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1、小小学学英英语语牛牛津津译译林林版版五五年年级级下下册册期期末末测测试试题题(含含听听力力音音频频和和答答案案) 听听力力部部分分(40 分分) 一一、听听录录音音,选选出出你你所所听听到到的的单单词词。(10 分分) ()1、A、JanuaryB、angryC、February ()2、A、twelveB、twentiethC、twelfth ()3、A、rightB、writeC、white ()4、A、TuesdayB、ThursdayC、birthday ()5、A、parentB、presentC、point 二二、听听录录音音,根根据据所所听听内内容容给给图图片片排排序序。(10

2、分分) ABCDE 1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_ 三三、听听录录音音,给给所所听听问问句句选选择择恰恰当当的的答答语语。(10 分分) ()1、A、Its Tuesday . B、Its April 9th. C、Its on the ninth ofApril . ()2、A、I live on Sunshine Street . B、Lets go by bike . C、Its in the USA . ()3、A、I do my homework . B、Im doing my homework . C、Shes watching TV . ()4、A、Im sorry to hea

3、r that ? B、Excuse me . C、Thank you . ()5、A、Eat dumplings . B、Eat moon cakes . C、 Watch dragon boat races . 四四、听听录录音音,把把句句子子补补充充完完整整。(10 分分) 1、I _ by bus . 2、You can _ . 3、You should _ . 4、She is _ . 5、Im_. 笔笔试试部部分分(60 分分) 一一、选选出出下下列列每每组组单单词词中中不不同同类类的的选选项项。(10 分分) ()1、A、firstB、elevenC、third ()2、A、spr

4、ingB、SeptemberC、June ()3、A、planeB、trainC、dumplings ()4、A、rightB、lightC、left ()5、A、hospitalB、headacheC、bookshop 二二、单单项项选选择择。(10 分分) ()1、_are you so happy ? Because I can go to the party . A、WhatB、HowC、Why ()2、There _some flowers on the desk . A、areB、isC、be ()3、Do you have _snacks ? A、someB、anyC、a ()4

5、、The hospital is _school . A、not farB、fromC、far from ()5、I come to school _foot . A、onB、atC、by ()6、Turn right _the traffic lights . A、onB、byC、at ()7、She _to see the doctor . A、goB、goesC、going ()8、Whats wrong _her ? A、withB、forC、at ()9、She _a headache . A、isB、haveC、has ()10、My father _the car . A、cle

6、anB、cleaningC、is cleaning 三三、选选择择配配伍伍。(10 分分) ()1、Is there a party at home ?A、By bus . ()2、Wheres your mother ?B、Hes sleeping . ()3、Do you have any story books ?C、Its nice . ()4、How do you come to school ?D、Yes , there is . ()5、Where do you live ?E、Thank you . ()6、Whats wrong with you ?F、Shes in the

7、 living room. ()7、What should I do ?G、No , I dont . ()8、What is he doing ?H、I have a fever . ()9、Hows my soup ?I、You should have a rest at home . ()10、Dinners ready .J、I live in Beijing . 四四、用用所所给给单单词词的的正正确确形形式式填填空空。(10 分分) 1、Look ! Liu Tao _(eat)the meat . 2、There are some _(tomato)in the fridge .

8、3、I dont have _(some)nice clothes or shoes . 4、It does not _(fit). 5、She likes _(read)story books . 五五、连连词词成成句句。(10 分分) 1、what , with , mother , your , is , wrong _(?) 2、how , come , to , do , you , school _(?) 3、my , brother , watching , TV , is , the , living , inv, room _(.) 4、are , doing , they

9、, what _(?) 5、birthday , my , on , the , fifth , May , of , is _(.) 六六、阅阅读读对对话话,判判断断正正(T)误误(F)。(10 分分) Yang Ling : Do you like your new home , Su Hai ? Su Hai : Yes ! Its very big . I like it very much , but its far from school . Yang Ling : Where do you live now ? Su Hai : I live on Moon Street , n

10、ear City Library . Yang Ling : How do you come to school ? Su Hai : Su Yang and I come to school by bus . Mike : Where do you live , Yang Ling ? How do you come to school ? Yang Ling : I live near school . I come to school on foot . Where do you ive ? Mike : I live in Sunshine Town . I come to schoo

11、l by metro . What about you , Liu Tao ? Liu Tao : I live on Park Street . I come to school by taxi . My father is a taxi driver . ()1、Su Hais new home is far from school . ()2、Su Yang comes to school by bike . ()3、Yang Ling lives near school . ()4、Yang Ling comes to school by metro . ()5、Mike lives

12、in Sunshine Town . 听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、February2、twentieth3、right4、Thursday5、parent 二、听录音,根据所听内容给图片排序。 1、She is asking a policeman for help . 2、Cinderella tries on the shoe . 3、He likes playing football . 4、Its very hot . She wants to take off her coat 5、He usually makes the bed in the morning .

13、 三、听录音,给所听问句选择恰当的答语。 1、Whens your birthday . 2、Where do you live ? 3、What are you doing ? 4、I have a cough today . 5、What do you do at the Mid-Autumn Festival ? 四、听录音,把句子补充完整。 1、I come to school by bus . 2、You can take the metro . 3、You should take some medicine . 4、She is sweeping the floor . 5、Im

14、washing some vegetables . 听力答案 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、CFebruary 2、 Btwentieth3、 Aright4、 BThursday5、 Aparent 二、听录音,根据所听内容给图片排序。 1、DShe is asking a policeman for help . 2、ACinderella tries on the shoe . 3、CHe likes playing football . 4、BIts very hot . She wants to take off her coat 5、EHe usually makes th

15、e bed in the morning . 三、听录音,给所听问句选择恰当的答语。 1、CWhens your birthday . 2、AWhere do you live ? 3、BWhat are you doing ? 4、AI have a cough today . 5、BWhat do you do at the Mid-Autumn Festival ? 四、听录音,把句子补充完整。 1、I come to school by bus . 2、You can take the metro . 3、You should take some medicine . 4、She is

16、 sweeping the floor . 5、Im washing some vegetables . 笔试答案 一、选出下列每组单词中不同类的选项。 1、B2、A3、C4、B5、B 二、单项选择。 1、C2、A3、B4、C5、A6、C7、B8、A9、C10、C 三、选择配伍。 1、D2、F3、G4、A5、J6、H7、I8、B9、C10、E 四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1、is eating2、tomatoes3、any4、fit5、reading 五、连词成句。 1、What is wrong with your mother ? 2、How do you come to school ? 3、My brother is watching TV in the living room . 4、What are they doing ? 5、My birthday is on the fifth of May . 六、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 1、T2、F3、T4、F5、T


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