(天津专版)2019版高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第四周 星期六 节假日及活动类.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 节假日及活动类 单词识记: holiday leave mark prepare national display festival gather traditional wedding balloon celebration firework preparation decoration feast lantern costume eve legend 短语扫描: day off 休 息日;休假日 have fun with 玩得开心 exchange greetings 互致问候 make preparations for 为 ? 做准备 go sightsee

2、ing 去观光 hold/have a celebration 举行庆祝活动 on vacation 在度假 the Spring Festival 春节 mark(.) with 用 ? 标记 National Day 国庆节 跟踪训练 . 语境填词 1 Do you check your work email while youre on (假期 )? 2 Do you remember what happened on our (婚礼 ) day? 3 Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat (节日 ) is to recall

3、the soul of Qu Yuan. 4 Shed put these flowers in her hair as (decorate) 5 He will read us a poem that (赞美 ) love. . 单项填空 6 Over the next few days, they sent out invitations and prepared desserts their guests. A to B with 【 精品教育资源文库 】 C for D From 7 Where do you go when you want to learn something?

4、School? A friend? A tutor?These are all places of learning. A public B traditional C official D special 8 Standing outside his trailer, I tried to my courage to face him one more time. A strengthen B support C gather D distribute 9 Hurry up.Our plane at 7: 00 pm according to the timetable.It will be

5、 just an hour left before it . A will leave; takes off B leaves; takes off C is leaving; is taking off D will leave; will take off 10 China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War , its military power on an unprecedented scale. A displayed B displaying C to display D

6、having displayed . 阅读理解 (2016 天津市五校联考 ) Countless people long to make a difference this holiday season, yet they dont realize that opportunities to make a difference are everywhere.Here are some ideas to get you started. Organize a blank drive It is cold outside, but imagine how thousands of homeles

7、s people may feel without a home of their own, or even a blanket to keep them from the cold.Organize a blank drive for your local homeless, and ask around for donations! Practice random acts of kindness Ill never forget the time when I went to pay for my Dr.Pepper , but the server 【 精品教育资源文库 】 resi

8、sted, saying my bill was paid by an anonymous(匿名的 ) guest.Its this random act of kindness that restores my faith in humanity.Bless someone by paying for their drink at Starbucks, or praising them! If you live somewhere where it snows, shovel your neighbors snow out of their driveway for them! Whethe

9、r it is as simple as praise or as complex as paying the bill, youll never know how far your impact will reach. Say thank you Just a simple “thankyou” can make somebodys day , especially if they feel like their work is never noticed.Cultivate(培养 ) a smile on their face by being sincere and grateful f

10、or all that they do. Use your talents to help the community The best way to show your appreciation for people is by using the talents and skills you have to bless others.For me, I love to coordinate(协调 ) events and write,and so my way of reaching out to the community is through writing articles and

11、creating awareness about problems we face today.If you can bake, make some delicious cookies for people to enjoy! If you can knit, put your talents to use by making clothes for children in foster care.Any talent can be used to help the community in meaningful ways. Wish you a happy, healthy and help

12、ful holiday season. 1 If you join a blank drive, you can . A collect donations for the homeless people B bring a blanket to go on a trip C buy a home for homeless people D keep yourself from the cold 2 How did the author restore his faith in humanity? A He helped others. B He often blessed others. C

13、 He got help from others. D He got praised by others. 3 The underlined phrase “make somebodys day” is to “ ” A make someone feel grateful all day B do something unnoticed by people C make someone feel good all day D help someone to solve problems 【 精品教育资源文库 】 4 What is the authors talent? A Sewing.

14、 B Writing. C Baking. D Knitting. 5 Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A Make a Difference in Your Holiday Season B Make the Best of Talent C Enjoy Your Holiday Season D Help Others in Need . 阅读表达 (2017 和平区三模 ) There is a woman named Tao PorchonLynch.She was born in India

15、in 1918.So, if you do the math, shes 99.And at t he age of 99, she has been recognized as the oldest yoga teacher in the world.She has been teaching yoga in a gym in her hometown,fulltime, since 1967. But thats not all shes done.She has also been a model , actress and dancer.She became a model after

16、 she graduated from high school.She acted in more than ten fields.She won a lot of medals as a dancer in many competitions.She once said, “If you try your best and never give up, nothing is impossible.”And she is a firm believer in positive thinking.She dreams the impossible dreams, and she is also

17、well known as a thinker. Tao PorchonLynch is not the person who talks the talk; she is the person who walks the walk. When she makes up her mind to do something, she takes action to do it without delay.At the age of 85, she learned how to dance and even won several dance competitions.She offers this

18、 piece of advice to others, “Dont put off till tomorrow what you can do today.Dont delay.Tomorrow never comes.” So, what about retirement? At 98, she is well past the age when many people make retirement plans.Retiring, it turns out, is not Taos style.“A little girl , who is only 6 years old and is

19、now learning yoga with me, once asked me, Dear granny ,what are you going to do when you retire? ” Tao PorchonLynch told the little girl that she had no plans to retire but instead would continue to teach yoga and dance her way to next planet. 6 What is Tao PorchonLynchs job now ? (no more than 5 wo

20、rds) 【 精品教育资源文库 】 7 What is Tao PorchonLynchs secret of success in so many fields ? (no more than 8 words) 8 How do you understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3? (no more than 10 words) 9 What is Tao PorchonLynchs following plan now ? (no more than 10 words) 10 Do you agree with Tao Porcho

21、nLynchs attitude toward life ? Give reasons in your own words.(no more than 20 words) . 佳作背诵 (热点话题 ) 近日教育部 (the Ministry of Education)要求加强中小学劳 动教育,这一举措引发了人们的热议。请你根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇短文给校报英文版投稿。 学生的观点 一部分学生:劳动教育有助于身体健康,全面发展。 另一部分学生:劳动教育占用学习时间,影响成绩。 你的观点 ? 注意: 1.词数不少于 100; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考范文 Recently, t

22、he Ministry of Education has issued a requirement that students should be given labor education while at school, which arouses a heated debate. As for students, opinions are divided.Some students think that it will be of great benefit for their health, enabling them to be well developed.On the other

23、 hand,some students hold the view that this kind of education will take up their time,which will be spent studying otherwise.And it will have a negative effect on their grades. Its true that students are given little chance of laboring nowadays , thus lacking the sense of labor.So as far as Im concerned , students definitely should receive labor education so that theyll value more what labor brings about. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 答案

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