话题阅读 Value orientation(ppt课件) 2022年冀教版中考英语拓展材料.pptx

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1、价值取向01FoundIs this your blue jacket?Its in Classroom 3B.Please call David at 515-2230.LostMy yellow pencil box.I lost it in the computer room.Five pencils,two pens,a ruler and my school ID card are in it.Please call Jenny at 637-8856.FoundIs this your Chinese-English dictionary?I found it in the sch

2、ool library.Please call Alan at 842-1145.LostMy dog.Its white and black.Please call Susan at 465-0921.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()1.If you lost the blue jacket,you can call _.A.842-1145 B.637-8856C.David D.Alan()2.Jennys _ is lost.A.eraser B.jacketC.dictionaryD.pencil box()3.Alan found a dictionary

3、_.A.in his room B.in the libraryC.in the computer roomD.in Classroom 3B()4.What color is Susans dog?A.Yellow and white.B.Black and yellow.C.Black and white.D.White and brown.()5.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The pencil box is blue.B.Susans phone number is 465-0921.C.Alan lost a Chinese-English di

4、ctionary D.Jennys school ID card is in her schoolbag.DCBCB02One day a big red hen is playing with her chickens in the garden.After some time,she wants to eat something and she takes her chickens out to look for food.When they are eating,she finds a grain of wheat.So she asks her chickens to plant it

5、 in the back garden.But no one wants to do it.The big red hen has to do it herself.After a few months,they get a lot of wheat.She says to her chickens,“Who will take the wheat to the store and get some flour?”But they dont want to do it.So she takes the wheat to the store and brings the flour home.A

6、fter she gets home,she says,“Who will make some bread with the flour?”They all say they are too busy and dont want to do it.When she makes the bread,she says to her chickens,“Who wants to eat the bread?”“I will,”they say.“No,you cant.You dont want to do anything before I make the bread.You must know

7、 No pains,no gains.”She doesnt give any bread to her chickens and she eats the bread herself.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()1.Why does the big red hen want to plant the grain of wheat?A.Because she has nothing to do.B.Because she wants to get lots of wheat.C.Because she wants her chickens to do somethi

8、ng.D.Because she doesnt want to play with her chicken.()2._ take(s)the wheat to the store.A.The chickens B.The big red henC.One of the big red hens chicken D.The big red hen and her chickens()3.The underlined word“flour”means“_”in Chinese.A.面粉面粉 B.面包面包 C.大米大米 D.食品食品()4.Why doesnt the big red hen giv

9、e any bread to her chickens?A.Because they arent at home.B.Because she doesnt like them.C.Because they dont do anything.D.Because they dont want to eat it.()5.Whats the best title for the text?A.The Bread B.The WheatC.The Big Red HenD.No Pains,No GainsBBCWord Bank:hen n.母鸡母鸡 grain n.颗粒颗粒 wheat n.小麦小

10、麦 pain n.辛苦,努力辛苦,努力 gain n.收获收获AD阅读理解的解题步骤阅读理解的解题步骤在解答阅读理解的题目时,通常遵循以下解题步骤:在解答阅读理解的题目时,通常遵循以下解题步骤:1.通读全文,把握主旨大意。在阅读语篇时,要特别注意通读全文,把握主旨大意。在阅读语篇时,要特别注意 文章的首段、末段文章的首段、末段以及每个段落的首句和末句。读懂这些信息有助于更好地把握文章的主旨大意。以及每个段落的首句和末句。读懂这些信息有助于更好地把握文章的主旨大意。2.浏览问题,做到心中有数。该步骤在解题过程中是必不可少的。浏览各小题之浏览问题,做到心中有数。该步骤在解题过程中是必不可少的。浏览

11、各小题之后,带着问题去文章中寻找答案,这样才能后,带着问题去文章中寻找答案,这样才能 做到有的放矢。做到有的放矢。3.先易后难,选定正先易后难,选定正确答案。在解题的过程中要按照先易后难的做题顺序,逐一选定正确的答案。确答案。在解题的过程中要按照先易后难的做题顺序,逐一选定正确的答案。微技巧03Do you have a dream?Different people have different dreams.Do you want to be a football player when you grow up?Most boys love to play football in their

12、 free time.The boy in the photo enjoys playing football too.Look!He is in a shirt of Argentina.You can see a number ten on it.It is his favorite number and it is also his favorite football star Messis number in his football team.The shirt is from Messi and he writes his name on it.After the boy gets

13、 the shirt,he is happy and he wears it every day.The boy likes football very much.In the morning,he practices football for an hour before he goes to school.After school,he plays it with his friends for two hours in the playground.He usually goes to bed at ten.Before it,he usually watches a football

14、match on TV.In his free time,he likes to chat with his friends about football stars.He says he can a lot from them about football skills.He wants to be a great football player in the future.And he hopes to play in the World Cup like Messi when he grows up.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()1.Where is the s

15、hirt from?A.The boys father.B.The boys teacher.C.The boys friend.D.A football player.()2.What are on the shirt?A.Some wishes for the boy.B.A name and a number.C.A picture and a number.D.A date of a match and a number.()3.How long does the boy practice football every day?A.For one hour.B.For two hour

