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1、考前提分必背Day 1记人亮点词汇搭配表示人物外貌的词:goodlooking相貌好看的uglylooking 模样丑陋的ordinarylooking 相貌平平的pretty 漂亮的funnylooking 外表可笑的greyhaired 满头白发的表示性格、特点的词:humorous 幽默的diligent 勤奋的,用功的absentminded 心不在焉的patient 有耐心的badtempered 坏脾气的warmhearted 热心的talkative 能说会道的,健谈的扣题佳句积累1He is a warmhearted man.他是一个热心的人。2He is goodlooki

2、ng/ordinarylooking.他很英俊。/他长相一般。3Li Ming is my best friend.He looks handsome.He is tall and strong.李明是我最好的朋友。他长得很帅,人又高又壮。4He looks handsome in a sports suit.他穿着运动服看起来很帅。5He is of mild/bad temper.他脾气温和/很坏。6He is good at sports such as running,football,basketball and table tennis.他酷爱运动,例如跑步、足球、篮球、乒乓球等。

3、我们在学习和兴趣爱好方面有许多共同之处。8Wherever he is,he is always my best friend.不管他在哪里,他总是我最好的朋友。9Hes friendly,and he is also very clever.他很友好,也很聪明。10We often help each other and learn from each other.我们经常互相帮助、互相学习。11In my opinion,distance cant cut off the friendship.Only if we miss each other,our friendship will l

4、ast forever.在我看来,距离不能阻断友谊。只要我们彼此想念,友情将会永存。12True friendship lasts a long time.I believe the friendship between Li Ming and I will last forever.真正的友情是持久的。我相信我和李明之间的友谊会到永远。体裁万能模板万能模板I have a friend called_(名字)Hes _(外貌)His favorite sport is_(爱好描写)We often study and play together.介绍外貌及爱好。He is a_(品质)man

5、.I still remember when_(时间)he found_(事情起因)Although_(事情发展)At last,_(事情结果)与人物有关的事例。He is abroad now.In my opinion,_(感想)Our friendship will last forever.进行总结,发表感想。模板范文I have a friend called Tom.Hes tall and handsome,often wearing sports suit.His favorite sport is riding.He has won many times in the rid

6、ing races.We often study and play together.He is a warmhearted man.I still remember when we went to the cinema two years ago,he found a girl falling on the ground.Although the time was limited,he still insisted on taking her to the hospital.At last,the girl was taken home by her mother,but we missed

7、 the film.He is abroad now.In my opinion,distance cant cut off the friendship.Our friendship will last forever.Day 2叙事亮点词汇搭配表示评价的词/短语:have a gift/talent for.有天赋set a good example 树立了一个好榜样speak highly of 高度赞扬连接词(组):consequently 因此at that time 在那时at last 最后later 后来to our surprise 让我们惊讶的是first.,then.,f

8、inally.首先,其次,最后because of/due to/owing to 因为扣题佳句积累1On May Day I went to Mount Tai to see the sunrise.五一期间,我去泰山看日出了。2It was the most exciting moment that I have ever experienced.这是我所经历的最激动人心的时刻。在我的整个高中阶段,我都不能忘怀4While walking on the country road,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.走在乡间的小

9、路上,我们享受着温暖的阳光和美丽的风景。5During the May Day holiday,my parents and I climbed Mount Tai.We were lucky that the weather was fine that day and we were able to see the sunrise.五一期间,我和父母一起去爬泰山。我们很幸运,那天的天气很好,我们看到了日出。6Last week,when I was on my way home something terrible happened.上周,当我走在回家的路上,一件可怕的事情发生了。7The

10、event happened/occurred in the early morning.这次事件发生在凌晨。8In the early morning,we were already on.,waiting for the.凌晨时分,我们已经在等待了。9There were many people who were all excited.这里的人很多,他们都很激动。10What a magnificent sight it was!I will never forget the moment.这是多么壮观的景象呀!我将永远不会忘记这一刻。体裁万能模板万能模板 Everyone may ha

11、ve experienced something unforgettable,good or bad.I will never forget the thing that_(事情)提出将要讲述的事情。It was_(时间)On the way,I found _(人物)I went upward and knew that_(事情发展)I thought_(帮助对方)However,to my surprise,I_(遇到挫折)At last I_(结果)详细讲述事情发生的时间、地点、过程等。This is only a small thing,but only at that moment

12、did I know_(感受)发表见解或感想。模板范文Everyone may have experienced something unforgettable,good or bad.I will never forget the thing that happened last weekend.It was a sunny day when I was going to the library.On the way,I found a foreigner looking worried,surrounded by many people.I went upward and knew tha

