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1、 介词语法专题四介词介词(at、in、on、since、after、by、during、before等)等)表时间的介词表时间的介词表方位的介词表方位的介词(in、on、over、to、above、at、below、under、in front of、in the front of等)等)介词介词 between和和 among across,through,over和和 past in和和on for,to和和 towardsafter和和behind but,besides和和 exceptin和和 after to与与at介词的固定搭配介词的固定搭配易混介词的区别易混介词的区别介词介词+

2、名词名词be+形容词形容词+介词介词动词动词+介词介词 教学目标1.掌握介词的用法2.掌握易混介词的区别 考点一 介词词义辨析一、表示时间的介词1.at 多用于具体的钟点时刻前,如 at seven,at a quarter to one;也可用于固定搭配中,如 at noon,at night。2.on主要用在星期几、具体某一天或某一天的早、中、晚或节日前。如 on June lst 在6月1日3.in 表示一段时间,用于年、月、世纪、四季或泛指的一天的上午、下午、晚上等前。如 in the twenty-first century在21世纪in autumn在秋天in the mornin

3、g在早上还可用于表示从现在起,多长时间以后或多久之后的短语中。in an hour 一小时后1).He usually goes to work _(at,in,on)8:00.2).What is the first lesson_(at,in,on)Tuesday?3).The party will begin _(at,in,on)2:00pm.4).We never go shopping _(at,in,on)the evening.5)._(at,in,on)a cold winter morning,I met her in the street.6).I get up at 7

4、:30 _(at,in,on)the morning.7).Christmas is _(at,in,on)December 25th.atatononininOn4.since,from和 for(1)since指从某时一直延续至今后接时间点,句子用完成时。如 He has lived here since 1993.从 1993年开始他一直住在这里。(2)from 说明开始的时间 谓语可用过去现在、将来的某种时态。如From now on,I will learn English in the morning.从今以后,我将在早晨学英语。(3)for指动作延续贯穿整个过程,后接时间段,句子

5、用完成时。如I have studied English for six years.我已经学英语六年了。5.after(1)after表示以过去为起点的某一段时间之后,可用于一般过去时。如 They finished the work after two years.他们两年后完成了这项工作。(2)after与时间点连用表示过去或将来的某个时间之后。如 Ill ring you up after two oclock.我会在两点后打电话给你。6.by+时间点表示到为止,如果by后跟一个过去的时间点,句子谓语动词应用过去完成时。如We had learned 1,00 English word

6、s by the end of last term.到上个学期末,我们已经学了1,000个英语单词。7.during+时间段与延续性动词连用表示一段时间内的动作。如 He lives with us during these years.这些年他跟我们一起住。8.until 用于否定句中,意为直到才,其前的谓语动词需用瞬间性动词;用在肯定句中,意为直到为止,其前的谓语动词需用延续性动词。如 I didnt leave until my mother came home.直到我妈妈回家我才离开。I waited for my mother until she came home.我一直等到妈妈回

7、家。9.before和 after表示时间,分别意为在之前和在之后。如 Please bring your homework before ten oclock.请于十点前把你们的作业带来。二、表示方位的介词1.in,on,toin表示在某一地区之内的某方位(属于该范围);to 表示在某一地区之外的某方位(不属于该范围);on 表示与某地的毗邻关系。如 Fujian is in the southeast of China.福建省位于中国的东南部。Hubei is on the north of Hunan.湖北在湖南的北部。China is to the west of Japan.中国位于

8、日本的西部。2.over,above 和 on(1)over指在的正上方,表示垂直在上。(2)above 泛指在上方,表面不接触。如 Raise your arms above your head.把你的手臂举过你的头。(3)on指在上面,表示两物体接触。如There is a cat on the jar.罐子上有一只猫。3.at,in和 on (1)at 与较小的地点连用。如 at the bus stop,at home(2)in与较大的地点连用。如 in China,in the world(3)on表示在一个平面上。如 on the farm4.in front of,in the

9、front of和 before(1)in front of 表示在的前面(范围外)。如 There are some trees in front of the classroom.教室前面有一些树。(2)in the front of 表示在的前部(范围内)。如 There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.教室的前面有一块黑板。(3)before 所表示的位置关系和 in front of 相同,表示在前;在前面。如He sits before me.他坐在我前面。5.below和 under below表示在.下方或位置低于,不

