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1、Page 1March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 1APA Tooling Supplier ConferenceMarch 21-22,2013Larry Geng耿国涛 Page 2March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 2Die Surface Scanning Overview模具型面扫描概述模具型面扫描概述l What is die surface scanning?什么是模具型面扫描?l Applications

2、of scanning data in Ford 福特如何应用模具的扫描数据?l Die surface scanning request items 模具扫描作业有什么要求?l Data surface scanning procedure 模具扫描工作的流程是什么?Page 3March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 3Die Surface Scanning OverviewWhat is die surface scanning?什么是模具的扫描?白光扫描l Optical equipment,白光扫描设

3、备l Picture positioning technology 拍照定位技术l Grating measurement technology 光栅测量原理l Capture die key information before shipping dies 发运前测量获取模具的主要信息l Scanning data stored in TCE Ford Data Base 扫描数据储存在TCE-福特的数据库Page 4March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 4Die Surface Scanning Over

4、viewApplication of scanning data for Ford tooling shop 白光扫描技术在福特模具厂的应用 Scanning was first used to improve machine performance on rough castings.扫描技术最早应用在改进铸件粗加工的加工工艺,提高加工效率 After successful implementation it expanded to many other applications;成功应用后,逐渐扩展到很多其他的应用领域。Die Construction 模具装配Virtual die as

5、sembly to reduce press time 模具部件虚拟装配,以减少在压机上的研配时间Wear Plate dimensions were created from scan data and given to die makers to grind to size without ever assembling the dies.通过扫描数据获得导板的位置尺寸信息,无需装配模具,即可完成导板的研配工作-Able to align upper and lower die faces to reduce spotting,凸凹模虚拟装配,减少研合时间-Eliminated sizin

6、g wear plates in the press to save press time,无需在压机上调配导板,提高压机利用率Tryout 调试Eventually formed the CSI process for correction loopsPanel scans for correction loops 根据钣件扫描结果 制定整改方案Panels scans for CMM 钣件全尺寸扫描作为检测报告Die Buy-Off 验收Die Signatures 模具扫描数据作为验收确认Perishable Steels 易损钢块数据备份,作为复制加工依据 Scanning techn

7、ology was implemented in die manufacturing as an enabler to meet GPDS targets.扫描技术作为得力工具保证模具制造周期满足GPDS的目标 Page 5March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 5Die Signature Scanning OverviewApplication of scanning data for Ford tooling shop 白光扫描技术在福特模具厂的应用 Improve machine performance

8、 on rough castings.改进铸件粗加工的加工工艺,提高加工效率 Operators run programs at 100%feeds and speeds.数控操作者执行程序,100%的进给量和进给速度Roughing times are reduced 76%at the machine.铸件粗加工时间降低76%100%accurate stock models result in safer programs 基于铸件扫描数据编制的数控程序,加工量均匀,程序更安全The tooling is always engaged in metal removal.刀具始终处于切削状

9、态,无空走刀情况Page 6March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 6Die Surface Scanning OverviewFor Production Plant 冲压厂对模具最终状态的验收确认 Die Signatures These are scans of the finished die surfaces of the completed dies at the Tryout source.模具制造厂负责完成模具最终状态的数据扫描 For Die Maintenance 模具维护及维修 Accid

10、ents in Production Die Surface is damaged beyond basic fixes.生产事故造成模具型面损坏,基本修复处理无法完成。For Rework Confirmation 模具修复工作前确认 Die Quality Guarantee Verify that the die has not been modified by the production die maintenance team is such a way that can void the warranty.模具出现异常时,确认是否被冲压厂的模具维修人员修改,如模具已不是发模前最终

11、状态,模具制造厂将不必承担质保责任。For Die Duplication 模具复制 Same parts running in multiple regions Improve FPG quality for duplicate tools Go to a NO TRYOUT level of die manufacturing 相同制件在不同区域生产,需要模具复制,改善FPG钣件质量,模具无需调试即可出件Applications of scanning data for Ford stamping plant 福特冲压厂对扫描数据的应用 Page 7March 21-22,2013SBU