13、t the foreigner was lost in the city.I thought I could help him because my English was praised by teachers.However,to my surprise,I couldnt understand what he said.He had a strong accent.At last I led him to the police station.This is only a small thing,but only at that moment did I know that knowle

14、dge was infinite.Day 3报道亮点词汇搭配常用名词(词组):journalist记者headline 新闻标题survey 调查background 背景government statement 政府声明document released by.由公布的文件spokesperson 发言人常用动词(短语):confirm 确认accuse 指责conclude 推断出aim at 旨在take necessary measures 采取必要的措施常用连接词(组):meanwhile 同时according to 根据accidentally 偶然地especially 尤其扣

15、题佳句积累夺人眼球篇首句:1A spokesman says that.发言人说2Reports from.say that.来自的报道说3Opinion polls show.民意调查显示4The researchers come to a conclusion from the survey that.专家从调查中得出结论说调查显示,在医学领域有一项新发现。6.is a place of interest.There were.in the past,but now everything has changed.是一处游览胜地。过去,这里有很多,但是现在一切都已经改变。7The surve

16、ys show that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing across the world.调查显示世界上的贫富差距在变大。8Here are two pieces of breathtaking news that happened this week.以下是本周两条激动人心的报道。9Nowadays,with the improvement of living standards,more and more people are able to take trips during the holidays.现如今,随着生活水

17、平的提高,越来越多的人能够在假期里去旅行。亮点出彩篇中句:1In order to celebrate.,they held a party.为了庆祝,他们举行了晚会。2Years ago,some of them paid no attention to environmental protection.几年前,有些人不注意保护环境。3What impressed us most was Li Huas deed,who.最打动我们的是李华的行为,他cooperative and full of love and strength,so lets carry forward the good

18、 merits!可以看出我们学校的同学善于合作,充满爱心和力量,让我们把这种美德发扬下去吧!5Changes have taken place now.现在情况已经改变了。6They no longer hunt animals.Plants are also protected.他们不再猎杀动物,也爱护植物。7Worse still,they often.更糟糕的是,他们经常韵味无穷结尾句:1Details of what happened are still unclear.事件的详情仍不清楚。迄今尚无关于的消息。3We must sing high praises for the goo

19、d deeds.我们必须高度赞扬这些好的行为。4We are looking forward to a more beautiful surroundings.我们期待一个更加美丽的环境。进一步的详情有待随时报道。体裁万能模板万能模板Creat a World Full of GreenOn TreePlanting Day,_went to_(事件概括)事件导语。Upon their arrival,_Then_Everything done,_(事件过程)When it was time for them to _(行为)They said_(感受)按时间顺序详细报道。They were

20、very happy.What they did has _(影响)By Sunnews事件的影响。模板范文Creat a World Full of GreenOn TreePlanting Day,the students in Class Five Grade Four of Guangming School went to the park and planted trees.Upon their arrival,they began to work in groups.Some fetched water from a lake,some dug holes for the tree

21、s,and some carried trees everywhere.All the students were working hard.Then they put some boards beside the trees,saying“Care for Trees”,and so on.Everything done,they took a photo in front of the newly planted trees.When it was time for them to leave,they cleaned the ground.They said it was such an

22、 instructive day that they would remember it forever.They were very happy.What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.By SunnewsDay 4日记亮点词汇搭配形容天气:cloudy多云snowy下雪shower阵雨 rainy下雨sunny晴天表示节日:sports meeting 运动会the flower show 花展Spring Festival 春节Art Festival 艺术节形容心情:delighted 高

23、兴的selfconfident 自信的a good/bad mood 心情好/坏pleasant 令人开心的表示事件:pay a visit to 拜访go for a picnic 去野餐have a performance 进行表演have a party 举行聚会扣题佳句积累写景:1In the morning,it was very fine!I decided to climb the mountain with my family.早上,天气非常好!我决定和家人一起去登山。2Today is a sunny day.I went to.with.今天阳光明媚。我和去了去学校的路上,

24、美丽的景色映入眼帘。4The air on the mountain is very fresh.The flowers,plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful.山上的空气非常清新,花草树木在山上都显得格外美丽。5You can imagine how charming it used to be:sweet/fresh air,clean water,green grass,swimming fish,flying birds,and the golden sunshine.你可以想象一下这里曾经是多么的迷人

