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1、Toyota Kata 丰田套路Improvement Methodology改善方法 Problem Solving&Improvement Approach问题解决&改善 Understand the Direction 理解方向Grasp the Current Condition掌握现状 Establish the Next Target Condition确立下一个目标 PDCA|Problem Solving Tools Toward the Target ConditionPDCA/问题解决的工具,迈向目标2(this training material is based on

2、Toyota Kata by Mike Rother)Introduction 介绍介绍大多数大多数“精精益益”企业所企业所在的位置在的位置丰田之路的丰田之路的4P模型模型问题解决问题解决(持续改进和学习)(持续改进和学习)理念(着眼于长期的思维)理念(着眼于长期的思维)过程(杜绝浪费)过程(杜绝浪费)员工和伙伴员工和伙伴(尊重,激励和培养他们)(尊重,激励和培养他们)管理决策以长期理念为基础,即使因此牺牲短期财务目标也在所不惜。流动浮现问题拉动避免生产过剩生产均衡化自働化工作标准化视觉管理可靠技术培养能实现公司理念的领导者尊重、发展及激励公司员工与团队尊重、激励与帮助供应商。持续改进现地现物

3、周全决策,快速执行ProblemSolving(ContinuousImprovementand Learning)Philosophy(Long-Term thinking)Process(Eliminate Waste)People&Partners(Respect,Challenge,And Grow them)Base management decisions on a long-term philosophy,even at the expense of a short-term financial goalsCreate process“flow”to surface proble

4、msUse pull systems to avoid overproductionLevel out the workload(Heijunka)Stop when there is a quality problem(Jidoka)Standardize tasks for continuous improvementUse visual control so no problems are hiddenUse only reliable,thoroughly tested technologyGrow leaders who live the philosophyRespect,deve

5、lop,and challenge your people and teamsRespect,challenge,and help your suppliersContinuous organizational learning through kaizenGo see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation(Genchi Genbutsu)Make decisions slowly by consensus thoroughly considering all options;implement rapidly(Nemawash

6、i)A 4 P model of the Toyota WayWhere most“Lean”companies are At process level.physical or service process(information|transactional)在流程层面在流程层面生产或者服务的流程(信息|交互)Cost Reduction 降低成本Productivity 生产率Introduction of new.新产品,流程,设计,技术等的导入Problems 问题Wikipedia:A problem is an obstacle,impediment,difficulty or

7、challenge,or any situation that invites resolution;the resolution of which is recognized as a solution or contribution toward a known purpose or goal.A problem implies a desired outcome coupled with an apparent deficiency,doubt or inconsistency(矛盾)that prevents the outcome from taking place.维基百科:问题维

8、基百科:问题很难有一个确定的、无异议的定义,但是,一般来说都问题包含有以下三个基本成分:上下文上下文-和问题相关的场景,指一组已经是明确已知(?)的,关于问题的条件的描述。目标-指关于构成问题的结论结论的明确的描述。障碍-指问题的正确解决方法解决方法不是显而易见的,必须通过一定的思维活动,才能找到答案。一般而言,问题是由于某些导致不能达到目的或者实现目标的认识障碍。它是指不期待的现状没有被解决或者事态出现意外。Business Dictionary:A perceived gap between the existing state and a desired state,or a devia

9、tion from a norm,standard,or status quo.Although many problems turn out to have several solutions(the means to close the gap or correct the deviation),difficulties arise where such means are either not obvious or are not immediately available.商业字典:一个认为现有的状态和一个理想的状态,或与一个规范,标准,或现状的偏差之间的差距。虽然许多问题有几种解决方

10、案(缩小差距的手段或纠正偏差),出现困难等手段并不明显,或者不立即可用。PART 1 第第 1 部分部分Understand the Direction理解方向理解方向现状对客户的愿景愿景是一个方向指示器没有一个方向 给一个愿景 长期愿景或方向有助于我们集中思想和行动,因为如果没有愿景或方向。各种建议在接受评估时将是各自独立的,而不是作为整体努力的一部分。现状对客户的愿景挑战因为愿景是模糊不清晰的现状对客户的愿景挑战目标状态现状愿景目标状态障碍PART 2 第第 2 部分部分Grasp the Current Condition掌握现状掌握现状 The purpose of Process A

