《实用任务型学术写作》课件Unit 11 Research Project Report.pptx

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1、Unit Eleven Research Project ReportIn this unit you will learn how to write a research project report.课题研究报告是反映一项研究的过程及结果并将其研究对外公布的材料,是课题研究成果的重要表现形式。课题研究报告的目的是给读者展示其研究结果及价值,提供有关研究过程的实际资料,对研究过程的回顾和总结等,使读者认识到其研究是否对其有意义。课题研究报告主要分为:进度报告、实验报告和最终报告等。课题研究报告的结构包括:标题及署名、摘要与关键字、研究问题、研究方法和过程、研究结果与分析、研究结论、参考文献、

2、附录等。但是课题研究报告的要素包括:Task Objective1.研究概括简述本课题研究的原因和研究的设计思路。2.研究方法和过程介绍本研究选用的研究方法、研究对象、资料收集和分析的方法等。3.结果与分析此部分是研究报告的核心部分,用数字、图表和材料等描述该课题研究所获得的经验和发现的规律等。4.结论和讨论研究者根据结果做出的推论和总结。撰写课题报告应注意的几个问题:1.重点应放在介绍研究方法和研究结果方面。课题研究报告的价值是以方法的科学性和可靠性为条件的,而这两者又有内在的联系,因为只有研究方法是科学的,才能保证研究结果是可靠的。2.理论观点的阐述要与材料相结合。在课题报告中怎样使自己的

3、观点得到有力的论证,是应该关心的重要问题。3.分析讨论要实事求是,不夸大、不缩小。在下结论时要注意前提和条件,不要绝对化,不要以偏概全,不要把局部经验说成是普遍规律。Read Sample 1 and answer the questions as briefly as possible.Task Preparation 1Introduction of the reportResearch methods and processesResult and analysisConclusion and discussionIntroduction of the reportAlthough le

4、ad-acid has been the standard battery type used in energy storage,sodium-sulfur and lithium-ion batteries are fast becoming the preferred technology.Research methods and processesElectric utility application of batteries is investigated using the least expensive and most cost-effective lithium-ion b

5、atteries for storing large amounts of energy(on the megawatt-hour scale)and megawatt utility connected power transfer.Result and analysisA modular battery system using low-cost lithium-ion cells could help meet growing stationary energy storage demand in a safe and cost-effective manner.Conclusion a

6、nd discussionSystem costs of a dollar per watt can be achieved using currently available technologies,providing an economic advantage over many competing grid energy storage concepts.Read Sample 2 and answer the questions.Task Preparation 21.What is the introduction of the report?2.What method was u

7、sed in the report?3.What is the result and how to analyze it?4.What is the conclusion and discussion of the report?1.What is the introduction of the report?2.What method was used in the report?KeyThis week we will be designing a process for methanol synthesis based on ASPEN and manual calculation.Me

8、thanol synthesis is done by the Lurgi l-Gas-Chemie GmbH process.This process is suitable for production capacities of up to 10,000 tonnes per day which falls withinthe production of 5,000 tonnes per day of methanol.3.What is the result and how to analyze it?4.What is the conclusion and discussion of

9、 the report?Methanol production poses many environmental concerns some of which include condensation of excess methanol,fugitive emissions from methanol storage tanks and pipe leaks which are known to be harmful to the environment.Based on the accomplishing result,we will be able to calculate the to

10、tal amount of dry coal necessary in the overall process including the gasifier,water-gas shift,acid gas removal,and methanol synthesis processes.Read Sample 3 and judge whether the statements are true or false.Task Preparation 31.This study tries to learn about the resources needed and the barriers

11、to performing scholarly work during residency.()2.There were 138 internal medicine residents taking part in the 2002 American College of PhysiciansAmerican Society of Internal Medicine annual session.()3.Seventy-three percent residents completed the questionnaire in this study.()4.Research skills is

12、 an important factor that enables residents to be successful.()TTFF Practice these patterns and expressions often used in writing a report.1.1 研究概括研究概括:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时将来时1)The purpose of this project is to conduct collaborative research to evaluate and maximize the effectiveness of perme

13、able reactive barriers(PRBs)with a broad-based working group including representatives from the U.S.Department of Energy(DOE),U.S.Department of Defense(DOD),and the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).2)The main purpose of this report is to create a marketing plan for Beaufords hospitality orga

14、nization.3)The acquisition of expository writing skills is becoming increasingly important for Singaporean students as the assessment system shifts from examinations that emphasize accurate knowledge recall to examination questions that require evaluative skills and sustaining of a personal point of

