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1、According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline神神经系统检查经系统检查dxxAccording to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,com

2、bined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 神经系统的临床检查神经系统的临床检查 任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查 任务二任务二 头颅和脊柱检查头颅和脊柱检查 任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查 任务四任务四 感觉机能检查感觉机能检查 任务五任务五 反射机能检查反射机能检查 According to the assessment requirements of party conduct

3、 and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline犬的神经系统犬的神经系统According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of

4、 state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline猫的神经系统猫的神经系统According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查精神状态正

5、常异常兴奋抑制According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 动物的精神状态包括精神兴奋和精神抑制两种现象,它反映着脑的机能状态。主要观察患病动物的神态,根据其耳、眼的活动、面部表情及身体的姿势以及鸣叫、踢咬等各种防卫性反应。健康动物表现:

6、头耳灵活、眼光明亮、反应迅速、行动敏捷、被毛平顺并富有光泽,幼龄动物则表现活泼好动。任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查 精神兴奋精神兴奋 大脑皮层兴奋性

7、增高,大脑皮层兴奋性增高,对轻微的刺激即表现出对轻微的刺激即表现出强烈的反应。高度兴奋强烈的反应。高度兴奋时表现为狂躁不安、狂时表现为狂躁不安、狂奔乱跳、攻击人畜、高奔乱跳、攻击人畜、高声鸣叫等。声鸣叫等。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disc

8、ipline 1.脑疾患(如脑膜充血,脑疾患(如脑膜充血,炎症及颅内压升高等)炎症及颅内压升高等)2.中毒性疾病(如微生物中毒性疾病(如微生物毒素,化学药品或植物中毒素,化学药品或植物中毒)毒)3.日射病和热射病、传染日射病和热射病、传染病(如传染性脑脊髓炎,病(如传染性脑脊髓炎,狂犬病)狂犬病)精神兴精神兴奋原因奋原因任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and fi

9、ve new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline精神抑制精神抑制 大脑皮层抑制过程占大脑皮层抑制过程占 优势的表现优势的表现 按轻重程度可分为沉郁按轻重程度可分为沉郁 昏睡和昏迷昏睡和昏迷任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new r

10、equirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 1、精神沉郁。又称嗜睡,是皮质机能轻度抑制的表现。病畜对周围事物注意力减弱,反应迟钝,呆立,不愿运动。病犬和病猪常躲在角落里不听使唤,病马耳耷头低,眼半闭站立不动。精神沉郁多由于脑组织受毒素作用、一定程度的缺氧和血糖过低所致。任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with

11、 the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 2、昏睡。皮质机能中等抑制的表现。病畜陷入沉睡状态,头部常抵在饲槽或墙壁上,或躺卧入睡,强烈刺激时才能使之觉醒,但反应及其迟钝,并很快又陷入沉睡状态。见于脑炎及颅内压增高等。3、昏迷。皮质机能高度抑制的表现。病畜卧地不起,呼唤不应,意识完全丧失,各种反射均消失,甚至瞳孔散大、粪尿失禁。给予强烈的刺激亦无反应,仅保留植物性神经的机能活动。重度昏迷常为预后不良的征兆。任务一任务

12、一 精神状态检查精神状态检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 1 1.沉郁沉郁:见于许多疾病的见于许多疾病的过程中过程中 2 2.昏睡昏睡:常见于脑炎及颅常见于脑炎及颅内内 压增高压增高 3 3.昏迷昏迷:常常见于颅内病变见于

13、颅内病变及及代谢性疾病代谢性疾病精神抑精神抑制表现制表现任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 注意:临床上还有一种晕厥现象。晕厥,又称为昏厥,亦为意识丧失,但与昏迷不同。晕厥乃是一种突然发生的

14、而为时短暂的意识丧失,常因心输出量减少或血压突然下降引起急性脑贫血,而大脑一时性广泛性供血不足所致,常见于急性心功能不全、大失血等,低血糖或过度换气,也可引起晕厥现象。任务一任务一 精神状态检查精神状态检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disc

15、ipline 主要用视诊、触诊及叩诊的方法进行。主要用视诊、触诊及叩诊的方法进行。一、头颅检查一、头颅检查 二、脊柱检查二、脊柱检查任务二任务二 头颅和脊柱检查头颅和脊柱检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline任务二任务二 头颅和

16、脊柱检查头颅和脊柱检查 头颅检查头颅检查 注意头颅的形注意头颅的形态和大小,发态和大小,发育是否与躯体育是否与躯体各部相协调对各部相协调对称,温度、硬称,温度、硬度等变化度等变化 According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline一、头颅检查一

