1、Past SimpleTom at school today.isiswasTom at home yesterday.wasWe at school today.arearewereWe at home yesterday.werepositivenegativeat school yesterday.IHeSheItwaswasntWeYouTheywerewerentquestionsat school yesterday?IhesheitWasweyoutheyWereShort answersWas he at home yesterday?Yes,he was.No,he wasn
2、t.Were you at home yesterday?Yes,you were.No,you werent.Bob&BillOne day,Bill was hungry.Bob was hungry,too.FredHein the park.waswasnt hungry.Chuck,Ted,Benji,and Beethowenwere also in the park.They werent hungry.They were happy.Ted said:“There wasa sign,Bill.”He also said:“Itvery funny.”wasSoon wein
3、the park,too.wereWe were fast and we werestill hungry.Therea chest in the sandbox.wasItfull of bones.wasTherebones for everyone.wereTherea bone for Bobwasand one for Ted and one for Fred.Therebones everywhere.wereThe friendsnever morewereH U N G R Y!Now YOU try!werewerentwasntwasntwerewasmy friends
4、_ at school,too.werentwasntwerewaswerentwereThey _ happy,too.I _ happy,becauseI _ at school.I _ at home yesterday.wasntwerewaswasntwerewaswaswerewasntHe _ with his dad.wasntwerentwaswaswerentwasntTom _ in the playground last week.wasntwerewasHe _ on the swing.Toms mum _ in the playground.Tom _ on th
5、e slide.wasntwaswerewaswerentwereThere _ elephants in the ZOO.wasntwerewaswaswerewerentSally and Tom _ in the ZOO last weekend.werentwaswereIt _ great!They _ huge.But the children _ scared.Yesterday it _ snowy.wasntwerewaswaswerewasntIt _ hot,butwaswerentwereThe children _ in the garden.werewasntwer
6、entthe boys _ sad.waswerentwereThey _ happy.waswerentwerewerewerentwasntwerentwasntwerewaswerentwereThere _ some lorries,too.It _ very noisy.It _ quiet.We _ in the street last Monday.wasntwerewasThere _ many cars.wasntwerewasIt _ seven oclock.wasntwerewasTony _ in bed.waswerentwasntHe _ happy.waswerentwasntHe _ asleep,wasntwerewasbut he _ very sleepy.wasntwerewerentNo,they _.I _ with my dog.WerentWasWere_ there your friends?wasntwerewasYes,it _ great!WasntWereWasReally?_ it good?wasntwerewasI _ in the park yesterday.wasntwerewasT HANK YOU FOR WATCHING!