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1、Unit TwoSailing Round the WorldLook at the following pictures.In small groups,answer these questions.Directions:In which countries are these pictures taken?(Can you tell us where these photos are taken?)If you could sail to any place in the world,where would you like to go?Why?If you decided to sail

2、 round the world,what would you need to take with you on the boat?DiscussionBirthplace:Devon,Britain Sir Francis Chichester(1901 1972)English aviator and adventurer Achievements:As a young man,he went to New Zealand to work as a miner,salesman and land agent.In 1929,he made a solo flight to Australi

3、a in a biplane.New Zealand biplane In 1960,he won the first solo transatlantic ocean race sailing from Plymouth,England to New York City in 40 days.In 1931,he made the first eastward flight across Tasman Sea from New Zealand to Australia.Achievements:Tasman sea Plymouth to New York 2.Global analysis

4、lPart division Main IdeasParasParts 11-223-839His decision to sail round the world aloneThe accomplishment of his great voyageThe significance of his great voyagesingle-handed:adj./adv.(done)by one person alone,by oneself 单独的(地)e.g.He cant accomplish the task single-handed.The word-formation of this

5、 word:“a.n.-ed”(new)adj./adv.e.g.good-mannered 有礼貌的;warm-hearted 热心的;absent-minded 心不在焉的。另外,solo:a.=single-handed“单独的”;作此意是,使用不太普遍,多用于表“独奏”。如:a solo play solo还可以作n.,意为“独唱(曲),独奏(曲)”;如:a violin solo 小提琴独奏曲adventure vs.venture Adventure:vt./n.冒险(活动),探险;多指经历一种令人兴奋的危险的艰难。e.g.Tom Sawyer set out in search

6、of adventure.(汤姆.索亚踏上了历险的征途。)Venture:n.冒险,冒险事业;指有风险的事业以及商业投机,多指经济风险。e.g.a business venture (商业冒险)transatlantic:a.crossing the Atlantic Ocean 横渡大西洋的 trans-“横过,贯通,在另一方;”e.g.transcontinental (a.横贯大陆的)transnational (a.跨国的)transoceanic (a.横渡大洋的)determine vs.determined vs.determinationdetermined is derive

7、d from the word root determine,the suffix ed can be added to some verbs or nouns to form adjectives,with the meaning“有”,“具有特征”;e.g.develop-ed developed(发达的)advance-ed advanced(先进的)consider-ed considered(深思熟虑的)determine to do“决心做某事”;e.g.He determined to study harder at English at the beginning of thi

8、s term.determine sb.to do“使某人决定做某事;”e.g.A serious illness determined him to give up smoking.(一场重病使他决定戒烟。)damage vs.harm vs.injurydamage(损害,损坏,毁坏):多指直接对外观、价值、使用性和完好性的破坏、损害;e.g.The storm caused extensive damage.(暴风雨造成了巨大的损害。)习惯用法:do damage to“对损害”;e.g.The accident did great damage to Johns car.(事故严重损坏

9、了约翰的车。)harm(损害,伤害,危害):指对身体、精神或名声的损害;e.g.A few late nights never did anyone harm.(偶尔熬几个夜对人没什么伤害。)injure(损害,伤害):可指损害身体,健康,机能,感情等,还可指损毁某人的容貌,名声,成就等。e.g.That accident injured him physically and emotionally.(那场意外使他身心俱损。)cover:v.Cover作动词的常见意思:=travel(a certain distance)行过(一段距离);它用作“行走”时,没有被动语态。E.g.The Red

10、 Army covered 25,000 li on their long March.(在长征中红军走了二万五千里。).覆盖,包括,涉及。如说,“桌子上布满了灰尘。”The table is covered with dust.attempt:v./n.=try 试图,尝试;企图 attempt指想尽办法做某事,其所含的失败的可能性比较大;e.g.He attempted walking until fell over.(他试图走一走,结果摔倒了。)常用结构:attempt to do sth./attempt doing sth./attempt sth.试图(做)某事。而try(试着,努

