Unit 2 Reading and Thinking (ppt课件)(9)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionA Day in the CloudsWhat kind of wildlife do you know?Tiger,elephants,whale,and Lead in藏羚羊藏羚羊Tibetan antelopes are migrating.迁徙迁徙n Tibetan antelope lives only 10 years.n Female antelopes have no horns.n Changtang National Nature Reserve is a shelter for Tibetan antelopes and

2、 other wildlife.Each year in June or July,a number of antelopes migrate from all directions to ZhuoNaiHu and Hoh xil lake,then go back the way they came.卓乃湖卓乃湖可可西里湖可可西里湖 Video TimeLook at the pictures below.What do you think the text is about?The text must be about antelopes.Pre-readingRead the text

3、 carefully on Page 16.While-readingPara.1 A.The Changtang National Nature Reserve has been set up to protect the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet.Para.2 B.The Chinese government took measures to keep antelopes from attacks.Para.3 C.The purpose of the writer to Tibet.Para.4 D.After a days vis

4、it,the writer thought a lot in the evening.Para.5 E.Antelopes are being hunted illegally for their fur.Para.6 F.The result of the Chinese governments measures is great.Para.7 G.During the 1980s and 1990s,antelopes were killed badly,causing their number to drop sharply.Match each paragraph with its t

5、opic sentence.Reading and Thinking 1.Why did the writer visit Tibet?To observe Tibetan antelopes.Reading and Thinking2.What happened to the Tibetan antelope in the 1980s and 1990s?The population dropped by more than 50%.Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.New roads and railways were buil

6、t.Their habitats become smaller.result in 3.What did people do to help protect the Tibetan antelope?The Chinese government Zhaxi and other volunteers Bridges and gates were added to Reading and ThinkingFill in the blanks.Things the author sees _ mountains disappearing into clouds the antelopes movin

7、g slowly _.Things the author hears _ Reserve _ for the Tibetan antelope measures to _ _ after years of protectionHow the author feels or thinks struck by _ changing _ existing in _snow-coveredacross the green grassChangtang National Nature bad timesprotect the Tibetan antelopeeffects achievedtheir b

8、eautyour way of lifeharmony with natureReadingEXAMPLE_ The Tibetan antelope lives high above sea level.(This is implied by”The air is thin”.)_ When they first saw the antelopes,they were very far away._ We should not buy goods made from endangered animals._ Human activities are threatening animals a

9、nd plants._ The Tibetan antelope is not an endangered species now.IIIILRead the sentences below,and decide if each idea is the literal meaning(L)of the text or only implied(l)by the text.Identify literal and implied meaning Literal meaning is the usual,basic meaning of the words,i.e.exactly what the

10、 words say.Implied meaning is suggested but not directly expressed,i.e.you guess the meaning based on what you know.The outline of the passageIntroduce the topic:Protecting the Tibetan Antelope.why results1.Hunters were shooting them to make profits.2.They were endangered.3.Their habitats were getti

11、ng smaller.The population is recovering.They are no longer endangered animals.how 1.The Chinese government placed it under national protection.2.Bridges and gates were added to let them move easily and safely.3.Volunteers watched them over day and night.4.We must change our way of life and learn to

12、live in harmony with nature.Summary1.What doesnational protectionmean?National protection means something is protected across the whole country,and it is illegal to harm it.2.How does the writer feel about modern life?How do you know?The writer thinks modern life goes against nature,because he says

13、we must change the way we live if we really want to protect wildlife and the planet.Post-readingLearn about elephants by reading and completing the passage with the correct forms of the words.Herds of elephants used to live on the_ of Africa and in the forests of Asia.But today,they face a serious _

14、 from _.These large animals are being killed _ for their body parts that are considered valuable.hunter illegally reserve attackexist plain harmony threatplainsthreathuntersillegallyIn order to save them,some countries have created _ where they can live in peace and safety.However,the _ on them will

15、 continue as long as interest in buying elephant products _.To achieve _ between humans and animals,the world must protect these beautiful creatures.reservesattacksexistsharmonyhunter illegally reserve attackexist plain harmony threat1What do you know about the Tibetan antelope and the Changtang Nat

16、ional Nature Reserve?句意:你对藏羚羊和羌塘国家自然保护区了解多少句意:你对藏羚羊和羌塘国家自然保护区了解多少?reserve为了将来的为了将来的用途用途或其他用途而保存、保留。或其他用途而保存、保留。preserve为为防止损害、变质防止损害、变质等而保存。等而保存。例1:这位老人贮存了大量木柴以备天冷时使用。The old man _ a lot of firewood for cold weather.reserved例2:维护公共秩序是警察的职责。Its the duty of the police to _ the public order.preserve2On

