2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society讲义 北师大版选修8.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 24 Society 一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣 (一 )阅读词汇写其义 1 inequality n 不平等 2.deposit vt. try again. This week, Americans across the country cast_their_votes (投票 ) and made their voices heard. The priceless treasures have_been_cast_into_a_river (已经被扔进一条河里 ) 2 voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 单句语 法填空 He is

2、 still involved in voluntary (volunteer) work promoting local enterprise. When the fire broke out, many passersby volunteered to_put (put) it out. He always volunteered for the most dangerous missions. 3 vacant adj.未占用的,空置的; (职位 )空缺的; (目光、表情等 )茫然的 补全句子 Due to the heavy rain, there were many vacant_s

3、eats (空座位 ) in the theatre this evening. There_is_a_vacant_post (有个空缺职位 ) in this company, so you can have a try. I couldnt figure out her mood from the_vacant_expression_on_her_face (她脸上的茫然表情 ) 词汇过关练 . 单句语法填空 1 I like this gym for its wide space and abundant (abundance) basic equipment. 2 Nowadays

4、peasants are no longer burdened with heavy taxation. 3 He was asked to resign from the club when he was discovered cheating at cards. 4 The judge will pass sentence on him because of murder. 5 Mary volunteered to_answer (answer) the teachers question. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 6 Dont get worried, because the se

5、cretary has undertaken to_finish (finish) the task by Friday. 7 Last Monday, our class held a monitor election (elect) 8 Mr Foster has never been to China.Consequently (consequent) he knows very little about it. . 单句改错 1 Burdened so much homework, he had to stay up late in the night.Burdened_后加 _wit

6、h 2 When a child is studying abroad, he must learn to adjust to live on his own. liveliving 3 If you travel in the sea, you will see an abundance in marine creatures.第二个 inof 4 He was elected to be a chairman of the Students Union at school.去掉 a 5 I have to resign myself to stay at home again tonigh

7、t.staystaying . 单 句写作 (补全句子 /一句多译 ) 1 He insisted on working after retirement, because he didnt want to become_a_burden_to_his_children (成为孩子的负担 ) when he was old. 2 The team refused to resign_themselves_to_defeat/being_defeated (甘于战败 ) 3 Tom ran_for_the_election_ ( 参加了竞选 ) and won the election. He

8、was_elected_as/to_be_chairman_of_Students_Union (被选举为学生会主席 ) at school. 4 The judge will_pass/give_sentence_on_the_murderer (将对凶手做出判决 ) tomorrow after looking at the report. 5因为要照顾残疾的丈夫, 她辞去了委员会的职务。 She resigned_as_a_member_of_the_committee_ because she needed to take care of her disabled husband. S

9、he resigned_from_the_committee because she needed to take care of her disabled husband. 6他答应从现在起努力学习。 He undertakes_to_study_hard from now on.(undertake to do .) He undertakes_that_he_will_study_hard from now on.(undertake that .) 7这个国家自然资源丰富。 This country is_abundant/rich_in natural resources. There are natural resources in_abundance in this country.


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