12、Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 7Die Surface Scanning OverviewApplication of scanning data in Ford福特对扫描数据的应用福特对扫描数据的应用 案例案例1 Signature,Duplication and study状态确认,复制,研究 Capturing quality improvements done in Tryout,for reverse engineering&ensuring a quick turn around in case of a crash.Scan

13、is now the master.测量获得模具调试后状态的数据,作为逆向 复制及快速修复模具时的加工基准。Analyzing data to better understand effects of spring back and to measure the success of compensation strategies.分析扫描数据以深入理解回弹对模具的影响,以及测量对比冲压变型补偿策略的实际效果。Mapping the quality of the drawn stamping at the time of the buyoff模具验收时,测量并分析所有成型模具的质量情况 Pag

14、e 8March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 8Die Surface Scanning OverviewDie maintenanceDSP requested lower front door hinge surfaces to be moved forward 1.5mm.Grinding Less减少打磨 Spotting Less减少研配Problem;No Cad Data exists for the P-221 doors that were manufactured outside of th

15、e United States.模具不是在北美制造,丢失CAD数据DSP does not have the press time for extensive tryout of changes in production tooling.DSP没有大量的压机工时来完成模具的调试工作ResolutionScan the die geometry and create new surfaces in Tebis using RSC(Rapid Surface Creation)扫描模具型面,并用Tebis生成可加工用型面数据。New surfaces were machined in the u

16、pper die half by using a material thickness offset,this ensured dimensional accuracy between the upper and lower dies.用于加工凹模侧的型面数据偏置一倍料厚,以保证上下模之间间隙的尺寸精度Cutter path was being prepared while dies were in production.模具冲压生产的同时,制作机加编程数据DSP job was able to be added to the machine schedule with no interrup

17、tion to in house work load DSP的工作编入加工计划,与厂内模具任务无冲突ResultsDies were machined with a 2 day turn around.模具在两天内轮班加工完成DSP polished change areas and was able to schedule a window for Tryout in the press.DSP抛光模具修改区域,安排计划上压机调试Die was brought to home position with no interference and no grinding required.模具无

18、需打磨即可冲压到底,且无干涉The first blank resulted in a split free panel.第一张坯料即可打出不裂的钣件The dies were ready for their next scheduled production run.模具以具备生产状态,可准备下次生产计划F-150 front door assembly issues due to lack of adjustment of lower door hinge.前门总成问题,与门下铰链调整量不足前门总成问题,与门下铰链调整量不足Application of scanning data in F

19、ord福特对扫描数据的应用福特对扫描数据的应用 案例案例2 Die maintenance The first blank resulted in a split free panel.整改模具,第一张坯料即可打出不裂的钣件。Page 9March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 9Die Surface Scanning OverviewStamping Plant SupportDie maintenanceApplication of scanning data in Ford福特对扫描数据的应用福特对扫描数

20、据的应用 案例案例3 Maintenance 维修scrap rate reduction from 2.4%to.6%废品率从2.4%降到0.6%DSP requested analysis on double attached F-150 Super Cab rear door outers to reduce production scrap rate.DSP要求分析后门外板双槽模具状态,发现并解决模具存在问题,以降低生产中废品率Problem;RH door splits LH doesnt.右门钣件裂Both Doors should be identical左右门应该一致How c

21、an differences between the 2 doors be identified?左右门为什么会有差异?Analysis 分析The die was scanned and the LH data was mirrored in Tebis.(CAD/CAM Software)This produced a virtual RH die surface.扫描左侧模具型面,在Tebis中镜像为右侧型面The virtual surface was compared to the actual surface.比较虚拟右侧型面与实际型面的差异Areas of concern wer

22、e identified and DSP Tryout personnel were given a dimensional road map for making improvements with zero risk for the assembly plant.问题区域,左右件的差异值报告以云图形式提供给调试者,作为模具整改的依据,确保不会给装配车间带来任何风险。Results 结果The results were a reduction in scrap rate from 2.4%in January to.6%in April.废品率从一月份的2.4%降低到四月份的0.6%Impr

