Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 词汇(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Cultural HeritageVocabularyJessicaheritage/hertd/n.遗产 cultural heritage 文化遗产(指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色)inherit v.继承(遗产)接手=take over 承担=take on inherit the traditional Chinese morals 继承中国的传统道德creatively/krietvli/adv.创造性地;有创造力地creative adj.创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的create v.创造 job opportunities 创造就业机会creativity

2、 n.创造力,独创性creature n.生物;人creation n.创造,创建;作品The most personal is the most creative.人内心最深处的东西才是最有创意的。西科塞斯temple/temp()l/n.庙;寺 The temple dates back to 2000 years ago.relic/relk/n.遗物;遗迹 cutural relics 文化遗迹 cultural heritages 文化遗产mount/mant/n.山峰 =mountain Mount Tai 东岳泰山vt.爬上;骑上 mount/climb stairs 爬楼梯vi

3、.爬;登上;增强 The deaths continued to mount.former/fm(r)/adj.以前的;(两者中)前者的 my former teacher 我以前的老师 my former husband latter/ltr/adj.后期的;(两者中)后者的my latter life 我的后半生 the former 前者 the latter 后者clue/klu/n.线索;提示 hint /hnt/n.暗示,提示;征兆,迹象preservevt.保存;保护;维持n保护区维护世界和平:preserve world peace保护文化遗产:preserve the cul

4、tural heritagepreserve.from/against.保护免受preserved adj.保护的;腌制的(meat)be well preserved 被保存完好preservation n.保护;保存单句语法填空(1)Only if we human beings show our love to them can animals _(preserve)(2)Our teachers are determined to preserve us students _ being hurt.be preservedfrom/againstpromote/prmt/vt.促进;提

5、升;推销;晋级 sales/cooperation 促销;促进合作promote sb.to.提升某人为get promoted 升职promotion n.提升,提拔,晋升单句语法填空(1)As far as I know,he got _(promote)for his great contribution to the company.(2)Her _(promote)to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.promotedpromotioncypress/saprs/n.柏树 pine/pan/n 松树 applicationn申请(表);

6、用途;运用;应用(程序app)apply vt.&vi.应用;运用;申请;请求apply to.适用于;向申请apply for.申请/请求apply oneself to doing sth 专心致力于做某事applicant n.申请人 take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)join in/participate intake an active part in.积极参加play a part in.在中起作用;在中扮演角色give way to 让步;屈服=be replaced by My anger gave way to forgiveness.(续写情绪转变)我的

7、愤怒变成了宽恕.In about two hours,the forest gave way to a block of streets.(续写)森林被街区代替。give away 赠送;分发;泄露 give in(to)让步;投降 give off 发出;散发 give out 散发;分发;被用光;筋疲力尽;公布 give up 放弃balance n.平衡;均匀 strike a balance between work and pleasure 劳逸结合 vt.使平衡 balance your career and family 平衡你的事业和家庭balanced adj.平衡的 kee

8、p a balanced diet 生活就像骑单车,为了保持平衡,你必须一直往前。爱因斯坦lead to导致 (result in;cause)lead v领路;领先;(路)通;过(某种生活),导致;促使(lead-led-led)n领先;榜样;主角;铅lead sb to do sth.使某人做某事(make sb do sth)lead the way 带路lead a happy life 过着幸福的生活There is no road of flowers leading to glory.没有一条通向光荣的道路是充满鲜花的。单句,单句,leading to/resulting in/

9、causing sth The outbreak of the pandemic came off guard,_(lead vi)to panic among the population.The outbreak of the pandemic came off guard,_(result vi)in panic among the population.疫情猝不及防,导致民众恐慌。leadingresultingleading adj.主要的,最重要的 play a leading part in 在中至关重要众所周知,成功在于努力,而懒惰导致失败。As we all know,suc

