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1、Chinese Medical Journal郝秀原中华医学会中华医学杂志英文版编辑部Chinese Medical Journal“A naturalists life would be a happy one if he had only to observe and never to write.”Charles DarwinChinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之一论文格式格式一定要严格按照稿约双倍行距,字数注意文章中不要有中文输入法情况下的标点符号(英语没有顿号、书名号,老外的计算机操作系统可能识别为乱码或者为非法程序)空格是否恰当?注意缩写的格式,时间表示的格式,

2、希腊字母的格式该斜体的地方是否是斜体(in vitro,in vivo等)材料与方法中试剂后的厂家是否该杂志的要求(有的不但要标明公司名字和国家,还要城市名,货号)稿件一定要连续编写页码前后一致:缩略语,分组及组的名称字数是否符合杂志要求(有的杂志对字数也有要求。比如最多8个版面。他一般会告诉你怎么推测自己的文章占几个版面,比如有的杂志大约是8000个字符数(characters)(包括空格)为一个版面)全文的字号是否符合要求。一般是12号字(12-point),双倍行距(Double space)Chinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之二投稿信和文题页写好投稿信(Cover

3、 letter)A full statement to the editor about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant publication of the same or very similar work.Any such work should be referred to specifically,and referenced in the new paper.Copies of such material should be included with the subm

4、itted paper,to help the editor decide how to handle the matter.A statement of financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interest,if that information is not included in the manuscript itself or in an authors formA statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all

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6、onsible for communicating with the other authors about revisions and final approval of the proofs,if that information is not included on the manuscript itself.Chinese Medical JournalEditorial Office,Chinese Medical JournalChinese Medical Association42,Dongsi XidajieBeijing,100710,China.Dear Editor,E

7、nclosed please find the original article entitled“Validation of the Logistic Organ Dysfunction score compared with Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score in prediction of the hospital outcome in critically ill patients”submitted for your consideration to be published in the“Chinese

8、Medical Journal”.The manuscript has never been prior or duplicate publication or submission elsewhere of any part of the study.This study has not financial or other conflict of interests.Sincerely yours,Bodin Khwannimit,MD.Chinese Medical Journal令人震撼的令人震撼的Title PageChinese Medical Journal文题页(Title P

9、age)The title of the article.Concise;study design Authors names and institutional affiliations.The name of the department(s)and institution(s)to which the work should be attributed.Corresponding authors.The name,mailing address,telephone and fax numbers,and e-mail address of the author responsible f

10、or correspondence about the manuscript Source(s)of support in the form of grants,equipment,drugs,or all of these.A running head.usually no more than 40 characters Word counts.A word count for the text only(excluding abstract,acknowledgments,figure legends,and references)The number of figures and tab

11、les.Chinese Medical JournalTitle of the article:The need for professionals from non-endemic countries to be aware of the Author s names and institutional affiliationsBraz Campos Durso,DDS,MSD FACIMEDJacks Jorge Jnior,DDS,PhD Piracicaba Dental School UnicampOslei Paes de Almeida,DDS,PhD Piracicaba De

12、ntal School UnicampName of the department(s)and institution(s)to which the work should be attributedStomatology Clinic FACIMEDOral Diagnosis Department Piracicaba Dental School UnicampCorresponding authorsBraz Campos Durso.Brazile-mail:phone:+556992066620Request for reprintsBraz Campos DursoRunning

13、headOral manifestation of ParacoccidioidomycosisNumber of figures3 figures(2 clinical and 1 microscopic)Dr Durso is a professor and Chairman of Stomatology at the FACIMED Dental Medical School,Rondnia,BrazilDr Jorge Jr is a professor of Oral Pathology at the Piracicaba Dental School(UNICAMP),So Paul

14、o,BrazilDr de Almeida is a professor and Chairman of Oral Pathology at the Piracicaba Dental School(UNICAMP),So Paulo,BrazilChinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之三语言规范冠词别拉下,别误用前置词which/that指代要清楚:The antecedent(noun or pronoun)to which which refers is not specific,causing confusion.RespectivelyIn this paper,I

15、n the present studyA sentence should never be started with numbers.Apart from those accompanying measurements,numbers under 10 should always be spelt out in full句首尽量不要用缩写不要以How to 开头用WORD做一次彻底的拼写检查:词典语言按所投期刊要求选择(美国英语);最常见的问题是长句子和被动语态Chinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之四伦理学要求Ethical issues are of vital impo

16、rtance in todays research climate动物实验人体试验whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation(institutional and national)and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975,as revised in 2000.If doubt exists whether the research wa

17、s conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration,the authors must explain the rationale for their approach,and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study.When reporting experiments on animals,authors should be asked to indicate whether

