2021年冀教版英语中考复习教材梳理专题七 形容词和副词(ppt课件).ppt

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1、专题七 形容词和副词 中考解读:中考解读:分析河北近10年中考真题可知,形容词、副词词义辨析有以下三个考向:命题点1 形容词、副词词义辨析(必考:道)形容词词义辨析形容词词义辨析(除2011年外,每年13道)在单选和完形中考查,选项设置有两种:一种是四个选项都是形容词,其中包含两个选项为反义词的特点,反义词是答案的可能性很大;另一种是四个选项为相同词缀的形容词。考点透析考点透析考向考向 1主要在完形填空中考查,每年必考1道。选项设置上四个词均为同类副词词义辨析。副词词义辨析副词词义辨析(必考)形容词和副词混合辨析形容词和副词混合辨析(2013.42,2012.42)在单项选择中考查,选项为形容

2、词和副词两种词性的两组单词的混合辨析。如:heavy,heavily,strong,strongly。考向考向 2考向考向 3 解题技巧:解题技巧:(1)针对形容词、副词词义辨析:关键是读懂语境,理解词义。详见词汇册。(2)针对形容词和副词混合辨析:首先要根据空格处所修饰的成分来判定是选择形容词还是副词。若空格处修饰名词,则用形容词;若空格处修饰动词或形容词,则用副词;如果空格前是系动词或感官动词,则空格处需要用形容词作表语。最后再根据语境或题干提示选择正确的答案。形容词词义辨析1.Susan never gets upset when she has to wait in line.She

3、is very .A.shy B.brave C.funny D.patient2.What news!Weve never had such a long vacation before.A.missingB.boringC.worrying D.exciting D D考点测验考点测验3.My deskmate is really .She likes to take part in different activities after school.A.activeB.quiet C.lazy D.honest4.Jenny is afraid to travel by plane.Sh

4、e always feels when getting on it.A.nervous B.interested C.relaxedD.happyA A 5.Harry,you should mind your manners.It is to push in before others.Sorry,Mum.I wont do it next time.A.polite B.rude C.friendly D.careless6.Your advice is very to me.Im sure our activity will be more successful.A.terrible B

5、.comfortable C.impossibleD.valuable B D 7.Its to stick your chopsticks into your food while having dinner.Im sorry.I wont do that again.A.kind B.similar C.impolite D.proud8.When learning English,its not to look up every new word.You can guess the meaning of it according to the context.A.usefulB.nece

6、ssary C.convenientD.importantC B 副词词义辨析9.Ken was late for school.The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.A.stillB.alwaysC.alreadyD.almost10.Did you see the result of the football match?No,.I knew about it from Tom.A.ActuallyB.Suddenly C.UsuallyD.ImmediatelyDA11.This English dictionary wil

7、l help you a lot if you use it .A.carelesslyB.properly C.politelyD.quietly12.Can you answer this question?Sorry sir,I can understand it.A.almostB.nearlyC.hardlyD.quite B C 13.Alipay wallet and WeChat payment are popular in China.People dont usually take money when they go out.A.differentlyB.especial

8、ly C.hardlyD.nearly14.Annie has improved a lot in English since she found a pen pal.How she chooses Jack as her pen pal!A.widelyB.badlyC.livelyD.wiselyBD15.Well have to say goodbye,my dear friends!But I will forget the days we spent together.A.alwaysB.oftenC.neverD.usually16.My mother works in a hos

9、pital and its very far from my home.So she goes home for lunch.A.oftenB.seldomC.usuallyD.alwaysC B17.According to a recent survey,three fifths of working mothers in China dont want to have a second child.A.mostlyB.especiallyC.partlyD.nearly18.If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow mone

10、y on the Internet,youd better phone him first to make sure of that.A.recentlyB.directlyC.finallyD.politely D B形容词、副词混合辨析19.(2013河北42题)We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so .A.quick B.quickly C.useful D.usefully20.(2012河北42题)Some animals can even see things in the dark.A.bad B.badly C.clea

