人教版(七下)Unit 9 What does he look like -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c21ed).doc

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人教版(七下)Unit 9 What does he look like -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c21ed).doc_第1页
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人教版(七下)Unit 9 What does he look like -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c21ed).doc_第2页
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人教版(七下)Unit 9 What does he look like -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c21ed).doc_第3页
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1、 1 Topic Unit9 What does he look like? Section B(1a-1e) 1. Analysis of Teaching Material The status function 本单元的内容选自人教版新目标英语七年级下册 Unit9 What does he look like? Section B(1a-1e)。本部分在 Section A 所学知识的基础上,仍旧围绕人物 外貌描述展开活动,并进一步拓展话题内容,通过不同的活动,让学生学会从其 他角度(头发、脸型、五官、眼镜和职业等)描述人物外貌,让学生能真切地感 受到外貌描述在生活中的实际用途,巩固关

2、于人物描述的语言结构。 Analysis of the students 我校是韶关市区的一所普通中学,所任教班级的学生大多来自外省农民工家 庭以及市郊无业家庭,其中还有留守儿童,家庭教育没有发挥应有的作用。班上 的女孩子比较乖巧懂事,但是也相对胆小,男孩子比较活泼好动,同时学习又不 够踏实,导致有相当一部分的男孩子成绩不够理想。通过将近一年的口语训练, 我们班学生的口头表达能力有所提高。 Teaching aims Knowledge aims: Key vocabulary: a big nose ,blonde hair, a small mouth, wears glasses, a

3、round face, big eyes, black hair, a long face Sentence patterns: A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She is tall/short/of medium height He/She is heavy/thin/of medium build He/She has long/short straight/curly hair black/blonde He/She has a long/round face a small/big mouth big eyes He/She wears gl

4、asses Ability aims: 1.Describe peoples looks accurately and fluently. 2. Train the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing , communicating and thinking in English. Moral aims: 1. Make the students learn to help people. 2. Develop self-confidence in speaking English. 2 Teaching di

5、fficulty has 4._ hair, has funny glasses tall thin curly has long 5._hair, is of medium height, beautiful blonde Are they the boys parents? Step4. Pair-work Teachers Activities Students Activities Purposes 1.Have the students finish Mission 2 to get the second clue. Mission 2 Pairwork Its a pity tha

6、t they are not the boy s parents. So we have to finish more missions to help the boy. This time you practice the conversations with your partner. The group that do best can also get the second clue.(很遗很遗 憾他们不是这小男孩的父母,我们将完成更憾他们不是这小男孩的父母,我们将完成更 多的任务来帮助他,这次你们要和同伴练习多的任务来帮助他,这次你们要和同伴练习 对话,表现好的组将获得第二条线索)对

7、话,表现好的组将获得第二条线索) Running students! 2. Ask some pairs to act out the conversations. 1.Make up the conversations in pairs. What does he/she look like? is tall/short/of medium height is heavy/thin/of medium build has long/short straight/curly hair black/blonde has a long/round face a small/big mouth bi

8、g eyes 2. The students get the second clue. 1 1 3 3 2 2 My father wears glasses. My mother doesnt wear glasses. 通过两两对话操练,让 每一个学生都有机会 说英语,使学习英语的 过程成为使用英语的 过程,其目的是让学生 复习巩固所学的单词 与句型,从而提高学生 的口语表达能力。 Step5 Summary Teachers Activities Students Activities Purposes 1.Ask the students to look at the sentence

9、 structures carefully and find the rules. 2. Have the students to finish the exercises in their pads. 3.Analyze the students answer. 1. The students look at the sentence structures carefully and then fill in the blanks. 描述人物形象的表达方式描述人物形象的表达方式 1. 1. 描述身高、体重等整体特征时用描述身高、体重等整体特征时用_动词。动词。 2. 2. 表示留着何种发型和

10、五官时用表示留着何种发型和五官时用_。 have/has be What does he/she look like? He/She is tall/short/of medium height. long/short. He/She hasstraight/curly hair. black/blonde. a long/round face. He/She hasa small/big mouth. big eyes. 3. Finish the multiple choice in the pads. 1. 通过观察句子结构 得出结论,加深学生的 印象。 2. 总结归纳出知识点 后,在平

