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1、2021年(秋季)九年级期末测试英 语 试 题本试卷分A卷和B卷两部分。A卷1至8页, B卷 9至12页, 共12页, 满分150分, 考试时间120分钟。注意事项: 1. 答题前, 务必将姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号填涂在答题卡规定的位置上。2. 答选择题时, 必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案标号。3. 答非选择题时, 必须使用0. 5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔, 将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上, 4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上作答, 在试题卷上答题无效。5. 考试结束后, 将试题卷带走, 仅将答题卡交回。A卷 (共 100分)第一部分

2、听力 (共30小题;计30分)一、听句子, 根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分, 计5分)1. A. Sounds great. B. Good movies. C. No way. 2. A. So she does. B. So she is. C. So I am. 3. A. In America. B. By Whitcomb Judson. C. In 1893. 4. A. Yes, you can. B. My pronunciation is right. C. By listening to tapes. 5. A. With pleasur

3、e. B. Its doesnt matter. C. Its a pleasure. 二、听句子, 选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每小题念两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分, 计5分)A. B. C. D. E. 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 三、听对话, 根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题;每小题1 分, 计10分)11. A. An action movie. B. A cartoon. C. A comedy.12. A. He was poor in Chinese. B. He was shy. C. He wasnt good at English.

4、13. A. Father and daughter. B. Salesman and customer. C. Teacher and student.14. A. At 9:00. B. At 9:30. C. At 8:30.15. A. Write his email. B. Work on his report. C. Go shopping.16. A. Dance music. B. Quiet music. C. Soft music.17. A. Packing her clothes. B. Climbing Xiangshan Hill. C. Having a trip

5、.18. A. 30.B.21.C.51.19. A. Scary and terrible. B. Fun and relaxing. C. Scary but fun20. A. In India. B. In Australia. C. In Italy.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)21._ was Victors first tool of communication with others?A. Paper B. Art C. Pencil .22. Who discovered Victors interest in drawi

6、ng?A. An artist. B. His teachers. C. His parents.23. When did Victor sell his first picture?A. At the age of 7.B. At the age of 3.C. At the age of 5.24. What does Victor mainly draw now?A. Animals and cars. B. Peoples smile. C. Buildings and cities.25. Whats the secret to Victors success?A. His crea

7、tivity. B. His good memory. C. His long-time hard work.五、听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。短文读三遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)An Unusual Museum26 _In Budapest (布达佩斯).Opening time27_IntroductionIt 28_ taking pictures in the museum.It has 11 rooms with many interesting things.OpinionLilia Gangel, the founderThe museum 29_young peop

8、les need of taking and sharing photos.BackgroundThere were similar museums, but they were not so 30_then.第二部分 基础知识运用(共 30小题;计 40 分)六、选择填空(共 15小题;计20 分)A. 从以下各题的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10 小题;每小题1分, 计10 分)1. Einstein is _ great scientist. He won _ Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.A. a, /B. a, aC. a, the2. T

9、his volleyball _ be Tinas. She doesnt like sports at all.A. cantB. mustntC. should3. Why didnt Emma go to Candys birthday party?Because she _A isnt invitedB. didnt inviteC. wasnt invited4. Chinese clay pieces are usually cute children or _ characters from stories.A. aliveB. livingC. lively5. Dont be

10、 afraid of giving a speech _. Its a good way to improve your confidence.A. in troubleB. in publicC. in excitement6 What do you usually have for breakfast?I used to _ dumplings. But these days I get used to_ bread and milk.A. eat; haveB. eating; havingC. eat; having7. Chen Meng is a Chinese ping-pong

11、 player _ won a gold medal at Tokyo Olympic Gaines.A. whatB. thatC. whom8. Could you please tell me _?No. 6 bus can take you right here.A. how far it is from Guihu ParkB. how I can get to Guihu ParkC. if Guihu Park is near hereB. 补全对话 根据对话内容, 选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5 小题;每小题2分, 计10分)A: Excuse me, could you pl

12、ease tell me where the nearest museum is?B: _9_You can go along the street, then turn right at the first crossing. Then walk on and youll find one there. _10_A: Oh, thanks. Do you know when it opens?B: _11_ It opens at 8:00 a. m. A: Good. And can you tell me which bus I should take? B: Which bus? I

13、dont know. You may ask the policeman over there. _12_A: OK. By the way, wheres the nearest McDonalds, do you know?B: _13_ See that sign?A: Oh, thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome.A. You cant miss it.B. It should be open now.C. Right behind you.D. Well its a little far.E. He must know that.七、完形填空 阅读下面两篇短文