10、一定有垂直在下之意;under表示在正下方。如There are many bikes under the trees.树下有许多自行车。We are below the sky我们在太阳下。考点二介词的搭配介词在实际运用中常常和名词、形容词、动词等词类构成固定搭配,这些固定搭配在句子中的表现十分活跃。1.介词与名词的固定搭配in a word总而言之in life一生中in time 及时at sea在海上on time准时,按时in town在镇里on foot步行in English用英语in a low voice小声地in the distance在远处in public当众in t

11、he middle of 在.中间in trouble处于困境in fact事实上in surprise 惊奇地in a hurry匆忙,急忙 in the street在街上by the way顺便说at the meeting在会上in the end最后in space 在太空by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船in order妥当,适宜,正常on display陈列,展览during the day在白天at the foot of在脚下in line 成一直线at the table在桌子旁on show 展出day by day日复一日at school在上学in silence安

12、静地at the back of在后面in this way用这种方法out of breath上气不接下气at the same time 同时by the time到的时候by the end of 到结束时in the air在传播中out of sight消失,看不见on duty 值日 out of work失业on top of 除之外on the left/right在左/右边on the other side of在的另一边to ones surprise/joy使某人吃惊/高兴的是on ones way to在某人去.的路上by hand手工,亲手交付2.介词与形容词的固定搭

13、配careful about 小心sure about/of肯定certain of对有把握good at擅长good for 对.有好处surprised at 对吃惊famous for因.而出名ready for为做好了准备known for因而出名strict with sb.对某人要求严格 sorry for 对过意不去late for 迟到different from与.不同successful in在方面成功interested in对感兴趣disappointed in 对失望proud of为自豪tired of厌倦afraid of害怕short of短缺full of充满

14、similar to相似familiar to 为所熟悉satisfied with对满意busy with 忙于friendly to 对友好angry with生的气3.介词与动词的固定搭配laugh at 嘲笑 take part in 参加think of想出go on with继续worry about为担心look after 照看,照料look like看起来像look for寻找hear from收到.来信listen to 听arrive in到达(大地方)arrive at到达(小地方)get to 到达wait for等候agree with同意,赞同think abou

15、t考虑catch up with赶上.追上come from 来自pay for 支付shout at 对.叫嚷talk about谈论knock at 敲play with玩耍point at指向point to 指出hear of听说look forward to 盼望get on with sb.与某人相处do well in在学/做得好fall behind落后turn.into 把.变成.help.with.帮助.做.take/catch hold of 抓住decide on 决定take care of 照顾hand in上交base on 以.为根据look at看keep o

16、ut of使不进入leave for离开(去另一个地方)talk to与谈话go in for从事,爱好have nothing to do with 与.无关 speak to sb.对某人说deal with处置,对待fill with充满,装满depend on依靠,依赖,取决于tie.to.把系在上pass on传递smile at 对微笑believe in信任belong to属于write to给写信regard.as.把看作.题组训练 根据提示,补全所缺的介词They will finish the work_an hour.一小时后他们将完成这项工作。_a warm spri

17、ng afternoon.在一个温暖的春天的下午He has studied English_2000.自从 2000年他就开始学英语了。Japan is _the east of China.日本位于中国的东部。inonsinceto There is a bridge _the river.这条河上有一座桥。0ur teacher usually stands_the classroom.我们的老师通常站在教室前面。Wine is made_grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿造的。Clothes are used_keeping us warm.衣服是用来为我们保暖的。overin the f

18、ront offromfor1.in 和 on的区别on the tree表示枝、叶、果实等长在树上in the tree表示人或其他东西在树上on the wall 表示东西粘贴或挂在墙上in the wall 表示门、窗等嵌在墙上易混易错2.between和 among 的区别between 常指在(两者)之间;among用于指在三者或三者以上的人或物)之间。如Maria sits between Lucy and Lily.玛丽亚坐在露西和莉莉之间。Miss Wang stands among her students.王老师站在她的学生中间。3.across,through,over和

19、 past的区别across和through都表示穿过。across含有穿过;横越之意,指从物体表面穿过或从一遍到另一边;through含有从中间穿过之意,着重指从物体内部通过。如Thelittleboyranacrosstheroad.这个小男孩横穿马路。Theriverrunsthroughthecity.这条河从这座城市中间流过。over多指在空间范围上穿越;越过,而 past指经过。如 The plane flew over a line of mountains in the southeast.飞机从东南方的一座座山上飞过。He walked past a tall tree.他从

