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1、 Unit 4 Lesson 19 A Dinner Date Learning Aims 1. Mastery words: activity, club, chess, practice 2. A dialogue about a dinner date. 3. Would you like to? New Words activity n.活动 volleyball n. 排球 practice n.&v. 练习 chess n. 国际象棋 club n.俱乐部;社团 volunteer v. 自愿帮助 n.志愿者 bingo n.宾戈游戏 both adj.&pron. 二者(的) n

2、othing n.&pron. 无事;无物 Listening 1.图片对齐 在我们插入PPT图片或是输入文字的时候,为了整齐都需要将插入的文本框对齐 ,但是又不想一个一个的进行操作,这时按住Ctrl键将需要进行对齐的文本选中 ,点击开始排列对齐垂直居中即可; 2.巧用格式刷 在制作PPT的时候为了保证PPT风格的统一,很多任通常会使用复制粘贴来确保 每一页PPT格式相同,这样对于少页数来说可以进行操作,但是碎玉多页面的话 就有点麻烦了,其实我们可以巧用格式刷:首先,在开始菜单栏下方有一个格式 刷,点击格式刷,很快就能看到效果; 3.去除所有动画效果 很多人在制作PPT的时候都是直接在模板库里

3、下载模板进行使用的,但是下载的 模板大多数都是有幻灯片的,这样在演讲的时候很不方便,怎样将其进行去除呢 ?单击幻灯片放映选择设置幻灯片放映,放映类型选择演讲者放映;换片方式 选择手动即可; 4.PPT快键 PPT逼格提升技巧逼格提升技巧 1. What is Jim going to do this week? Listen and tick the pictures on page 51. Listen and answer Check the answers Check the answers on page 51. Hey, Steven! What day is it today? I

4、ts Monday. Jim: Would you like to come over for sinner tomorrow? Steven: Sorry, Jim I cant. I have volleyball practice tomorrow. How about Wednesday? Jim: : Hmm Wednesday is not good for me. Im going to chess club after school. How about Thursday? Steven : I usually volunteer at the Old Age Home on

5、Thursdays. They often tell me lofts of interesting stories. And sometimes we play bingo. Jim: Maybe Friday? Steven: I have math classes on Fridays. Im not doing well in math this year. What are you going to do this weekend? Jim: : Im going to the countryside with my dad. We are going to plant trees.

6、 Steven : Hmm. Were both busy all week. Jim: : Well, what are you going to do this evening? Steven : Nothing! Jim: : How about coming over for dinner this evening? Steven : Sure! Sometimes, very old people cant take care of themselves. So they go to an Old Age Home. They can get help there and meet

7、new friends. What is Steven going to do? Read the lesson and write down his schedule for the week. 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday A volleyball practice Volunteer at the Old Age Home Have math classes 1.We _ (have) a party for Mums birthday tomorrow. 2.Alice _ (borrow) som

8、e books from the library after school. 3.My family _ (go) on a trip to Beijing next week. 4.Tom and Jim _ (make) a model plane together this weekend. 5.I _ (be) a volleyball player in the future. I enjoy volleyball so much! are going to have is going is going to borrow Fill in the blanks with the co

9、rrect form of “be going to”. 3 are going to make am going to be Work in pairs. What are you going to do after school this week? Make up a dialogue. 4 Example: A: What are you going to do after school on Wednesday? B: Im going to see a movie with my friends. What are you going to do on? A: Im going t

10、o Language points 1. Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow. 【解析解析】 1)“would like” “愿意;想要愿意;想要”,后面接后面接 名词、不定代词或动词不定式。名词、不定代词或动词不定式。 e.g. I would like some strawberries. 我想要点儿草莓。 Would you like something to drink? 您想来点儿喝的吗? 【解析解析】 2) come over意为意为“过来;来访过来;来访” Would you like to have a try? 你愿

11、意试一试吗? e.g. Mrs. Black will come over to our house this afternoon.今天下午布莱克夫人要来咱们家。 2. Im not doing well in math this year. 【解析解析】 词组词组“do well in .”意为意为“在在方面方面 做的好;擅长于做的好;擅长于”, in之后接名词、动名词之后接名词、动名词 或代词。在意思和用法上相当于常用搭配或代词。在意思和用法上相当于常用搭配“be good at .”, e.g. Danny does well in making donuts.=Danny is goo

12、d at making donuts. 丹尼擅长做面包圈。 I do well in Chinese and art. =I am good at Chinese and art.我语文和美术学得好。 “be going to”该如何打算? “be going to +动词原形动词原形”结构用来表示将来的动结构用来表示将来的动 作或状态!说起来很简单,但要想运用好它可不作或状态!说起来很简单,但要想运用好它可不 太容易呦。快来看看吧!太容易呦。快来看看吧! 基本句式基本句式 “be going to ”结构中的结构中的be是助动词,句子的各是助动词,句子的各 种变化形式都是通过它来实现的。种变

13、化形式都是通过它来实现的。 【1】 陈述句形式: 主语+be(not) going to + 动词原形 + 其它. 如: I am(not) going to watch a movie this weekend. 这个周末我打算去(不去)看电影。 【2】 一般疑问句形式:一般疑问句形式: Be + 主语主语 + going to + 动词原形动词原形 + 其它?回答中要用到其它?回答中要用到 助动词助动词be。 e.g. Is Eric going to visit his grandparents next month? 下个月艾瑞克会去看望他的祖父母吗? Yes, he is.是的,他会

14、去。 No, he isnt. 不,他不会去。 【特别提示特别提示】 疑问词为疑问词为Who时,特殊疑问句的时,特殊疑问句的 结构是结构是“who is / are going to + 动词原形动词原形?” e.g. What are you going to do this Sunday? 这个周日你打算做什么? 【3】 特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问句形式: 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 + be + 主语主语 + going to + 动词原形动词原形 + 其它?其它? e.g. Who is going to clean the room? 谁来打扫房间? Exercises! 1. How ma

15、ny _ (活动) did they take part in last weekend? 2. There is _ (无物) but a table in the room. 3. My brother enjoys playing _ (国际象棋), but I dont. 4. Look! The girls are playing _ (排球) on the playground. 5. Danny joined two _ (俱乐部) at the same time. I. 根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。 activities not

16、hing chess volleyball clubs 1. 明天你打算看一场电影吗? _ _ _ _ _ a film tomorrow? 2. 他们两个人一直都很忙。 They _ _ _ _ all the time. II. 根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。 Are you going to see are both very busy 3. 下周她不打算和我们一起参观长城了。 She _ _ _ _ the Great Wall with us next week. 4. 我认为这本书对你的学习有好处。 I think this book _ _ _ your study. 5. 李明每天练习打篮球。 Li Ming _ _ _ every day. isnt going to visit is good for practices playing basketball HomeworkHomework What are you going to do after school this week? Make up a dialogue.


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