重庆市巴蜀 2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试 英语.docx

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1、高 2024 届高二(上)期中考试英语试卷1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、班级、学校在答题卡上填写清楚。2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试卷上作答无效。3. 考试结束后,请将答题卡交回,试卷自行保存。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对

2、话仅读一遍。1. How did the man gethere?A.By taxi.B.By car.C. Onfoot.2. What will the woman donext?A. Callataxi.B. Getherluggage.C. Go to anotherairport.3. How many people escaped from theaccident?A.4.B. 5.C.6.4. Where does the conversation probably takeplace?A. In themans house.B. Onaboat.C. In arestauran

3、t.5. What are the speakers mainly talkingabout?A.Abook.B.Amovie.C. Asong.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. Why did the man refuse thejob?A. He couldnt handleit.B. I

4、t wasnt specialenough.C. His wife didnt want him to takeit.7. What does the woman offer to do at theend?A. Look after thechildren.B. Ask around for ababysitter.C. Help the man find anotherjob.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8. Why did the man stop going to thegym?A. He was toobusy.B. He disliked the exercisem

5、achines.C. He found it more convenient to exercise athome.9. How does the man make himself runfaster?A. Bytiminghimself.B. Byreadingmagazines.C. By watching greatvideos.10. How often does the manrun?A.Daily.B. Twiceaweek.C. Three times aweek.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11. Who knocked over thevase?A.Them

6、an.B.Thewoman.C. Thecat.12. Who did the vase belong to atfirst?A. Thewomansmother.B. Thewomans grandma.C. The womansfriend.13. What did the speakers decide todo?A. Fix the vasethemselves.B. Buy a new vase at an antiquestore.C. Have the vase repairedsomewhere.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。14. What does the

7、man learn to do in his sparetime?A.Writesongs.B. Playtheguitar.C. Study threelanguages.15. Who inspires the woman to have ahobby?A.Herfriend.B.Hercousin.C. Herteacher.16. How will the woman get greenpaint?A. She will buyit.B. She will createit.C. She will borrow it fromschool.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题

8、。17. When did Google come out with GoogleHome?A.In2014.B.In2016.C. In2017.18. How many songs does Googles producthave?A.35million.B. 2million.C. 2.5million.19. Which product is aimed at youngchildren?A.AmazonEcho.B.GoogleHome.C. MattelsAristotle.20. Why might someone buy the MattelsAristotle?A. Its

9、the cheapest one.B. It was the first one in themarket.C. Its best for playinggames.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWelcome to Greyhound Lines! Feel free to explore the bus features.We want you to feel at home when you travel with us. So our buses

10、 have plenty of features to help you relax, like comfy leather seats and lots of legroom (plus free Wi-Fi, onboard entertainment and power outlets so you can still be an armchair surfer).Free Wi-FiWi-Fi is free on all our buses, for all passengers. We see it as a must-have these days, not a premium(

11、 高 级 的 ) feature. So go ahead, check your emails or Instagram window scenery from the road (wed love if you tag it). Please dont stream video during your journey, though - weve all got to share the bandwidth(宽带)!Personal Power OutletsNearly every seat has its own standard power outlet, so you can ke

12、ep your devices charged all the way to your destination. Getting off with a fully charged phone is extra handy if youre navigating around a newplace.Extra LegroomWhen designing our new and updated buses, we actually removed a whole row of seats rather than trying to squeeze more in. So theres always

13、 space to stretch out when you ride with Greyhound. (Our bus designers must have been really tall.)Eco-friendlyEvery Greyhound bus is fully equipped with the latest technology to burn fuel cleanly, reducing our impact on the environment. Check out the Going Green page for more of our eco-efforts, an

14、d techy facts on things like low-sulfur fuel.21. Why does the company offer free Wi-Fi on thebus?A. Because passengers are encouraged to post photosonline.B. Because the company considers itnecessary.C. Because passengers need to check theiremails.D. Because the company wants to earn extramoney.22.