17、、头颅检查 1.视诊:检查者位于动物头部的正、侧面进行观察,正常动物头部外形轮廓均称,耳鼻端正,给人以舒适的感觉。幼畜表现头大、颈短的不匀称结构 头面部的皮下浮肿 2.触诊:对头部进行触压,感觉局部的变化,观察动物有无异常反应。3.叩诊:主要使用手指叩诊,健康家畜为空盒音;如果出现浊音,应怀疑蓄脓、积水或骨瘤等。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of

18、state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline正常动物头部外形 轮廓均称,耳鼻端正According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline正常动物头部外形轮廓均称,耳鼻端正Ac

19、cording to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline头面部的皮下浮肿According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined wit

20、h the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline头面部的皮下浮肿马的纤维性骨营养不良According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise lead

21、ers integrity and self-discipline犬头部的脱毛According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 脊柱脊柱检查检查 1.1.脊柱弯曲脊柱弯曲:见于脑膜炎、见于脑膜炎、脊脊 髓炎和破伤风髓炎和破伤风、骨质骨质代谢障

22、碍性疾病代谢障碍性疾病。2 2.脊柱弯曲脊柱弯曲、压痛及僵硬压痛及僵硬 见于见于硬创伤性骨折、药物硬创伤性骨折、药物中毒及风湿性病中毒及风湿性病。任务二任务二 头颅和脊柱检查头颅和脊柱检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 1.

23、脊柱的组成 脊柱是由颈椎、胸椎、腰椎、荐椎和尾椎五个部位的骨骼组成,由一系列椎骨借软骨、关节和韧带连接而成。位于体正中,构成动物体的颈部、胸部、腰荐部、臀部和尾部。2.脊柱的作用 保护脊髓、支持头部和体重、悬吊内脏等。二、脊柱检查According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity a

24、nd self-discipline脊柱的视诊和触诊 一、颈部一、颈部 僵硬、敏感、活动不自如,多提示僵硬、敏感、活动不自如,多提示颈部风颈部风湿或破伤风。湿或破伤风。突然歪斜、弯向一侧,局部肌肉僵直、出突然歪斜、弯向一侧,局部肌肉僵直、出汗及运动功能障碍,应疑及汗及运动功能障碍,应疑及颈椎脱位或骨颈椎脱位或骨折折。多为。多为机械性暴力所致机械性暴力所致。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and fiv

25、e new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline头颈四肢僵直,尾根竖起呈木马状。头颈四肢僵直,尾根竖起呈木马状。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity an

26、d self-discipline头颈四肢僵直,尾根竖起呈木马状。头颈四肢僵直,尾根竖起呈木马状。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 二、腰荐部二、腰荐部 腰部拱起或凹陷,触诊椎骨变形,多见于腰部拱起或凹陷,触诊椎骨变形,多见于

27、骨软骨软症和佝偻病症和佝偻病。触诊腰荐部敏感,多为触诊腰荐部敏感,多为脊髓或脊髓膜炎脊髓或脊髓膜炎的症候的症候或见于或见于肾炎肾炎。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline幼畜的佝偻病,在体格矮小的同时其躯体结构呈明显改变,如头大颈短

28、、关节粗大、肢体弯曲或脊柱凸凹等特征形象。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline强力触压腰荐部强力触压腰荐部According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and

29、clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 三、臀部三、臀部 臀部肌肉震颤,表现为皮肤和被毛有节律不自臀部肌肉震颤,表现为皮肤和被毛有节律不自主的交替收缩,可见于发热初期、疼痛性病理主的交替收缩,可见于发热初期、疼痛性病理过程及过程及某些脑病或中毒、内中毒某些脑病或中毒、内中毒。触诊臀部肌肉肿胀,僵硬感,多是触诊臀部肌肉肿胀,僵硬感,多是马肌红蛋白马肌红蛋白

30、尿尿的一个重要症状。的一个重要症状。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 四、尾部四、尾部 健康动物,尾力较强,尾力减弱或无力,是健康动物,尾力较强,尾力减弱或无力,是重度衰竭重度衰竭的表现,可见于的表现,可见于衰竭症及慢性消耗性

31、疾病衰竭症及慢性消耗性疾病引起的全身引起的全身衰竭。如牛的结核、马的慢性传染性贫血。衰竭。如牛的结核、马的慢性传染性贫血。尾部挺起,常提示为尾部挺起,常提示为破伤风破伤风。触诊尾椎关节呈捻珠样肿胀并有疼痛,是关节脱钙及触诊尾椎关节呈捻珠样肿胀并有疼痛,是关节脱钙及环状改变的结果。但应注意环状改变的结果。但应注意排除因损伤而引起的肿胀。排除因损伤而引起的肿胀。According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and fi

32、ve new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline健康动物,尾力较强健康动物,尾力较强According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discip

