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1、 并列连词要点一:并列连词的用法要点一:并列连词的用法 表示联合关系的并列连词 and,bothand,neithernor,not only.but also,as well as.and,bothand,neithernor,not only.but also,as well as.e.g.e.g.I am a teacher and he is a doctor.I am a teacher and he is a doctor.Both his father and his mother like watching TV.Both his father and his mother l

2、ike watching TV.Neither he nor she is at home today.Neither he nor she is at home today.Not only the young but also the old can speak Not only the young but also the old can speak English there.English there.Tom as well as his friends wants to go hiking.Tom as well as his friends wants to go hiking.

3、表示转折关系的并列连词 but,while,but,while,however,however,yet yet eg:eg:I want to help you,but I really dont know what to do.I want to help you,but I really dont know what to do.I like math while my brother likes Chinese.I like math while my brother likes Chinese.We are tired after the tour.However,we are hap

4、py.We are tired after the tour.However,we are happy.She worked hard,yet she failed.She worked hard,yet she failed.表示选择关系的并列连词 or,eitheror or,eitheror eg eg:Do you often go to school by bike or on foot?Do you often go to school by bike or on foot?Either you or he has to go.Either you or he has to go.

5、表示因果关系的连词 for,so for,so eg:The shop was quite new,for it had opened only eg:The shop was quite new,for it had opened only the week before.the week before.It was late,so we went home.It was late,so we went home.ExerciseExercise1.Mr.Green came to China in 2000 _ he has lived here ever since.1.Mr.Green

6、 came to China in 2000 _ he has lived here ever since.A.and B.or C.but D.so A.and B.or C.but D.so 2._ you _ your brother can join us.We want one of you.2._ you _ your brother can join us.We want one of you.A.Both;and B.Neither;nor A.Both;and B.Neither;nor C.Either;or D.Not only;but alsoC.Either;or D

7、.Not only;but also3.Bruce is a queit student,_ he is active in class.3.Bruce is a queit student,_ he is active in class.A.so B.and C.but D.orA.so B.and C.but D.or4.None of the shoes in the shop are the right size.4.None of the shoes in the shop are the right size.They are _ too big _ too small.They

8、are _ too big _ too small.A.both;and B.neither;nor A.both;and B.neither;nor C.either;or D.not only;but alsoC.either;or D.not only;but also5.I5.Im looking for a babysitter.She must be _ too old m looking for a babysitter.She must be _ too old _ too _ too young.young.A.neither;nor B.both;andA.neither;

9、nor B.both;andC.either;or D.not only;but also C.either;or D.not only;but also 6.I won 6.I wont go to the party tomorrow.t go to the party tomorrow._ you told me you would.What _ you told me you would.Whats happening?s happening?A.But B.So C.And D.Or A.But B.So C.And D.Or 7.Stop cutting trees,_ the e

10、arth will become 7.Stop cutting trees,_ the earth will become worse and worse.worse and worse.A.and B.but C.or A.and B.but C.or D.then D.then8.I know _ I promised to take you to dinner,8.I know _ I promised to take you to dinner,but I wont finish working until ten oclock.but I wont finish working un

11、til ten oclock.A.that B.if C.what D.why A.that B.if C.what D.why 1.马力喜欢这部电影。Mary loves this movie.2.穿黑色衣服的那个女生是杨幂。The girl in black is Yangmi.3.郭敬明不是一个基佬。Guo Jingming isnt a gay.1.你喜欢这部电影吗?Do you like this movie?2.郭敬明多高?How tall is Guo Jingming?3.郭敬明是个基佬,难道不是吗?Guo Jingming is a gay,isnt he?1.多忙的电影啊!

