2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材重点全程攻略 Unit 2 The Olympic Games讲义 新人教版必修2.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 话题素材 体育运动 话题词汇 1 swift adj. 迅速的;敏捷的 2.applaud v. 鼓掌欢迎;热情称赞 3 volunteer n. 志愿者 4.champion n. 冠军 5 cheer v. 欢呼;喝彩 6.take an active part in 积极参加 7 break_the_record 打破纪录 8 compete_with_sb._in_sth. 和某人在某方面竞争 9 a close game 势均力 敌的比赛 10.stand_for 代表;主张 11 on a regular

2、 basis 定期地 12.strengthen friendship 增进友谊 13 build_up_ones_body 强身健体 14.go all out to do . 全力以赴做 ? 15 recorder holder 纪录保持者 经典佳句 1 The most important thing in the games is not to win but to participate. 比赛中重在参 与而不是取胜。 2 As_far_as_Im_concerned,_running is not_only a good way to build up our strength b

3、ut_also help us relax and relieve_the_pressure of learning. 就我个人而言,跑步不仅是强身健体的好方法而且有助于我们放松,缓解学习压力。 3 The five rings on the Olympic flag stand_for the five continents on the earth, which_means any country can_take_part_in the Olympic Games. 奥运五环旗中的五环代表地球上的五大洲,这意味着任何国家都可以参加奥运会。 精美语篇 The Olympic Games,

4、first held in 776 BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid for hosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are con

5、sidered to symbolize the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. The Olympic motto is “Swifter, Higher and Stronger.” The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations. 高频单词 1 ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老的 2 compete (vi.) 比赛;竞争 competit

6、ion (n.) 竞争 competitive (adj.) 竞争【 精品教育资源文库 】 的;有竞争性的 competitor (n.) 竞争者 3 Greece (n.) 希腊 Greek (adj.) 希腊 (人 )的;希腊语的 (n.) 希腊人;希腊语 4 magical (adj.) 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的 magic (n.) 魔术;法术;巫术 5 volunteer (n.) 志愿者;志愿兵 (adj.) 志愿的;义务的 (vt. magical 2 I lived in _ you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write abou

7、t the Olympic Games a long time ago. 答案: what 3 Only athletes _ have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted _ competitors. 答案: who; as 4 Its in the Summer Olympics _ you have the running races, together _ swimming, sailing and all the team sports. 答案: that; with 5 _ a matter of

8、 fact, every country wants the opportunity. 答案: As 6 Its a great _ (responsible) but also a great honour to be chosen. 答案: responsibility 7 If you are discovered, you will _ (fine) 答案: be fined 8 She was not allowed _ (run) and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games. 答案: to run 9 She was _ angry

9、 that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone _ could not run faster than her. 答案: so; who 【 精品教育资源文库 】 10 There was a man _(call) Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atalantas rules. 答案: called 1 compete vi.比赛;竞争 教材原句 How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?

10、(P9) 有多少国家参加了古代奥运会? (1)compete in 参加 (比赛 /竞赛 ) compete for 为 ? 而竞争 compete against/with sb. for sth.与某人竞争某物 (2)competition n比赛;竞争 competitor n比赛者;对手 competitive adj.有竞争力的;竞争性的 compete 多用作不及物动词, 必须跟适当的介词才能跟宾语。表示与某人比赛用 with或 against;表示比赛的目的用 for;表示比赛参与的项目时用 in。 Like many young athletes, she had Olympi

11、c dreams, but a serious illness kept her from competing_in the Games. 和很多年轻运动员一样,她也有奥运梦想,但严重的疾病使她无法参加奥运会比赛。 Young children will usually compete_for their mothers attention. 小孩通常都会在母亲面前争宠。 Life is like a long race where we compete_with others to go beyond ourselves. 人生就像长跑比赛,在这场比赛中我们常常在与他人的竞争过程中来超越自己