11、r D.clearly21.The question is .You can find the answer easily.A.easilyB.hardC.hardlyD.easyBDD22.They all looked at the teacher when he told them the good news.A.happy B.happily C.angrily D.angry23.The fish on the plate smells .You cant eat it.A.badly B.bad C.good D.well24.It took me a long time to l

12、ook at the house I wanted to buy this morning.A.lovelyB.friendlyC.carefullyD.lonely B B C命题点2 形容词和副词的比较等级(10年9考)中考解读:中考解读:分析河北近10年中考真题可知,形容词和副词的比较等级涉及的题型有单项选择和词语运用。具体考查情况如下:(1)形容词或副词的比较级(6次)“比较级+than”结构(2020.79,2018.71,2017.77,2016.80,2010.34);根据语境判断(2013.31);考点透析考点透析“never a+比较级+before”结构(2012.31)。

13、选项设置上会结合所填词的原级、比较级和最高级进行综合考查,也会涉及两个词的原级和比较级的辨析。(2)形容词的最高级(4次)根据语境(2020.36,2017.32);and连接的两个句子,前句用最高级,后句也用最高级(2014.41);在含有“of all the+名词复数”的结构中(2011.34)。解题技巧:解题技巧:在做考查比较等级的试题时,考生首先应分析句中是否有关键词(如than通常是比较级的标志词,one of通常是最高级的标志,asas通常是原级的标志等),根据标志词确定使用形容词或副词的哪种形式。若题干中没有标志词,则需要结合语境来判断使用哪种形式。此外,还应注意比较等级的特殊

14、句型或结构,如“the+比较级,the+比较级”、“比较级+and+比较级”等。1.原级的用法原级的用法(1)说明人或事物自身的特征、性质或状态时用形容词原级。如:The flowers in the garden are beautiful.花园里的花很漂亮。(2)有表示程度的副词very,so,too,enough,quite等修饰时用形容词原级。如:The boy is too young.这个男孩太小了。(3)表示两者在某一方面相同或不同时用原级。常见结构如下:用法 例句“A+动词+as+原级+as+B”表示“AB两者程度相同”My best friend is as tall as

15、her mother.我最好的朋友和她妈妈一样高。“A+动词+not+so+原级+as+B”表示“A不如B”This red skirt is not so nice as that blue one.这条红色的裙子不如那条蓝色的漂亮。用法 例句“A+动词+as+much/many+名词+as+B”表示“A和B的数量相同”Linda has as many books as Lily.琳达和莉莉的书一样多。“A+动词+倍数+as+原级+as+B”表示“A是B的倍”My room is twice as big as his.我的房间是他房间的两倍大。2.比较级的用法比较级的用法(1)当有表示程

16、度的副词及短语much,even,still,far,rather,any,a little,a bit,a lot等修饰时,用形容词或副词的比较级。如:It is even colder today.今天甚至更冷了。(2)比较级的常见结构如下:用法例句“A+b动词+比较级+than+B”表示“A比B”(注意比较的对象要一致)My bike is more beautiful than hers.我的自行车比她的更漂亮。“Which/Who+动词+比较级,A or B?”表示“A、B两者中哪一个更?”Which is nearer to the sun,the moon or the eart

17、h?哪个离太阳更近,月亮还是地球?用法例句“the+比较级+of the two”表示两者之间“比较的一个”He is the thinner of the two.他是两个中较瘦的那个。“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的城市变得越来越美丽了。“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越,就越”The more fruit you eat,the healthier you will be.你吃的水果越多,你就越健康。用法例句“A+动词+倍数+比较级+than+B”表示“A比B多倍”My hou

18、se is three times bigger than yours.我房子比你的大三倍。“A+动词+比较级+than+any other+可数名词单数”或“A+动词+比较级+than+the other+可数名词复数”表示“A比其他任何一个都”(比较级结构表示最高级含义)He is taller than any other boy in his class.=He is taller than the other boys in his class.他比他班里的其他任何一个男孩都高。用法例句“主语+动词+(the)最高级+of/in+比较范围”表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较This