12、(以what&how引导)What a busy movie!How busy the movie is!2.不要在电影院里放屁(fart)!Dont fart at the cinema!3.请关门.Please close the door.句子种类你造吗!句子种类你造吗!:说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式和否定式。语序是主语在前,谓语在后。Mary loves this movie.The girl in black is Yangmi.Guo Jingming isnt a gay.肯定句式:否定句式:She cant swim.Mary doesnt like this movi

13、e.The children didnt go to school yesterday.在一般现在时和一般过去时中,当句子谓语动词是实义动词是,否定句式要用合适的助动词 dont,doesnt,didnt.按使用目的可分:陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句。1)一般疑问句:用来询问一件事,答案通常是yes或 no,注意语序。Are you a pig?Do you love me?Isnt she a beautiful teacher?Can you fly?2)特殊疑问句:常用的特殊疑问词 what,where,who,when,why,which,howWhat day is it toda

14、y?Where are you going?How are you?Who are you?3)选择疑问句:要求对方对两种或两种以上的情况选择其一的问句,叫选择疑问句。选择问句的两种或多种情况用or连接,语调先升后降,回答时不用yes或no。-Are you a boy or a girl?-Im a girl.-Where are you going,Shenzhen orThailand?-Im going to Thailand.4)反意疑问句:陈述句之后加上一个与之意思相反的简短问句,这种结构的句子叫反意疑问句。原则:前肯后否,前否后肯。-You are a dog,arent you

15、?-No,Im not.-She likes eating Mc Donald,doesnt she?-Yes,she does.表示强烈感情或情绪的句子,一般由what或how引导。What a handsome boy he is!1.他是一个多么帅的男孩啊!【what引导的感叹句】【how引导的感叹句】How handsome the boy is!2.这是一只多么可爱的狗啊!What a lovely dog it is!How lovely the dog is!【what引导的感叹句】【how引导的感叹句】表示说话人直接向听话人发出命令、请求、邀请或提出劝告、建议等的句子。祈使句的

16、主语经常省略。No smoking!不要抽烟!Dont fart at the cinema!不要在电影院放屁!Never give up!永不言弃!Let it go!随它吧!按句子结构可分:简单句、并列句和复合句。1.盗墓笔记很受欢迎。The Lost Tomb is very popular.2.吴邪和张起灵都很帅。Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling are handsome.3.吴邪起立然后向我走过来。Wu Xie stands up and walks to me.基本句型一:+(主谓)基本句型二:+O (主谓宾)基本句型三:+P (主系表)基本句型四:+IO+DO (主

17、谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:+O+OC (主谓宾宾补)把两个或几个简单句,用并列连词连接起来成为并列句。He was tired.He went to bed.He was tired so he went to bed.Im ugly.Im gentle.Im ugly but Im gentle.常用的并列连词 and,bothand,平行并列连词 not onlybut also,neithernor but,however转折并列连词 while yet because 因果并列连词 so for,therefore or选择并列连词 otherwise eitheror1.Mary is

18、 thirsty,_ she needs a glass of water.2.He is an actor,_ his wife is a singer.3.He was so tired,_ he had to go to school.4.Dont be late,_ there is a meeting.5.Hurry up,_youll be late.6.He works hard _ his brother is a lazy bone.soand/whilebutbecauseorwhile/but主句+从句He says something.宾语成分(由一个词语充当)He s

19、ays that they are family.宾语成分(由一个句子充当)vI hope that everything is all right.vShe was reading the newspaper when I came in.vShe is the girl who sings best of all.1.He has found out.She was late.(why)请用括号中所给的词把每组句子连接为一个复合句。2.I still remember the day.I first came to Aixuetang on that day.(when)3.This is

20、 Mary.Mary is a pig.(who)TNANK YOU第三篇语法知识专题第三篇语法知识专题第十一节非谓语动词非谓语动词分为动词不定式、动名词和分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)。(一)动词不定式的功能功能例句作主语itsadj.for sb./of sb.to do sth.(it为形式主语,to do sth.为真正的主语)Its not easy for us to learn English.作表语The most important thing is to finish your homework first.作宾语动词to dowant/decide/pretend/wis