11、力);普通用法,泛指花时间或劳神费力的尝试。dissuade vs.persuade dissuade:vt.=prevent(sb.)from doing sth.by reasoning 劝阻;其常用结构是:dissuade sb.from doing(劝某人不要做);e.g.The old always dissuade the young from taking risks.(老年人总是劝青年人不要冒险。)其反义词(antonym)是:persuadepersuade:v.=cause to do sth.by reasoning,begging or arguing 说服(强调结果)

12、;常用结构:persuade sb.to do sth./persuade sb.into doing sth.e.g.The mother persuaded her son to put on more clothes.(母亲说服儿子多穿些衣服。)Nothing would persuade him into accepting our opinion.(什么也不能使他接受我们 的意见。)fortunate:adj.=lucky幸运的 常用结构:be fortunate in 在方面幸运;e.g.Were fortunate in having a good teacher.be fort

13、unate to(be)很幸运做 e.g.We were fortunate enough to catch the last bus yesterday evening.contact:v./n.get in touch with 联系,接触,交往contact指人与人之间因交往或联系而接触;它用作名词时的常用结构有:be in contact with 和接触/有关系be out of contact with 脱离接触,失去联系have contact with 接触到,和有联系make contact with 和接触/联系lose contact with 和失去联系,离开e.g.H

14、ave you been in contact with your parents recently?(你近来与你父母有联系吗?)The lost boy was out of contact with his parents for a long time.(失踪的男孩长期与他父母亲失去联系。)We first made contact with countries on the east coast.(我们首次与东海岸的国家接触。)The writer had no contact with the workers.(作家没有接触到工人。)nearby:可作a.或adv.意为“在附近,附近

15、的”,等于near,close by e.g.A football match is going to be played nearby.(此句中nearby为adv.)当nearby修饰n.时,可以放在被修饰n.的前面或后面,意同not far away;e.g.The young couple went to a nearby church.而not far away修饰n.时,只放在它修饰的n.后面。drag:vt.pull along with great effort 拖,拉 (p.t./p.p.dragged)其惯用法:drag on:时间拖得很长;e.g.The meeting

16、dragged on for more than three hours.(会议拖拖拉拉地开了三个多小时。)drag ones feet:拖延时间(不愿做);e.g.The boy promised to hand in his homework today,but was dragging his feet now.accomplish:vt.finish successfully 完成 accomplish指成功地完成预期的计划,任务等;e.g.Mary accomplished what she set out to do.(玛丽完成了她所要做的事。)The task cant be a

17、ccomplished by one generation.(这项任务不是一代人能完成的。)conquer vs.overcome 两者都表示“征服,克服,战胜”之意;具体辨析如下:conquer“征服”,多指用暴力、斗争等把对方征服,并置于自己的统治或控制之中。e.g.Man can conquer nature.(人定胜天。)The Germans conquered most of the European Continent in 1941.(德国人在1941年占领了欧洲大陆的大部分地区。)overcome“克服”,强调经过艰苦的斗争,排除障碍而取得胜利;多指感情上压倒对方而制胜,使对

18、方屈服。e.g.I managed to overcome my fear of the dark.(我设法克服了对黑暗的恐惧感。)give up vs.give in give up=stop doing 放弃,停止;是一transitive verb phrase,e.g.Mary was so busy that she had to give up her piano lessons.give in=to yield 屈服,投降;is an intransitive verb phrase,若其后有宾语,则需加介词to.e.g.The soldiers fought bravely a