15、Which is available on thebus?A. A fullychargedphone.B. Eco-friendlyequipment.C. Standardpoweroutlets.D. A new design of thebus.23. What kind of company is GreyhoundLines?A. Abusoperator.B. A busproducer.C. Anentertainmentcompany.D. A ticketcompany.BLong, long ago there lived at the foot of the mount

16、ain a poor farmer and his aged mother. They owned a bit of land which supplied them with food, and they were humble, peaceful, and happy.The land was governed by a dictatorial( 独裁的) leader who, once a warrior, hated anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused him to send out a cr

17、uel announcement that ordered the entire province to immediately put to death all aged people. The poor farmer loved his mother, and the order filled his heart with sorrow. But he was determined to save his old mother from this unreasonable order.He found a little hut in the valley. Beneath the kitc

18、hen floor was a walled closet for food, which was covered and hidden from view. There the son hid his mother, supplying her with everything she needed, continually watching and fearing she would be discovered.Time passed, and he was beginning to feel safe when again the governor announced an unreaso

19、nable order, demanding that his subjects should present him with a rope of ashes.The entire province trembled with dread. The order must be obeyed yet who could make a rope of ashes? One night, in great distress, the son came to visit his hidden mother and whispered the news to her. “Wait!” she said

20、. “I will think.”On the second day she told him what to do. “Make rope of twisted straw,” she said. “Then stretch it upon a row of flat stones and burn it on a windless night.” He called the people together and did as she said and when the flames died down, there upon the stones, with every twist an

21、d fiber showing perfectly, lay a rope of ashes.The governor was pleased and praised the young man greatly, but he demanded to know where he had obtained his wisdom. With deep bows he told his story. The governor listened and then meditated( 沉 思 ) in silence. Finally he lifted his head. “The land nee

22、ds more than strength of youth,” he said. “Ah, that I should have forgotten the well-known saying, “with the crown of snow, there cometh wisdom!” That very hour the cruel law was abolished.24. Why did the leader put to death all the oldpeople?A. Because he was afraid of growingold.B. Because he rela

23、ted old age toweakness.C. Because old people didnt workhard.D. Because the province waspoor.25. How did the young man save hismother?A. By moving to anotherprovince.B. By hiding her in theirkitchen.C. By taking her to themountain.D. By hiding her in a hut in thevalley.26. What did the governor try t

24、o express with the underlinedsentence?A. People get wiser when itsnows.B. Old age brings wisdom topeople.C. People learn better when it iscold.D. Wise people usually grow greyhair.27. Which is the best title for thestory?A. A Son and His AgedMother.B. A Governor and HisOrder.C. An Old Woman and HerW

25、isdom.D. A Young Man and HisCourage.CThe Blue Eye of the Sahara is a geological formation in the Sahara Desert that resembles an enormous bullseye. The formation stretches across a 40-kilometer-wide region of the desert in the nation of Mauritania.For centuries, only a few local tribes knew about th

26、e formation. It was first photographed in the 1960s by astronautswho used it as a landmark to track the progress of their landing. Later, the Landsat satellite took additional images and provided information about the size, height, and extent of the formation.Geologists originally believed that Eye

27、of the Sahara was created when an object from outer space crashed into the surface. However, lengthy studies of the rocks inside the structure show that its origins are entirely Earth-based, as the formation contains rocks that are at least 100 million years old; some date back to well before the ap

28、pearance of life on Earth.Millions of years ago, volcanic activity from deep beneath Earths surface liftedtheentire landscape around the Eye. After the volcanism died down, wind and water erosion( 侵蚀) began to eat away at the layers of rock. After years of erosion, the region began to settle down an

29、d fall in on itself, creating the roughly circular eye feature.The Eye of the Sahara attracts both tourists and geologists to study the unique geological feature in person. However, because the Eye is located in a remote region of the desert with very little water or rainfall, it is not under much t

30、hreat from humans.That leaves the Eye at the mercy of nature. The ongoing effects of erosion threaten the landscape, just as they do other places on the planet. Desert winds may well bring more dunes(沙丘) to the region, particularly as climate change causes increased desertification in the area. Its

31、quite possible that, in the distant future, the Eye of the Sahara will be buried under sand and dust. Future travelers may find only a windswept desert burying one of the most striking geological features on the planet.28. What do we know about the Blue Eye of theSahara?A. It has been known forcentu

32、ries.B. It was created by objects from outerspace.C. It was useful to astronauts in the1960s.D. It was first photographed by asatellite.29. Which factor directly contributes to its circular “eye”feature?A.Volcanicactivity.B. Climatechange.C. Wind andwatererosion.D. Desertification.30. Which best des

