第21课 九上 Modules11-12 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

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1、第一篇第一篇 中考语言基础知识中考语言基础知识第第2121课课 九上九上 Modules 1112 1112重点易错单词1._(adj.)整体的;普遍的2._(n.)标准;水准3._(n.)困难;困境4._(n.)获胜者5._(n.)(pl.)祝贺6._(adj.)较小的;较少的7._(v.)授予;呈递8._(n.)制造厂;工厂9._(n.)敌人10._(v.)污染11._(v.)回收利用12._(adv.)最近 13._(v.)分开14._(n.)塑料15._(n.)政策;方针16._(n.)男校长17._(adj.)无望的18._(n.)橡胶19._(n.)(外)孙女general sta

2、ndard difficulty winner congratulations less present factory enemy pollute recycle recently divide plastic policy headmaster hopeless rubber granddaughter 一词多义1._(v.)授予;呈递 (n.)现在;礼物 (adj.)出席的;现在的2._(n.)脚步;台阶;梯级;步骤 (v.)迈步;跨步3._(n.)主题;科目 present step subject词形变换1.general(adj.)_(adv.)普遍地;整体地2.feel(v.)_

3、(n.)感觉3.difficult(adj.)_(n.)困难4.recent(adj.)_(adv.)最近5.rush(v.)_(第三人称单数一般现在式)冲;奔6.congratulate(v.)_(n.)(pl.)祝贺7.factory(n.)_(pl.)工厂;制造厂8.pollute(v.)_(n.)污染 generally feeling difficulty recently rushes congratulations factories pollution 词形变换9.recycle(v.)_(n.)回收利用10.waste(n.)_(v.)浪费 _(adj.)浪费的11.enem

4、y(n.)_(pl.)敌人12.little(adj.)_(比较级)更少的;更小的 _(最高级)最少的;最小的13.rapid(adj.)_(adv.)快速地;迅速地14.grandson(n.)_(对应词)(外)孙女 recycling waste wasteful enemies less least rapidly granddaughter 中考词组短语1._ 赢得比赛2._ 在学校舞会上3._ 总体水准4._ 解决困难5._ 有机会6._ 虽然;即使7._ 颁奖8._ 保护免受9._(因某事)祝贺某人10._ 参加比赛11._ 颁奖给12._ 造成污染13._ 在贫困地区 win t

5、he competition at the school dance the general standard solve the difficulties be in with a chance even though give prizes protect.against.congratulations to sb.(on sth.)enter the competition present the prizes to.cause pollution in poor areas中考词组短语14._ 节约能源15._ 更少的浪费16._ 对付;处理17._ 把分成18._ 扔掉19._ 对有

6、害20._ 尽可能长时间21._ 把变成22._ 别的事(物)23._ 期待24._ 采取措施25._ 总的来讲;一般来说 save energy less waste do with divide.into.throw away be harmful to.as long as possible change.into.something else hope for take steps generally speaking中考句型回顾语法句型1.Hes _ boy _ won the photo competition last year!他就是去年赢得摄影比赛的那个男孩!2.A grou

7、p of photos _ _ Beijing and Cambridge in England _ won the prize for the subject Home and Away.一组展示北京和英国剑桥的照片赢得了“故土与他乡”这一 主题的奖项。3._ pollution is heavy now,I dont think _ reducing pollution is _.虽然现在污染严重,但我认为减少污染不是没有希望的。the who/that which/that show has Though that hopeless 中考句型回顾功能句型1.摄影比赛:The _ _ _

8、the com-petition is much _ this year.今年比赛的整体水准更高。_ some photos of Beijing and _ some photos of Cambridge _ you took _.拍一些北京的照片并添加一些你最近拍的剑桥的照片。_ _ other years,we _ many more photos.与往年相比,我们收到了更多的照片。general standard of higher Take add that recently Compared with received 中考句型回顾功能句型 It is a beautiful _

9、 _ is wearing a blouse and skirt,and _ is protecting her books _ the showers 那是一个穿着女衬衫和裙子的漂亮女孩,正在保护她的书免 受雨淋。2.环境保护:Do you _ the waste _ things to recycle and things to throw away?你把垃圾按可回收的和需要丢弃的进行分类整理吗?We all need a _ _,but we _ _ every day,and it is _ _ our environment.我们都需要一个健康的环境,但是我们每天都会制造垃圾,这对我

10、们的环境有害。girl who/that who/that against divide into healthy environment produce waste harmful to 中考句型回顾功能句型 _ _ the lights _ you do not need them.当你不需要灯的时候请把它们关了。_ _ _ _ clean up the whole river in _ a short time 在这么短的时间内清理干净整条河流是不可能的。Ive already tried my _ _ _ the environment.我已经尽我最大努力去保护环境了。Turn off

11、 when It is impossible to such best to protect 一、pollution n.污染。如:Cars cause pollution,both smog and acid rain.汽车造成的污染既有烟雾也有酸雨。pollution是pollute加后缀-ion而来,是不可数名词。相关短语:light pollut-ion光污染;air pollution空气污染;water pollution水污染;noise pollution 噪音污染。掌握一些英语构词法,对单词的记忆和理解有很大的帮助。1.常见的前缀:(1)表示否定意义的前缀。如:dis-:di

