人教版九年级全册英语课件:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla section B.ppt

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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 英语英语 九年级九年级 下册下册 配人教配人教( (新目标新目标) )版版 Section B 课前预习课前预习 一、重点单词 1. _ 外星人 2. _ 西服;套装;适合 3. _ 表示;表达 4. _ 圆圈;圈出 5. _ 大不列颠 6. _ 接受;收到 7. _ 领导;领袖 8. _ 医疗的;医学的 alien suit express circle Britain receive leader medical 9. _ 目的;目标 10. _ 阻止;阻挠 11. _ 力量;精力 12. _ 尊重;表示敬意;荣幸;荣誉 13

2、. _ 胜利;成功 14. _ 敌人;仇人 15. _ 奥秘;神秘事物 purpose prevent energy honor victory enemy mystery 二、重点短语 1. _ _ 追逐;追赶 2. _ _ bus赶公共汽车 3. _ the _ time同时;一起 4. not _._ also. 不仅而且 5. _ _ . 与交流 6. _ in到达;抵达 7. _ _ 指出 8. _ a _ _ 以某种方式 run after catch a at same only but communicate with arrive point out in certain w

3、ay 9. the _ _ . 的中心 10. be_ _ (doing). 被用于(做) 11. _._ . 一些其他 12. a _ _ 一群;一帮 13. _ _ 立刻;此刻 14. _ . _ 把放在一起 center of used for some others group of right now put together 名师点津名师点津 【1】He could be running for exercise. 他可能为了锻 炼身体在跑步。 【知识点】 could be doing的用法。 【讲解】 句中 could 意为“可能”,表猜测。be running 是进行时形式,强

4、调动作正在进行,could be doing表示说话时可能正在进行的动作或存在的状态,如 果用might, 则表示可能性更小。如果猜测时把握较大, 要表示 “肯定/一定在做某事”,则用must be doing sth.;如果表示“肯定/一定不在做某事”,则要用cant be doing sth.。 【举例】 She could be coming here. 她可能正在来这里 (的途中)。 He must be doing his exercises in the classroom. 他一 定在教室里做习题。 【学以致用】 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 这个男孩可能没在家看电视。 The b

5、oy _ not _ _ TV at home. could/might be watching 2. 这些学生肯定在操场上踢足球。 These students _ _ _ football on the playground. 3. 我听到有人在她房间里唱歌。她现在肯定不在睡 觉。 I hear someone singing in her room. She _ _ _ now. must be playing cant be sleeping 【2】No, hes wearing a suit. 不,他穿着一身西装。 【知识点】 suit的用法。 【讲解】 suit 在此作名词,意思是

6、“一套衣服;一套西 装”。suit也可作动词,意为“适合;符合”; suit sb. 表示“适合某人”。suit的形容词为 suitable,意为“适 合的”; be suitable for意为“适合于”。 【举例】 Mr.Black likes to wear suits. 布莱克先生喜欢 穿西装。 This scarf suits her beautifully. 她戴着这条围巾非常漂 亮。 This course is suitable for beginners. 这种课程适合于 初学者。 【辨析】 suit与fit suit 侧重指颜色、款式或时间、食物、状况等的“适 合”; fi

7、t则侧重指大小、尺寸的“合体”。 【举例】 The shoes suit you well. 这双鞋适合你。 (侧重颜色、款式适合) The shoes fit you well. 这双鞋适合你。(侧重大小合 脚) 【学以致用】 ( )1. Its difficult to find a time that _ every- body. A. suits B. fit C. suitable D. to fit A ( )2. The color of your trousers doesnt _ your jacket. A. suit B. fit C. like D. as ( )3.

