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1、语法复习语法复习-句子成分及练习句子成分及练习对句子的认识对句子的认识 1.词类词类名词名词-表示人或事物的名称表示人或事物的名称形容词形容词-表示人或事物的特征表示人或事物的特征副词副词-修饰动词、形容词、或其他副词修饰动词、形容词、或其他副词动词动词-表示动作或状态表示动作或状态代词代词-代替名词、数词代替名词、数词数词数词-表示数量或顺序表示数量或顺序冠词冠词-限制名词的意义限制名词的意义介词介词-表示名词、代词和其他词的关系表示名词、代词和其他词的关系连词连词-连接词与词或句与句连接词与词或句与句感叹词感叹词-表示说话时的感情或语气表示说话时的感情或语气词类词类作作 用用例例 词词1.

2、(n.)名名 词词表示人或事表示人或事物的名称。物的名称。I bought a book.She is a student.2.(pron.)代词)代词代替名词、代替名词、数词等。数词等。This is my friend.He likes that book because It is very useful to him.Parts of Speach3.(adj.)形容词形容词表示人或表示人或事物的特事物的特征或性状征或性状。He is small but he is clever.The red pen is useful for the teacher.He painted the

3、wall white yesterday.4.(num.)数词)数词表示数表示数目或顺目或顺序。序。There are ten apples on the table and I will take the first one.5.(v.)动)动 词词表示动表示动作或状作或状态。态。We are working hard at English.I want to become an engineer.6.(adv.)副)副 词词表示动表示动作的特作的特征或性征或性状特征状特征。I like English very much.The teacher treats us kindly.The t

4、rain goes fast.He seldom comes to see us.7.(prep.)介)介 词词表示名表示名词、代词、代词和其词和其他词之他词之间的关间的关系。系。He usually stay at home on Sundays.8.(conj.)连词连词连接词与词连接词与词或句与句的或句与句的作用。作用。He and I are in the same class and we are good friends.Two or three of us can dance well but I cant.9.(interj.)感叹词感叹词表示强烈的表示强烈的感情感情Oh!Ho

5、w beautiful the scene is!What a good idea!Goodness!10.(art.)冠词)冠词用来限制名用来限制名词的意义词的意义I have a pet dog.The dog is very lovely.He is an old man but very strong.英语句子的种类英语句子的种类简单句简单句 (simple sentence)并列句并列句(compound sentence)复合句复合句(complex sentence)简单句的简单句的五种基本句型五种基本句型v 英语五种基本句型列式如下:英语五种基本句型列式如下:基本句型一:基本句

6、型一:(主谓)(主谓)基本句型二:基本句型二:(主系表)(主系表)基本句型三:基本句型三:(主谓宾)(主谓宾)基本句型四:基本句型四:v (主谓间宾直宾)(主谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:基本句型五:v (主谓宾宾补)(主谓宾宾补)基本句型一 主谓(S+V)S+VvShe cooks.vHe is working.vWhat he said does not matter.vThe pen writes smoothly.基本句型一 主谓SVShecooksHeis workingWhat he saiddoes not matter.The pen writes smoothly.基本句型二 主系

7、表vS+V+PvHe is happy.vEvery thing looks nice.vHis face turned red.基本句型二 主系表SVPHeishappy.Everything looksnice.His faceturnedred.基本句型三 主谓宾 vS+V+OvWe study English everyday.vThey are playing football.vHe enjoys reading.vShe said“Good morning.”基本句型三 主谓宾SVOWeTheyHeShestudyare playingenjoyssaidEnglish ever

8、yday.football.reading.“Good morning.”基本句型四 vSV(及物)(及物)O(多指人多指人)O(多指物)多指物)vI give him a book.vMy mother bought me a pen yesterday.vI showed him my picture.基本句型四SV(及物)(及物)OOIgivehima book.My mother boughtmea pen yesterday.Ishowedhimmy picture.基本句型五vS+V(及物)(及物)+O(宾语宾语)+C(宾补)(宾补)vWe must keep the door o

