2、气,为气肿性急性胆囊炎u常见于45岁以下,男女比1:2。临床表现为急性发作的右上腹痛,放射右肩胛部,为持续性疼痛并阵发性绞痛,伴有畏寒、高热、呕吐等u检查右上腹压痛,莫非(Murphy)征阳性,可扪及肿大的胆囊,重者出现黄疸u注射造影剂后,可见胆囊壁呈不规则增厚,与肝脏分界不清Gallbladder carcinomas Gallbladder carcinomasGallbladder carcinomas胰头部狭窄性病变,导致肝内胆管明显扩张、变形。门脉系统等的相对位置关系,保持在正常位置u发生在左右肝管以下的肝外胆管癌 上段,又称肝门部胆管,左、右肝管及其汇合部、肝总管,50%中段,肝总
3、管与胆囊管汇合部以下至胆总管中段 下段,胆总管下段、胰腺段和十二指肠壁内段u80%为腺癌,少数为鳞癌u生长方式:结节型、浸润型、乳头型(常见)u发病年龄在5070岁之间,男女比22.5:1u早期症状为右上腹隐痛或胀痛,继而出现进行性黄疸。体检右上腹部包块,胆囊肿大tumoral involve the right secondary confluence and common hepatic ductCT reveals a high-attenuation tumor on the anterior aspect of the right portal vein On a subsequen
4、t CT scan,the tumor appears as a high-attenuation lesion on the right side of the portal veinCT scans at a lower level show the mucosa of the cystic duct with strong enhancement,a finding that suggests tumoral involvement.Soft-tissue infiltration around the portal vein and lymphadenopathy are also n
5、oted Delayed-phase CT scans show a soft-tissue mass within a dilated left hepatic duct and common bile ductCholangiogram shows a polypoid mass at the confluence levelSpecimen reveals an extensive polypoid mass within the common bile ductCT scans show a dilated common bile duct filled with a papillar
6、y tumor;partial restoration of the ductal lumen in the intrapancreatic portion of the common bile duct.However,small papillary tumors are still evident.On a CT scan obtained at the level of the distal common bile duct,the lumen is again filled with an intraductal papillary tumor.Direct cholangiogram
7、 shows a large papillary tumor in the proximal two-thirds and the distal portion of the common bile ductAdenomyomatosis of the Gallbladderadenomyomatosis C-T2WI and c+T1WI show a diffusely thickened gallbladder wall and intramural cavities,which are hyperintense on the T2WI,hypointense on the T1WI,and nonenhancingThe cavities represent Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses containing fluid bileAdenomyomatosis