8、Lets go to the concert together. Im sorry, but I cant go with you. The concert _ me. A. fit B. suit C. doesnt D. doesnt suit A D 【3】Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries. 巨石阵,一个岩石圈,不仅是英 国最著名的历史古迹之一,而且还是英国最大的谜团之 一。

9、【知识点】 not only.but also.的用法。 【讲解】 not only.but also.意为“不仅,而 且”,用来连接两个对等的成分,即not only 与 but also后面所接的词类要一致,also可以省略。如果连接两 个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”,即取决于but (also)后面的主语。 【举例】 He is learning not only English but (also) French. 他不但在学英语,而且还在学法语。(连接两 个宾语) I not only play tennis but also practice shooting. 我不但 打网球

10、,而且还练习射击。(连接两个谓语动词) Not only the students but also the teacher reads English every day. 不但是学生,而且是老师,每天都要 读英语。(连接两个主语) 【拓展】 与not only.but also.一样遵循“就近原则” 的短语还有neither.nor., either.or.。 【举例】 Neither he nor I am well-educated. 他和我都 没有受到良好教育。 Either they or she is wrong. 要么是他们错了,要么是 她错了。 【熟记】 not only.b

11、ut also.不仅而且 neither.nor.既不也不 either.or.要么要么 both.and.既又 【学以致用】 ( )1. His hobby is _ singing _ dancing. Its drawing. (2015防城港) A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both;and D. not only; but also ( )2. How do you like the two pairs of shorts? They dont fit me well. They are _ too long _ too short. A. not

12、 only; but also B. both; and C. neither; nor D. either; or B D ( )3. Where are you going to stay when you get to Shanghai? I may live _ in a hotel _ in a friends house. A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also ( )4. Not only you but also he _ the secret. A. knows B. know C. h

13、ave known D. to know B A ( )5. To achieve a bright future, we should _ study hard _ keep in good health. I agree with you. A. not; but B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either;or B 【4】Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors. 每年它接收超过750 000名游客。 【知识点】 receive和accept的用法。 【讲解】 两者都是动词。re

14、ceive意为“收到”, 强调 客观上收到这一事实,但没有表示愿不愿意接受; accept也意为“收到”,指经过考虑, 表示主观上愿 意接受,带有“满意;同意;认可”等意味,其反义词 为refuse。 【举例】 He received a present yesterday, but he didnt accept it. 昨天他收到了一件礼物,但他没有接 受。 He accepted a present from his mother. 他接受了他妈 妈的一件礼物。 I received his invitation to the party yesterday, but I refused

15、 to accept it. 昨天我收到了他的晚会请柬,但我 拒绝接受。 【熟记】 “收到某人的来信”的三种常见表达: receive a letter from sb. get a letter from sb. hear from sb. 【举例】 I havent received a letter from Ruth for two months. I havent got a letter from Ruth for two months. I havent heard from Ruth for two months. 我已经两个月没有收到罗斯的来信了。 【学以致用】 1. Tob

16、y hears a letter from Charlie yesterday. (改错) _ 2. I received two letters from Michael last month. (改 为同义句) _ _ hearsreceived/got或hears a letter fromheard from I got two letters from Michael last month./I heard from Michael twice last month. ( )3. Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me ton

17、ight, Kate? Id love to, but Ive_ Lindas invitation to dinner. A. suffered B. earned C. received D. accepted ( )4. His family are worried about him because they havent _ letters from him for a long time. A. accepted B. received C. written D. collected D B ( )5. I _ a present from Jack, but as I would

18、nt _ it. I gave it back to him. A. received;receive B. received; accept C. accepted; receive D. accepted; accept B 【5】They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy. 他们认为石头能预防疾病,让人 们保持健康。 【知识点】 prevent和keep的用法。 【讲解1】 prevent作动词,意为“阻止;阻挠”。 其 常考搭配为prevent. (from) doing sth.,意为“防止 /阻

19、止做某事”。 【举例】 This kind of medicine can prevent colds. 这 种药物能预防感冒。 Nothing can prevent us from carrying out the plan. 什 么也无法阻挡我们去实施这个计划。(句中的prevent 还可用stop/keep代替) 【熟记】 “防止/阻止做某事”的三种常见表达: prevent. (from) doing sth.(from可省) stop.(from) doing sth.(from可省) keep. from doing sth.(from不可省) 【讲解2】 keep为不规则动词,

20、意为“留住;保持”, 其词态变化形式为:keepkeptkept。常见并需熟记 的用法有: (1)keep +adj. 使保持 【举例】 keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康;keep quiet=be quiet 保持安静; keep open=stay open保持 开放; keep closed=stay closed一直关闭。 (2)keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事 【举例】 Im sorry to keep you waiting for me so long. 很抱歉让你等我这么久。 (3)keep sb. from doing sth