18、 the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed Chinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之五文档准备Chinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之六图表结果该用文字还是图表?该用图还是表?图表自明性(self-explanatory)如何?图的类型合适吗?表的主谓关系是否颠倒?Chinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之七讨论和结论讨论要逻辑清楚,推理严密结论要客观、谨慎切记不要自我评价:国内首创,首次发现,具有重

19、要的临床价值,为今后临床研究开辟了一条新道路对国人而言是难度最大的部分Chinese Medical Journal投稿前准备之八参考文献The accuracy of the references is the authors responsibilityVancouver system orHarvard system:根据所投期刊的具体要求确定引用所投期刊近期文献潜规则国外对影响因子十分重视,科技期刊编辑也是如此Chinese Medical JournalPut the manuscript aside for a few days and then re-read it!Chines

20、e Medical Journal中华医学杂志英文版简介中华医学杂志英文版简介Chinese Medical Journal历史记录和见证中华医学杂志英文版是中国唯一有百年以上历史的英文医学期刊,也是中国历史最悠久的科技期刊它源始于1887年创刊的中国博医会报(China Medical Missionary Journal,1907年改名为China Medical Journal)。1932年该刊与中华医学杂志(National Medical Journal of China)的英文部分合并组成中华医学杂志英文版(Chinese Medical Journal)它是一个多世纪以来我国医学

21、发展与进步的记录和见证 Chinese Medical JournalChinese Medical JournalJohn G Kerr邱焕扬James L.Maxwell刘瑞恒Edward M.Merris钟惠澜林宗扬黄家驷颜福庆冯传汉伍连德钱贻简侯祥川照日格图E.B.SturthersCMJ历任总编Chinese Medical Journal现状国际化Published semimonthly 编委和审稿人来自于全球20多个国家和地区作者来自于亚、欧美、非洲等发行覆盖全球绝大多数国家和地区OA期刊(每月5日,10日与印刷版同步)Chinese Medical Journal现状数据库收

22、录Abstracted or indexed in almost all the important databases:Biological AbstractsChemical AbstractsIndex Medicus/MedlineScience Citation Index(SCI)Current ContentsCancerlit Health Plan&AdministrationEmbaseSocial Scisearch,AidslineToxlineBiocommercial AbstractsArts and Humanities SearchChinese Medica

23、l Journal现状荣誉曾获得国家各级各类学术期刊奖励 国家自然科学基金重点学术期刊专项基金 国家期刊奖 中国科协优秀学术期刊一等奖 国家期刊奖百种重点期刊 Chinese Medical JournalCMJ2007年最新影响因子 0.636Chinese Medical JournalHu WX,Liu ZH,Chen HP,et al.M y c o p h e n o l a t e m o f e t i l v s cyclophosphamide therapy for patients with diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis 11

24、5(5):705-709 MAY 200241TA O S Q,W U X G,DUAN XF,et al.HYPERTENSION PREVALENCE AND STATUS OF AWARENESS,TREATMENT AND CONTROL IN CHINA 108(7):483-489 JUL 199530Tang ZY,Qin LX,Wang XM,et al.Alterations of oncogenes,tumor suppressor genes and growth factors in hepatocellular carcinoma:with r e l a t i o

25、 n t o t u m o r s i z e a n d invasiveness 111(4):313-318 APR 199827Lang ZW,Zhang LJ,Zhang SJ,et al.Pathological study on severe acute respiratory syndrome 116(7):976-980 JUL 200326Huang HY,Chen L,Wang HM,et al.Influence of patients age on functional recovery after transplantation of olfactory ensh

26、eathing cells into injured spinal cord injury 116(10):1488-1491 OCT 200325Pan GZ,Lu SC,Ke MY,et al.Epidemiologic study of the irritable bowel syndrome in Beijing:stratified randomized study by cl u s t e r sampling 113(1):35-39 JAN 200022Li WY,Yanoff M,Liu XP,et al.Retinal capillary pericyte apoptos

27、is in early human diabetic retinopathy 110(9):659-663 SEP 199722CHEN PQ,LI GQ,GUO XB,et al.THE INFECTIVITY OF GAMETOCYTES OF PLASMODIUM-FALCIPARUM FROM P A T I E N T S T R E A T E D W I T H ARTEMISININ 107(9):709-711 SEP 199422Qiu XF,Lu DR,Zhou JM,et al.Implantation of autologous skin fibroblast gen

28、etically modified to secrete clotting factor IX partially corrects the hemorrhagic tendencies in two hemophilia B patients 109(11):832-839 NOV 199620Chinese Medical Journal提示:哪些论文容易被引?基因多态性RCT临床流行病、分子流行病重大公共卫生事件方法学中国特色:病种,治疗Chinese Medical Journal向中华医学杂志英文版向中华医学杂志英文版投稿的注意事项投稿的注意事项Chinese Medical Jou

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