19、nd no one gave in.(战士们勇敢地战斗,没有一人投降。)Dont give in to his opinion.(不要屈从于他的观点。)Background Knowledge 弗朗西斯.奇切斯特爵士 奇切斯特于1901年生于英国,年轻时来到新西兰,从事了许多不同的工作。1929年回到英国,独自飞行到达澳大利亚。随后他试图环球飞行,但在日本发生事故,飞机损坏,计划破产。二战后他转向航海,1960年乘坐“吉普赛.莫斯二号”赢得了从普利茅斯到纽约的横渡大西洋比赛,历时40天。1966年8月27日他乘坐“吉普赛.莫斯四号”完成了环球航行,与1967年5月28日成功返回英国,受到英国

20、女王的封爵。1972年,奇切斯特逝世。Background Knowledge 封爵:骑士是中世纪流传下来的封号,意即“战斗中最勇敢的人”。由于骑士战功卓著,从而跻身于贵族行列。现今的爵士是荣誉称号,是用来奖励那些在科技、文化、体育等方面为国家做出重大贡献的人。封爵仪式一般过程是,被册封的人单膝跪在国王或王后的面前,国王或王后用手中的剑依次接触他的左右肩和头,然后宣布册封他为爵士,从此他在正式场合使用的名字前面要加上“Sir”。The title“Sailing Round the World”means“travelling round the earth by ship,”i.e.环球航行

21、At sixty-five Francis Chichester set out to sail single-handed round the world.Set out:begin a course of action 着手,开始;出发.e.g.He set out to break the world record.(他准备打破世界纪录。)They will set out for New York in April.(他们将于四月动身去纽约。)They set out at 5 a.m.and hoped to arrive before dark.(他们五点钟就出发了,希望天黑之前能

22、到达。)His friends and doctors did not think he could do it,as he had lung cancer.(Line7-8)The translation of this sentence is:由于他得了癌症,他的朋友们和医生都认为他不能环球航行。注意句中否定的翻译,不能译为“不认为他能”();根据英语中的否定转移现象,翻译这类句子时应该否定宾语从句的谓语部分。除了think外,还有believe,expect等词引导的宾语从句的否定通常在自己身上,而翻译成汉语时应该将否定转移回从句上。e.g.I dont believe it is tr

23、ue.(我认为它不是真的。)as&because:Similarities:as,because都可作conj.,引导原因状语从句,可置于句首,用逗号与主句隔开;也可以放在主句之后。e.g.They decided to climb the hill as it was fine.(由于天气晴朗,他们决定去爬山。)I passed the exam because I studied hard.(因为我努力学习,所以我考试通过了。)Differences:because引导因果状语从句时语气比as强,表示直接因果关系;另外,用why开头的疑问句要用because回答。After resting

24、 in Sydney for a few weeks,Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends attempts to dissuade him.本句中,after resting in Sydney for a few weeks=after he had rested in Sydney for a few weeks;其实本句中的after从句的主语he与主句主语Chichester是一致的,所以after引导的时间状语从句可改成“after分词作状语”,也即省略了从句中的主语。另外,before引导的时间状语从句也是如此。

25、相关练习请见课本Page25中的Ex10.set off=begin a journey;start 动身,出发;开始(旅行,度假等).e.g.After we had finished eating he proposed to set off immediately.(我们吃完之后,他建议立刻出发。)They have set off on a trip around the world.(他们已经开始环球旅行了。)once more=once again 再一次 In spite of=disregarding 尽管,不顾。本句翻译为:奇切斯特在悉尼休息了几周后,不顾朋友的多方劝阻,再次

26、开始了他的航海旅程。The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part,during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.句中during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn是一非限制性定语从句,此处用来说明后半段航程的艰辛的。本句翻译为:本次航程的后半段比前半段艰险的多,在此期间,他绕过了凶险莫测的合恩角。by far=by a large degree or amount,它可修饰adj.或ad

27、v.的比较级,表示程度或数量上“优”“强”“多”等;当它修饰最高级时,表示“最最”.e.g.This room is by far larger than that one.(这个房间远比那间房大得多。)She is by far the best teacher I ever had.(她是我所遇见过的最好的老师。)After succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn,Chichester sent the following radio message to London:“I feel as if I had wakened from a nightma