11、nalysis is not to uncover problems,wastes or potential improvements(this will come later!).Grasping the current situation is to obtain facts and data you need in order to define the appropriate target condition.Once you have the target condition,then you can strive to move toward it and discover wha

12、t you need to work on(problems,wastes,obstacles).Goal:develop a systematic way of observing and analyzing a process by a routine practice kata of grasping the situation.Grasp the current situationEstablish next target conditionTarget Condition流程分析的目的不是不是去发现问题、浪费或者潜在的改进机会(这些后面会随之而来)掌握现状,获得需要的事实和数据事实和

13、数据,来确定合理的目标状态一旦确定了目标状态,你就可以朝着目标努力朝着目标努力,然后就可以发现你需要克服的问题(问题,浪费,障碍)Goal:develop a systematic way of observing and analyzing a process by a routine practice kata of grasping the situation.目标目标:通过“套路”来掌握现状,建立一个系统的方式来观察和分析流程掌握现状建立下一阶段的目标目标状态 Find out current pattern of operation,so you can establish a de

14、sired pattern of operation(target condition).找出现有的运行模式,就能够建立你所期望达到的模式(目标状态)The goal here is to learn the routine of process analysis.目标是学习流程分析的“方法”Start with a process easier to understand and analyze.从容易理解和分析的流程开始What do you actually know?你真正你真正知道知道什么?什么?How do you know it?你如何知道的?What do you need t

15、o know?你你需要需要知道什么?知道什么?How can you learn it?你怎么学到的?Lean is not acting on assumptions or jumping to conclusions.精益不能依靠假设来行动,也不能直接跳到结论。精益不能依靠假设来行动,也不能直接跳到结论。“Data is of course important,but I place greater emphasis on facts.”“数据确实很重要,但是我更强调事实数据确实很重要,但是我更强调事实”Taiichi Ohno 大野耐一And where do you find the

16、FACTS of a situation?At the Gemba the place where the problem is actually happening.Not in a conference room or at a desk.那你能在哪里发现事实事实呢?在现场问题真正发生的地方。不是在会议室或者是在办公桌上。Grasp the actual condition firsthand掌握一手的实际情况Ask Questions to Help Ourselves SEE:问问题来帮助我们观察问问题来帮助我们观察Whats Actually Happening?真正在发生真正在发生

17、什么?什么?What do I actually know?我真正知道什我真正知道什么?么?The Real or Main Problem事实和真正的事实和真正的问题问题A SOLUTION解决方案解决方案Impressions&Assumptions感觉和假设Theory 理论FACTSFACTSFACTS事实事实241.Assuming you know what the problem is without seeing what is actually happening.在没有看到真正发生什么之前就假设你已经知道问题是什么了。2.Assuming you know how to f

18、ix a problem without finding out what is causing it.在没有找出问题的根本原因之前就假设你已经知道如何去解决问题了。3.Assuming you know what is causing the problem without confirming it.在没有确认之前就假设你已经知道是什么导致问题的发生了。In other words-Not Grasping the Situation.换句话说换句话说没有掌握现状。没有掌握现状。(And where do we grasp the situation?At the Gemba!)(我们可以

19、在哪里掌握到现状?在现场!)(我们可以在哪里掌握到现状?在现场!)25IS NOT 不是不是The simple reverse of your proposed solution.用简单的否定来提建议 “No one oils the machine”.“没有人给机器加油”A lack of something,such as lack of a specific countermeasure.缺少什么东西,例如具体的对策。“There is no standard work in place”.“没有标准化的工作”IS 是是A problem in performance.在绩效上的问题“

20、The bearing wears out too frequently.”“轴承磨损地太频繁了”Stated as concretely in measurable performance terms as possible.尽量用可以衡量的绩效指标来描述“Bearing will perform as required through the standard of 300 hours 100%of cases.Current 50%Goal 100%目前50%目标100%We need to train our eyes to“see”and grasp the current situ