19、picture is the best of all.这幅画是所有画中最好的。“A+动词+one of the+最高级+可数名词复数+in+比较范围”表示“A是某范围内最之一”He is one of the best players in China.他是中国最好的运动员之一。3.最高级的用法最高级的用法用法例句“A+动词+the+序数词+最高级+名词+范围”表示“A是第几最”She is the second tallest girl in our class.她是我们班第二高的女生。Which/Who+动词+the+最高级,A,B or C?表示在三者或三者以上的人或物中进行选择Who

20、is the tallest,Tom,Kate or Bill?汤姆、凯特和比尔,谁最高?易错点:形容词最高级前面可以用物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修饰,但不能同时再加定冠词the,这些限定词只能用一个。如:She is my best friend.她是我最好的朋友。25.(2020河北36题)Helen is the person in her family.Her two elder sisters are both married.A.olderB.oldest C.youngerD.youngest26.(2017河北32题)Mr.Liu is a really nice per

21、sonthe person I know.A.nicerB.nicestC.happierD.happiestDB考点测验考点测验27.(2014河北41题)Water is the cheapest drink.And its also .A.healthier B.healthiest C.the healthier D.the healthiest28.(2013河北31题)Im sorry Im late.I should get here 10 minutes .A.earlyB.earlier C.the earlierD.the earliest29.(2012河北31题)You

22、 are doing great!Ive never had answer before.A.better B.best C.a better D.the best BC D30.(2011河北34题)Of all the subjects,chemistry seems to be for me.A.difficult B.too difficult C.more difficult D.the most difficult31.In order to keep fit,Sam made up his mind to eat food than before.A.healthyB.the h

23、ealthiest C.healthierD.healthiestD C32.I think its necessary to learn how to work in groups.I agree.Sometimes its even than grades.A.more importantB.less important C.the least importantD.important33.Julie won first prize in the singing competition because she sang of all the singers.A.wellB.bestC.ba

24、dlyD.worstAB34.The mobile phone with 5G can download videos much than the one with 4G.A.fastB.faster C.fastestD.the fastest35.He studies than before.He gets good grades in the exams now.A.much harderB.hard C.more hardD.hardestBA36.Ben is one of students in our class.He keeps doing sports every day.A

25、.strongB.stronger C.strongestD.the strongest37.Its hard to hold back my tears.This is thing Ive ever heard.A.sadB.sadder C.saddestD.the saddestD D38.Robert,you look much than last week.Yes,Mom.The final exam is coming.A.busyB.busier C.busiestD.the busiest39.My sister studies even now because she wan

26、ts to be a doctor in the future.A.hardlyB.more hardlyC.harderD.much hardB C 40.All the students in our class live near the school except Wendy.She lives in our class.A.farB.farther C.the fartherD.farthest41.Helen,lets go to the new cinema tonight.You can sit there in this city.A.comfortablyB.more co

27、mfortably C.the most comfortablyD.the more comfortablyDC 命题点3 形容词和副词填空(自14年起必考:13道)中考解读:中考解读:形容词和副词填空在词语运用题型中考查,考查形式有两种:一是根据首字母提示填空(填形容词1次,填副词2次)。二是用所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空,涉及考查:形容词副词(必考1道);形容词/副词比较级(4次)。考点透析考点透析 解题技巧:解题技巧:对于此类试题考生首先应分析句子结构,弄清空格处在句中作什么成分,判断空格处应填何种词性,应用所填词的哪种正确形式;然后根据词汇的变化规律或固定句式结构,写出正确的单词形式

28、。具体方法如下:1.填形容词的判定方法填形容词的判定方法(1)位于系动词后作表语。如:The girl is very careful.这个女孩很细心。(2)位于名词前作定语。如:Tell me your honest opinion.请直言不讳地告诉我你的意见。(3)位于复合不定代词之后,修饰复合不定代词。如:I have something important to tell you.我有一些重要的事情要告诉你。(4)位于宾语之后作宾补,常与make,leave,keep等动词连用。如:Youd better keep the window open.你最好让窗户开着。2.填副词的判定方法