9、pen.vThe news makes me happy.vWe call him Jim.vHe told me to wash the plates.vI saw a thief going into your room.基本句型五SV(及物)(及物)O(宾语宾语)C(宾补)(宾补)Wemust keepthe dooropen.The newsmakesmehappy.WecallhimJim.Hetoldme to wash the plates.Isawa thiefgoing into your room.一、句子成分一、句子成分v(一)句子成分的定义:(一)句子成分的定义:v构成

10、句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。v句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;v主要成分有主要成分有主语主语和和谓语谓语;v次要成分有次要成分有表语表语、宾语宾语、定语定语、状语状语、补补足语足语、同位语同位语和和插入语插入语。二)主语:二)主语:v主语主语(Subject)表示句子说的是什么人或什么事表示句子说的是什么人或什么事.是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首位于句首。但在但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不是结构、疑问句(当主语不是疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动

11、词或情态动词后面。助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句和主语从句等表示。例如:等表示。例如:1.During the 1990s,American country music has become more and more popular.2.We often speak English in class.3.One-third of the students in this class are girls.4.To swim in the river is a great pleas

12、ure.5.Smoking does harm to the health.6.The rich should help the poor.(名词)(代词)(数词)(不定式)(动名词)(名词化的形容词)7.When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.8.It is necessary to master a foreign language.(主语从句)(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式)(三)谓语(三)谓语 v谓语谓语(Predicate)说明主语所做的动作或说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在

13、句中作谓语,具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下:一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下:v1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:成。如:He practices running every morning.The plane took off at ten oclock.(三)谓语(三)谓语(四)表语(四)表语 v表语表语(Predicative)v用以说明主语的性质、特征、状态与身份,用以说明主语的性质、特征、状态与身份,它一般位于系动词(如它一般位于系动词(如be,become,get,look,grow,turn,see

14、m等)之后。等)之后。v表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、数词、表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副副词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语及表词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语及表语从句表示。例如:语从句表示。例如:1.Our teacher of English is an American.(名词)(名词)2.Is it yours?(代词)(代词)3.The weather has turned cold.(形容词)(形容词)4.The speech is exciting.(分词)(分词)5.Three times seven is twenty one?(数词)(数词)6.His job

15、 is to teach English.(不定式)(不定式)7.His hobby is playing football.(动名词)(动名词)8.The meeting is of great importance.(介词短语)(介词短语)9.Time is up.The class is over.(副词)(副词)10.The truth is that he has never been abroad.(表语从句)(表语从句)注意:系动词(注意:系动词(Linking verb)用于连接主语和用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态,性质特征和身份等。表语,说明主语的状态,性质特征和身份等。

16、1)状态系动词状态系动词用来表示主语状态,只有用来表示主语状态,只有be一词,一词,例如:例如:He is a teacher.2)持续系动词持续系动词用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有或态度,主要有keep,remain,stay,lie,stand,例如:例如:He always kept silent at meeting.The passengers remained stuck at the airport due to the bad weather3)表像系动词表像系动词用来表示用来表示“看起来像看起来像”这一概念,这一概念,主要有主要有s

17、eem,appear,look,例如:例如:He seems(to be)very sad.注意:系动词(注意:系动词(Linking verb)用于连接主语和表用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态,性质特征和身份等。语,说明主语的状态,性质特征和身份等。4)感官系动词感官系动词主要有主要有feel,smell,sound,taste,例如:例如:This kind of cloth feels very soft.5)变化系动词变化系动词表示主语变成什么样,主要有表示主语变成什么样,主要有become,grow,turn,fall,get,go,come,run.例如:例如:The river

18、 was beginning to run dry.6)终止系动词终止系动词表示主语已终止动作,主要有表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove,turn out,表达表达结果是结果是;证明是证明是,之意,之意,例如:例如:The rumor proved false.His plan turned out a success.(五)宾语(五)宾语 v宾语(宾语(Object)表示动作的对象或承爱者,一)表示动作的对象或承爱者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。例如:般位于及物动词和介词后面。例如:1.He is doing his homework.2.The heavy rain prevented