23、ovements in performance to schedule 模具的整改工作按计划完成 Page 10March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 10Die Surface Scanning OverviewDie surface scanning request items 模具型面扫描的基本要求From C489 Program 从C489 项目开始Finish at tryout source 由模具厂完成数据扫描Draw,redraw and form dies 拉延,二次拉延等成型类模具Core

24、 body panel,critical underbody panel,see below note from SOW 主要车身件及某些底盘件,具体以SOW所述为准,见下图注释 Die items need scan 模具需要扫描的项目Follow Ford die scanning procedure 遵照福特的扫描流程标准报价要求报价中应该包含如下信息 要求扫描数据的模具为:主要车身钣件的成型类模具,比如机盖内外板,翼子板,顶盖,行李箱内外板,门子内外板,背门内外板,侧围内外板及地板,对于底盘类零件以报价单要求为准Page 11March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping L

25、CC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 11Die Surface Scanning OverviewAll Die working surface 模具所有的工作型面 Any surface or area that was machined on the 5-axis.所有在五轴机床上加工出的加工面或区域 All gaging or device used to locate the blank within the die.模具上所有用来钣件定位的定位距或其他装置All guiding components-wear plates,guide post and b

26、ushing 所有的导向部件,导板,导柱,导套 All stop blocks,bottom blocks,balance blocks,cone blocks 所有的礅死块,平衡块,锥形定位快All tooling holes,datum surface,key ways.所有的基准孔,基准面,键槽 All items that was used to find location during setup and machining of the dies 所有模具加工时需要用来定位的项目Items that need scanning模具需要扫描的项目 Page 12March 21-22

27、,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 12Die Surface Scanning OverviewDie scanning procedure模具基本扫描流程 l Set up and make preparation 扫描前准备工作l Scanning die surface with equipment 用设备扫描模具型面l Post procedure 扫描数据的后处理Page 13March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 13Die Sur

28、face Scanning OverviewDie scanning procedure set up and preparation 模具扫描流程设置及准备 Good set ups will protect the integrity of the data 正确的设置及准备工作能确保扫描数据的完整性Clean die to ensure all working and mounting surfaces are free of oil and dirt.清洁模具,确保所有的工作面及安装面无油无尘Place die on a flat surface or level table and

29、make sure the flatness 模具防置在平面或平板上,并保证平板的平面度 All lower and upper rings must be assembled with the punch in home position before scanning.扫描开始前,保证上下压边圈和凸模装配在一起,并处于工作位置Level table 测量用平板,平板平面度可调Page 14March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 14Die Surface Scanning OverviewDie scann

30、ing procedurescanning模具扫描流程扫描过程 Make sure the environment light is strong enough 保证环境有足够的光强,否则无法测量深腔部位Make sure the accuracy of scanning process-parameters set up in software and hardware calibration 保证扫描过程中精度的控制,软件中精度参数设置,硬件标定Make sure all the items are captured 保证获得所有要求测量项目数据If the reflection of l

31、ight is serious,should spray developer to decrease reflection 对反光强烈区域,需要喷一层现象剂来降低反射 Page 15March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 15Die Surface Scanning OverviewDie scanning procedurepost procedure 模具扫描流程数据后处理 Orientation of data for comparison 扫描数据定位1.All the items should be

32、in the same coordinates,car position 所有的测量项目都应该在同一个坐标系,车身坐标系下2.Scanning data must use same coordinate system and make sure gap from scanning data is as the die on press 单套模具扫描数据必须用.一致基准建立坐标系,保证凸凹模的间隙与模具在压机工作状态一致 File size management 文件大小控制 Use the correct quality type,for die signature use high qual

33、ity type 选用正确的点云质量类型,比如模具的验收确认选用高级质量类型When all dies are scanned export the scan data in the STL format.当所有项目扫描完成,将数据格式输出为STL格式 Naming conventions 数据命名规则 There are standards for storing scan data in Team Center that need to be followed for creating the file name 存入TCE的扫描数据及创建文件夹必须遵照命名规则Store the data in Team Center in the stamping top folder under the car program and part number in the Die Scan folder.扫描数据存储在项目-零件菜单下的扫描数据文件夹内Page 16March 21-22,2013SBU Stamping LCC Tool Supplier ConferencePage 16Questions and AnswersThanks


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