2019版高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Module 4 Music课下作业 外研版选修6.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 4 Music . 重点单词 识记 联想 运用 会书写 一、核心单词 1.regarding prep. 关于 2.relay v. 转播,接转 3.spotted adj. 有污迹的,有斑点的 4.handle n. 柄,把手 5.liveliness n. 活泼,快乐,生动 6.present v. 赠送,颁发 (礼物、奖品等 ) 7.therefore adv. 因此,所以 二、阅读单词 1.interpret v. 诠释,解释;翻译 2.vacant adj. 空的,空缺的 3.characteristic n. 特征,特性,特质 4.char

2、m v. 吸引,使陶醉 5.heritage n. 遗产 6.interval n. 间隔,空隙 7.pedestrian n. 行人 , 步行者 8.shrink v. 变小,减少 9.rhyme n. 押韵,韵 三、拓展单词 bine v.结合,联合 combination n.联合 2.voluntary adj.自愿的 volunteer n.志愿者 v.自愿 3.interpret v.诠释,解释;翻译 interpreter n.口译译员 interpretation n.解释,演绎 【 精品教育资源文库 】 4.honour v.尊敬,敬重 honourable adj.可敬的

3、 5.relative n.亲戚,亲属 relation n.关系 relate v.联系 6.depress v.使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷 depressed adj.沮丧的 depressing adj.令人沮丧的 depression n.沮丧,消沉 7.ambition n.志气,抱负,雄心 ambitious adj.有志气的,有野心的 8.relief n.(痛苦、忧虑等的 )解除,减轻,调剂 relieve v.解除,减轻,缓和 9.collection n.收藏;收藏品 collect v.收藏 collector n.收藏家,收集者 10.relax v.使放松,使轻松

4、 relaxed adj.轻松的,无拘无束的 relaxing adj.使人放松的 relaxation n.放松,消遣,娱乐 11.regulate v.规定,管理,整顿 regulation n.规 则,条例 regular adj.有规律的;平常的 irregular (反义词 ) adj.不正常的,不合乎常规的 会积累 1.聚焦 “ 因果 ” 关系的词汇 as a result of 因为,由于 therefore 所以 consequently 因此,所以 as a result 结果 thus 因此,所以 in consequence 由于 as a consequence 结果

5、2. ic 结尾名词荟萃 characteristic 特征 classic 名著 clinic 诊所 plastic 塑料 3.由 combine 想到的 connect v. 连接;联合 relate v. 使联系 join v. 结合,连接 【 精品教育资源文库 】 associate v. 使联合 unite v. 使结合 4.后缀 tion 名词万花筒 collection 收藏;收藏品 relation 关系 instruction 说明;指导 competition 比赛,竞赛 situation 情况;状况 regulation 规则,条例 introduction 引进;介

6、绍 communica tion 交际;交往 5.de开头动词集汇 depress 使沮丧 decline 下降,减少 delight 使 (某人 )高兴 debate 辩论,争论 decrease 减少,减小 会应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.All the players were depressed about the depressing result, which depressed the captain too.(depress) 2.Our activities should be regulated by the regulation.And we should do th

7、ings through regular channels.So those irregular activities must be corrected.(regulate) 3.After hearing some relaxing music, she felt quite relaxed,_and there was relaxed expression on her face.(relax) 4.The young man with great ambition had an ambitious plan to build a school in the poor village.(

8、ambition) 5.The old collector likes to collect some old paintings and there is a fine art collection in his large house.(collect) 6.They are honourable heroes in history and all of us honour them deeply.(honour) 【 精品教育资源文库 】 7.To my relief, the new medicine bought from Japan helped relieve the pain

9、 of my brothers injured leg.(relief) 8.She related her failure to my not helping her, so I found it difficult to sustain good relationship with her.In fact her failure was not related to me at all.(relate) 9.The volunteers have made voluntary contributions to the cause of rural economic improvement.

