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1、第九章 国际物流仓储与包装第一节 国际物流货物仓储概述第二节 保税仓库与保税区第三节 国际物流仓储业务运作基本程序第四节 国际商品包装1第一节 国际物流货物仓储概述n一、仓储的意义n二、仓库的分类2一、仓储的意义n调整商品在生产和消费之间的时间错位n保证进入国际国际市场的商品质量n延伸生产特性的加工业务n调节国际市场商品的价格n调节内外运输工具载运能力的不平衡n减少国际物流中的货损货差3二、仓库的分类n1.按仓库在国际物流中的用途分类n(1)口岸仓库n(2)中转仓库n(3)加工仓库n(4)储存仓库n2.按仓库的管理体制分类n(1)自有仓库n(2)租赁公共仓库n(3)合同仓库4第二节 保税仓库与

2、保税区n一、保税仓库的概念n二、保税仓库允许存放的货物范围n三、保税仓库的类型n四、保税区5保税制度n保税制度是允许对特定的进口货物在入关进境后确定内销或复出口的最终去向前暂缓征缴关税和其他国内税,由海关监管的一种海关制度。n保税制度按方式和实行区域的不同:n有保税仓库n保税工厂n保税区n保税集团n免税商店n保税转口6保税仓库n保税仓库是经海关批准,进口货物可以不办理进口手续和较长时间储存的场所。进口货物再出口而不必纳税,便于货主把握交易时机出售货物,有利于业务的顺利进行和转口贸易的发展 7二、保税仓库允许存放的货物范围n1.缓办纳税手续的进出口货物缓办纳税手续的进出口货物n主要包括进口国工程


4、时可存放于保税仓库内。8三、保税仓库的类型n1.专业性保税仓库n2.公共保税仓库n3.保税工厂n4.海关监管仓库9四、保税区n保税区(保税区(Bonded Area;the low-tax;tariff-free zone;tax-protected zone)亦称保税仓亦称保税仓库区。这是一国海关设置的或经海关批准注册、库区。这是一国海关设置的或经海关批准注册、受海关监督和管理的可以较长时间存储商品的受海关监督和管理的可以较长时间存储商品的区域。是经国务院批准设立的、海关实施特殊区域。是经国务院批准设立的、海关实施特殊监管的经济区域,是我国目前开放度和自由度监管的经济区域,是我国目前开放度和

5、自由度最大的经济区域。最大的经济区域。n第一个保税区是上海外高桥保税区第一个保税区是上海外高桥保税区10第三节 国际物流仓储业务运作基本程序进口入库储存保管出库国际物流货物仓储业务11一、保税仓库货物进口n1.本地进货n2.异地进货12二、入库n1.卸货n2.入库验收n3.办理入库手续n4.贴储位标签或条形码n5.上架13三、储存保管:存放、保管、检查和盘点n1.存放:可变货位安排系统;固定货位安排系统n2.保管n(1)面向通道保管n(2)根据出库频率选定位置n(3)尽可能向高处码放,提高保管效率(棚架)n(4)同一品种放在同一地方n(5)根据物品重量安排保管的位置(腰部)n(6)要注意商品的

6、存放安全n湿度管理、防尘、防臭、防虫、防鼠、防盗。143.货物检查与盘点(1)保管期间货物的检查n检查的内容:nA.数量检查nB.质量检查nC.保管条件检查nD.安全检查n检查的方式:nA.日常检查nB.定期检查nC.临时性检查(2)货物的盘点1)盘点的方法A.动态盘点法B.循环盘点法C.重点盘点法2)盘点的内容A.盘点数量B.盘点重量C.货帐核对D.帐与帐核对E.做好记录及时联系F.分析问题,找出原因及时处理15四、出库n1.原物复出口:填写货物出口报关单,提交进口报关单(进口的的时候经海关签章确认的)n2.加工贸易提取使用n3.转入国内销售16第四节 国际商品包装n一、包装材料n二、包装种

7、类n三、包装费用n四、包装标识17包装的功能packaging functionn1.Protect the goods from the hazards of international shipping by ocean or by airnCost VS protection not a trade-offn2.Facilitate the handling of goods when they are in transitn3.Part of the customer service strategy and often overlooked18包装的目标packaging objec