21、ation我们必须培养我们的眼睛去我们必须培养我们的眼睛去“观察观察”和掌握现状和掌握现状1.Visible Problems(obvious,apparent)可视的问题(明显可视的问题(明显的的,显然的)显然的)Line stopped 停线Equipment breakdown 设备停机Quality problem(red bins|post-mortem parts)质量问题(红盒子|事后分析问题)Mess(stuffs out of place)混乱(物品放置没有秩序)Operators idle 操作者等待2.Invisible(Difficult-to-see)Problems

22、 不可视(难以发现)不可视(难以发现)的问题的问题Points where is cumulating inventory 积累库存的地方Production cycle time slower than planned cycle time 生产周期时间比计划的时间长Not meeting customer demand according to Takt Time根据节拍时间,没有满足顾客的需求No standardized work(real,not paper)没有标准化工作Source of quality problems 质量问题的根源Lack of signals for ma

23、terials and info flow缺乏物料和信息流的指示High variation in process cycles(instability)流程的波动性很大(不稳定)Extra efforts in all areas(planning,logistics,customer service,sales,etc)to compensate production instability(variation)其他区域(计划、物流,客服,销售等)导致的生产不稳定(波动)Initially you should focus on establishing a first target co

24、ndition and then get going on PDCA cycles toward that target condition.As you go through the PDCA cycles,you will iteratively deepen your understanding of the process.开始你只需要关注于确立第一个目标状态,然后开始PDCA循环,来达到目标状态一旦你开始PDCA循环,你就可以反复地加深对流程的理解 Stopwatch 秒表 Paper 纸 Pencil,eraser and ruler 铅笔,橡皮和尺子 Calculator 计算器

25、 It can be done by an individual or small group可以有一个人或者小团队完成可以有一个人或者小团队完成Lets Grasp the Current Condition让我们掌握现状让我们掌握现状Customer takt time 客户的节拍时间Planned Cycle time 计划的周期时间Number of shifts currently running(available time)现在的班次(可用工作时间)Customer Demand and Line Pace 顾客需求和生产速度Define the start&end points

26、 of the process 确定流程的开始和结束点Get to know the process by sketching it 通过绘制来了解流程Where do buffer accumulates?哪里会累积缓冲库存How much does process output fluctuate?(time and graph 20 exit cycles)流程的产出如何波动(测量20个循环的时间)?Where does quality problem happen?质量问题在哪里发生?Note other details bout current operating patterns

27、还有哪些会影响现状?Overview of the Process 流程的概览Can the equipment support the planned cycle time?设备能满足计划的周期时间吗?What is the current capacity?现有的产能是多少?Machine Capacity机器产能 Time 20-40 full cycles of each operators work 对每一个操作者的工作,测量20-40个循环的时间 Are each operators work steps the same from cycle to cycle?每一个操作者每一个

28、循环的工作步骤是一样吗?Process Stability流程的稳定性 Calculate the number of operators 计算操作者的数量Necessary Number of Operators(if process were stable)需要的操作者数量(如果流程稳定的话)Important:if process is not stable you will need to address this before trying to make other improvements.重要:重要:如果流程不稳定的话,你可能需要先解决这个问题再去改进其他方面Where are

29、 the unsafe conditions?哪些是不安全的地方?Does the operator act unsafely?操作员注意安全操作了吗?Do the operators wear the appropriate PPE?操作者正确穿着PPE了吗?PPE(personal protective equipment)即个人防护设备。S(Safety)安全Where are the red bins located?What is current defect rate?红盒子在哪里?现在的质量不良率是多少?How much does the defect impact on pro

30、duction output and delivery?质量对产量和交付的影响有多大?Q(Quality)质量What is current delivery order?Ahead or behind schedule?现在要交付的订单是什么?比计划提前了还是滞后了?D(Delivery)交付What are the extra operations(unnecessary processes)?哪些是额外的工序?(不必要的工序)Are we performing on or out of budget?我们有没有超过预算?C(Cost)成本People idle 人员空闲Waiting f