19、me from coming to school on time.3.How many dictionaries do you have?I have five.(名词)(代词、动名词)(名词、数词)4.They helped the old with their housework yesterday.5.He pretended not to see me.6.I enjoy listening to popular music.7.I think(that)he is fit for his office.(名词化形容词,名词)(不定式短语)(动名词短语)(宾语从句)v宾语种类宾语种类:

20、v(1)双宾语(间接宾语)双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语),例如:直接宾语),例如:Lend me your dictionary,please.To:write,tell,pass,give,send,promise,show,hand,read,tell,bring,throw等,例如:等,例如:He sent the novel to William yesterday.For:leave,buy,build,choose,cook,draw,find,get,order,post,save等,例如:等,例如:She bought a gift for her mother.v(2)复合宾语

21、(宾语)复合宾语(宾语+宾补),例如:宾补),例如:vThey elected him their monitor.v下列动词只能接不定式做宾语下列动词只能接不定式做宾语 ask,agree,care,choose,demand,dare,decide,expect,fail,help,hope,learn,manage,offer,plan,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,want,wish,desire等,如:等,如:He refused to lend me his bike.v下列动词只能接动名词做宾语下列动词只能接动名词做宾语 admit,avoid,a

22、dvise,consider,enjoy,excuse,escape,finish,imagine,mind,practise,suggest等,如:等,如:John has admitted breaking the window.v下列动词既可接不定式,也可接动名词做下列动词既可接不定式,也可接动名词做宾语,但意义不同,如宾语,但意义不同,如mean,try,remember,forget,regret等。等。vforget to do表示表示“未发生的动作未发生的动作”,forget doing表示表示“已完成的动作已完成的动作”。如:。如:vDont forget to come he

23、re earlier tomorrow.(还没来还没来)vI forgot returning the book to him.v(书已还给他了书已还给他了)v(六)宾语补足语(六)宾语补足语 v宾语补足语(宾语补足语(Object Complement),),用于补充说明宾语的动作,一般位于宾用于补充说明宾语的动作,一般位于宾语之后,宾语与宾语补足语一起构成复语之后,宾语与宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。需接复合宾语的动词有:合宾语。需接复合宾语的动词有:tell,let,help,teach,ask,see,have,order,make等。等。“宾补宾补”一般可由名一般可由名词、形容词、副词

24、、不定式、分词、介词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语和从句充当。例如:词短语和从句充当。例如:1.His father named him Xiaoming.2.They painted their boat white.3.Let the fresh air in.4.You mustnt force him to lend his money to you.5.We saw her entering the room.6.We found everything in the lab in good order.7.We will soon make our city what you

25、r city is now.(名词)(形容词)(副词)(不定式短语)(现在分词)(介词短语)(从句)(七)定语(七)定语 v修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句称为定语修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句称为定语(Attribute)。v定语可由以下等成分表示:定语可由以下等成分表示:1.Guilin is a beautiful city.(形容词(形容词)2.China is a developing country;America is a developed country.(分词(分词)3.There are thirty women teachers in our school.(名词)(名词

26、)4.His rapid progress in English made us surprised.(代词)(代词)5.Our monitor is always the first to enter the classroom.(不定式短语)(不定式短语)6.The teaching plan for next term has been worked out.(动名词)(动名词)7.He is reading an article about how to learn English.(介词短语)(介词短语)8.She is the girl who sings best in my c

27、lass.(定语从句定语从句)(八)状语(八)状语 v修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分,叫做状语动作或状态特征的句子成分,叫做状语(Adverbial)。可由以下形式表示)。可由以下形式表示:1.Light travels most quickly.2.He has lived in the city for ten years.3.He is proud to have passed the national college entrance examination.(副词及副词性词组)(介词短语)(不定式短语)4.He i

28、s in the room making a model plane.5.Wait a minute.6.Once you begin,you must continue.Wait a moment.时间时间I couldnt move a step further.距离距离You can do it this way.方式The room measures five metres across.度量(分词短语)(名词)(状语从句)9种状语种类如下:1.How about meeting again at six?2.Last night she didnt go to the dance p

29、arty because of the rain.3.I shall go there if it doesnt rain.4.Mr Smith lives on the third floor.5.She put the eggs into the basket with great care.(时间状语)(原因状语)(条件状语)(地点状语)(方式状语)v She came in with a dictionary in her hand.6.In order to catch up with the others,I must work harder.7.He was so tired t