14、, 根据短文内容, 从 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共15 小题;计20分。A篇每小题2分, 计10分;B篇每小题1分, 计10分)AComputers are becoming more and more important in our daily life. Do you know when the computer _14_?The computer was invented in 1946. At that time, it was huge. With the development of science and technology, the comput

15、er has grown _15_. Now there are many kinds of computers, such as personal computers and laptops. The computer is a very _16_ tool in our life. For example, we can send some messages to foreign friends by e-mail. _17_, we can share information with others through the World Wide Web. We can also list

16、en to music or play games on computers. It makes us relaxed. Its hard to imagine what our life would be like without computers. I think computers will be more convenient and they are going to change our life _18_ in the near future.14. A. are inventedB. was inventedC. invent15. A. smallerB. biggerC.

17、 smarter16. A. educationalB. usefulC. useless17. A. Whats moreB. Whats worseC. However18. A. hardlyB. nearlyC. completelyBThere are about 3, 000 languages in the world. But only a few of them are very important. English is _19_ these. Many people use it, not only in England and the USA, _20_ in othe

18、r parts of the world. About 350 million people speak it as their _21_ language. But it is difficult to say _22_ people are learning it as a foreign language. Many millions of people are trying to do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people have _23_ answers. Have you ever notic

19、ed ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? “Learn English in six weeks, or give you money back.” “Easy and funny.” “Our records and tapes help you _24_ English in a month.” Of course, it never happens quite like this. The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother language. We sho

20、uld think that we all _25_ our own language well when we were babies. If we could learn English this way, it would not seem so difficult. Imagine what a small child does. He listens to _26_ people say. He tries what he hears. So _27_ is hard to say that learning English is easy. We must do a lot of

21、practice. And practice needs lots of hard work and takes much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books and dictionaries might be _28_ , but they can not do all the work for students.19. A. some ofB. two ofC. one of20. A. althoughB. but alsoC. so that21. A. ownB. secondC. foreign22. A. how manyB. s

22、o manyC. too many23. A. similarB. sameC. different24. A. talkB. masterC. say25. A. are learningB. learnedC. learn26. A. whatB. WhichC. who27. A. thisB. thatC. it28. A. harmfulB. hopefulC. helpful第三部分 阅读理解 (共 15 小题;计 30 分)八、(共5小题;每小题2分, 计10分)阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”, 错误的涂“B”。Most people change be

23、cause of some experiences. So do I. I had some unforgettable experiences in high school. They have taken me from what I used to be like to what I am like now. In the past, I was quiet and shy. I never talked with others about what was in my mind. That was because I was afraid that someone would laug

24、h at or criticize (批评) me. I paid too much attention to what others thought and didnt care about my own thought. I liked staying at home because I felt safe there. When nobody was around, I would finally write about my feelings on the Internet. However, I changed a lot in the second year in high sch

25、ool. My teachers and friends treated me really well. They didnt laugh at me even if I made mistakes. I didnt realize that it was normal for everyone to fail until then. Now I am no longer afraid to give my opinions. When theres a chance, I will let the world know how I feel. Im now also more self-co

26、nfident than before. Im really thankful to my teachers and friends for their help.29. The writer used to be quiet and serious.30. The writers unforgettable experiences appeared in high school.31. The writer liked to stay at home because home made him feel comfortable.32. The writer realized that its

27、 normal to fail when he was in high school the second year.33. The writer is only thankful to his teachers because they help him a lot.九、阅读下面两篇短文。根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10 小题;每小题2分, 计20分)AStill remember the following poems? Memories return every time I read or hear them. Hush now, my little one. Hush now, m

28、y sunshine. Hush now, piece of my heart. Go to sleep, my little one. Go to sleep, my love. Go to sleep, piece of my heart. Sleep, my little one, While I sing to you. Sleep, my little one, Who is already asleep.My mama feeds me, And washes my fur (毛)The first thing I see every morning is her. The las

29、t thing I kiss every night is her face. My mama is the very best one,And sings like a bird, And knows how I feel. When I dont say a word, My mama is warm.I can set the table. I can sweep the floor. I can wash my clothes And count to forty-four I can wash dishes. And clean my bedroom. There is so muc

30、h I can do. Now ask you.34. The first poem is sung to _.A. babiesB. mothersC. friends35. What does the underlined word “hush” mean?A. 卧倒B. 再见C. 安静36. In the second poem, the last thing “I” will kiss at night is _A. my furB. mums faceC. mums hand37. What do you think of “I” in the third poem?A. Helpf