31、or machine,material,leader,inspection 等设备,材料,等检验Waiting 等待People moving around 人在到处走动People looking for tools or parts 寻找工具或者零件People moving long distances to get something 走很远去拿什么东西Manual transfer of parts from box-to-box 将零件从一个盒子拿到另一个盒子Motion 动作Material being transferred from one location to other

32、 物料从一个地方运到另外一个地方Transportation运输Quality problems in raw materials,WIP and finished goods 原材料,在制品和成品的质量问题Rework 返工Defects 质量缺陷Over processing 过度的加工Double or triple checking(not right at first time)重复地检验(不是一次做对)Adjusting 调整Unnecessary process 不必要的工序Buffers between the operations and processes在工序之间的缓冲库

33、存Inventory 库存Produce earlier or more than needed by customer跟顾客的需求相比,过早或者过多地生产Overproduction过量生产 Understand the Direction 理解方向Grasp the Current Condition掌握现状 Establish the Next Target Condition确立下一个目标状态 PDCA|Problem Solving Tools Toward the Target ConditionPDCA/问题解决的工具,迈向目标39PART 3Establish the Next

34、 Target Condition确定下一个目标状态确定下一个目标状态Grasp the current situation掌握现状Establish next target condition确定目标状态Target ConditionWhat pattern of the process do you want to strive for next你想采用什么样的方法到达下一个阶段你想采用什么样的方法到达下一个阶段A TC describes a desired future state,and specify when it should be achieved目标状态是我们所希望达到的

35、未来状态,并明确了什么时候应该实现目标状态是我们所希望达到的未来状态,并明确了什么时候应该实现Current Condition现状现状Target Condition目标状态目标状态Unclear Territory不确定的范围Obstacles 障碍We areHere我们在哪?我们在哪?We want to behere next我们下一步想实现什么我们下一步想实现什么We should be able to answer questions like that 我们应该能够回答以下的问题:How do we want this process to operate?我们希望流程如何运行

36、?What is the intended normal pattern?正常的模式应该是什么?Where do we want to be next?我们下一步希望实现什么?Current Condition现状现状VISION愿景愿景Target Condition目标状态目标状态ProblemsandObstacles问题和障碍问题和障碍1.How the process should operate.The intended pattern.流程该如何运行?计划中的模式。2.So you can recognize the key problems and obstacles you

37、need to address.因此你就能够得到你需要去解决的关键问题Go after the problems,or obstacles,that prevent you from getting the specific target condition you are trying to reach one at a time!关注于问题或者障碍,可以避免只关注与如何达到具体的某一个目标状态。一次一个问题!一次一个问题!关系关系 GUANGXIIts not my idea against your idea 并不是我的意见和你的不一样Its what do we need to wor

38、k on to get our target condition.而是我们需要为了共同的目标而努力。Without a target condition没有目标状态没有目标状态With a target condition有目标状态有目标状态Target Condition目标状态目标状态It is a description of how a process should be performing in order to achieve the target是关于流程应该如何运行才能达到目标的描述PROCESS流程流程Target 目标目标An outcome,result or goal

39、成果,结果或者目标Inventory Level 库存水平库存水平Lead Time 交付时间交付时间Output per Hour 小时产出小时产出Cost,Labor Cost 人力成本人力成本Quality Level 质量水平质量水平Productivity 生产率生产率Etc 等等Process operating in this way.will generate this result.流程这样运行的话流程这样运行的话 .会产生这样的结果会产生这样的结果.(pattern 模式)(expected outcome 预期的成果)Target Condition目标状态目标状态1.N

40、o adjusts required.2.Accurate delivery date always available3.Number of kanban cards always correct4.The design can be finished on time with no overtimeTarget目标目标1.Increased output by 25%2.Zero customers complaint3.Zero shortage of material due to kanban cards4.Reduce labor costsCurrent Condition现状现

41、状1.Equip.A in the cell is frequently stopping for adjusts2.An accurate delivery date is not available to inform customers3.Shortage of material due to losing kanban card4.Frequently need overtime to accomplish design due dateTarget Condition目标状态目标状态1.不再需要调整2.能够有准确的交货时间3.看板的数量永远是正确的4.没有加班的情况下按期完成设计Ta