12、shonest,dislike im-:impossible,immobile un-:unable,unhappy (2)re-表示“再一次;重新”。如:reuse,retell,rewrite,renew (3)kilo-表示“千”。如:kilometre,kilogram (4)tele-表示“远距离的;远”。如:television,telephone2.常见的形容词后缀:(1)-able:usable,enjoyable,comfortable (2)-al:natural,environmental,cultural (3)-less:countless,hopeless,care

13、less (4)-ful:beautiful,wonderful,helpful pollution的动词形式是pollute,意为“污染”。如:Did it pollute the environment?它对环境有过污染吗?用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The trip is so _(enjoy).2.Hangzhou is a _(beauty)city.3.Can you _(tell)the story?I want to enjoy it again.4.Everyone is feeling pretty _(hope)about the future.5.Lucy is _(h

14、appy)today because she failed the exam.6.We are sad about the _(pollute)of our beaches with oil.7.Lingling is a lively and _(help)girl and everyone likes her a lot.8.The music is so _(comfortable)that I cant stand it any more.9.I think _(nature)wonders are more interesting than man-made ones.10.The

15、river has _(pollute)by waste products from the factory for many years.enjoyable beautiful retell hopeful unhappy pollution helpful uncomfortable natural been polluted 二、waste 1.v.浪费。如:Dont waste time or money.不要浪费时间或金钱。2.n.浪费;废弃物。如:What a waste of paper!多么浪费纸张啊!wasteful是waste的形容词,意为“浪费的”。根据句意,在横线上填入

16、适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Playing computer games is _ waste of time!2.Its _(waste)to use only one side of a piece of paper.3._(not)waste your energy on such a thing!4.Lots of money has _(waste)on clothes you dont need!a wasteful Dont/Do not been wasted 一、Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year!

17、他就是去年赢得摄影比赛的那个男孩!以上句子是含有定语从句的复合句。1.当先行词是人时,定语从句由who或that引导。从句中的who是关系代 词,当它引导定语从句时,它起连接先行词和定语从句的作用。who在定语从句中作主语时,不能省略。如:Hes the person who is looking for you.他就是正在找你的那个人。who在定语从句中也可以作宾语。who作宾语时,可省略。如:Hes the photographer(who)we awarded the prize to.他是我们给予奖励的那个摄影师。2.当先行词是物时,定语从句由which或that引导。如:This i

18、s the pen which was given by my friend.这是我朋友给我的那支钢笔。(which在定语从句中作主语,不能省略。)This is the pen(which)my friend gave to me.这是我朋友给我的那支钢笔。(which在定语从句中作宾语,可省略。)用which或who填空。1.The photo _ we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.2.Do you know Mr Zhang,_ they like very much?3.The girl _ always smiles at others is o

19、ur monitor.which who who 二、Its no use talking about things we cant do.谈论我们做不到的事是没有用的。动名词短语在句中作主语,it只是作形式主语,真正作主语的动名 词则放在后面。it is后可接no use,no good,fun,a waste of time等词。如:It is no use crying.哭也没用。It is no good waiting here.Lets walk home.在这里等没用。让我们走回家吧。It is great fun sailing a boat.驾帆船很有乐趣。用所给词的适当形式

20、填空。1.Its a waste of time _(play)computer games.2.Its fun _(travel)all over the world.3.Its no good _(eat)too much.4.Its no use _(talk)too much.playing travelling eating talking 一、选词填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。1.I read much _ now than I used to.2.We should _ the waste things.3.I will have a try _ I may

21、 fail.4.We received a letter from him _.5.Thanks to the new _,our country develops faster and faster.policy recycle less recent even though less recycle even though recently policy 二、单词拼写1.The book is _(分开)into six sections.2.Will you have dinner with me _(今晚)?3.The cat was dead and it was _(杀死)by a

22、 truck.4._(比较)with your greenhouse,ours is nothing.5.It seems such a _(浪费)to throw good food away.6.Sorry,I didnt follow you.Could you please _(重复)it?7.She had a strong will and power of _(迅速的)decision.8.He felt that his life was a _(无望的)mess and a bit sad.9.To reduce air _(污染),we should walk or rid

23、e a bike instead of driving.10.The _(获胜者)of the competition will be in with a chance to visit London next month.divided tonight killed Compared waste repeat rapid hopeless pollution winner 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Do you play Ant Forest?It is 1 online game on Alipay(支付宝).Players 2

24、(collect)“energy”by doing something environmentally friendly.They can grow and water 3 (they)own“trees”with the“energy”.4 the“trees”are big enough,Alipay,with some other companies,will plant real trees in the desert(沙漠)area of China.Every year millions of trees 5 (plant)in this way.ancollecttheirWhe

25、n/If are planted This is part of Chinas tree-planting programme.It hopes 6 (stop)the desert from becoming larger.Since 1978,China has planted over 66 billion trees 7 the north.It is known as“the Great Green Wall”.For example,Saihanba in Hebei Province was once a desert,8 now it has become the biggest man-made forest in China.“China is making the world much 9 (green)than before.It sets a good example and has many 10 _ (lesson)to share with the world,”said the United Nations Environment Programme.to stopinbutgreenerlessons


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