11、板上完成学乐 云上的 5 道单项选择 题,学生提交后能及时 反馈学生的答题情况, 能增强学生的学习积 极性,从而提高学生的 学习成绩。 5 4. The group that do best can get the last clue. 1 1 3 3 2 2 My father is tall and thin. My mother is of medium height and medium build. Step6. Writing Teachers Activities Students Activities Purposes 1.Help the students underline

12、 main points. 2.Show the main points and the standard for evaluation to the students. Writing 我们已经完成了一系列的任务,现在根据所获得我们已经完成了一系列的任务,现在根据所获得 的线索写一篇作文,描述小男孩的父母,要求从职业,的线索写一篇作文,描述小男孩的父母,要求从职业, 身高及体型,头发和其他特征这几方面描写。身高及体型,头发和其他特征这几方面描写。 要点要点分值分值 要点一要点一职业职业3分分 要点二要点二身身高高及及体体型型4分分 要点三要点三发型发型2分分 要点四要点四其他特征其他特征4分

13、分 语法分语法分3处错误扣处错误扣0.5 分分 卷面分(即书写是否工整)卷面分(即书写是否工整)2分分 合计合计15分 4.Check the students passage. 5.Give an example to the students after they write. Sample: His father is a singer . He is tall and thin. He has a long face and a big nose. He has short straight blonde hair. He wears glasses. His mother is a

14、teacher. She is of medium height and medium build. She has a round face. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She has long curly black hair. She doesnt wear glasses. 1.Read through the content of the passage and underline the main points. 2. Read the standard for evaluation carefully and pay attentio

15、n the main points of the article. 3. Use the mind map to revise the target language about looks. looks height hair build other features tall short of medium height be be heavy thin of medium build have/haslong/short straight/curly black/brown/blonde have/hasa long/round face big eyes a small mouth 4

16、. Finish the article by using the following structure . 1.通过划线找关键词, 让学生找出文章要点, 并利用作文评分标准, 使学生明白作文要点 的重要性。 2. 用思维导图帮助学 生复习描述人物外貌 特征的单词与结构,为 学生完成作文做好铺 垫。 3.学生完成作文后,用 学乐云平台的随堂反 馈功能把学生的作文 拍照上传,对照评分标 准进行讲评作文,并根 据评分标准马上算出 得分,再次强调要点的 重要性。 6 Step7 Chicken soup Teachers Activities Purposes Play a video to th

17、e students, praise them for their performance in this lesson. All of you did a good job! You should always remember “Find in helping others is a virtue” (你们今天都很棒!你们要记住“(你们今天都很棒!你们要记住“助人助人 为乐是一种美德为乐是一种美德”)”) 及时对学生今天的表 现提出表扬,培养学生 助人为乐的好习惯 Step8 Homework Teachers Activities Students Activities Purposes

18、 Ask the students to finish their homework after class. 1.Revise the target language in this period. 2.Write an article to describe what their favorite teacher/singer/actor/actress looks like. 让学生再写一篇描述 人物外貌特征的作文, 复习巩固本节课所学 的内容。 5.Teaching Reflection 1. 课前播放跑男的视频,成功地吸引了学生的注意,充分调动了学生的学习积 极性。 2. 由于学生对

19、跑男这一电视节目的熟悉与热爱,我设计了奔跑吧,学生!的 活动作为这节课的主线,学生在课堂上为了帮助一个小男孩找到爸爸妈妈,需要 完成三个任务来获取他们的外貌信息,最后通过完成作文来确定是否找到,任务 设计层层深入,从易到难,每获取一个信息,我用 voki 制作视频,让小男孩说 出爸爸妈妈的外貌特征,是我这节课的亮点。 3.在课堂上,当学生获得一个外貌特征的信息时,每个组的学生会用彩笔画出外 貌特征,我的目的是让学生在作文环节中,对照画的外貌写出作文,但是因为有 些小组因为时间比较仓促, 没有把重要的外貌特征画好, 导致写作文时漏了要点。 4. 学生在学乐云上完成练习,因为当时的网络不是很好,影响了部分学生的答 题速度。


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