12、。 There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 现在学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈竞争。 Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world. 没有人能够完全远离这个充满竞争的社会。 2 admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳;容纳 教材原句 Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitt

13、ed as competitors.(P10) 只有比赛项目达标的运动员才有资格成为参赛者。 (1)admit n./doing/that 从句 承认某事 /做了某事 admit to sb. that 向某人承认 admit sb./sth. to be . 承认某人 /物是 ? be admitted as 作为 ? 被接受 be admitted to/into 获准进入 /加入 It is admitted that . 人们公认 ? (2)admission n进入;许可;入场费;承认,坦白 Benjamin was forced to admit_what_he_had_been_

14、doing. 本杰明被迫承认了他一直在做的事情 。 When the police questioned him, George admitted_having_stolen the car. 当警察审讯他时,乔治承认他偷了那辆车。 I couldnt admit_to_my_parents_that I was finding the course difficult. 我无法向父母实话实说,我觉得这门课程很难。 It_is_admitted_that reading is mostly a personal activity which needs quietness and concen

15、tration. 人们公认,读书在很大程度上是一个私人活动,它需要安静和专心。 She failed to gain admission_to the university of her choice. 她未被自己选择的大学录取。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 3 charge n费用;主管 vt.& vi.收费;控诉;充电 教材原句 . duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong(P12) ? 所负担的责任以及事情出错后会陷入的麻烦 (1)charge sb. for sth.为某物向某人收费 charge sb. wi

16、th (doing) sth.指控某人 (做 )某事 (2)in charge of 主管;看管;负责 in the charge of . 在 ? 掌管之下 take charge of 负责;掌管 free of charge 免费 (1)in charge of 往往以人作主语,指 “ 某人负责 /主管某事 ” ; in the charge of 往往以物作主语,指 “ 某物 由某人主管 ” 。类似的还有 in possession of 和 in the possession of, in control of 和 in the control of 等。 (2)charge 和 a

17、ccuse 都有 “ 指控,控告 ” 之意,但是 charge 常与介词 with 搭配,而accuse 常与介词 of 搭配。 As long as youve paid in advance, we wont charge_you_for delivery. 只要你预先付款,我们就不收你送货费。 Bob was_charged_with the murder, but he refused to admit it. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 鲍勃因一起谋杀案被指控,但他没有承认。 He was_in_charge_of/took_charge_of the company while t

18、he boss was absent. 当老板不在时,他负责整个公司。 We can deliver goods to your door free_of_charge. 我们可以免费送货上门。 4 bargain vi.& vt.讨价还价;讲条件 n 便宜货 教 材原句 Her father said that she must marry, so Atalanta made a bargain with him.(P14) 父亲说她必须结婚,于是亚特兰大就和父亲达成了一个协议。 (1)bargain with sb. about/over/for sth.和某人就某事讨价还价 (2)mak

19、e a bargain with sb.和某人达成协议 (3)a good/bad bargain 买得合算 /不合算 Its a real bargain. 这可真是个便宜 货。 bargain 用作名词时为可数名词,常和不定冠词连用。 They were_bargaining_with each other about/over the price of coffee. 他们在为咖啡的价格进行商议。 Father made_a_bargain_with the real estate agent when we bought our new house. 当我们买新房时,父亲与那个房地产经

20、纪人达成了协议。 In my opinion, the car was a bargain at that price. 依我来看,那辆车的价格真便宜。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 5 deserve vi. & vt.值得;应受 (报答或惩罚 ) 教材原句 Do you think Hippomenes deserved to win the race? (P15) 你认为希波墨涅斯应该 (算 )赢得比赛吗? (1)deserve sth. 值得;应受 (2)deserve to do sth. 应该做某事 (3)deserve doing/to be done 应受;值得 (4)deserving adj.值得的;应得的 deserve 后接名词或 doing sth.,常用主动形式表示被动意义,等于接动词不定式的被动式,该用法与 want, need, require 的用法相同。 No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and therefore deserves_our_respect. 无论一个


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