy scanning or skimming task,and then a task requiring more thorough comprehension.scan for two to four items of information skim for the general idea ans

31、wer questions complete sentences complete a table,map,or picture ask each other questionsPost-reading:to help the learners to connect what they have learned with their own ideas and experiences and perhaps to move fluently from reading to another classroom activity.discuss what was interesting or ne

32、w in the text discuss or debate the topic of the text if it is controversial do tasks on the language or structure of the text summarize the text,wither orally or in writing八年级上八年级上Unit 2 Section B读后活动:读后活动:过程性写作过程性写作多样化的自我检多样化的自我检测与评估测与评估什么是教学活动?什么是教学活动?What is a practice activity?An activity is de

33、scribed as a task that has been selected to achieve a particular teaching/learning goal.-Jack C.Richards,2000教学活动:教和学的活动;学习知识、提高技能 The notion of activity is central to an understanding of teaching.It influences both how teachers conceptualize teaching as well as the ways they organize their lessons.

34、Lesson planning usually begins with consideration of general goals for a lesson,and then leads to decisions about the kinds of activities which will help attain these goals.-Jack C,Richards,2000Characteristics of effective practice activities Validity(效度:目的与形式)Pre-learning(学前准备:活动难度与学生水平)Volume(活动量:

35、目标语言运用量)Success-orientation(以成功为出发点,但不唯成功)Heterogeneity(异质建构:分层)Teacher assistance(教师帮助)Interest(兴趣)-Ur,2011Dimension of language learning activities Purpose 活动目标(目标本身?如何将目标告诉学生?)Materials 活动材料(考虑学习方法、兴趣、认知度)Level 活动难度(风险,模糊,知识,步骤)Procedures 活动程序 Participants/Grouping 活动人员与分组 Outcomes 活动产出(并非所有活动都聚焦

36、结果)Assessment 活动评价(内容、主体、环境、形式、结果)Variation 活动调整(需要教师的教学机智)设计和实施有效教学活动的策略设计和实施有效教学活动的策略Is there any more tea?Visiting a friend:Making a shopping list:Shopping in the supermarket:语言的基本结构和语言的基本结构和表意功能表意功能1.1.知识学习和语言运用活动相结合知识学习和语言运用活动相结合(活动多样活动多样性)性)Id like another cup of tea.Shall I buy some tea?Excus

37、e me.Can you find some more tea for me?2.2.活动必须服务于教学主题活动必须服务于教学主题Go for it!7A Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceFunction:Talk about preferences;Give reasonsTeaching material:Section B 1a-1dGoal:Talk about favorite subjects on different days课前活动 1:听歌曲Jingle Bells 课前活动2:听歌曲Sunday,Monday,Tuesday T:O

38、K.I think you are so clever.I like you very much.I want to make friends with you.Would you like to be my friends?Ss:Yes.T:When I go back Ill call you.(该教师是外地接班上课)Look,this is my telephone number.(卡片正面写着a telephone number)My telephone number is 8357854.(卡片反面写着电话号码)T:D0 you have a telephone number?If

39、you have a telephone number,please write it down.(稍后教师继续说)Excuse me!What is you telephone number?S1:My telephone number is 程晓堂,2010教学主题:电话号码教学主题:电话号码T:But I would tell you something different.I would say that I like March best.Do you know why?Could you guess why I like March best?S1:BecauseSs:(laugh

40、)T:Oh,it doesnt matter.(laugh)And you?Have you any idea?S2:I think everything begins to grow.T:Yeah.Spring begins.You mean-why I like March best,do you know?S3:I think everything begins to grow?T:-Everything begins to grow.You mean that-so spring comes.Good answer.Can you guess why I like March?S4:I

41、 think.The weathers gets warmer.T:Ah.The weather is getting warmer and warmer.Right-whats your idea?S5:Flower is very beautiful.3.3.活动要接近师生的生活,要真实活动要接近师生的生活,要真实T:The flowers are very beautiful-good.Thank you.Let me tell you this secret -I will tell you why I like March,so I like-the month March the

42、best of all-because -my birthday is in March.OK.So that is the March 12th-ah -when is your birth.S6:My birthday is May 19th.T:May 19th.OK.And you?S7:程晓堂,2010交流的目的不真实交流的目的不真实4.4.活动要有准确的目标定位活动要有准确的目标定位 教学活动是指为了某一特定教学目标而设计的任教学活动是指为了某一特定教学目标而设计的任务(务(Richards&Lockhart,2000),因此设计和实施),因此设计和实施活动必须基于明确的目标定位。

43、活动目标主要解决活活动必须基于明确的目标定位。活动目标主要解决活动要做什么的问题,是呈现新的知识,还是训练技能;动要做什么的问题,是呈现新的知识,还是训练技能;是发展策略,还是陶冶情操(陈芳,是发展策略,还是陶冶情操(陈芳,2010)。)。Go For It!八下Unit 3 Section B 34-b;读写课。3:阅读回答问题;4a:看图写故事;4b:角色扮演。Ideally the activities selected by the teacher are appropriate to the purposes for which they are intended,but somet

44、imes there is a mismatch between activities and purposes,as in the following examples taken from a supervisors comments on one student teachers lesson:In your reading class,your reported goals were to develop fluency in reading and to develop good reading habits,including reading for main ideas and

45、keeping the purpose of the passage in mind while reading.This should involve a top-down approach to reading,i.e.,one in which the reader is encouraged to use background information,prediction,and context while reading,rather than to use a word-by-word reading strategy.However,you use reading aloud a

46、s a regular classroom activity.There is a conflict between teaching goals and the activity used to support these goals,since reading aloud requires students to focus on the form of a text rather than its meaning and to give every word in the text equal importance.Read the text and answer the followi

47、ng questions Yesterday I saw the palgish flester gollining begrunt the bruck.He seemed very chanderbil.So I did not jorter him,just deapled to him quistly.Perhaps later he will besand cander,and I will be able to rangel to him.1.What was the flester doing,and where?2.What sort of a flester was he?3.

48、Why did the writer decide not to jorter him?4.How did she deaple?5.What did she hope would happen later?-Cambridge University Press 1996Answering“comprehension”questions may not encourage,or provide of,successful reading.Read the text and answer the following questions:Yesterday I saw the new patien

49、t hurrying along the corridor.He seemed very upset,so I did not follow him,just called to him gently.Perhaps later he will feel better,and I will be able to talk to him.1.What is the problem described here?2.Is this event taking place indoors or outdoors?3.Did the writer try to get near the patient?

50、4.What do you think she said when she called to him?5.What might the job of the writer be?6.Why do you think she wants to talk to the patient?The questions do not quote word by word from the text but paraphrase it,or request paraphrase,or invite some measure of interpretation and application of the


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