Unit 3 Reading and thinking 阅读(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Book2 Unit 3 The Internet Reading and thinking Stronger Together:How we have been changed by the internetThe Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.Bill Gates Can you imagine your life without the Internet?Teaching Aims:Master the new words and phrases about the Inte

2、rnet.Analyze and describe how the internet changed our life.Learn the influences of the internet and know how to use the Internet properlyDiscussion:discuss these questions in pairs.1.What do you think the text will say?2.How do you think the writer feels about the topic?Read headlines:Headlines usu

3、ally include only key ideas or information from the text.They often do not follow strict grammar rules,because writers use as few words as possible to catch the attention of the readers.1.What do you think the text will say?2.How do you think the writer feels about the topic?I think the text will sa

4、y that we have been changed a lot by the Internet and that it has brought us together.I think the writer feels positive(积极的)about this topic because they say we are stronger together.Para.1Example 1(例1)Para.2Example 2(例2)Para.3Example 3(例3)Para.4Conclusion(结论)Para.5 Can you analyze the structure of

5、the passage by drawing a mind map?阅读P28课文,厘清文章结构。networkslonelyInternetcharityimprovedBenefits of the Internet to our life.The difficulty Jan met and solved.Jan started an IT club to teach old people how to use computers and the Internet.Jans life has been greatly improved by the Internet.Skimming:L

6、isten and Read for main ideas Para1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about how to use the Internet to make society better.IntroductionSummaryExampleMuch has been written about the of the World Wide Web.There are countless articles telling us how the Int

7、ernet has.We have to or when we go shopping.We can from large.We can whenever we need them.But the Internet has done much more for people than simply make life more convenient.Peoples lives have been changed by.Para 1Main idea:关于万维网奇迹的文章有很多。有无数的文章告诉我们互联网是如何使我们的生活更加方便。当我们去购物时,我们不再需要排队或随身携带现金。我们可以从大型数

8、据库获得最新的信息。我们可以随时下载软件、文档和图像。但互联网为人们带来的不仅仅是简单地让生活更加便利。在线社区和社交网络改变了人们的生活。Jan Tchamani,an English teacher in Birmingham,UK,suddenly and had to.At age 50,she found herselfand at home with only her computer to After a while,she discovered that could help her feel less lonely and bored.She could She alsowh

9、ere she could andfrom others.She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to that usually exists between people.Para 2Main idea:英国伯明翰的一位英语教师简夏曼尼突然得了重病,因此不得不辞职。50岁时,她发现自己失业了,困在家里,只有电脑相伴。过了一段时间,她发现上网可以帮助她减少孤独和无聊。她可以听音乐、看电影、玩游戏和探索世界。她还加入了一个在线小组,在那里她可以谈论自己的问题,并获得他人的支持和建

10、议。她意识到互联网最大的好处之一是能够消除通常存在于人与人之间的距离感。Language points:Important phrases no longercarry cash arounddownload softwaredevelop a serious illnessquit ones jobsurf the Internetexplore the worldcollect moneytake online classesraise money for children in poor countries 随身携带现金随身携带现金下载软件下载软件 患严重的疾病患严重的疾病辞职辞职探索世

11、界探索世界募集资金募集资金不再不再上网课上网课为贫穷国家的孩子筹集资金为贫穷国家的孩子筹集资金网上冲浪网上冲浪Who is Jan Tchamani?Where is she?What happened to her?When did it happen?What did she do?How did she feel?What did she realize?Read the para.2 and try to find out the answers She is an English teacher.She is in Birmingham,UK.She developed a seri

12、ous illness.She had to quit her job.She joined an online group where she could talk about her problems and get support.less lonely and bored.One of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exist between people.She was so inspired by the people she met

13、 online that she decided to to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.She and her friends now and to private teachers.Many people have been helped by the club.A 59-year-old man learnt how to and found a great job.Now that he works and can himself,his daughter has time to study at u

14、niversity.A 61-year-old woman who was has with two friends.She feels lonely,and her company has become quite successful.Main idea:网友给了她很大的启发,她决定成立一个IT俱乐部来教老年人如何使用电脑和互联网。现在,她和她的朋友们组织活动并募集资金来支付私人教师的费用。许多人得到了俱乐部的帮助。一名59岁的男子学会了如何在线申请工作,并找到了一份出色的工作。现在他工作了,而且可以照顾自己,他的女儿就有时间在大学学习。一位61岁独居妇女与两个朋友一起创办了一家小型在线公

15、司。她不再感到孤独,她的公司也相当成功。Para 3Jan has started to learn more about how to use the Internet to make society better.She believes that it is highly important to and that everyone has and knows how to.Her next goal is to to for children in poor countries。Main idea:简已经开始上在线课程,以了解更多关于如何利用互联网让社会变得更好。她认为,消除数字鸿沟、

16、确保每个人都能使用互联网并知道如何运用新技术是非常重要的。她的下一个目标是建立一个慈善网站,为贫穷国家的儿童募集资金。Para 4Jans life has been greatly improved by the Internet.“When you,you meet others who are,”Jan says.“Thinking about other peoples situationsoffer help.”Main idea:Jans experience inspired her to change.互联网极大地改善了简的生活。简说:“当你遇到困难时,你会遇到其他面临类似挑战

17、的人,考虑别人的情况激励我提供帮助。”Para 5Summary Peooles life have been changed by the Internet.Example 1(例1)Jan was changed by the Internet.Example 2(例2)Many people have been changed by Jan and her friends.Example 3(例3)Jan wants to change children in poor countries.Conclusion(结论)Jans experience inspired her to cha

18、nge others.access convenient surf inspire distance network download cash update benefitThe Internet has brought great to Wuzhen,a small waterside town in Zhejiang Province.For the past few years,Wuzhen has hosted the World Internet Conference(WIC),which makes life in this ancient town much more than

19、 it has been.Residents here can online as easily as in large modern cities.Plus they can _ movies and music at high speeds.benefitconvenientsurfdownloadThe Internet has even changed Wuzhens transport!For short ,both residents and tourists can use the public bike system.Bikes can be rented by using o

20、nline apps-no need for paperwork or payment.In 2016,the parking system for Wuzhens WIC center was to be fully Internet-based.Wuzhens entering the world of the Internet should other small towns around the world.No matter how small a town is,everyone should be able to join the global and the world of the Internet!distancecashupdatedinspirenetworkaccess Thank you!


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