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1、常州市田家炳中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中试卷2021. 11一、听力(20分)略二、单项选择1. He once tried to _ a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake.Aput upB. put onC. put inD. put out2. To keep children safe, we _ put the things like knives and medicine away.A. mayB. shouldC. canD. might3. I bought _ exercise books w

2、ith _ money.A. less; moreB. more; lessC. fewer; fewerD. more; fewer4. Its better for us to share our sadness _ others than to keep it _ ourselves.A. with; forB. with; toC. to; forD. for; to5. This history book is very boring. _, none of the students in the class enjoys it.A. InsteadB. ExactlyC. Fina

3、llyD. Possibly6. Its an important task. You must _ not to let something _.A. keep it secret; go wronglyB. keep it secret; go badlyC. keep it secret; go wrongD. keep it secretly; go wrong7. What a nice day! We should go for a picnic _ watching TV at home.A. instead ofB. because ofC. in front of8. My

4、grandma is a really nice person one of_ people I know.A. niceB. nicerC. nicestD. the nicest9. To Lei Feng, _ to people in need is the most meaningful thing.A. offering helpB. offer helpC. offers helpD. offered help10. Shall we go fishing this weekend? _A. Thank you.B. Thats right.C. Have fun.D. That

5、 sounds good.三、完型填空Swedens ice hotel is known for many things. The hotel is in the village of Jukaivi. It has to be rebuilt every year because it is _11_ ice that disappears when summer comes alone. Now in its 30th year, the idea of building an ice hotel in this village came about quite accidentally

6、. Many years ago, a local company wanted to _12_ visitors to Jukasjivi during the freezing winter months. It decided to hold an art show inside a hall built on the nearby frozen river. The building was a great success, drawing many _13_. However, it was not until a group of _14_ visitors came to the

7、 show with sleeping bags and made their wish to spend the night inside the ice hall, that the village had a(n) _15_ moment and the ice hotel was born. The hotel has come a long way since _16_ beginning. It was made of 1,000 tons of ice and 30,000 tons of “snice”a mixture of ice and _17_. It now cove

8、rs about 5,500 square meters. People begin to build the ice hotel in March and April. When about 5,000 tons of ice is _18_ from the river and carried to a cold house where it sits till the beginning of _19_. They begin to build the hotel in November _20_ about 100 workers, half of them artists, are

9、invited to design special part. By December, it is ready and open for business. The best part about this building is that it is really a green building. The hotel _21_ all winter and then as summer arrives and the temperatures rise, it _22_ changes into one big pool, leaving behind nothing.11. A. ma

10、de ofB. made fromC. used forD. used by12. A. pullB. tellC. drawD. order13. A. villagersB. visitorsC. artistsD. players14. A. politeB. poorC. braveD. shy15. A. excitingB. boringC. excitedD. bored16. A. theirB. hisC. itsD. its17. A. rainB. cloudC. snowD. wind18. A. picked upB. set upC. made upD. poure

11、d into19. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter20. A. whereB. whenC. whyD. who21. A. beginsB. worksC. finishesD. stops22. A. carefullyB. hardlyC. easilyD. difficultly四、阅读理解AMy good friendOne Friday morning in September, our teacher, Mrs. Ferrara, told us that a new student was joining the class. “Her

12、 name is Luz,” said Mrs. Ferrara. “She is from the Lakeland School. She is interested in maths and music.” Luz walked into our classroom on Monday morning. She was using a folding cane(折叠杖). I think she used it to make sure her feet would not knock into things. Mrs. Ferrara gave her a seat in the fr

13、ont of the room. Her desk was far from the window. Maybe the bright light near the window made trouble for her. Some of the children wanted to help Luz get in line for lunch. She refused quietly: “Thanks, but I dont need help.” Jose tried to help her walk downstairs to lunch, but again she answered,

14、 “Thank you, I dont need help.”I introduced myself at lunch. “Hi, Luz, I am Sasha, and I came from Russia last year.” She replied softly, “Hi, Sasha. I was born in California, but my parents came from Mexico. ”Luz seemed to keep away from us. I thought she looked a little sad. One day, I dared to as

15、k. “Why are you sad, Luz?”She looked at me and didnt say anything for a moment. Then she said, “I miss my friends in my old school. They knew me already. They knew what I could do. They knew when I needed help and when I didnt.”In October, things began to get better. It was time for chorus (合唱队) to