21、h/learn/would like to do动词形式宾语(it)宾补to doI find it hard to get good grades.“动词疑问词to do”可改成“动词宾语从句”I dont know how to do it.I dont know how I should do it.30功能例句作补语动词宾语to dotell/ask/like/invite/allow/encourage sb.to do sth.动词宾语不带to的不定式一感(feel)一听(hear)三看(see,watch,notice)三让(have,make,let)sb.do sth.作状语

22、目的:He got up early to catch the first bus.结果:He is too tired to walk again.作定语I have something to tell you.Zunyi is a good place to live in.31(二)动名词的功能功能例句作主语动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数Reading more books is good for us.作宾语完成实践值得忙(finish,practice,be worth,be busy)继续习惯别放弃(keep on,be used to,give up)考虑建议不禁想(conside

23、r,suggest,cant help,feel like)喜欢思念要介意(enjoy,miss,mind)He enjoyed playing basketball.作表语His favorite sport is playing soccer.作定语shopping listfinishing line32(三)分词的功能功能现在分词(-ing)过去分词(-ed)作表语The story is boring.My watch is broken.作定语developing country(发展中国家)developed country(发达国家)作宾补I found him lying o

24、n the grass.I had my hair cut yesterday.33(四)非谓语动词考点1“一感一听三看两让”变被动语态时,动词不定式符号to要还原:feel/hear/see/watch/notice/have/make sb.do sth.be felt/heard/seen/watched/noticed/had/made to do sth.2remember/forget/regret to do sth.记得/忘记/遗憾去做某事remember/forget/regret doing sth.记得/忘记/后悔做了某事3stop to do sth.停下来去做某事st

25、op doing sth.停止做某事4see/hear sb.doing sth.看见/听见某人正在做某事see/hear sb.do sth.看见/听见某人做了某事或常做某事345常考的省略了to的动词不定式的句型Why not do sth.?/Could(would)you please(not)do sth.?/had better(not)do sth./would rather do.than do6固定形式:the first/last/next/only/second to do sth.He is the only person to know the truth.She i

26、s the first person to learn computer programming.7there be 主语to do sth.There is nothing to worry about.358后跟doing 的常考短语have difficulty/trouble/problems doingfeel like doingwould like to dospend time(in)doingbe busy doingprefer doing to doingbe used to doinglook forward to doingdevote to doingmake a

27、contribution to doing36考点一动词不定式1(2016中考改编)Dont forget_your history and politics books tomorrow morning.Thanks.I wont.()Abring Bto bringCbringing2(2016中考改编)We can make a fire_ the room warm so that we can chat for a while.()Ato keepBkeepingCkeep3(2016中考改编)_ a volunteer is great.I think so.Some of us

28、want_volunteers for the London Olympics.()ABeing;being BTo be;beingCBeing;to beBAC374(2016中考改编)Granny often tells us_water in our daily life.()AsaveBSavingCto save5(2016中考改编)Teachers always warn the school kids_with strangers on their way home.()Anot talkBnot to talkCno talking6 (2 0 1 6 中 考 改 编)S o

29、 b e a u t i f u l f l o w e r s!I c a n t decide_for my mom.For Mothers Day.It cant be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).()Awhen to chooseBwhich to chooseChow to chooseCBB38考点二动名词1(2016中考改编)Would you like_or shall we go by bus?I prefer_,but we have to take a taxi,for time is short.()Awalking;to w

30、alk Bto walk;walkingCwalk;to walk2(2016中考改编)May I have a rest?I have already finished_the report.()Awrite BwritingCto writeBB393(2016中考改编)Its a fine day today.How about_?Sounds great!()Ago hikingBgo to hikeCgoing hiking4(2016中考改编)On her way home Lucy saw a thief_in a shop.She stopped_110 at once.()A

31、steal;callingBstealing;callingCstealing;to callCC40考点三分词1(2016中考改编)The new treatments_by Norman Bethune helped a number of soldiers.()AinventedBinventsCinvent2(2016中考改编)While I was walking along the lake,I saw some fish_out of the water.()AjumpedBare jumpingCjumpingAC413(2016中考改编)Is tea ready?No,mot

