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1、A smile always makes a young man.笑一笑,十年少笑一笑,十年少Nonverbal humour does not use words but relies on facial expressions and gesture.Charlie ChaplinMr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour.What do you know about Charlie Chaplin?He was one of the most famous humorists that ca

2、n make others laugh all the time.He was a great silent movie star.Charlie ChaplinIf you are very hungry,will you eat a pair of leather shoes?Unbelievable:But Chaplin did!A MASTER OF NONVERBAL HUNOUR Was born inHis job isIn 1972,he was givenType of acting isHis charming character isHis costume:He die

3、d in in1889an actormimeThe Little Tramplarge trousers,worn-out shoes,small round blackhat and a walkingsticka special Oscar for his outstandingwork.1977Switzerland.Find out the main idea of each part.Why people needed cheering up.Charlie Chaplins childhood.His most famous character.An example of his

4、 works.(The Gold Rush)His achievements.large trousersworn-out shoes a walking sticka small black hata moustacheCan you describe the little tramp?Para.3 The Little Tramp was a poor and homeless person Para.5Chaplin produced,_,and wrote many movies he _.The TrampThe Kid The Gold Rushdirectedstarred in

5、He was given a _ for his lifetime _ work.Modern TimesThe Great DictatorThe Circusspecial OscaroutstandingRead the passage again and do True or False.1.Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy.2.Charlie Chaplin learned to act at an early age.3.People who dont know English cannt enjoy Chaplins

6、 films.TFF4.Charlie Chaplin helped make people feel content with their lives during war times.5.In the middle of the 19th century people went to England to look for gold.F 6.Charlie Chaplin and his friends are lucky enough to find a lot of gold.F F7.Charlie Chaplin not only acted in films but wrote

7、and directed films as well.T 8.The Gold Rush is set in Californian in the late of the nineteenth century.F1.Why was Chaplin so successful?2.What should we learn from him?The reasons for his successDeterminationSympathy to the poorOptimistic attitude to life DevotionWhat we should learnKindness Imagi

8、ne you want to write an article about Charlie Chaplin for the column(专栏)“HUMOUR”of your school newspaper,so you are going to interview CharlieChaplin.(10 minutes)J:Excuseme,Imareporterfromthecolumn“HUMOUR”ofourschoolnewspaper,maylaskyousomequestions,MrChaplin?C:Sure.Goahead!J:Whatkindoffilmsdoyouact


10、kyourpoorchildhoodhelpedyouinyourwork?why?C:Yes,becauseIunderstood_.J:Ok,Isee.Andyouareoneofthesuccessfulactorsintheworld.Whatsyoursecretofsuccess?C:Ithink_isthemostimportantformysuccess.J:Thankyou.C:_.LifeLife is challenging,meet it.Life is various,make it.Life is beautiful,discover it.Life is humo

11、rous,enjoy it.1.根据图中和表格中信息,丁香林地土壤平均含水量整体较高的原因主要从地形地势、坡度、地表径流、树高、郁闭度、密度等方面分析回答。2.自然恢复就是不掺杂人为因素的干扰,自然恢复程度需要考虑该区域的地形、植被等自然因素以及劳动力和成本等人为因素。3.自然恢复投入的劳动力和资金少,成本低,减轻当地的经济负担;自然恢复形成的生态系统丰富、稳定,水土保持效果更好;该流域属于生态脆弱地区,应减少人工干预。4.建立了自然保护区和绿化带,优化了产业结构,减少了对煤炭资源的开采,城市功能区合理调整。5.随着美国西部和南部的新兴产业的发展,美国西部和南部为美国人口提供了更多的就业机会,加上东北部环境的污染,导致人口从东北部迁入西部和南部。引起图中人口迁移的主导因素是社会经济因素.6.高效益的综合发展阶段,第二、三产业在国内生产总值中占到相当大的比重,第三产业的增长速度明显超过第二产业,高科技成为区域发展的主导力量。7.分析赤峰市发生白灾的自然原因,并说明定居后牧业抗灾能力增强的主要原因8.位于半湿润半干旱过渡地带(农牧交错带),种植业和畜牧业均可发展;种植业为畜牧业提供丰富饲料;种植业和畜牧业为农畜产品加工业提供丰富原料。9.要及时调整产业结构,大力发展新兴产业;发展科技,提高产品质量和生产效率,增强竞争力。


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