10、cess lies in hard work while _.常言道,“条条大路通罗马。”As the old saying goes,“All roads _ Rome.”laziness leads to failurelead toproposal n.提议;建议 make/put forward/come up with a proposal 提出建议propose/prpz/v.提议,建议;提出 propose doing sth 建议做某事=suggest/recommend/advise doing sth proposal/propose后接that从句时,谓语通常用“(sho

11、uld)动词原形”形式。他建议每个人都应该努力使我们的国家更强大。He_to make our country stronger.(proposal n.)He _to make our country stronger.(propose vt.)made a proposal that everyone(should)make efforts proposed that everyone(should)spare no efforts likelyadj.可能的adv.可能地=probably sb./sth.be likely to do.Its likely that sb./sth.某

12、人/某物可能 unlikely adj.不大可能的be unlikely to do.It is unlikely that.不可能The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you are likely to see.你能看到多远的过去,就能看到多远的未来。丘吉尔turn to 向求助;开始从事;翻到(书的某页);查阅;转向turn to sb for help ask/beg sb for help seek help from sbturn down关小,调低;拒绝turn in 交上;提交turn up 出现;露面;调大t

13、urn out 结果是;关掉;赶走;生产Turn:in turn 依次;轮流 take ones turn 轮到某人 take turns to do sth=do sth by turns 轮流做.Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事establish/stbl/vt.建立;创立 The school _(establish)a successful relationship with the local community in the past 10 years.这所学校与当地社区建立了良好的关系establishment/stblmnt/n.企业,公共机构,家

14、庭has established limitn限度;限制vt.限制;限定(1)without limit无限制地there is a/no limit to.有/没有限制(2)set limits on 对加以限制(3)limited adj.有限的 be limited toYour speech is limited to 5 minutes.你的演讲限制在5分钟内。limitless adj.无限的limitation n.限度;局限beyond the limit 超过限度within the limit of 在范围内there is a/no limit to(doing).(做)

15、有/没有限制Ill help as much as I can,but there is a limit _ what I can do.Time seems _(limit)for us students,so more students try to study even during the ten-minute break.tolimitedThe only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.实现明天 理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。罗斯福Dont limit yourself.What you

16、 believe,you can achieve.别限制自己,人要心想才会事成。prevent/prvent/vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠prevent.from.stop/keep/sb from doing sth 阻止/不准某人做某事 protect/shelter/preserve sb from sth 保护/庇护/保护某人免受prevention n.the prevention of disease 疾病的预防preventable adj.(疾病)可预防的;(死亡)可避免的(1)Its high time we took measures to prevent water from

17、_(pollute)(2)Too many negative thoughts prevent him from _(live)a positive life.being pollutedlivinglossn丧失;损失(1)be at a loss不知所措,困惑suffer a loss 遭受损失a sense of loss 失落感(2)lost adj.失去的;丧失的;迷惑的be lost in 全神贯注;沉浸于Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days,I was _ and out of place.没有我心爱的海滩和无尽

18、的蓝天,我感到茫然和格格不入。Jerry stood up and walked around the living room,_(lose)in thought.at a losslostcontributionn捐款;贡献;捐赠make a contribution/contributions to.为做出贡献;contribute vi.&vt.捐献;捐助contribute.to.为贡献/捐献contribute to(doing)促成;导致;投稿导致:lead to/result in/account for/cause Many young volunteers have _the

19、 fight against COVID-19.许多年轻志愿者为抗击新冠肺炎疫情做出了巨大贡献。It is worthwhile to contribute some money _ the Red Cross.We sincerely hope that our proposals can contribute to _(improve)the former app.made great contributions to improvingtowithin/wn/prep.&adv.在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内within ones reach 伸手可及 within walking di

20、stance 几步之遥 Only if you find peace within yourself,will you find true connection with others.Before Sunrise只有当你内心平静时,你才会找到与他人真正的连接。爱在黎明破晓前investigate/nvestet/vi.&vt.调查=look into研究investigation n.调查,审查issue/u/n.重要议题;争论的问题 a big issue 重大问题 settle an issue 解决一个问题The party was divided on this issue.该党在这