32、her is_it ready now.()Adoing BgettingCcooking4(2016中考改编)Oh!Whats the matter?Im really_all the time.I have no energy.()AbusyBtiredChappyBB42BmeetingAdoingBrunningCrepairedAbeClaughing43第三篇语法知识专题第三篇语法知识专题第十四节并列句并列句:简单句并列连词简单句类型并列连词类型并列连词表平行and,both.and.,not only.but also.,neither.nor.,as well as表转折but

33、,yet(然而),while(而)表选择or,not.but.(不是而是),either.or.(要么要么)表因果as,for,so46考点并列句(2016中考改编)The story is_and all of us are_in it.()Ainterest;interestingBinteresting;interestCinteresting;interestedC47第三篇语法知识专题第三篇语法知识专题第十节动词的语态(一)分类语态例句主动语态:表示主语是动作的执行者Many people speak Chinese.被动语态:表示主语是动作的承受者Chinese is spoken

34、 by many people.50(二)常用被动语态的形式及构成(以do为例)时态构成例句一般现在时am/is/aredoneThe classroom is cleaned every day.一般过去时was/wereThe classroom was cleaned just now.现在进行时am/is/are beingThe classroom is being cleaned now.过去进行时was/were beingThe classroom was being cleaned at this time yesterday.一般将来时will/shall beThe cl

35、assroom will be cleaned tomorrow.过去将来时would beThe classroom would be cleaned the next day.现在完成时have/has beenThe classroom has already been cleaned.过去完成时had beenThe classroom had already been cleaned by them.情态动词can/may/must/should beThe classroom must be cleaned every day.51(三)被动语态考点1sell和sell outse

36、ll无被动语态;sell out有被动语态The book sells very well.The book has been sold out.2take place/happen/change/break out(爆发)无被动语态Our home town has changed a lot.A car accident happened just now.523动词不等式符号to在be made/be heard/be seen中还原be made to do sth.被迫做某事;be heard/seen to do sth.被听到/看到做某事The workers were made

37、 to work for a long time in the old time.The girl is heard to sing in the next door.The boys are seen to play soccer on the playground.53考点一被动语态的应用1(2016中考改编)In many places in China,the old over 90_not only by their family but also by the government.()Ais taking good careBare taken good care ofCis t

38、aking good care of2(2016中考改编)Bamboo can_ paper.()Aused to makeBbe used makeCbe used to make3(2016中考改编)It is true that knowledge_rather than being taught.()AlearnsBlearnedCis learnedBCC544(2016中考改编)Driving after drinking wine_in China.()AallowsBdoesnt allowCisnt allowed5(2016中考改编)The disabled people

39、shouldnt_.Instead,we should be friendly to them.()Alook downBlook down onCbe looked down onCC55考点二被动语态的几种特殊形式1(2016中考改编)In the past the children were made_15 hours a day.()AworksBworkCto work2(2016中考改编)The 31st Olympic Games_in Brazil in 2016.()AholdBwill holdCwill be held3(2016中考改编)Wow!You have a t

40、icket to the Expo.It_by my uncle.He is working in Shanghai.()A.is boughtB was boughtC.has bought4(2016中考改编)I_to take part in the English speech contest last week.()AaskBaskedCwas askedCCBC56Cwill be heldAhappenedBbe wateredBto studyBwere plantedA/57第三篇语法知识专题第三篇语法知识专题第十四节并列句并列句:简单句并列连词简单句类型并列连词类型并列连词

41、表平行and,both.and.,not only.but also.,neither.nor.,as well as表转折but,yet(然而),while(而)表选择or,not.but.(不是而是),either.or.(要么要么)表因果as,for,so60考点并列句(2016中考改编)The story is_and all of us are_in it.()Ainterest;interestingBinteresting;interestCinteresting;interestedC61第三篇语法知识专题第三篇语法知识专题第十五节复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上从句构成的句子