30、hat he fell asleep immediately.8.She works very hard though she is old.9.I am taller than he is.(伴随状语)(目的状语)(结果状语)(让步状语)(比较状语)(九)同位语(九)同位语(Appositive)对前面的名)对前面的名词或代词做进一步的解释,通常由名词、词或代词做进一步的解释,通常由名词、数词、代词或从句担任,如:数词、代词或从句担任,如:This is Mr.Zhou,our headmaster.(十)插入语(十)插入语(Parenthesis)对一句话)对一句话做一些附加的解释,通常有

31、做一些附加的解释,通常有to be honest,I think(suppose,believe-)等,如:等,如:To be frank,I dont quite agree with you.练习练习一一.指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:v1.The students got on the school bus.v2.He handed me the newspaper.v3.I shall answer your question after class.v4.What a beautiful Chinese painting!v5.They we

32、nt hunting together early in the morning.v6.His job is to train swimmers.v7.He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing.v8.There is going to be an American film tonight.v9.He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.v10.His wish is to become a scientist.v11.He managed to finish the work in time.v12.Tom c

33、ame to ask me for advice.v13.He found it important to master English.v14.Do you have anything else to say?v15.To be honest,your pronunciation is not so good.v16.Would you please tell me your address?v17.He sat there,reading a newspaper.v18.It is our duty to keep our classroom clean and tidy.v19.He n

34、oticed a man enter the room.v20.The apples tasted sweet.四、选择填空:v()1._ will leave for Beijing.vA.Now there the man vB.The man here nowvC.The man who is here now vD.The man is here nowv()2.The weather _.vA.wet and cold B.is wet and coldvC.not wet and coldD.were wet and coldv()3.The apple tasted _.vA.s

35、weets B.sweetly vC.nicely D.sweetv()4.He got up _ yesterday morning.vA.lately B.late vC.latest D.latterv()5.The actor _at the age of 70.vA.dead B.died vC.dyed D.dyingv()6._ were all very tired,but none of _ would stop to take a rest.vA.We,us B.Us,we vC.We,our D.We,wev()7.He found the street much _.v

36、A.crowd B.crowding vC.crowded D.crowdedlyv()8.I think _necessary to learn English well.vA.its B.it vC.that D.that isv()9.The dog _ mad.vA.looks B.is looked vC.is being looked D.was lookedv()10.I will never forget the day _ I joined the army.vA.that B.when vC.in which D.where句子成分句子成分意义意义充当词类充当词类例句例句主

37、语主语表示句子说的是什么人或什么表示句子说的是什么人或什么事事名,代,数,不定名,代,数,不定式,动名词,短语或式,动名词,短语或句子句子We study in HuangQiao Middle School.谓语谓语说明主语做什么,是什么或怎说明主语做什么,是什么或怎么样么样动词或动词词组动词或动词词组She is dancing under the tree.宾语宾语表示动作行为的对象表示动作行为的对象同主语同主语Both of us like English.表语表语与联系动词连用,一起构成谓与联系动词连用,一起构成谓语,说明主语的性质或特征语,说明主语的性质或特征同主语同主语Her f

38、ather is a chemist.His words sound reasonable.定语定语用来修饰名词或代词用来修饰名词或代词形,代,数,名形,代,数,名,副,介词短语或句子副,介词短语或句子We have eight lessons every day.状语状语修饰动词,形容词,副词,表修饰动词,形容词,副词,表示动作发生的时间,地点,原示动作发生的时间,地点,原因,目的,方式,结果等因,目的,方式,结果等副词,介词短语或句副词,介词短语或句子子He works very hard.They held a party in Hollywood.宾语宾语补足语补足语逻辑上与宾语是主谓关系逻辑上与宾语是主谓关系形容词,名词,介词形容词,名词,介词短语等短语等She always keeps the house clean.主语谓语是基础,宾表定状补辅助。宾主来自名代数,动词作谓不可无!主语谓语是基础,宾表定状补辅助。宾主来自名代数,动词作谓不可无!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!


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