21、一问题上存在分歧。vt.宣布;公布conduct/kndkt/n.行为;举止;管理方法A teachers conduct and life affect all students in one way or another.Kalinin教师的品行和生活,都这样那样地影响着所有学生。加里宁vt.组织;安排;带领 conduct an experiment/a survey 进行实验调查conduct a concert 指挥一场音乐会conductor/kndkt(r)/n.(乐队等的)指挥;售票员,检票员;document n.文件;公文;(计算机)文档 (doc.)vt.记录=keep

22、track of/record;记载(详情)donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)donate.to.向捐赠 (make a donation to)donation n.捐献 organ donation 器官捐献donor n./dn(r)/捐献者,捐赠者disappear vi.消失;灭绝;消亡 n.disappearance appear v.出现,呈现 appearance n.露面;外表apparent adj.显然的,表面上的Like sunlight and sunset,we appear and we disappear,and were importa

23、nt to some,but were just passing through.Before Midnight所有渐行渐远的朋友,不相为谋的知己,都是当年我自云云人海中独独看到了你,如今我再将你好好地还回人海中。放松一些看待人与人之间的缘分,有过彼此照亮的时刻就是珍贵。人与人之间有不同的缘分状态,无须强求。attemptn.&vt.企图;试图;尝试attempt to do sth in an attempt to do sth 试图做某事make an attempt to do/at doing sth 试图/尝试做某事 but in vain/no luck/without succe

24、ss 试图做某事,但没有成功at ones/the first attempt 在某人/第一次尝试I _the wolf away by throwing stones at it,but failed.我试图扔石头把狼吓走,但是没用。(续写动作描写)attempted to frighten make sure确保;设法保证make sure that.确保;弄清楚(clause)make sure of (doing)sth.弄清楚/查明/确信(做)某事be sure that.be sure of/about.对有确信be sure to do sth 确信做某事It is certai

25、n that.毫无疑问;肯定be(well)worth doing sth.(非常)值得被做be worth+n.值得 +of being done 值得被做be worthy +to be done 值得被做 +of+n.(=be worth+n.)值得it is worthwhile doing/to do sth.值得做某事 worthwhile/wwal/adj.值得做的;值得花时间的单句语法填空(1)As we all know,it is worthwhile _(preserve)cultural relics and historic sites.(2)I dont think

26、 all the TV shows are worth _(watch)or suitable for us students to watch.preserving/to preservewatchingdownload/danld/vt.下载 n.下载;已下载的数据资料upload 上传 offload 卸载 republic/rpblk/n.共和国 the PRC=the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国professional/prfen()l/adj.专业的;职业的 n.专业人员;职业选手 pl:professionals entrance/entr

27、ns/n.入口;进口 exit/ekst/n.出口the entrance/exit to the park 公园的入口/出口enter vi.&vt.进入(1)After he found the _ to the building,he _ the hall without making a sound.(enter)(2)As far as Im concerned,the key _ success is to work hard.solution、secret、answerentranceenteredtoprocess/prses/n.过程;进程;步骤in the process

28、of 在过程中 in process 在进行中vt.处理;加工 processed food 加工食品be processed into 被制成语法填空Its the _(process)not the end that matters.Were still _ the process of moving house.Most of the food we buy is _(process)in some way.processedprocessinsheet/it/n.一张(纸);床单;被单 a sheet of paper 一张纸mirror/mr(r)/n.镜子 black mirror

29、 黑镜look into the mirror=look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子Life is like a mirror.It will smile at you if you smile at it.生活就像镜子,如果你对它笑,它也会对你笑A loving person lives in a loving world.A hostile person lives in a hostile world.Everyone you meet is your mirror.Ken Keyes有爱心的人生活在充满爱的世界,有敌意的人生活在充满敌意的世界。你所遇到的人