31、ul.B. Lucky.C. Shy.38. What are the three poems mainly about?A. Housework and share.B. Hobbies and sports.C. Family and love.BIn Montana (蒙大拿州), the USA, there is a TV program called “Frontier House”. Three families lived in the hills of Montana for five months. Each family was given their own land

32、and they lived there from June to October. They followed the same way of life as their ancestors over a hundred years ago in the Wild West. They could only use the tools and technology of that time. They learnt many new skills. They became farmers, looking after animals and growing food to eat. They

33、 made butter and caught fish. There was no electricity. There was no televisions and no radios. So in the evening, they read the Bible (圣经) and talked. They collected wood to do their cooking and to heat their water. They wore the same kind of clothes that people in the 1880s used to wear. Of course

34、, there were no washing machines in those days so they washed all their clothes by hand. When they needed supplies (补给), they went ten miles to the shop with their horses. The journey took about eight hours. All the families said that they missed their friends. They couldnt take their mobile phones

35、or their computers with them. They could only write letters. But everyone said they loved their “new” life and they were all sorry to leave.39. How long did the three families live in the hills of Montana?A. Five weeks.B. Five months.C. Five years.40. Where did their ancestors live over a hundred ye

36、ars ago?A. In the Wild South.B. In the Wild East.C. In the Wild West.41. In the evening, the three families _.A. read and talkedB. watched TVC. made butter and caught fish42. They used _ to wash their clothes.A. washing machineB. their handsC. tools43. If they wanted to contact with others, they had

37、 to_.A. make a callB. use their mobile phonesC. write lettersB 卷(共 50分)一、补全单词 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。(共5 小题;每小题1分, 计5分)44. They finally reached an a_ after discussing how to be a good English learner.45. Mr Black is very h_. He likes to tell jokes to make us laugh.46. You should talk to your parents p_ even

38、 if you think they are wrong.47. English words “two” and “too” mean differently, but they have the same p_.48. Students are s_ to keep quiet in the library.二、完成对话(共10小题;每小题1分, 计 10分)在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。A: Mom, Im reading about the flood disaster (洪灾) that happened in Henan this July. How

39、awful it was!B: So it was. The rain water floods (淹没) many areas. Summer is a season with too much rain. So we should be _49_ on rainy days.A: Yes. The report says the _50_ number of deaths during the flood was over 300. What a great number! If I were in a flood, I wouldnt know how to protect _51_.B

40、: Well, its time to teach you some basic ways about self-protecting. If you are outside, dont stay under trees or beside power supply lines (电线). And _52_ standing on bridges, especially over rivers. Floods may wash them away. Lastly dont stay in the _53_ transportation. Its reported that 14 people

41、died on the subway in Zhengzhou.A: OK, I got it. It is dangerous to stay outside. So Ill just stay inside whenever it rains heavily, and that will make sure of my _54_.B: Is that so? What if the flood is so strong that it floods your room?A: Emm. I dont know.B: Listen! When you are at home, keep win

42、dows and doors _55_ and turn off the gas and electronic devices (设备). Get some food and swim rings _56_ around you. If the rain water enters your room, you must cut off the power to _57_ it from hurting you. Of course, the best _58_ is to stay at a higher place.A: Thank you, Mom. These tips are very

43、 useful for me. Besides, I think its necessary for us to get some first aid (急救) knowledge.三、短文填空(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 计10分)从下面方框中选出 10 个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。activity allow attend express much real relax request responsible social they threeLin Junxian, a seventh-grader from Chengdu, enjoyed a

44、fun vacation this summer. Instead of _59_ English or math training courses, he played basketball and badminton most of the time.A new guideline(指导)called “Double Reduction Policy”(双减政策)helped Lin enjoy _60_ free time during the summer. In order to reduce the schoolwork burden(负担)on primary and junio

45、r high school students, the guideline calls for reducing homework, improving the quality of education and regulating(调整)after-class _61_.According to the guideline, children below the _62_ grade will not have homework anymore. It should take no more than 90 minutes for junior high school students to

46、 finish _63_ homework. Off-campus tutoring institutions(课后补习机构)are not _64_ to offer advanced teaching.Before the guideline, some training institutions have taken advantage of parents worries to make money, because parents are worried that if their children start behind, they will stay behind; The guideline is meant to calm the worries of parents and _65_.Therefore, schools should improve their education quality, take the main _66_ for students education and not push them into tutoring courses. And at the same time students should _67_ that self-discipline(自律)becomes th


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