42、叫复合句。分为宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句。(一)宾语从句:在句子中起宾语作用的从句。时态(1)主句是过去时,从句用相应的过去时态(客观真理除外)(2)主句是一般现在时,从句的时态根据具体情况确定语序从句一律用陈述语序,即“主语谓语”连接词(1)that无实际含义,可省略(2)what,when,where,how,who,whom和whose等疑问词变为连接词(3)if,whether 的含义为“是否”人称一(第一人称)随主,二随宾,三不变64(二)定语从句:在句中作定语,修饰一个名词或代词的从句关系代/副词用法共同点who只能指人,在从句中作主语或宾语who,which,that在定语从句

43、中作宾语时可以省略which只能指物,在从句中作主语或宾语that(指人时相当于who,指物时相当于which)(1)先行词被最高级或序数词修饰时(2)先行词被the only,all,any,no,the last,just,the very等修饰时(3)先行词是something,anything,nothing,everything,little,few,many,all,no,none,等时where指地点,在从句中作状语:I like the place where the weather is warm.65(三)状语从句:在句中作状语,修饰主句中的谓语、形容词或副词等的从句。从句

44、类型从句的引导词从句类型从句的引导词时间状语从句when,while,before,after,until,since,as soon as原因状语从句because,as,since,for条件状语从句if,unless,as/so long as(只要)结果状语从句so.that.,such.that.目的状语从句so that,in order that比较状语从句than,as.as.,not as/so.as.让步状语从句though/although,even if/though,whatever,whenever.地点状语从句where,wherever66that that 和

45、whichwhich用法口诀(定语从句中)thatthat,whichwhich可互换,下列情况不替换。thatthat情况比较多,不妨对你说一说。不定代词这一伙,全用thatthat准没错。先行词前被限制,千万不要用whichwhich。要用whichwhich别着急,介词提前逗隔离。67(四)复合句考点1宾语从句两考点1)必须是陈述句语序;2)除客观真理外,从句时态要和主句时态一致。Would you please tell me where the writer lives?She said she had seen this movie before.My grandma once t

46、old me that the sun rises in the east.2think,believe,suppose,expect 的宾语从句要“否定转移”。I dont think he will come back at once.(我认为他不会立刻回来。)683not.until 直到才I didnt go to bed until my mom came back last night.4结果状语从句so adj.thatShe is so lovely a girl that we like her very much.sucha/anadj.n.thatShe is such

47、a lovely girl that we like her very much.5so.that.的否定结构可与too.to./not.enough to do相互替换。He is so young that he cant write or read.He is too young to write or read.He isnt old enough to write or read.696if,unless引导的条件状语从句和when,as soon as引导的时间状语从句谓语动词要遵循“主将从现”原则。Ill give you a call as soon as I get to K

48、unming.He wont pass the finalexam unless he studies hard.7since 引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时,从句常用过去时。The foreign teacher has taught us since he came to China.70考点一状语从句1(2016中考改编)_ you have tried it on,you cant imagine how pretty the new style skirt is.()ABecauseBAlthoughCUnless2(2016中考改编)You bought the car ab

49、out ten years ago?Yes._ its old,it still runs well.()ABecauseBSinceCAlthough3(2016中考改编)We will climb the mountain tomorrow_it doesnt rain.()AifBalthoughCsinceCCA714(2016中考改编)I can still remember meeting her at a party_it was a long time ago.()AbecauseBthoughCuntil5(2016中考改编)Jane,please turn off the

50、lights_you leave the classroom.()Aafter BbeforeCuntilBB72考点二宾语从句1(2016中考改编)I wonder_.Im afraid well be late.()Ahow we can be on timeBwhat we are going to doCif we will arrive at the meeting on time2(2016中考改编)Could you please tell me_?Sorry,you can turn to Mr Lee for help.()Ahow long can man live wit


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