8、tivesnMake sure that goods are protected from the major lossesnProvide good customer service to the recipient of the goods(customer focus)nReflect the increasing sensitivity to recycling and energy conservation1914-2 packaging objectivesThe first objectiventhe three major losses that can occur in an

9、 international transitn1.mechanical damage:breakage,crushes,nicks and dents(43%of all claims)n2.water damage:sea water,rain,flood,and container sweat(15%)n3.theft and pilferage(21%)nThe remaining 21%of the claims are linked to fire,standing,sinkings,collision overboard losses and jettisonnAll the pe

10、rils can be prevented to a great extent by the proper use of packaging techniques and correct design 2014-2 packaging objectivesThe second objectivenAchieved by paying attention to the smaller details of the packaging process and designing a smarter package,examples are as followingnGluing and then

11、nailing the plywood onto a crate,a customer-focused exporter just nail them or even better screw themnUse the recipients language and clearly mark all of the package within the shipmentnUtilize unitized packages that match the size of the ones used by the customernA few extra time and a bit more mon

12、ey,actually become a strategic advantage over a competitor2114-2 packaging objectivesThe third objectivenUse recyclable and reusable materials instead of disposable materials22一、包装材料1.包装材料(1)纸质包装材料(2)合成树脂包装材料(3)木制容器包装材料(4)金属容器包装材料(5)玻璃陶瓷包装材料(6)纤维容器包装材料(7)复合材料包装材料2.包装容器(1)包装袋(2)包装盒(3)包装箱(4)瓶(5)罐23二、包

13、装种类n运输包装n销售包装24n运输包装分为:1.单件包装按照外形:包、箱、桶、袋按照质地:软性、硬性和半硬性按照材料2.集合包装集装箱、集装袋、托盘25三、包装费用n包装材料费用n包装机械费用n包装技术费用n包装人工费用n其他辅助费用26四、包装标志n运输标志n指示性标志n警告性标志27海洋货物运输包装 ocean cargonFC L(整箱货)nChoice of container集装箱的选择nAfter the choice of correct container,the exporter should inspect the container both from the insi

14、de and outside n选完集装箱后要对集装箱进行检查28Inspect from the outside for possible structural damages:外部检查要点nA structurally unsound container could collapse nThe frame should look straight nThe fittings(设备)used for lifting it and securing it on the ship or on the truck should be in place and not damagednThe doo

15、rs should close properlynThe repair should appear to have been done competently nSurface rust29Inspect from the inside内部检查要点nwith the door closed,for possible light leakagenWood floor and wood sides prevent condensation damage and direct contact with the metal sidesnAll of its inside hardware in pla

16、cenFoul and persistent odorsnRemove the protruding(突出的)nails or other fastenersnClean of grease油脂,dirt and other foreign material30集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)n前壁1确定内部各角挡块可见且无误,前壁是由折皱材料构成的。2用40的尺子测量集装箱的内部尺寸,柜前至后门内侧的距离是40尺柜应该是395“或12.01M,20尺柜的为194“或5.89M。3确信排气口可以看见,没有被异物堵住。4用工具敲打它,确认有空的回声。31集装箱完整

17、性检查程序(七点检查)集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)n左边1查看横粱的异常修复2查看侧壁都可见的内外部的修复情况。3用工具敲打它,确认有空的回声32集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)n右边1查看横梁的异常修复2查看侧壁都可见的内外部的异常修复情况。3用工具敲打它,确认有空的回声33集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)n地板1测量底部至顶部的商度,40尺柜和20尺柜的高度应该是710”或者是 2.38M.2确认底部是平整,所有的高度是一样的。不能有不同的高度。3检查异常修复情况。34集装箱完整性检查程序(七点检查)集装箱完整性检查程序(


19、没有其它外部的东西固定在起落架上。4在箱子的内部查看外部可见的修复。37Palletization集装箱内部托盘nMost of the time,it is better for the shipment to be unitized(placed on the pallet)within the container rather than left in its corrugated cardboard 瓦楞纸boxes.The advantages are:nProtect the goods from the water infiltration and condensation,fa