28、re.Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again.”succeed in doing sth.=do sth.successfully 成功地做某事;e.g.Finally,he succeeded in passing the examination.“Wild horses could not drag”是一种隐喻(metaphor),意思是“无论什么力量都不能 使你做某事”。E.g.Wild horses could not drag his attentio

29、n away from the experiment.(他专心于他的实验,无论什么事情都不会让他分心。)句子翻译为:成功绕过合恩角后,奇切斯特给伦敦发去如下电报:“我仿佛刚从恶梦中惊醒,今生今世我再也不想到合恩角和那凶险莫测的南大洋去了。”Ex.14.Translate the following sentences into English.1.幸好附近有家医院,我们立刻把他送到了那里。Fortunately,there was a hospital nearby.we sent him there immediately.2.胜利登上乔治岛(George Island)后,船长向指挥部(t

30、he headquarters)发了一份无线电报。After succeeding in landing on George Island,the captain sent a message to the headquarters by radio.3.他决心继续他的实验,不过这次他将用另一种办法来做。He was determined to continue his experiment but this time he will do it another way.He had made up his mind to go on with his experiment,but this

31、time he was going to do it another way.4.她读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。While reading the novel,she couldnt help recalling the five years that she had spent in the countryside.Ex.14.Translate the following sentences into English.5.玛丽觉得单靠她自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。Mary felt it difficult to carry out her plan all by h

32、erself.6.我们认为他不能在一刻钟内走完那段距离,但他确成功地做到了这一点。We didnt think he could cover the distance within a quarter,but he succeeded in doing so.7.甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球航行的宿愿。Chichester refused to give up his old dream of sailing around the world,even after his doctor told him that he had lung cancer.8.我正忙着在

33、做一种新的捕鼠(rats)装置时,马克走来拖着我出去看花展了。While I was busy making a kind of new rats catcher,Mark came and dragged me out to watch a flower exhibition.Useful Expressions 1.开始开始/着手做某事着手做某事 2.环球航行环球航行 3.让朋友们感到吃惊让朋友们感到吃惊 4.放弃做某事放弃做某事 5.领略做某事的乐趣领略做某事的乐趣 6.横渡大西洋航海比赛横渡大西洋航海比赛 7.周游世界周游世界 8.决意实施某人的计划决意实施某人的计划 set out

34、to do sail round the world surprise ones friends give up doing enjoy doing transatlantic sailing race go round the world be determined to carry out ones plan 9.年满年满岁岁 10.独自做某事独自做某事 11.受到受到的热烈欢迎的热烈欢迎 12.在岸上在岸上 13.不顾不顾的多方劝阻的多方劝阻做某事做某事 14.海面上波涛汹涌。海面上波涛汹涌。15.小船几乎被风浪掀小船几乎被风浪掀翻。翻。16.大海又恢复了平静。大海又恢复了平静。at t

35、he age of do all by oneself receive a warm welcome from do in spite of ones attempt to dissuade The sea becomes rough The boat almost turns over The sea has become calm again 17.禁不住做某事禁不住做某事 18.给给发去电文发去电文 19.从恶梦中醒来从恶梦中醒来 20.感到好像感到好像 21.凶险莫测的南大洋凶险莫测的南大洋 22.产生过并战胜了恐产生过并战胜了恐惧惧 23.依赖依赖 24.赋予赋予以新的自豪以新的自豪

36、感感 can not help doing send the message to waken from a nightmare feel as if sinister Southern Ocean experience and conquer fear depend on give new pride 4.Picture talk 5.Inspiring quotations1.Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。有志者,事竟成。3.Perseverance is vital to success.毅力为成功所必需。毅力为成功所必需。2.No cross,no crown.成功来之不易。成功来之不易。4.Success doesnt come easy.不吃苦中苦,难为人上人。不吃苦中苦,难为人上人。2020/11/543谢谢观赏!


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