21、.阻止某人做某事 【举例】 Parents should keep their children from playing computer games too long. 父母应该阻止孩子 们玩太久的电脑游戏。 (4)keep away from=stay away from远离 【举例】 Hes dirty and naughty, thats why most children keep away from him. 他既脏又顽皮,这就是大 多数孩子远离他的原因。 【学以致用】 ( )1. What can we do to_ bird flu from spreading? Try n

22、ot to buy or eat chickens that have not been checked. A. prevent B. cause C. discover D. make ( )2. She tried to stop her brother _ but failed. A. to drink B. drinks C. from drink D. drinking A D ( )3. What should I do, doctor? _ healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep

23、D. Having kept ( )4. Although you like the book, you may only _ it for two weeks. A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. stay ( )5. As we all know, its not polite to keep others _ for a long time. A. wait B. waited C. to wait D. waiting C B D 【6】Some think it might be a burial place or a place to honor ancest

24、ors. Others think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy. 一些人认为这可能 是块墓地或是缅怀祖先的地方。而另一些人认为这个 (巨石阵)被建造起来是为了庆祝战胜敌人的胜利。 【知识点】 some.others.的用法。 【讲解】 some others 意为“一些人另一些 人”或“有的有的”,表示两种情况的对比, 其中others作代词,相当于形容词other加复数名词。 【举例】 There are many people in the park. Some are playing football, others

25、 (other people) are singing. 公园里有很多人。一些人在踢足球,另一些 人在唱歌。 Some students cleaned the windows, others (other students) swept the floor. 有的学生擦窗户, 有的擦地板。 【拓展】(1) one.the other.意为“(两者中的)一 个另一个”。其中the other既可以作代词,也可以 作形容词。 【举例】 He has two brothers. One is 10 years old, the other is 5 years old. 他有两个兄弟。一个10岁,

26、另一个5 岁。 She held a ruler in one hand and an exercise-book in the other. 她一只手里握着尺子,另一只手里拿着练习本。 (2) another可以用作形容词,修饰后面的名词,意为 “三者或以上中的另一个”,还可以跟代词one。 another也可以用作代词,表示“另一个”。 【举例】 You can see another ship in the sea, cant you?你可以看到海上有另一艘船,对不对? Mary doesnt want to buy this skirt. Would you please show h

27、er another one? 玛丽不想买这条短裙。您可以 拿另一条给她看看吗? Im still hungry after Ive had this cake. Please give me another. 吃了这个蛋糕后我仍然感到饿。请再给我 一个。 (3) the others=the other +复数名词,表示特指某范围 内的“其他的人或物”, 相当于the rest。 【举例】 We got home by 4 oclock, but the others (the other people) didnt get back until 8 oclock. 我 们到家时未到4点,但

28、其余所有人直到8点才回去。 In our class only Tom is English, the others(the other students) are Chinese. 在我们班只有汤姆是英国人, 其余所有都是中国人。 【学以致用】 用other, others, the other, the others, another填空 1. 有些人坐着无所事事,而另一些人却在干所有的 工作。 _ people are sitting around while _ are doing all the work. 2. 有的人认为青少年应该允许自己作决定,而有的 人却并不这么认为。 _ t

29、hink teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions, while _ people dont think so. Some others Some other 3. 这双鞋不适合我,可以再给我一双看看吗? This pair of shoes doesnt fit me, could you please show me _? 4. 男生当中有8个在教室,其他的呢? Eight of the boy students are in the classroom, where are _ _? 5. 你的左眼睛看起来很正常,另一

30、只也没有问题。 Your left eye looks very normal, and there is nothing wrong with _ _. another the others the other 文脉梳理文脉梳理 迅速通读教材P62:2b课文“StonehengeCan Anyone Explain Why It Is There?”, 完成下面的架构图 rocks historical places Britain greatest mysteries more than 750,000 almost/nearly 5,000 a kind of calendar a bu