20、cilitate the handling nEnsure the secondary sufficient enough to protect the goodsnAnother issue to take into consideration:brick vs columnsnThe standardized of the pallets(EU vs US)38http:/ of seagoing containers海运集装箱类型nThe greatest number of containers are standard twenty-foot and forty-foot units

21、 nDRYCONTAINER nBoxes 8820 or 8840nFully enclosed in steel nEquipped with a double door at one endnHave a wooden floornSome have wooden sidesnCan be stacked to nine high and even higher in some casesnCapacity is measured by TEUs40nThe liquid-bulk containerTank inside a frame with the same outside di

22、mensionsAccording to the cargo carried,the containers have different design and of different materials(ISO standard)Can be stacked with traditional containers41424344The dry-bulk containernTo hold dry bulk product such as grain or polymer pelletsnFewer handling than when the cargo is bulk,packaged i

23、n drums or bagsnShorter containers(5 feet tall)facilitate rail transport nCan be stacked with the ISO standard containers45The open-top container开顶集装箱 nHold cargo too large or too tall to regular container,Sometimes covered with a tarpaulin防水帆布nt:p:linnThese containers always on the top of the stack

24、4647The extended-length containernHold cargo dont fit in the forty-foot containernDifficult to pack and load onto the shipnOn the top of the stack and must have the next stack slot empty48The flat rack框架集装箱 nHold cargo less than 8 feet widenSometimes have corner and two end wallnUsed for shipments o

25、f pleasure boats,truck and military vehicles 4950The refrigerated containernHold cargo at a constant temperature during the voyagenOutside power source(electricity)to function nPlugged in during the voyagenreefer container冷藏船5152The high cube containernHold cargo that cube out before it weigh outnTh

26、e maximum weight limit of a container is 52910 lbs(24mt)and 67200(30.5mt)53nThe hanger container Hold garments“on hanger”nSeveral have been designed to ship automobile,livestock,5455集装箱运输出现的困境nThe difficulties of the development of“specials”is that they are not multi-purpose such as the livestock co

27、ntainernFor the imbalance of trade between ports there is an accumulation of empties in the US,while there is a shortage of boxes in AsianAnother reason for the shortage The containers are used for storage or housing(disappear)565758Non-unitized cargo非集装化商品nPreferable to be packaged in a high grade

28、of corrugated cardboard,regular secondary package should be avoidednStrong cardboard or sheets of plywood should be used in between the layersnA layer of plywood on floor or pallet in humid condition.cardboard should be avoided59Blocking materialsdunnage填充材料nThe first thing to secure the goods on th

29、e container itself (hooks and straps)nThe second is to insert some sort of“spacer”in between the pallets or the packagesnSpacer:bracing contraptions made with wooden beams,inflatable bags or old palletsnInsurance policies do not cover the claims for improperly packaged cargonThe critical part is tha

30、t the entire floor space in the container must be occupied ,so that none of the cargo may move606162Loading the container装箱nWhen Different types goods in the same container,the heavier ones should always placed on the bottomnMake sure the centre of gravity be in the centre of the container,achieved

31、by making sure the good are loaded symmetrical and the blocking materials is placed in betweennsoftware63less-than-container-load(LCL)cargo拼箱货nConsolidated by the freight forwarder or NVOCCnIn addition to the risk associated with the shipment by ocean,also the possibility of damages caused by the ot

32、her cargo in the containernHeavy one inadvertently placed on the pallet or poorly braced and move in heavy seanSubject to the leakage,odor and other hazards nThe owner of the other cargo is not careful64break-bulk cargo散杂货nToo large or too heavynPlaced directly on the hold of the shipnhandled More o

33、ften(package should reflect the rigors of the journey and the extra handling)nSpecialized freight forwarders who have an excellent knowledge of all of these limitationnCigna Insurance Company“ports of the world”65Crate板条箱and boxesnBe good(appropriate)for break-bulk cargo and LCLnShould be built in a

34、 size that accommodates the goods without allowing them to shiftnBe very solidly built and be reinforced at those points where the crate likely to be liftednUpright position(pallet or hooks and straps)nBoxes and crate built differentlynWell built crates are stronger than boxesnThree-way cornernBoth