42、rget目标目标1.提高25%的产出2.客户抱怨率为03.没有因为看板的问题而缺料4.减少人力成本Current Condition现状现状1.单元中的设备A需要经常停机调整2.没有办法通知客户准确的交货时间3.因为丢失了看板,导致缺料4.经常需要加班才能按计划完成设计1.PROCESS STEPS,SEQUENCE&TIMES 流程步骤,顺序和时间流程步骤,顺序和时间a pattern you can draw or chart 你可以画出来的模式2.OTHER PROCESS CHARACTERISTICS 其他的流程特征其他的流程特征Number of people 人员数量Time a

43、vailable 可用时间Where 1 x 1 flow is planned 哪里可以实现单件流Where inventory buffer is estimated 缓冲库存在哪里3.PROCESS INDICATORS 流程的指标流程的指标To check condition of the process in real time 实时检查流程的状态Ex:time to each cycle,piece,setup time,degree of variability from cycle to cycle 例如:周期时间,件数,换模时间,周期时间的波动等4.OUTPUT INDICA

44、TORS 产出指标产出指标Number of pieces per hour/shift/day 每小时/班/天 的产出Planning attainment(accomplishment)计划达成率(完成)Productivity 生产率On-time Delivery 准时交付率No Verbs没有动词没有动词TC shall have a DATE应该有日期应该有日期Broachend slots端头钻Drill CrossHoles钻十字孔Turn PistonGroves变位活塞套Deburr清理毛刺Scan HardenJournal扫描硬化轴颈Straighten伸直Center

45、lessGrinder 偏心砂轮Broach Teeth钻孔齿Resistance Harden Teeth阻力硬化齿Wash 洗Induction Temper感应调节器Straighten伸直Crack Detect裂纹检测Buff OD Rack软皮架Super Finish OD超细抛光Assemble Pistons装配活塞Lap Journal重叠轴颈Final Wash(Rust Prevent)终洗(防锈)Gub Drill Journal End钻床-轴颈头Machine Both Ends 两头机器11IN 进进OUT出出1234561788710234569TT=30s2

46、 OperatorsCurrent Condition现状现状Target Condition目标状态目标状态q Customer TT=30sq 客户的节拍时间=30秒q Planned C/T=25sq 计划周期时间=25 秒 q One shift+overtime 一班+加班q Varying buffer between workstationsq工序之间有波动的缓冲库存q 6 operators(underutilized)q 6个操作者q Output cycle fluctuation:+-60%q 产出周期波动::+-60%q Output=600 750 pieces/sh

47、iftq 产出=600 750件/班q Customer TT=30sq 客户的节拍时间=30秒q Planned C/T=25sq 计划周期时间=25 秒 q One shift(no overtime)q一班(没有加班)q 1 x 1 flow 单件流q 4 operators 4个操作者q Output cycle fluctuation:+-10%q 产出周期波动::+-10%q Output=800 pieces/shiftq 产出=800件/班q Documents released in batchq 文件以批量的形式发放q Documents in different form

48、ats(difficult to read)q 文件都是不同的格式(难以阅读)q Overtime required to conclude monthly releaseq 每个月发放的时候需要加班q Documents in 1 x 1 flowq 文件以单件流的方式q Standardized formatq 标准化的格式q All documents concluded with no overtimeq 没有加班Current Condition现状现状Target Condition目标状态目标状态 This happens when the work is not repetit

49、ive这在工作不是可重复的时候发生 Keep in mind that were trying to find a pattern记住,我们努力找到一种模式 Instead of releasing work to the process by customer order which the amount of work can vary from order to order release work in equal portions,for instance to fill a standard increment of time “pitch”与其按照客户的订单工作(客户的订单总是波

50、动的),不如按照一定的标准量来工作-“Pitch”In manufacturing:number of racks that can be painted per hour;number of trays can put in the heat treatment oven 制造:每个小时可以喷涂多少架;热处理设备可以放进多少托盘 In service:average time to respond the inquires(call centers);number of pages finished per day 服务:平均响应时间(呼叫中心);每天完成的页数PART 4PDCA|Prob


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