29、填副词的判定方法(1)位于实义动词之前或be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,常用频度副词。如:It is usually crowded in the supermarket at weekends.在周末超市通常是拥挤的。(2)位于句首作状语,修饰整个句子。如:Unfortunately,he was out.很遗憾,他出去了。(3)修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。如:Be quiet!He is reading carefully.安静!他正在认真读书。He parked the car very easily.他停车非常容易。形容词形容词副词的方法副词的方法(1)形容词+-lycarefulca

30、refully细致地;小心地;谨慎地certaincertainly无疑;肯定;当然;行clearclearly清楚地;清晰地;明白地correctcorrectly正确地;恰当地deepdeeply深深地;深刻地usualusually通常地;一般地widewidely广泛地;普遍地(2)去e加-lytruetruly真正地(3)以y结尾的变y为i加-lyeasyeasily 容易地 happyhappily 开心地;高兴地heavyheavily 在很大程度上;猛烈地(un)lucky(un)luckily(不)幸运地(4)以le结尾的去e加-y(im)possible(im)possib

31、ly(不)可能地probableprobably 很可能;大概 simplesimply 简单地拓展:形容词与副词同形的词单词含义单词含义back后面的;向后地deep深的;深深地early早的;早enough足够的;足够地fast迅速的;迅速地hard坚硬的;努力地high高的;高late晚的;晚long长的;长久地well健康的;好3.填比较等级的判定方法填比较等级的判定方法(1)何时用比较等级:详见本专题命题点2形容词和副词的比较等级(2)形容词和副词比较等级的变化规律:类别构成方法原级比较级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾直接加-er,-esthighyoungtallhighe

32、ryoungertallerhighestyoungesttallest以不发音的字母e结尾的词,在词尾加-r,-stlatenicelargelaternicerlargerlatestnicestlargest 规则变化类别构成方法原级比较级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,变y为i,再加-er,-esteasyhappyhealthyeasierhappierhealthiereasiesthappiesthealthiest以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅音字母,再加-er,-estbigfathotbiggerfatterhotterbig

33、gestfattesthottest类别构成方法原级比较级最高级多音节词和部分双音节词在原级前加more,mostimportantcarefulinterestingmore importantmore carefulmore interestingmost importantmost carefulmost interesting形容词和副词比较等级变化口诀比较级要变化,一般情况加-er。词尾若有哑音e,直接加-r就可以。一辅重读闭音节,辅音字母要双写。辅音字母y结尾,变y为i加 -er。最高级加-est,前面加the莫忘记。形容词副词若是多音节,只把more,most前面写。不规则变化原

34、级 比较级 最高级good/wellbetterbestill/bad/badlyworseworstmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther/furtherfarthest/furthestoldolder/elderoldest/eldest42.If you stare at the computer for a long time,your eyesight will become much (bad).43.The effect of this kind of medicine needs (far)study before it can

35、be widely used.44.The weather changes (quick)there.Youd better take your jacket with you.worsefurther quickly考点测验考点测验45.The living cost of a simple family in the city is much (high)than that in the country.46.I like going by plane (good)because it is the fastest way to travel and it is comfortable.4

36、7.Computers are becoming smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very (easy).48.My daughter is much (tall)now.The jeans she wore last year are too short.higherbesteasilytaller 49.Which sports do you like (good),swimming,running or skating?50.Of the two sisters,Betty is the (young)one,and she

37、 is also the one who loves to be quiet.51.Although we often disagree with each other,we all love our country (deep).52.Yuan Longping is one of the (great)people that have ever lived,I think.bestyoungerdeeplygreatest53.It is much (hard)to get up early in winter than in summer because its cold in winter.54.(lucky),the old lady was saved from the big fire by her neighbour yesterday.55.As students,we should go over lessons and do our homework (careful).56.Its so cold today.The temperature may be the (low)this winter.harderLuckilycarefullylowest


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