10、(volunteer) . 核心短语 识记 联想 运用 会书写 1.be_true_of/for 与 ? 情况相同 2.all_of_a_sudden 突然间 3.depend_on/upon 依靠,依赖 4.give_life_to 赋予 ? 生命 (生命力、活力 ) 5.(be)_the_same_with 与 ? 情况相同 6.in addition to 除 ? 之外 7.share feelings and ideas with 与 ? 分享感受和想法 8.make contact with 与 ? 进行来往 9.draw upon/on 利用,凭借,依赖 10.be connect

11、ed with 与 ? 有关 _ 会积累 1.学会 “ 利用 ” draw upon/on make (good/full) use of take advantage of make the best of make the most of 2.“be 过去分词 prep.” 短语荟萃 be connected with 与 ? 有关 be tired of 厌烦 ? be filled with 装满 ? 【 精品教育资源文库 】 be faced with 面临,面对 be interested in 对 ? 感兴趣 会应用 选用上表左 栏短语填空 1.Because the writ

12、er fell ill all_of_a_sudden, the novel to be published by the end of next month was put off. 2.In_addition_to the rising birth rate and immigration, the declining death rate also resulted in the population growth. 3.A recent study shows that health problems are closely connected_with bad eating habi

13、ts and a lack of physical exercise. 4.Drawing_upon/on historical evidence, they tried their best to defend their point of view. 5.Many wines improve with age, and it is the_same_with friendship. 6.A club is a place where you can make frequent contact_with your friends. . 经典句式 分析 背诵 仿写 句型公式 1: the mo

14、ment 可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,表示 “ 一 ? 就 ?” 。 教材原句 The moment they start to play, it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world. 她们一开始演奏,就立刻证明了 “ 女子十二乐坊 ” 的成员都位居世界上最具天赋的音乐家的行列。 句型仿写 Tired and exhausted, she managed to make a flag with her yellow blouse and fell

15、asleep the_moment_she_closed_her_eyes. 又累又倦,她设法用她的黄衬衫做了一面旗,她一闭上眼睛就睡着了。 (2018 浙江 10 月卷 满分作文 ) 【 精品教育资源文库 】 句型公式 2: Its the same with. So it is with.表示 “? 也这样 ” 。 教材原句 Its the same with classical Chinese music. 中国古典音乐也是一样。 句型仿写 Tom likes playing the violin and is good at English.It_is_the_same_with h

16、is_sister. 汤姆喜欢拉小提琴,擅长英语,他姐姐也是一样。 句型公式 3: It is adj. (for sb) to do sth 句型 , 表示 “ 对于 (某人来说 )做某事 ?” 。 教材原句 Therefore, it is very difficult for musicians from the rest of the world to win prizes. 因此,对于世界上其他的音乐家来说要获奖是非常困难的。 句型仿写 It_was_exciting_for_us_to_play the video on the graduation ceremony and it

17、 was well received. 在毕业典礼上播放这个 视频,我们非常兴奋,视频深受欢迎。 (2017 北京卷 满分作文 ) . 语篇填空 回顾 补全 热诵 根据课文内容,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Liu Fang, 1.a famous international music star, had a great talent for music playing at a very early age.2.As a child she was often taken to performances by her mother and learned to p

18、lay the yueqin and the pipa.She 3.has_given (give) concerts since she was eleven, 4.including (include) a performance for the Queen of England during her visit to China.At 15, she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, 5.where she studied the pipa and the guzheng.After she graduated, she worked

19、 as a pipa soloist in her hometown Kunming. As Liu Fang said , the 6.biggest(big) challenge in her performance is 7.to_respect (respect) the traditions but to add her own style when 8.playing (play) the pipa and the guzheng. Under the deep influences of 9.traditional (tradition) Chinese singing, she

20、 can make listeners hear singing in her music.Liu Fang enjoys playing and performing in public.She likes to share feelings and 10.ideas(idea) with friends and music lovers.And she wishes to compose her own music, using elements from different 【 精品教育资源文库 】 cultures. 核 心 词 汇 bine v.结合,联合 (1)combine.with/and.把 ? 和 ? 结合起来 combine to do sth 联合起来做某事 /合起来促成某事 be combined with 与 ? 相结合 (2)combination n. 组合;结合;混合 in combination with 与 ? 联合起来 The pipa sounds and the pauses combine to_make (make) a poetry of sound.(教材原句 ) 琵琶演奏抑扬顿挫,给声音赋予了诗的意境。 If he can combine his abi


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