20、一棵大树旁走过。4.for,to和 towards的区别for 常用在leave,start后,表示运动的方向或目的。如 Theyll leave for Beijing to attend a meeting next month.他们下月将出发去北京参加一个会议。to 接在go,come,return,move等词之后,表示目的地。如 When did you return to Guangzhou after the holiday?假期后你何时回广州的?towards意为朝、向,只说明运动的方向,没有到达的意思。如 They are walking towards the sea.他们

21、正走向海边。5.after与behind 的区别两个词都有在后之意,behind只表示位置方面的之后,不能表示时间,而after常表示时间。如 behind the school,after 5 oclock 6.in,with和by表示用时的区别in主要表示用语言、声音、原材料等;with表示用具体有形的东西;by表示手段或方式,后常接动名词。如Can you sing this song in English?你能用英语唱这首歌吗?I write my homework with a pen.我用钢笔写作业。The girl made money by selling flowers.这个

22、女孩通过卖花赚钱。7.but,besides 和 except的区别but表示除之外,常与含否定意义的词连用;except 表示除之外(不再有),指从整体中排除except所接的人或物,前面常有all,every,any,no等,但在否定句中,except却没有排斥性;beides表示除之外(还有),它的意思是在原来的基础上加上 besides除外的人或物,其前常有other,another,any other,a few 等词。如We have had nothing but trouble with this car.我们这辆车净出毛病。All the students went to t

23、he zoo except Jim.除了吉姆,所有的学生都去动物园了。I have a few good friends besides you.除了你之外,我还有几个好朋友。8.to 和 at表行为对象时的区别at与某些动词连用,表攻击的目标,含有某种程度的恶意;to 只表示方向,无恶意。如Dont laugh at others.Its impolite.不要嘲笑别人,那是不礼貌的。She came to me and shook my hand warmly.她走到我面前,热情地和我握手。9.of和 in用于最高级结构中的区别of后一般接数词或可数名词复数;in后一般是可数名词的单数形式

24、。如Tom is the tallest boy of the four.汤姆是这四个男孩里最高的那一个。Tom is the tallest boy in the class.汤姆是这个班级中最高的男孩。10.by,in和 on表旅行方式by 不涉及表示交通工具的名词时用by。如 by sea,by air;涉及表示交通工具的名词,且该名词为单数形式,前面没有冠词或任何修饰语时用by。如 by ship,by plane。on或in 当旅行方式涉及特定的交通工具时用on或in,交通工具前应有冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词等修饰语。在开放型或半开放型工具前用on,在封闭型工具前用in。如 o

25、n my bikein a car 11.in 与 after的区别in 表示以此时此刻为起点的将来的一个时间段之后,常与将来时态的谓语动词连用。注意 in the past意为在过去,与一般过去时连用,in the past/last+时间段意为在过去的中,表示从现在算起的过去的一段时间,包括此时此刻,常与现在完成时连用。如In the past few years,great changes have taken place in our school.在过去的几年中,我们学校的变化很大。after+时间段常与一般过去时连用,after+时间点常与一般将来时连用。They finished

26、 the work after two years.他们两年后完成了这项工作。Ill ring you up after two oclock.我会在零点后给你打电话。12.with与without的区别with意为和,对,附带,带有,常用搭配有with the help of.,play with,talk with。without意为没有,常用搭配有without saying a word,without breakfast。13.of sb.与for sb.的区别of sb.用于It is+adj.+of sb.to do sth.句型中,形容词为clever,kind,nice等描述

27、人物性格特征的词,of后的人物与形容词有主表关系。如 It is kind of you to help me.你帮助我真好。for sb.用于It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.句型中,形容词为easy,important 等不描述人物性格特征的词。for后的人物与形容词没有主表关系。如It is important for us to learn English well.对我们来说学好英语很重要。考点一 介词词义辨析1.Our class are much sure to win the basketball game_Class Three.A.ofB.inC.ag

28、ainstD.from 2.Happy birhday,Peter!Heres a gift_you.A.for B.inC.with D.from3.How soon will we get the offer from a new high school?_about two months.A.In B.ForC.AmongD.DuringCAA4.Do you agree_my plan?Yes,it is wonderful.A.in B.with C.of5.Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon_ 20 July 1

29、969.A.in B.on C.at D.for6.Scared by the loud noise,the rabbits ran off_all directions.A.on B.atC.inD.byBBC7.Most of the villagers took part in the Dragon Boat races_9:00 a.m._the morning of June 18.A.at;in B.at;on C.on;in D.on;on8.Are you watching the football matches of the World Cup these days?Som