16、begin practicing. Luz and I both joined. Luz had a great voice! When clubs were announced, Luz chose Math Club. She was a math whiz! Soon Luz was helping others in the class who had difficulty with math. Luz looked happier now. She talked more. Luz became very special to me. We talked and shared our

17、 secrets during break. We visited after school. Sometimes on weekends, our families went out together. We became good friends. I could tell Luz anything. She could keep secrets. She was a good friend.23. What was special about Luz?A. She was from the Lakeland school.B. She was interested in math and

18、 music.C. She couldnt use some parts of her body easily.D. She and her parents were born in different countries.24. Why did Luz often refuse help from her new classmates? A. Because she could do everything by herself.B. Because she was sad about using a folding caneC. Because she didnt like her new

19、classmatesD. Because they didnt know when to help her.25. What does the underlined word “whiz” mean?A. 组长B. 天才C. 爱好D. 怪人BWelcome to space camp.Would you like to enjoy an astronauts experience (体验) without leaving Earth? You can do it at a space camp. Astronauts need to do simulation (模拟) activities

20、before they do on a space travel. At space camp, you will do them, too. You will begin by watching demonstrations (示范). You will play games and do experiments (实验) with other campers. After that, you will be ready to try out the same simulate activities as astronauts do. At space camp, you practice

21、doing things in zero gravity (重力). At some camps you can use a 1/6th gravity chair. In the 1/6th gravity chair, you will feel like you are walking on the moon. In a weightlessness simulator, you will float and walk as you would float and walk in space. These are some of the simulators you can use at

22、 camp. At space camp, you will learn to eat as you would in space. Food floats in the air. Sometimes you have to catch it to eat it. Sometimes you squeeze (挤) food out of a tube (管), right into your mouth!Space camps let you try many different activities. Some camps let you build and launch (发射) a s

23、mall rocket. At other camps, you can build and operate a robot. You may learn how to stay alive or do experiments. All these activities let you feel what it is like to be an astronaut in space.26. What do astronauts need to do before they go on a space travel?A. They need to go to a space camp.B. Th

24、ey need to walk on the moon first.C. They need to do simulation activities.D. They need to build and launch a rocket.27. You will do the following at the space camp except (除了)_.A. having a space travelB. watching demonstrationsC. using a 1/6th gravity chairD. practicing doing things in zero gravity

25、28. Whats the purpose of joining the space camp?A. To travel the world.B. To discover more about the space.C. To make the people more clever.D. To get closed to the sun.CRain forests are located(位于)around the equator(赤道). It is very warm around the equator. The rain forest stays at 75 F80 F all year

26、 round. The rain forests are wet! Very wet! In fact, rain forests can get between 160 and 300 inches of rain each year. Because the rain forests are always warm and wet, plants grow all year long. The rain forest is home to more plants and trees than any other location in the world!Count on Me, and

27、Ill Count on YouIn the rain forest, plants, animals, and people need one another to live. Almost everything that falls to the forest floor is reused. When plants and animals die, they break down and feed living plants. In turn, those plants give food and shelter(庇护所)to people, animals, and other pla

28、nts. Water in the rain forest is also reused. It evaporates(蒸发), forms clouds, and then falls back to Earth as rain. Gifts from the Rain ForestThe rain forests may seem very far away, but you use something from them every day! For example, do you like chocolate? How about chewing gum? Thank the rain

29、 forests! Rain forests are a huge source(来源)of food. Fruits such as mangoes and bananas come from the rain forests. So do many nuts, spices, and vegetables. Many medicines also come from the rain forests. One-fifth of the worlds fresh water is in the Amazon rain forest. The rain forests affect(影响)ra

30、infall, which in turn affects climate(气候)around the world.29. What does the underlined phrase “Count on” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A. 帮助B. 使用C. 依靠D. 合作30. What can we learn from the passage?A. The rain forests are far away from our life.BMany plants and animals die in the rain forests.C. The ra

31、in forests provide all the fresh water in the world.D. The rain forests affect the rainfall and the climate around the world.31. What is the best title for this passage?A. Rain ForestsB. Living PlantsC. Food SourceD. Earth GiftsDFrom Millions to NoneThe Passenger Pigeons Flight to ExtinctionA new do

32、cumentary, From Billions to None tells the forgotten story of the extinction of the passenger pigeon 100 years ago. The story of the passenger pigeon is strange and pretty sad. We want to get your attention. But there is still a lot more we can do as a society. And it starts with you. We help you fi