25、:香甜的/新鲜的空气,清澈的河水,嫩绿的青草,畅游的小鱼,飞翔的小鸟,还有金色的阳光。你可以到这个城市来观光旅游,品尝当地的美食,体验欢快的夜生活并了解当地的历史文化。7I am quite sure that you will be impressed by the royal construction and the long history of the city as well.我相信这座城市的皇家建筑和悠久的历史一定会让你印象深刻的。8Facing the wide sea,we felt excited and happy.面对着宽阔的海洋,我们觉得既兴奋又快乐。叙事:1We re

26、ally had a pleasant time today.今天我们过得非常愉快。2Im very happy today because its the first time that I have come to visit the Great Wall.我今天很开心,因为这是我第一次来参观长城。3Hardly had I stepped out when it began to pour.我一出门天就开始下雨。4It is.today.It is also a special day for me,because.今天是,对我也是一个很特别的日子,因为5In the morning w

27、hen I.,I suddenly found.,which reminded me of.早上当我时,我突然发现,这件事使我回想起了多希望我是一只小鸟啊,可以飞到任何想去的地方。7What happened today has left a deep impression in my mind.今天发生的事在我的脑海里留下了很深的印象。8This was the first day of the new term.这是新学期的第一天。9What a significant day I had today!我度过了多么有意义的一天啊!10Our hometown has changed so

28、greatly that I could hardly recognize it.我们的家乡变化很大,我都认不出来了。虽然这是不可能的,我依然很高兴。因为我是一个有能力去想象并为了将来而努力学习的人。12I will try my best to realize my dream.我将努力实现我的梦想。13Coming back home in the evening,my family and I sat and watched TV together.晚上回到家,我与家人坐在一起看电视。体裁万能模板万能模板May 1,2020 Friday SunnyToday is_(时间)交代时间。I

29、n the morning,my friends and I decided to_(事情)We went to_(地点)交代地点。In the afternoon we saw_(人物)We said hello to them and received sweet smiles.I wondered why_(疑惑)At last we got to know_(结果)按时间顺序记叙一整天的情况。How happy a day it was!We all enjoyed ourselves.表达感想。模板范文May 1,2020 FridaySunnyToday is Internatio

30、nal Labor Day and we are free from school.In the morning,my friends and I decided to go out.We went to the East Lake Park and had a picnic under a big tree.Then we rowed a boat in the river,fish swimming around us.In the afternoon,we saw some foreigners.We said hello to them and received sweet smile

31、s.I wondered why they didnt talk with us.At last we got to know they were Russians and didnt know much English.How happy a day it was!We all enjoyed ourselves.Day 5启事亮点词汇搭配表达丢失、发现:look for寻找be gone/lost/missing 丢失happen to find 碰巧发现表达联络、沟通:payment 报酬deadline 最后期限call sb.at 给某人打电话contact sb.联系某人requi

32、rement 要求表达提醒:be expected to 期待pay attention to 注意make sure 确保as follows 如下扣题佳句积累寻物启事:1I left my.yesterday afternoon while I was.昨天下午在我丢失了我的2It is.in colour,with two pockets in the front of it.它是颜色的,前面有两个口袋。3Id be very grateful to the finder.我将对拾物者非常感激。请一定让我知道。5Will the finder please send it to.or t

33、elephone me at.as soon as possible?捡到者能否速速将其送到或打电话给我?招领启事:1This morning/afternoon,I happened to find a(n).at/in.今天早晨/下午,我偶然在发现了一个2The loser is expected to.to claim it.丢失者请去认领。3The owner of.may contact me now.失主可以现在联系我。4The.can be generally described as follows.大致可以描述如下。招聘启事:1Our newspaper/company is

34、 looking for an editor/a clerk.The requirements are as follows.我们的报社/公司正在招聘一名编辑/职员,要求如下。2Those who are interested in the job,please get in touch with.The deadline is.对这份工作感兴趣的人请与联系。截止日期是3With the development of Student Union,we now want an English advisor.随着学生会的发展,我们现在需要一名英语顾问。4The working hour is f

35、our hours a week.工作时间是每周4个小时。5What he will do is to help us.他将帮助我们6If you have interest,just contact us.如果你有兴趣,请联系我们。7We hope for your joining.我们期待你的加入。体裁万能模板寻物启事万能模板LostI lost_(丢失物品)when_(丢失时间)It is_with_(物品特征)Anyone who finds it please contact_(失主)My telephone number is_(联系方式)说明失物特征及联系方式等。Ill be v

36、ery thankful for your kindness._署名。模板范文LostI lost my bag on the school bus last weekend when I was on my way home.It is black with white circles on it,and is made of leather.There are three books and a pair of glasses in it.The books are about English reading,and the glasses are golden.Anyone who fi