15、 view.4)The report explores the role of imitation in learning object affordances.Since I intend to experiment with a robotic arm enabling only pushing objects,properties of objects will be the main factor affecting the overall complexity of this“toy world.”Learning in the toy world is a process of d

16、iscovering objects affordances,as well as the kinds of actions and goals related to them.5)This project is funded through DOEs Office of Science and Technology,SCFA(TTP number ORO-9-SS-30).6)The theoretical framework of the study is a socio-cognitive framework that draws on two theoretical perspecti

17、ves on writing.7)The specific objectives are to evaluate geochemical and hydraulic performance of PRBs,develop guidelines for hydraulic and geochemical characterization/monitoring.8)In order to confidently advocate a socio-cognitive-informed pedagogy to writing teachers,the research reported in this

18、 paper investigated the effect of such a pedagogical approach on the quality of Secondary school students expository writing.1.2研究方法和过程研究方法和过程:一般现在时一般现在时(被动语态)(被动语态)、一般过去时、一般过去时,如:如:1)In this project,data are being obtained from several DOE sites that were selected on the basis of certain establishe

19、d characteristics.2)Following instruction,students did a post-instruction test,another essay writing task on a topic parallel to that of the pre-test.Six months after the administration of the post-instruction test,interviews were conducted with a selected number of students to gauge how much of the

20、 instruction they recalled.3)The methanol synthesis reaction was modeled in ASPEN plus using five plug-flow reactors in series.The reactions occurring in the synthesis of methanol are as follows.4)The following function select Cox evaluates Step 1 and Step 2 the stepwise variable selection strategy

21、for the Cox regression model described in Section 2.2.5)A pre-instruction test,in the form of an in-class essay writing task,was administered before instruction began.Following the pre-instruction test,14 weekly lessons were conducted to teach the thinking processes and genre practices of the exposi

22、tory essay,as well as some grammatical forms for realizing the thinking strategies and genre processes.6)In FY 2000,specific PRB sites were identified for data collection.Limited fieldwork was also performed in order to develop sampling and analysis procedures and a chemical database for the project

23、.7)This section of report will identify and explain how factors from external environments around Beaufords will affect its operation in terms of opportunities and threats.8)All movements of objects are practically limited to 2D space,as a consequence of the robots ability to only push/drag and poke

24、 on a flat surface.In the basic version,a robotic arm can move only in 2D,although I am planning to relax this assumption.1.31.3结果与分析结果与分析:多用一般过去时(常用被动语态),一般现在时,多用一般过去时(常用被动语态),一般现在时,如:如:1)The project is making good progress in acquiring geochemical and hydrological data.2)The results from Hydro Tec

25、hnics are approximately one order of magnitude lower than both average regional measurements based on conductivities and observed gradients and direct measurements made with the bore scope at the Dover site.3)The first experiment we conducted was analyzing the 30 top most search results(SR)retrieved

26、 from Yahoo when querying for“Sun Eclipse.”4)Staff management is also a problem;there is not enough staff during dinner hour causing inconsistent service level.Seasonality is affecting Beaufords during winter where few functions were booked during each month.5)Students ability to recall and apply th

27、e knowledge and skills taught to them six months earlier shows that the learning lasted.Improvements observed in the findings could be the result of real learning.6)Based on the results presented in these reports,the B.C.Ministry of Transportation has partnered with ICBC on a multi-year program to u

28、pgrade all primary signal displays to 300 mm lenses with yellow backboards with 3M VIP Diamond Grade reflective sheeting.7)The two tables below summarize the findings.The first table lists the before and after accidents by intersection and the second table lists the accidents by primary accident typ

29、es.8)After investigating the Hewlett Packard Omnibook 3000CTX 5/233 and the Micropro 8500 Series portable computers,it was found that both models are suitable for corporate use and would meet All Purpose Training Company requirements.1.41.4结论和讨论结论和讨论:一般过去时、一般过去时、将来时将来时,一般现在时,如:,一般现在时,如:1)Despite the

30、 limitations in the circumstances,the conclusion for this study remains that explicit teaching of the genre practices and thinking skills associated with expository writing is an effective way of improving students writing.2)The results strongly suggest that a socio-cognitive approach to teaching wr

31、iting is effective in improving the quality of students writing.3)Based on the accomplished result,we will be able to calculate the total amount of dry coal necessary in the overall process including the gasifier,water-gas shift,acid gas removal,and methanol synthesis processes.4)The costing of each

