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1、小小学学英英语语牛牛津津译译林林版版五五年年级级下下册册 Unit 7Chinese festivals 测测试试题题(含含听听力力音音 频频和和答答案案) 听听力力部部分分(40 分分) 一一、听听录录音音,选选出出你你所所听听到到的的单单词词。(10 分分) ()1、A、SeptemberB、summerC、spring ()2、A、festivalB、FebruaryC、fairy ()3、A、OctoberB、DecemberC、November ()4、A、MarchB、MathsC、May ()5、A、driveB、JulyC、June 二二、听听录录音音,给给下下列列图图片片排排

2、序序。(10 分分) ABCDE FGHIJ 12345678910 三三、听听录录音音,选选出出所所听听到到的的句句子子。(10 分分) ()1、A、Its a day for babies . B、Its a day for mothers . C、Its a day for fathers . ()2、A、They are talking about their parents . B、They are talking about their presents . C、They are talking about their holidays . ()3、A、Spring is warm

3、 . B、Summer is hot . C、Spring is cold . ()4、A、The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October . B、The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or Jun . C、The Spring Festival is in January or February . ()5、A、It is Mothers Day today . B、It is Childrens Day today . C、It is Fathers Day today . 四四、听听录录音音,根根据据所

4、所听听到到的的内内容容,完完成成短短文文。(10 分分) The Dragon Boat Festival is in _ or_. There are _ in some places . People eat _ at this festival . 笔笔试试部部分分(60 分分) 一一、英英汉汉互互译译。(10 分分) 1、在五月_2、春节 _ 3、端午节_4、赛龙舟 _ 5、团聚_6、Chinese New Year _ 7、some places_8、moon cakes_ 9、rice dumplings_ 10、Fathers Day_ 二二、根根据据句句子子内内容容选选择择合合

5、适适的的节节日日。(10 分分) A、the Double Ninth FestivalB、HalloweenC、the Spring Festival D、Mothers DayE、the Dragon Boat Festival ()1、We give our mothers presents . ()2、There are dragon boat races in some places . ()3、People visit their parents and grandparents . ()4、People get together with their family . Some

6、people eat dumplings . ()5、Children usually dress up . They knock on peoples doors and shout “Trick or treat” for sweets . 三三、单单项项选选择择。(10 分分) ()1、Dragon Boat Festival is in _or _. A、 January , FebruaryB、 May , JuneC、 September , October ()2、They eat_and fruit at the Mid-Autumn Festival . A、moon cak

7、esB、eat rice cakesC、rice dumpling ()3、There _dragon boat races in some places . A、beB、isC、are ()4、People also call _Chinese New Year . A、the Dragon Boat FestivalB、the Mid-Autumn FestivalC、the Spring Festival ()5、_the Spring Festival , people get together with their family . A、InB、AtC、On ()6、The Doub

8、le Ninth Festival is a festival _old people . A、forB、withC、in ()7、Children knock _peoples doors . A、inB、atC、on ()8、It is _Day today . A、MothersB、MothersC、Mother ()9、Mothers Day is on the _Sunday of May . A、twoB、firstC、second ()10、What do people do _Mothers Day . A、onB、atC、in 四四、选选择择配配伍伍。(10 分分) ()1、

9、Happy Mothers Day !A、People eat dumplings . ()2、Is there a Fathers Day ?B、It is on 31stOctober . ()3、What do people do at the Spring Festival ? C、Thank you . ()4、When is the Double Ninth Festival ?D、Yes , there is . () 5、 When is Halloween ?E、 Its in October or November . 五五、用用适适当当的的介介词词填填空空。(10 分分)

10、 1、People look at the moon _night _their family . 2、The Double Ninth Festival is _October or November . 3、They also climb mountains _this festival . 4、It is a festival _old people . 5、Halloween is _31stOctober . 六六、根根据据提提示示完完成成写写作作。(10 分分) My favourite festival My favourite festival is _Festival . I

11、t is in _or _ . At this festival , people usually _. Theyeat_.Ilikethisfestivalbecause _. 听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、September2、February3、November4、March5、July 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 1、 rice dumplings2、 rice cake3、 the Mid-Autumn Festival4、 tomatoes 5、Double Ninth Festival6、dumplings7、 bread8、Dragon Boat Festi

12、val 9、 moon cakes10、Spring Festival 三、听录音,选出所听到的句子。 1、Its a day for mothers . 2、They are talking about their parents . 3、Spring is cold . 4、The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June . 5、It is Mothers Day today . 四、听录音,根据所听到的内容,完成短文。 The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June . There are dragon boat

13、 races in some places . People eat rice dumplings at this festival . 听力答案 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、ASeptember2、BFebruary3、CNovember4、AMarch 5、BJuly 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 1、Crice dumplings2、Frice cake3、Jthe Mid-Autumn Festival 4、 Atomatoes5、 EDouble Ninth Festival6、 Gdumplings7、 Bbread 8、DDragon Boat Festival9、H

14、moon cakes10、ISpring Festival 三、听录音,选出所听到的句子。 1、BIts a day for mothers . 2、AThey are talking about their parents . 3、CSpring is cold . 4、BThe Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June . 5、AIt is Mothers Day today . 四、听录音,根据所听到的内容,完成短文。 The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June . There are dragon boat

15、races in some places . People eat rice dumplings at this festival . 笔试答案 一、英汉互译。 1、in May2、Spring Festival3、Dragon Boat Festival4、dragon boat race 5、get together 6、新年 7、一些地方8、月饼9、粽子10、父亲节 二、根据句子内容选择合适的节日。 1、D2、E3、A4、C5、B 三、单项选择。 1、B2、A3、C4、C5、B6、A7、C8、B9、C10、A 四、选择配伍。 1、C2、D3、A4、E5、B 五、用适当的介词填空。 1、a

16、t , with2、in3、at4、for5、on 六、根据提示完成写作。 My favourite festival My favourite festival is the Spring Festival . It is in January or February . At this festival , people usually get together with their family . They eat dumplings . I like this festival because I can get red pockets from my parents and grandparents .


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