33、nd ways to change our world for the better. Make a difference!Organizational Use DVDFor classroom, community, library and business use. (K-12 Schools, Public Libraries, Community Group $ 89 Colleges, Businesses, Other Organizations $ 250)Home Use DVDFor personal home use ONLY. ( $19. 95 each; $13. 0

34、0 shipping and handling )32. How much will Ms Read pay if she orders one DVD for her 8-year-old son online?A. $19. 95.B. $89.C. $102.D. $32. 95.33. From Billions to None wants to_.A. help protect the passenger pigeonsB. call on people to do what they can for a better worldC. sell more DVDs to raise

35、money for passenger pigeonsD. find out why the passenger pigeons die out根据短文内容,从下面的选择能填入各题的最佳选项,然后把答案填涂在答题卡上。每个选项只能用一次。From Millions to NoneThe Passenger Pigeons Flight to ExtinctionA new documentary, From Billions to None tells the forgotten story of the extinction of the passenger pigeon 100 years

36、 ago.The story of the passenger pigeon is strange and pretty sad We want to get your attention. But there is still a lot more we can do as a society. And it starts with you. We help you find ways to change our world for the better. Make a difference!Organizational Use DVDFor classroom, community, li

37、brary and business use.(K-12 Schools, Public Libraries, Community Group$ 89 Colleges, Businesses, Other Organizations$ 250)Home Use DVDFor personal home use ONLY.( $19.95 each; $13.00 shipping and handling)34. The _ is on for more than two and a half hours, but there are few boring minutes.35. Take

38、action to go green, and we can _ to the earth.36. He learned the lesson the hard wayfrom his own _ experience.37. Take an active part in _ activities because youre one of the members in the company.38. Dont forget the cost of _ when you order something from Amazon. com.A. shipping and handlingB. mak

39、e a differenceC. personalD. documentaryE. organizational六、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。39. Welcome to my home. Make _ (you) feel at home!Thank you. Its our first time to visit such a beautiful house.40. No one wants to help the sad child and he felt _ (help).41. Be careful with the scissors, boys and girls. It

40、 may hurt _ (you).42. If you dont read the instructions carefully, you will use iPhone 6 _ (correct).43. John has only half an hour for his hobbies at _ (much).七、根据汉语意思,完成单词拼写。44. Mo Yan, an _(杰出的)writer, received the Nobel Prize for Literature.45. Do you like the person who has no _ (意识) of time?46

41、. He is even _ (着迷) about computer games than I.47. All of them stood and _ (欢呼) for the wonderful performance.48. The climber _(最后)got to the top of the mountain. He felt very happy.根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择动词或短语的适当形式填空,使对话内容完整准确。be, buy, show, help, do well inA: Which teachers will you miss the most after j

42、unior high school, Han Mei?B: Ms. Zhang and Mr. Li. A: I know that Ms. Zhang _49_ patient enough to teach students in English class last term. B: Yes and Mr. Li helped me _50_ Maths. He always spent enough time _51_ me work out my problems whenever I couldnt understand anything. Who will you miss?A:

43、 Ms. Wang. She encouraged me in Chinese class. She told me, “You can do it!” I tried my best and got higher marks because of her. B: Shall we give each of them a card and gift _52_ thanks?A: Thats a good idea. Lets make some beautiful cards instead of _53_ some tomorrow!九、句子翻译54. David建议我不要痴迷于装饰房间。D

44、avid advises me _ the house.55. 和朋友谈论各地的名胜古迹是一件有趣的事。Its fun to _.56. 学生们一下车就迫不及待跑进了电影院。Students _ the cinema when they got off the bus.57. 周日上午,图书馆开得比平时早些。On Sunday morning, the library _.58. 足球比赛将在下周举行。你最好亲自去观看。The football match will _.59. Jack不仅幽默而且工作努力。Jack is _ .十、写作。60. 假如你是Lucy,八年级学生。上星期五你和你同

45、学们去世界公园玩。时间:8:00am.校门口集中乘车;下午4点返校;园内活动:上午:做水果色拉,为喜爱的朋友制作卡片;下午:参观公园,看歌舞秀;感想:2-3点。请以“My school trip to the World Park”为题写一篇不少于80词的短文。要求: (1)条理清楚意思连贯,语句通顺。(2)不得出现真实的人名、校名。My school trip to the World ParkHi, my name is Lucy. Im a student in Grade 8. Last Friday, my classmates and I went on a school trip to the World Park. _


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