32、 section of the plant will be calculated and analyzed through economic reasoning for the final report.5)The problematic issues were:low identification success rate of outliers among a large dataset of SR and the false tagging of large vocabulary SR as outliers.6)A further limitation is the lack of i

33、nvestigator control over teachers cooperation in the project and their classroom practices.7)Studying an interventional approach to improving writing in a school setting has its limitations.One drawback in the study is the lack of a control group for comparison with the experimental group.Lab report

34、s are an essential part of all laboratory courses and usually a significant part of your grade.If your instructor gives you an outline for how to write a lab report,use that.Some instructors require the lab report be included in.A lab notebook,while others will request a separate report.Heres a form

35、at for a lab report you can use if you arent sure what to write or need an explanation of what to include in the different parts of the report.A lab report is how you explain what you did in experiment,what you learned,and what the results meant.Here is a standard format.If you prefer,you can print

36、and fill in the science lab report template or download the pdf version of the template.MaterialsList everything needed to complete your experiment.MethodsDescribe the steps you completed during your investigation.This is your procedure.Be sufficiently detailed that anyone could read this section an

37、d duplicate your experiment.Write it as if you were giving direction for someone else to do the lab.It may be helpful to provide a figure to diagram your experimental setup.DataNumerical data obtained from your procedure usually is presented as a table.Data encompasses what you recorded when you con

38、ducted the experiment.Its just the facts,not any interpretation of what they mean.ResultsDescribe in words what the data means.Sometimes the Results section is combined with the Discussion(Results&Discussion).Discussion or AnalysisThe Data section contains numbers.The Analysis section contains any c

39、alculations you made based on those numbers.This is where you interpret the data and determine whether or not a hypothesis was accepted.This is also where you would discuss any mistakes you might have made while conducting the investigation.You may wish to describe ways the study might have been imp

40、roved.ConclusionsMost of the time the conclusion is a single paragraph that sums up what happened in the experiment,whether your hypothesis was accepted or rejected,and what this means.Figures&Graphs Graphs and figures must both be labeled with a descriptive title.Label the axes on a graph,being sur

41、e to include units of measurement.The independent variable is on the X-axis.The dependent variable(the one you are measuring)is on the Y-axis.Be sure to refer to figures and graphs in the text of your report.The first figure is Figure 1,the second figure is Figure 2,etc.References If your research w

42、as based on someone elses work or if you cited facts that require documentation,then you should list these references.(Source:http:/ the following sentences carefully.Identify the sentence that corresponds to the elements in report.Task Realization1)Guided by this theoretical orientation,coders clas

43、sified lexico-grammatical items in pre-and post instructionessays into 2 categories.2)The problematic issues were:low identification success rate of outliers among a large dataset of SR and the false tagging of large vocabulary SR as outliers.3)Interviews with selected students aimed at ascertaining

44、 that the improvement in essay scores wasdue to the instruction.4)There was no control group as the schools involved agreed to participate in the study on the condition that all students were given the same instruction in preparation for a common end-of semester exam.5)The paper describes the initia

45、l research we conducted regarding search results refinement by means of outlier detection algorithms.6)The results strongly suggest that a socio-cognitive approach to teaching writing is effective in improving the quality of students writing.7)This study starts from the hypothesis that instruction i

46、n the thinking skills leading to the genre practices of expository writing and situating expository writing tasks in their social context may be a better way to helpresult and analysis conclusion and discussion research methods and processesresearch methods and processes introductionconclusion and d

47、iscussionintroduction2.Read the two examples below and identify a good opening statement.3.Each of the following sentences is taken from the conclusion of a report.The sentences are not in their correct order.Indicate the probable order used by the author in writing the conclusion of a report in the

48、 space below.a.Imitation learning is an incremental process,which gradually reduces unknown“behavioral patterns”,in particular,these related to understanding of goals of actions.The review was based on evidence from 3 main sources:a search of several electronic bibliographic databases,a review of th

49、e references from relevant studies for additional potentially relevant articles,and a review of several dental textbooks.b.This manipulation competence can be achieved only by understanding interactions with the toy world,i.e.action understanding.c.Consequently,at this stage of research,I have focus

50、ed on psychological findings,general problems of motor control,and experiments.d.Imitation learning is still present long after our birth,but is more related to acquisition of skills.e.In this report I have tried to outline the most important issues related to my PhD topic,instead of rather choosing


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