30、etimes,and Ill watch the match_Janpan and Poland tonight.A.against B.atboutC.throughD.betwee9.Ive ordered some flowers for gandma and they will arrives _two hours.A.inB.afterC.coverD.forBDA10.I will give a T-shirt_my brother as a birthday present.A.by B.to C.from 11.I stopped_the night in a small vi

31、llage while I was on holiday in the Himalayas a few years ago.A.at B.forC.until D.through12.More and more people in Qingdao go to work_subway now.A.withB.on C.in D.byBBD13.(2018山东潍坊,22)Students here often do physics experiments_small groups.A.by B.inC.for D.at 14.(2018上海,33)Frank is an independent b

32、oy.His parents areproud_him.A.on B.to C.in D.ofDB考点二介词的搭配1.In China,we are using the FAST to find stars_.Now more and more people want to know about the largest radio telescope(望远镜)in the world.A.in person B.in public C.in space2.Blue whales are_.We should try protcct them.A.in timeB.in publicC.in d

33、anger CC 3.Except for working hard,we should give more attention to proper execise audl enough sleep._,health always comes first.A.For example B.After all C.So far4.What are you doing?Im looking_the kids.They should be back for lunch now.A.after B.atC.forD.upBCB 组 考点一 介词词义辨析1.More and more young peo

34、ple go skating_winter.A.atB.inC.on D.to2.We won!The honor belongs_all the members of our team.A.by B.of C.at D.to3.Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City_the airport.A.atB.under C.onD.withBDA4._May 5th,2017,the C919 took of sucessfully for the first time at Shanghai Pudong Internat

35、ional Airport.A.OnB.In C.At D.Of5.Father brought his little boy to a concert.But he was too young to sit_the whole concert.A.forB.withC.duringD.through6.China successfully hosted the Belt and Road Forum_May,2017.A.on B.in C.byADB7.Its so cold outside.Remember to close the door_you when you leave.A.b

36、esideB.before C.with D.behind8.Class,lets see who can spell the most words_these letters.A.at B.into C.on D.with 9.Its a good idea to send the old books_the children who need them.A.at B.of C.toD.by DDC10.Have you got the answer_ the question?A.on B.with C.about D.to11.Dont stay inside _such a sunny

37、 morning.Lets go out to enjoy the gentle wind and the sweet flowers.A.on B.in C.from12.Ma Yun,the Chairperson of Alibaba Group,has made much money_the Internet.A.through B.alongC.across D.towardsDAA13.The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come_four days.A.after B.for C.during D.in14.Cambridge is a

38、 small city_ the east of England.A.between B.with C.in D.under15.This problem is far_ me;Im afraid I cant work it out.Dont worry;we will help you.A.beyond B.besideC.behindD.betweenDCA考点二 介词的搭配1.When youe invited to have dinner at home by an American friend,you should be_or a little later.Its differe

39、nt from our Chinese custom.A.on timeB.on business C.on show2.MissLi,_is active all the time.Although she has not been well these days,her class is still full of laughter.A.as you know B.all in all C.to start with3.I cant see Lucy because she is _ the tree.A.in front of B.behindC.next toAAB4.Grace of

40、ten gets nervous before she gives a speech_.A.in publie B.in totalC.in common 5.How was your life in England?Quite diferent from here._,people there drink tea with milk.A.In my opinion B.To my surprise C.At the beginning6.Youd beter not ride_with your friends in the street.Its dangerous.A.side by si

41、de B.as a resultC.as well as D.by the wayABA7.Many wild animals are_,and its time for us to do whatever we can to protect them.A.on dutyB.on show C.in orderD.in danger8.Sally is my best friend.She is always there whenever Im_.Yeah.A friend in need is a friend indeed.A.in order B.in trouble C.in publ

42、ic9.I want to know what happened_my friend.I havent heard_her recently.A.on;ofB.to;fromC.to;ofD.on;fromDBB10.Xian Jie is a good friend indeed.He is always there whenever I am_.I think so.He is just like the cute Baymax(大白).A.in trouble B.in styleC.in order11._my surprise,Jin Ming was chosen into our

43、 school football team.Congratulations.He did well _playing football when he was very young.I hope he will be the best player in our school.A.To;of B.At;atC.To;in D.In;aboutAC12.Jim sits behind me,so I sit_him.A.at the top of B.at the endC.in the middle of D.in front of13.Everyone wants to win.But_me,the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.A.as for B.thanks to C.instead of D.such as14.The ship sinking of Korea teaches us to care for ourselves and the people around us.So it is._,life is the most important to everyone.A.For example B.At lastC.After allDAC


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