16、s.C.For three hours.D.For four hours.()4.Which word is right for?A.Learn.B.Enjoy.C.Talk.D.Take.()5._The boy,s dream is to.A.practice football hard B.wear Messis shirtC.play football in the World Cup like Messi D.chat with football starsWord Bank:Argentina n.阿根廷阿根廷 skill n.技能技能DBCAC04Bob is a student

17、 in No.3 Middle School.1._ Bob is at the schools Lost and Found office.He doesnt lose anything.He comes with a schoolbag.There are some books,a set of keys and a shirt in it.2._ He wants to find its owner.Bob waited for its owner in the library for about 30 minutes,but no one came.3._“I found the sc

18、hoolbag under a desk in the library,”Bob says to Ms.Black.Ms.Black works in the Lost and Found office.“Thank you,boy.4._ Please write your class and your name here.We11 tell your story to your teacher and she may praise you,”Ms.Black says.“I do it not for that.I just hope the schoolbag finds its own

19、er soon!”5._BCDAE根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。意思通顺、内容完整。A.But the schoolbag is not his.B.Its very nice of you to do it.C.Bob says and leaves the office.D.It is 4:30 in the afternoon now.E.So he brought the schoolbag here.Word Bank:Lost and Found offic

20、e 失物招领处失物招领处 owner n.主人主人 wait for 等等 praise vt.表扬表扬05Alex,Nicole and Vickie live in the same neighborhood.They are good 1 .They want to get some money to 2 Christmas presents.“Its winter,”says Vickie.“Maybe people 3 us to shovel snow on their driveways and sidewalks.But the 4 is:How can they 5 us?”

21、“We need to print out fliers,”says Nicole.Alexs dad 6 them print out fliers.The 7 kids put a flier in everyones mailbox.First,Mrs.Jones hires 8 .She says,“I have two 1-year-old sons.I am too 9 to shovel snow.”Then,Mrs.Smith,10 80-year-old madam,hires them.She says,“I am 11 ,and the snow is too 12 fo

22、r me to move.”Then,Mr.Lee hires them.He says,“My driveway is too 13 for me to shovel all by myself.”The kids work hard shoveling snow.It is cold,but they have 14 .They get$30 at last.Now they can buy great Christmas presents 15 their friends and family.()1.A.brothers B.friends C.cousins D.fathers()2

23、.A.eatB.finish C.buy D.play()3.A.needB.watch C.thank D.call()4.A.number B.question C.lesson D.name()5.A.know B.excuse C.like D.think()6.A.helpsB.asks C.sells D.gets()7.A.twoB.three C.four D.five()8.A.itB.herC.them D.him()9.A.fatB.busy C.lateD.shortWord Bank:neighborhood n.街区街区 Christmas presents圣诞礼物

24、圣诞礼物shovel snow on their driveways and sidewalks 铲除车道和人行道上的雪铲除车道和人行道上的雪 print out fliers 打印传单打印传单 hire vt.雇用雇用()10.A.aB.anC.theD.不填不填()11.A.dearB.healthy C.free D.old()12.A.rightB.same C.small D.much()13.A.bigB.coolC.easyD.tidy()14.A.dinnerB.class C.funD.time()15.A.toB.onC.ofD.forBCABAABCBBDDACD06On

25、ce upon a time,there is 1._ big forest.Near the forest,there is a 2._ village.Some goats live there.They often go into the forest to 3._ for food.But there is a lion in the forest.When a goat eats grass alone,he usually catches and 4._ it.All the goats 5._ afraid of the lion.So the goats have a meet

26、ing.An old goat 6._,“The lion eats us 7._ we dont work together.Its good for 8._ to work together.”All the goats agree.After that,the goats always go into the forest together.Every time the lion tries to get close to them,they drive him away with 9._ horns.Now,the lion is afraid of them.The goats st

27、art to have a 10._ life in the small village.We should remember:Work together,work well.Word Bank:once upon a time 从前 forest n.森林 village n.乡村 goat n.山羊 drive.away 把驱赶走 horn n.角looksmallabecause they say look happy be a eat small weeatsaresaysbecauseustheirhappy07Hello,everyone.This morning my good

28、friend Lily lost her cat.Its 1._ baby cat and it is three months old.Its cute 2._ it has big eyes.The cats color 3._ gray.Lily cant find it 4._ her room now.She 5._ know where it is.If you see the cat,please call her.Her telephone number is 798-4075.阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使文章通顺,意思完整,每空仅填一词。阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使文章通

29、顺,意思完整,每空仅填一词。doesntisainandWord Bank:month n.月 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Good morning,Mike!How are you?B:1._-_.A:Mike,whats this in your hand?B:2._.I found the English book in the school library.Is it yours?A:No,it isnt.3._ .You can ask her.She is

30、 in Classroom 5A.B:Fine.I11 ask her this afternoon.A:4._?B:Im going to the dining hall for breakfast.A:Im going there,too.B:5._?A:I like milk,bread and eggs.Where are you going/.Its an English book/.Im OK/fine,thanks/.My friend Grace lost/is finding her English book/.What do you like for breakfast/.


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