30、都是你的镜子。肯 凯斯roof/ruf/n.顶部;屋顶(roofs)变复数:gulfs/chiefs/chefs/beliefs/proofs/cliffs/roofs 海湾/酋长/厨师/信念/证据/悬崖/屋顶f/fe-ves knife-knives life-lives self-selves shelf-shelves leaf-leaves forgive /fv/vt.&vi.原谅;宽恕(forgave-forgiven-forgiving)forgive sb for doing sth forgiveness n.原谅,宽恕They _(forgive)him his ruden

31、ess yesterday.Forgive me _interrupting,but I have something urgent to tell you.It is a virtue to forgive and forget,especially in such a competitive and stressful society._ forgavefor不念旧恶;不记仇不念旧恶;不记仇image/md/n.形象;印象 public image 公众形象Behavior is a mirror in which every one shows his image.行为是一面镜子,每个人

32、都把自己的形象显现于其中。A strong,positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.一个强大、积极的自我形象是成功的最好准备。布拉泽斯quality/kwlti/n.质量;品质;素质;特征 be of good/poor quality 质量好/差 in quality 在质量上adj.优质的;高质量的 cherish our quality time珍惜我们的美好时光qualify v.取得资格;有资格qualified adj.合格的,有资格的qualification n.资格;资质;条件 quan

33、tity n.质量单句语法填空(1)我的目标是为我的孩子提供高质量的生活。My goal is to provide my children with a life _(2)It is reported that a great many things _ good quality will be on sale in this store next month.of high qualityofall over the world 在世界各地=across/throughout the world tradition/trd()n/n.传统;传统的信仰或风俗 adj traditional

34、the traditional Chinese culture 中国传统文化It is tration to do sth/that.是一种传统by tradition 按照传统风俗_to set off fireworks to welcome the new year.放烟花迎接新年是我们中国人的一种传统。It is a tradition for us Chinese further adv.更远;进一步 adj.更多的;更进一步的far-further-furthest 时间、程度、数量上的进一步far-farther-farthest 距离上更远 further education

35、进修;继续教育further/more information 更多信息opinion n.意见;想法;看法 in ones opinion 在看来=as far as sb.be concerned=in ones viewhold the opinion that.认为;持有看法have an opinion/opinions on.对有看法/意见quote/kwt/vt.引用 n.quotation /kwte()n/paraphrase/prfrez/n./vi.&vt.(用更容易理解的文字)解释comparison/kmprs()n/n.比较;相比比较;相比 in comarison

36、 with与与相比较相比较 by comparison 相较而言相较而言 beyond comparison 无与伦比无与伦比vt compare-to/with-把把比作,与比作,与作比较作比较_(compare)with the old type of computer,the new one is faster.In _ to/with last year,the price of oil increases a lot.(compare)ComparedcomparisonComparison is the thief of joy.攀比是快乐的大敌。西奥多 罗斯福Dont compa

37、re your life with others.Theres no comparison between the sun and the moon.They shine when its their time.别拿你的人生和别人的比较。太阳和月亮没有可比性。它们都在属于自己的时刻发光。contrast/kntrst n.对比;对照对比;对照 by/in contrast 相比之下in contrast with/to 与对比;与相反make a contrast with 与形成对比compare:比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似,实际为求同。contrast:比较两个或更多东西

38、之间的差异,强调不同点。实际为求异。语法填空By _,Mrs Young was much more outsopken._ contrast to his wife,Bush has little appetite for foreign travel.The white walls make _ contrast with the black carpet.contrastInaidentify/adentfa/vt.确认;认出;找到identify.as/to be.认为是identity/adentti/n.身份,本体;identity card(ID card)身份证_(identi

39、fy)as the first man to arrive at the New Land,he was honoured by people all over the world.After many years of performing,he felt that in some ways he had lost his _(identity).IdentifiedidentityIdentify your problems,but give your power and energy to solutions.找出你自己的问题,但是要把力量和精力放在解决问题上。If you identify your way,the world will give way to you.如果你明确自己的方向,世界也会为你让路。


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