17、 the plain in front of us,we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.句意:放眼平原,我们隐约看到一群体型优美的动物。句意:放眼平原,我们隐约看到一群体型优美的动物。1.plain n.平原 adj.简单的;朴素的 例1:一般来讲,纯色的地毯使房间显得更大。In general,a _ makes a room look bigger.plain carpet例2:那条河流蜿蜒地流过平原。The river wanders over _.the plain2On the plain in front of us,we

18、 can just make out a herd of graceful animals.句意:放眼平原,我们隐约看到一群体型优美的动物。句意:放眼平原,我们隐约看到一群体型优美的动物。2.make out(勉强)看出;辨认出;听出 make up make up forbe made up of make sensemake use of 编造;化妆;组成弥补;补偿 由组成有道理;讲得通利用【拓展】make相关短语23.a herd of 一群一群.;许多的;许多的那简直就像一群大象从屋子里跑过。例:It was more like a herd of elephants running

19、through the room!2On the plain in front of us,we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.句意:放眼平原,我们隐约看到一群体型优美的动物。句意:放眼平原,我们隐约看到一群体型优美的动物。a herd ofa flock ofa swarm ofa herd of 一群(牛、鹿、象等)a flock of chickens 一群(鸡、鸟、羊等)a swarm of bees 一窝(蜜蜂、蚂蚁、蝗虫等)a crowd of people 一群人 有关“一群”的表达3Watching them move

20、 slowly across the green grass,Im struck by their beauty.Im also reminded of the danger they are in.They are being hunted,illegally,for their valuable fur.句意:看着藏羚羊缓缓穿过绿色的草地,我被其美丽所震撼,也想到了它句意:看着藏羚羊缓缓穿过绿色的草地,我被其美丽所震撼,也想到了它们所处的险境。因其珍贵的羊毛,它们正遭受非法猎杀。们所处的险境。因其珍贵的羊毛,它们正遭受非法猎杀。1.beauty n.美;美人;美好的东西 beautiful

21、 adj.美丽的 beautify v.美化,使更美丽例1:人群或许会破坏这个地方的美丽。The crowds might damage the _ of the place.例2:他们一起努力美化这个花园。They worked together to _ the gardens.beautify beauty 2.remind sb of sth 提醒某人某件事情 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人将做某事例1:我觉得我提醒他今天有会议是绝对必要的。I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to _ today.例2:公共汽车售票员忘记

22、提醒他在那一站下车了。The bus conductor forgot to _ at that station.remind him of the meeting remind him to get off3Watching them move slowly across the green grass,Im struck by their beauty.Im also reminded of the danger they are in.They are being hunted,illegally,for their valuable fur.3.illegally adv.非法地 il

23、legal adj.非法的【反义词】legal 合法的英语中,通常由ab-/dis-/im-/in-/ir-/un-/等前缀来表示“否定”意义。例:logical _able _agree _honest _normal _ moral _possible _human _justice _correct _illogicalunabledisagreedishonestabnormalimmoralimpossibleinhumaninjusticeincorrect3Watching them move slowly across the green grass,Im struck by

24、their beauty.Im also reminded of the danger they are in.They are being hunted,illegally,for their valuable fur.4Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.句意:猎人们为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊。1.hunter n.猎人 hunt v.打猎;搜寻;追捕 hunt for 寻找例:1.警察得到命令可以向任何袭击他们的人开枪。The police had orders to _ anyone who attacked them.2.猎人在瞄

25、准一只鸟。A hunter is _a bird.2.shoot v.开(枪或其他武器);射击;射杀 n.拍摄;摄影;狩猎;狩猎场;幼苗【动词变形】shoots shooting shot-shot shoot at sb/sth 瞄准某物射去shooting at shoot 4Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.句意:猎人们为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊。3.profit n.利润,利益;v.有益于,获益 profitable adj.有利可图的;有益的 make(a)profit(s)盈利 profit from 从.获益例:1.公司在这

26、笔生意中获利颇丰。The company _ on the deal.2.新法规使农民受益。Farmers _ the new law.make a great profit profit from4Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.句意:猎人们为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊。5Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.句意:只有学会与大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生

27、物和地球的威胁句意:只有学会与大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。例1:只有当一个公司注意自身的产品质量,它才能盈利。Only when a company pay attention to the quality of its products _.例2:只有这样你的英语才能取得巨大进步。Only in this way _ make great progress in English.can it make great profits can you 在英语句子中,为了在英语句子中,为了表示强调表示强调,把,把“only状语状语(副词副词/介词短语介词短语/从句从句)”置于置于句首句首,主句要用部分倒装主句要用部分倒装形式,即形式,即把主句中的助动词、情态动词或系动词把主句中的助动词、情态动词或系动词提到主语前面提到主语前面。THANKS


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