33、cribe the future of the Eye of the Sahara according to thetext?A.Desirable.B.Secure.C.Uncertain.D.Worrying.31. What is the text mainlyabout?A. What is the Eye of theSahara?B. Why is the Eye of the Sahara inDanger?C. Why Is the Eye of the SaharaPopular?D. How Can We Save the Eye of theSahara?DHow man

34、y friends do you have? Not counting the hundreds on Facebook or the names gathering dust in your address book. But real friends, the ones cast in stone. The kind who would lend you $100 without asking why, or put you up if you were kicked out of your house.Anthropologist Prof Robin Dunbar feels he c

35、an put a number on it: five. No matter how much of a social butterfly you are, you can count your real pals on one hand, he says. Tothat he says you can add an ideal number of 15 “good friends”, the kind of people youwould see in a group and would join for a drink if you bumped into them in the pub,

36、 and up to 150 “meaningful contacts”.Prof Dunbars latest research is an exact formula(公式) for friendship: new friendships take 34 hours of one-on-one time to form, in which youd spend an ideal duration of three hours and four minutes per interaction together over the course of six months. Note that

37、this is to turn an acquaintance into a friend, not one of the close friends that makes up your inner circle of fiveto do that, youd have to devote 90 hours, according to a 2018 University of Kansas study.According to the experts, the pandemic years have changed the number and nature of our friendshi

38、p. It gave people more grounds for disagreement: over adherence( 遵 守 ) to social-distancing rules, for example. Plenty of people lost relationships in the cracks. “We are always on the outlook for new and better friends, but lockdown has had a big effect in making people reevaluate,” says Dunbar. “P

39、erhaps theyve decided the time has come to part with some and therefore theres an empty space tofill.”The forecast for British friendship was already gloomy before the pandemic. Three million people said they feel lonely “often or always”, according to the Governments 2019 community life survey. But

40、 the average British adult lost four friends over the course of the pandemic, according to the poll.32. What does the underlined expression “cast in stone” probablymean?A.Firmlyconnected.B. Interested instones.C.Livingnearby.D. Extremely generous.33. How long does it take to form close friendships a

41、ccording to theformula?A. 34 hours of one-on-onetime.B. 90 hours ofinteraction.C. Six months of one-on-onetime.D. Three hours and four minutes of interaction. 34.Which of the following might Prof Dunbar agreewith?A. The more sociable you are, the more real friends you canmake.B. Its much easier for

42、people to make friendsonline.C. The more friends you make, the happier your life willbe.D. There is a limit to the number of real friends in yourlife.35. What might people argue about during thepandemic?A. Whether to part with some oldfriends.B. How to make betterfriends.C. Whether to obey socialdis

43、tancing.D. How to limit the number offriends.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ronnie Schultz, a 66-year-old who lives in Manhattan, finds creative ways to work on her balance daily. She believes that balance is the key to living a longer, more fulfilling life,

44、 a theory that is now backed by science. 36.Establish a Balance-Focused Exercise Routine.Every week, Schultz works virtually with a yoga teacher to learn new balancing techniques and receive guidance.Over time, shes built confidence in her mobility and balance, which affords her the opportunity to f

45、unction on a high level and to continue to do the thingssheloves.37. Incorporate Balance in DailyLife.38. She finds herself balancing on one leg while waiting to cross the street and while brushing herteeth.“I brush my teeth on one leg,” Shultz says. “I have a two-minute timer on my electric toothbr

46、ush, and I hardly ever touch the sink. I dont want to lose that opportunity to do a balancing pose.”Have a Beginners Mindset.Schultz started exercising at age 41, after she experienced major health problems with an arrhythmic heart, and high bloodpressure.“I didnt do it overnight, and I didnt love i

47、t at the beginning.” Schultz says. 39 .Beyond motivation, Schultz is consistent and chooses to practice balancing exercises she is not particularly strong at. And she makes it a point to work on her balance, especially on the days she doesnt feel likeit. 40.Schultz plans to continue in multiple ways

48、. Her perspective is that maintaining good balance will help her live a longer, more fulfilling life, and that makes balancing worth it.“What makes me do it is my life. And Im hoping if I stay healthy, it will keep me here longer because I value my life and my time here.”A. Balance to strengthenself-worthB. Maintain good balance to be moresuccessfulC. Now she enjoys balancing on one leg whileworkingD. There are s


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