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1、中考总复习七年级下册中考总复习七年级下册重点句式重点句式梳理:七年级下册 Unit 1、3重点句式1.-他会下国际象棋吗?-_ he _ _?-是的,他会。/不,他不会。-Yes,_ _./No,_ _.Can play chess he canhe cant2.-你想加入什么俱乐部?-_ _ do you want _ _?-我想加入一个运动俱乐部。-I want_ _ a _ club.What clubto jointo joinsports3.你非常擅长讲故事。Youre very _ _ _ stories.good at telling4.你能参加我们学校的音乐节。You can

2、_ _ our school music festival.be in 5.-从你家到学多远?-_ _ is it_ your home _ school.-只有大约2千米。-_ only about two _.How far from toIts kilometers6.他认为这次旅行怎么样?_ does he_ _the trip?What think of7.对许多学生来说,到学校时容易的。_ many students,it is easy_ _ to school.Forto get8.他们的梦想是有一座桥。It is their_ _ _ a bridge.dream to ha

3、ve重点句式梳理:七年级下册 Unit 2、4重点句式1.-里克什么时候吃早餐?-_ _ _ Rick _ _?-他在七点吃早餐。-He _ breakfast _ seven oclock.What time does eat/have breakfast has/eatsat2.我有时打半小时篮球。I _ play basketball _ half_ hour.sometimesforan3.在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。In the evening,I _ watch TV _ play computer games.either or4.她知道这对她身体不好,但是它(冰淇淋)

4、尝起来味道好!She knows its not_ _ for her,but it _ _!good fortastes good重点句式5.不要打架。_ _.Dont fight 6.-规则是什么?-_ are the _?-我们必须按时上课。-We _ _ _ _ for class.Whatrulesmust be on time7.-他在学校必须穿校服吗?-_ he _ _ wear _ uniform at school?-是的,必须穿。/不,不必须/-Yes,_ _./No,_ _.Does have to 4.他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。我们必须遵守它。They make ru

5、les _ help us.We _ _ follow them.ahe doeshe doesnttohave to重点句式梳理:七年级下册 Unit 5、8重点句式1.约翰为什么喜欢考拉?_ _ John _ koalas?因为它们非常可爱。_ theyre very _.Why does like Becausecute2.-狮子来自哪里?-_ _ lions _?-它们来自南非。-They _ _ South Afirca.Where are from 3.我们先看熊猫吧。_ _ the pandas first.are fromLets seeone of symbols4.大象是泰

6、国的象征之一。The elephant is _ _ Thailands _.5.并且它们能够记住有食物和水的地方。They can also remember places _ food and _.withwater6.附近有餐厅吗?_ _ _ restaurant near here?是的,有一个在邮局附近。Yes,_ one in front of the post office.Are there anytheres 7.非常感谢。_ _ _.不用谢。_ _.Thanks so muchNo problem8.沿着大桥街走,当你看到图书馆的时候,向左转。_ _ Bridge Stre

7、et and _ _ when you see the library.Go alongturn left5.我喜欢看猴子爬来爬去。I love to watch monkeys _ _.climbing around6.为了到达那里,我通常步行出门,在大桥街向右转。_ _ there,I usually _ _ and _ _on Bridge road.To getwalk outturn right重点句式梳理:七年级下册 Unit 6、7重点句式1.你在做什么?_ _ _ _?我在看电视。_ _ TV.What are you doing Im watching2.-他正在读报纸吗?-

8、_ he _ a newspaper?-是的,他正在读。/不,他没有,他正在打篮球.-Yes,_ _./No,_ _.He _ _ basketball.Is reading 3.-喂?我是珍妮。-Hello?_ _ Jenny.-你好,珍妮,我是劳拉。-Hi,Jenny._ Laura here.he isnthe isThis isIts is playing重点句式4.千好万好不如自己家好。Theres still“_ place_ home”.no like 5.情况怎么样?_ _ _?Hows it going 6.要我给他捎话吗?_ _ _ _ _ for him?Can I ta

9、ke a messageHows weatherspeaking 上海天气怎么样?_ the _ in Shanghai?7.8.你好,我是里克。Hello,Rick _.重点句式9.我在加拿大看望我的姑姑玩得很高兴。Im having a great time _ _ _ in Canada.visiting my aunt 10.再次见到他们,我很高兴。Im so happy _ _ _ _.to see them again 重点句式梳理:七年级下册 Unit 9、10重点句式1.她长什么样?_ _ she _ _?她留着长直发。She _ _ _ _.What does look li

10、ke has long straight hair2.我可能会有点迟到。I _ _ _ _ late.may be a little 3.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样子。They tell him_ _ _ _ _.what the criminal looks likethe same way 4.很多人看待事物的方式不一样,因此他们对同一个人的描述也可能会有所不同。Many people dont always see things _ _ _ so they may_ the same people_.describe differently 重点句式5.在西红柿鸡蛋汤里有一些肉吗?Is th

11、ere _ _ in the_ _ _ soup.不,没有一些肉。No,_ _ _ _./No,_ _ _.any meat there isnt any meat6.人们吃插着蜡烛的生日蛋糕People have birthday _ _ _.theres no meat 7.如果他/她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望就会实现。_ he or she_ _ all the candles _ _ _,the wish _ come true.cakes with candlesblows out 8.在中国,过生日吃蛋糕变得越来越流行。In China,it is getting popular

12、_ _ cake _ your birthday.If in one go tomato and egg will to have on 重点句式梳理:七年级下册 Unit 11、12重点句式1.你的学校旅行怎么样?_ _ your school trip?很好!It _ _!How was was great2.卡罗尔骑马了吗?。_ Carol _ _ _?不,她没有。但是她挤牛奶了。No,she _.But she _ _ _.Did ride a horse didnt milked a cow3.这草莓很好吗?_ thr strawberries _?是的,它们很好。/不,它们不好。Y

13、es,_ _./No,_ _.Were good they were they werent 重点句式4.幸运的是,并没有下雨,太阳又出来了!_,it _ rain,and the sun _ _ again.Luckily didnt came out5.然后导游教我们怎样做机器人模型。Then the guide _ us how _ _ the model robot.taught to make6.我去了礼品店并为我的父母买了一些可爱的礼物。I _ _ gift shop and _ some _ gifts _ my parents.went tobought lovely for

14、7.我一点也不喜欢这次旅行。I _ like the trip _ _.didnt at all 重点句式8.谁去拜访她的奶奶了?_ _ her grandma?贝基去了。Becky _.Who visited did9.上个周末去了哪里?_ _ she _ last weekend?她去了一个农场。She _ _ _ _.Where didgowent to a farm 10.她和谁一起去的?_ _ she _ _?她和她的同学一起去的。She _ _ her classmates.Who did go withwent with重点句式11.你上个周末做了什么?_ _ you _ las

15、t weekend?我做家庭作业了。/我们去划船了。I _ _ _./I _ _.What did do did my homework12.他们有一个拥有200多种蝴蝶的蝴蝶屋。They have a butterfly house_ over 200_ _ butterflies.went boatingwithkinds of13.我熬夜为了看足球赛。I _ _ _ _ watch the soccer game.stayed up late to14.拍照片有点难。It was _ _ _ _.difficult to take photos重点句式15.我如此累,以至于早早地睡着了。I was _ _ _ I went to sleep early.so tired that 16.我爸爸在帐篷里开始上下跳动。My dad started _ _ _ _ _ in their tent.to jump up and down


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