31、rial place a place to honor ancestors celebrate a victory How Who 本课时主要短语串联应用(用方框内短语的适当形式 填空) prevent.from doing, put together,some.others., special purpose, not only.but also, in a certain way, at the same time, in a special position, be used for, communicate with It is the Internet that helps us i

32、n almost anything each day. It brings us lots of information, 1. _ quickly, _ conveniently. But what is “the Internet”? Actually, the Internet is a large collection of millions of computers which are all 2. _ on a computer network 3. _. not only but also put together in a certain way Every computer

33、on the Internet is connected to every other computer on the Internet. And the network allows all of the computers to 4. _ one another. In general, all of the computers on the Internet can be divided into two types: servers(服务器) and users. Each type has its 5. _ there. Servers are those machines that

34、 6. _ providing services to other machines. And the machines that are used to connect to those services communicate with special purpose are used for are users. 7. _ machines are only servers while _ are also users. To 8. _ all of these machines from mixing up, each machine on the Internet is assign

35、ed(分配) a unique(独一无二的) address,which is called an IP address. That is to say, each computer is 9. _. A typical(典 型的) IP address is like this: 216. 27.61.137. prevent in a special position others Some So here it is: the Internet is made up of millions of machines, each with a unique IP address. Many

36、of these machines provide services to and get information from other machines on the Internet 10. _. at the same time 习作乐园习作乐园 生活中时常会有神秘的事情发生。上周,在一个靠 近山脚的地区就发生了一件奇怪的事情。请根据以下提 示,写一篇短文。 提示:1. 在那个地区新搬来一个叫Ricki Mortis的人, 他邀请邻居参加他家开的派对,但当邻居们到达时,却 发现他家空无一人。 2. 邻居们开始找他,发现他家后门是开着的。在 后院里他们看到一条通往山脚的新的小路,小路上有脚

37、 印。他们沿着脚印找到一条小溪,大声呼唤他的名字, 但无人应答。邻居们刚要离开,却发现小溪旁的灌木丛 里有火在燃烧,空气中还有食物的香味。原来,Ricki 是在那里举办一个神秘的烧烤野餐 3. 谜团被揭开了,Ricki成为这个地方最受欢迎的 人 Last week, in a quiet neighborhood at the foot of a hill, something strange happened. _ _ _ 思路点拨 在写作过程中要明确以下两点: 1. 按照提示分三段写。由于词数没有明确规定,故 可以适当发挥,但不能不着边际。 2. 在第二段中,人们寻找Ricki的过程中一定

38、会根据 种种迹象进行推测,故要巧妙地使用情态动词表猜测。 粮草先行 审题卡: 体裁 1. _ 基本人称 2. _ 基本时态 3. _ 相关词句 4. 新来者_ 5. 在后院_ 6. 脚印_ 7. 小溪_ 8. 灌木丛_ 9. 难忘的神秘烧烤野餐 _ 记叙文记叙文 第三人称第三人称 一般过去时一般过去时 new comer in the backyard footprint stream bush an unforgettable mystery barbecue 佳作欣赏 Last week, in a quiet neighborhood at the foot of a hill, som

39、ething strange happened. The new comer, Ricki Mortis, invited his neighbors to a party at his house. But when the neighbors arrived, they found the house was empty and Ricki Mortis couldnt be found. We now know what was happening that day. Surely the neighbors then tried to look for Ricki Mortis. Th

40、ey found his back door open, so they thought he might be in the backyard. In the backyard, they saw a new path leading to the hill with footprints on it, so they believed Ricki must be somewhere on the hill. They followed the footprints till they reached a stream, where the footprints began to disap

41、pear. They shouted Rickis name loudly, but there was no response, so they thought he cant be there. They were going to turn back, and just at that moment, they found fire burning in the bushes near the stream, and there was delicious smell in the air. And there, Ricki Mortis was working on a mystery

42、 barbecue! As you can imagine, everyone in the neighborhood had the best barbecue that day. Now the mystery is solved. People in the neighborhood still cant help laughing whenever they talk about it. Ricki Mortis has become the most popular man there, because he gave his neighbors the most unforgettable mystery barbecue.


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