33、line尾力减弱或无力尾力减弱或无力According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查 强迫运动强迫运动 共济失调共济失调 痉挛痉挛 瘫痪(麻痹)瘫痪(麻痹)According to the assessm

34、ent requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 强迫运动强迫运动 由于脑机能障碍所引起由于脑机能障碍所引起的不受意识支配和外界的不受意识支配和外界环境影响,而出现的强环境影响,而出现的强制发生的有规律的运动制发生的有规律的运动。任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查According t

35、o the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 盲目运动盲目运动 圆圈运动圆圈运动 暴进及暴退暴进及暴退 滚转运动滚转运动强强迫迫运运动动任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查According to the assessment requirements of

36、 party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 动物作无目的地动物作无目的地徘徊走动徘徊走动,对外对外界刺激缺乏反应界刺激缺乏反应。常见于脑部炎症、常见于脑部炎症、脊髓损伤所引起脊髓损伤所引起的意识障碍的意识障碍。盲盲目目运运动动任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查According to the assessment r

37、equirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 动物按一定方向动物按一定方向作圆圈运动作圆圈运动。见于脑炎,脑脓见于脑炎,脑脓肿,一侧性脑室肿,一侧性脑室积水积水。任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查圆圆圈圈运运动动According to the assessment requirements

38、 of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 1 1.暴进暴进:常步或速步不顾常步或速步不顾障碍向前狂进障碍向前狂进,见于大见于大脑皮层运动区,纹状体、脑皮层运动区,纹状体、丘脑等受损伤丘脑等受损伤 2 2.暴退暴退:是头颅后仰,连是头颅后仰,连续后退续后退,见于小脑损伤、见于小脑损伤、颈肌痉挛等颈肌痉挛等。任务三任

39、务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查暴暴进进暴暴退退According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 动物不自主的地向一侧倾动物不自主的地向一侧倾倒或强制卧于一侧,或以倒或强制卧于一侧,或以躯体的长轴为中心向患侧躯体的长轴为中心向患侧滚转滚转。见于

40、延脑、小脑脚、前庭见于延脑、小脑脚、前庭神经、内耳迷路受损的疾神经、内耳迷路受损的疾病病。任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查滚滚转转运运动动According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 运动时肌群动作相互不协调运动时肌群动作相互不协调

41、所致动物体位和各种运动的所致动物体位和各种运动的异常表现异常表现。常见有体位平衡失调和运动常见有体位平衡失调和运动性失调性失调。任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查 共济失调共济失调According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 动物在站

42、立状态下出现动物在站立状态下出现的失调的失调,如如“醉酒状醉酒状”。常见于小脑、前庭神经常见于小脑、前庭神经或迷路受损害或迷路受损害。任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查体位体位平衡平衡失调失调According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disciplin

43、e 动物在运动时出现的失调动物在运动时出现的失调,其步幅、,其步幅、运动强度、方向性均发生异常,动运动强度、方向性均发生异常,动作缺乏节奏性、准确性和协调性。作缺乏节奏性、准确性和协调性。常见于大脑皮层(额叶或颞叶)、常见于大脑皮层(额叶或颞叶)、小脑、脊髓(脊髓背根或背索)及小脑、脊髓(脊髓背根或背索)及前庭神经或前庭核、迷路受损害前庭神经或前庭核、迷路受损害。任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查运动运动性失调性失调According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined

44、with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disciplineAccording to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity a

45、nd self-disciplineAccording to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 肌肉不随意的急剧收肌肉不随意的急剧收缩称为痉挛缩称为痉挛。包括包括阵发性痉挛阵发性痉挛和和强强直性痉挛直性痉挛。任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查痉挛痉

46、挛According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disciplineAccording to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the

47、 five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 单块肌肉或单个肌群发生短暂、迅单块肌肉或单个肌群发生短暂、迅速的一阵阵有节律的不随意收缩,速的一阵阵有节律的不随意收缩,突然发生,并且迅速停止突然发生,并且迅速停止。脑炎,有机磷、食盐中脑炎,有机磷、食盐中毒,低血钙,青草搐搦毒,低血钙,青草搐搦 任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查阵发性阵发性痉挛痉挛According to the assessment requirement

48、s of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disciplineAccording to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requireme

49、nts of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disciplineAccording to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-discipline 肌肉长时间均等的连续肌肉长时间均等的连续收缩而无弛缓的一种

50、不随收缩而无弛缓的一种不随意运动意运动 见于见于破伤风破伤风,脑炎,马钱,脑炎,马钱子中毒等子中毒等任务三任务三 运动机能检查运动机能检查强直性强直性痉挛痉挛According to the assessment requirements of party conduct and clean government,combined with the five regulations and five new requirements of state-owned Enterprise leaders integrity and self-disciplineAccording to the a


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