37、nds it please contact me.My telephone number is 1234567.Ill be very thankful for your kindness.Li HuaClass One Grade Two招领启事万能模板FoundI found_(丢失物品)when _ (时间)in/at_(地点),which is_(物品特征)The owner of it may phone me at _(联系方式)If you phone me,I will ask for more information to make sure you are the real

38、 owner.说明招领物品的大致特征及联系方式等。_署名。模板范文FoundI found a bike when I walked with my parents after supper yesterday in the park,which is blue with a grey basket in front.The owner of it may phone me at 1592332.If you phone me,I will ask for more information to make sure you are the real owner.Li Hua招聘启事万能模板Re

39、cruitment AnnouncementDo you want to be a_(职位)?Here comes your opportunity:becoming a_(职位)for the Company.If you possess_(技能),you will be the ideal candidate we are looking for.职位说明。What a great chance it is to display your talents!To seize such a marvelous opportunity,you just need to_(个人资料)If you

40、need more details,please contact us at our phone number_(电 话)招聘要求。Company 联系方式。模板范文Recruitment AnnouncementDo you want to be a designer or an assistant designer?Here comes your opportunity:becoming a designer or an assistant designer for the Company.If you possess basic skill of a designer,good comm

41、unication ability and tremendous working enthusiasm,you will be the ideal candidate we are looking for.What a great chance it is to display your talents!To seize such a marvelous opportunity,you just need to send your resume to our company before May 25.If you need more details,please contact us at

42、our phone number 1234567.CompanyDay 6演讲亮点词汇搭配表示意愿:would like想要look forward to 期待hope you enjoy.希望你们喜欢表示期望:call on 号召strengthen the management 加强管理arouse peoples awareness 提高人们的意识表示感谢或欢迎:honor 荣幸a great pleasure 很荣幸welcome to.欢迎到benefit a lot 受益良多扣题佳句积累夺人眼球篇首句:1I really appreciate your making time in

43、 your schedules to attend the meeting today.我非常感谢你们今天抽空来参加这个会议。2Id be happy to tell you about my experience.我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。3Today is the.Day.Many people will.今天是“日”。很多人将会4What I am going to talk about today is.今天我想讲的是亮点出彩篇中句:1We should choose those who.as our.我们应该选择那些的人作为我们的另外,是我们的职责。3Finally,it can

44、arouse peoples awareness of.最后,它可以提高人们的意识。4So long as we work together,we can achieve great results.只要我们一起努力,就能取得巨大的成就。5The air pollution is becoming worse and worse now.现在空气污染正变得越来越严重。一起努力,我们将把未来变得更加美好。7But I want you to realize that success doesnt come easily.但我想让你们意识到成功来之不易。8We should try to help

45、 them as much as possible.我们应该尽可能地帮助他们。9If everyone does a bit for our city,we can benefit a lot.如果每个人为我们的城市贡献一点儿,我们可以受益良多。10.is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy.是人们能享受的最大的快乐之一。11No man can make most of his life without the help of his true friends.没有人可以不需要真正的朋友的帮助而度过大部分的人生。韵味无穷结尾

46、句:1I look forward to seeing you again.我期待着再次见到你们。2Best wishes for a very successful.!祝愿圆满成功!3Thank you for your listening.感谢聆听。4If so,well be able to have a more beautiful world.如果这样,我们将能够拥有一个更加美丽的世界。体裁万能模板万能模板Dear_,Im very glad to stand here.The topic of my speech is_(主题)说明演讲主题。As is known to all,_

47、(现象)However,_(问题)分析问题。How can we solve these problems then?As far as Im concerned,_(方法)For one thing,_(理由一)For another,_(理由二)Whats more,_(理由三).提出解决方案。Therefore,lets take the responsibility to _ (号召)Come on and join us!Thank you for listening!发出号召。模板范文Dear classmates,Im very glad to stand here.The to

48、pic of my speech is“Say Goodbye to Cars”As is known to all,with the improvement of peoples living standards,cars have become a popular means of transport,bringing great convenience to our life.However,they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.How can we solve these p

49、roblems then?As far as Im concerned,riding a bike and walking as often as possible are good solutions.For one thing,bicycles dont need any petrol and they are energysaving.For another,bicycles are environmentally friendly because they wont give off waste gas.Whats more,riding a bike and walking are

50、good ways for us to exercise and good for our health.Therefore,lets take the responsibility to build up a lowcarbon city by riding a bike and walking.Come on and join us!Thank you for listening!Day 7通知亮点词汇搭配表示事件:organize a contest组织一次比赛improve your learning skill 提高你的学习技能give a talk 进行演讲express your


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