35、should be reinforced with corner strapping and metallic bands66nNot appropriate for cargo that is not impervious to waternLined with a waterproof materialsnLeaving the bottom of the crate or the box free of waterproof materialnPlace small holes in it to allow drainage should some water infiltration

36、occurnSpray the machinery and metallic part with oil to protect against the water damage67Bags集装袋nChemicals,plastics and other powdered materials unaffected by water and unlikely to be pilferagenLayer of kraft paper or light polymersnAdd 3%additional emptynflexible intermediate bulk container可调式联运散货

37、集装箱68Drums桶nMetallic drums and fiber drumnSteel drum can be used for wet and dry cargo and are pretty resilient containers that can withstand a good amount of abuse,resistance to water damage and pilferage and be used for long timenThe disadvantage is the weight and costnFiber drum only be used for

38、dry cargo,often lined with a polymer bagnSlightly more resistant to water damage than bags more resistant to pilferage nare often damaged when port personnel handle them in the same way as they do steel drumsnAlso sensitive to mechanical damages69wood requirements关于木质包装材料的相关规章制度nConform to the Inter

39、national Phytosanitary Measure 15 since March 2005nAll wood product must be marked with the International plant protection convention国际植物保护公约国际植物保护公约nFinland 10,000 to cover the cost of destroying themnMB and HT7071包装标志作用n包装标志是为了便于货物交接货物交接、防止错发错运防止错发错运,便于识别便于识别,便于运输便于运输、仓储和海关等有关部门仓储和海关等有关部门进行查验等工进行查

40、验等工作,也便于收货人提取货物便于收货人提取货物,在进出口货物的外包装上标明的记号,n包装标志有:n运输标志(即唛头)、n指示性标志n警告性标志三类。721运输标志运输标志(Shipping Mark)n运输标志习惯上称为“唛头”,它通常是由一个简单的几何图形和一些字母、数字和简单的文字组成,其作用主要是便于识别货物,便于收货人收货,也有利于运输、仓储、检验和海关等有关部门顺利地进行工作。n标准化的运输标志由标准运输标志和信息标志组成(见GB/T18131-2000)。731)标准运输标志n标准运输标志由收货人(买方)、参考号、目的地、件数编号4个数据元依次组成。这些运输标志一般都应在货物和相

41、关单证上标示出来。74n收货人(或买方)。收货人(或买方)名称的首字母缩略名或简称。除铁路、公路运输外,其他各种运输方式均不应使用全称。出口商和进口商可以商定一套首字母缩略名或简称,用于他们之间的货物运输。n参考号。参考号应尽可能简单明了,只可使用托运单号、合同号、订单号或发票号中的一个编号,并应避免在编号后跟随日期信息。75n目的地。货物最终抵达的港口或地点(卸货港、交货地点、续运承运人交货地点)的名称。在转运转运的情况下,可在“VIA”(即“经由”)之后指明货物转运的港口或地点的名称。如“NEW DELHI VIA BOMBY”,表示货物经由孟买到达新德里。在多式联运多式联运情况下,只需标


43、复制在单证上运输标志的部位。n为便于全装卸便于全装卸(如空运)或正确存贮正确存贮,可以标出包装包装物的总重物的总重,但必须以“kg”为单位而不应使用其他重量单位标示。重量标志应直接标在运输标志的下方并与其明显分开。例如:直接标示“462 kg”,不应附加“GROSS/BRUTTO WEIGHT”(总重量)之类信息。77n像原产国或进口许可证号码这类信息应视政府法律或简化海关结关手续要求而定。如果买方要求,此类信息可包括在内。但不应在包装物上给出发货人的详细名称或地址。例如;用“IL GG22455170672”代替“IMPORT LICENCE NUMBER G/G22455-17067-2”

44、。n通常不必在包装物上标示净重和尺码(罐装化学物品或特大的包装物除外)。一般情况下,国内和国际法规对此不作强制性规定。需要标示时,应对它们进行缩略,例如:“N401 kg 1059062cm”。n货物空运时,根据国际航空运输协会(IATA)606号决议的规定,可以在运输标志下面给出总重量,并且至少在一个包装物上给出托运人的详细地址。782)海运时的标准运输标志示例793)空运时的标准运输标志示例80指示性标志n指示性标志又称包装储运图示标志、安全标志、保护性标志或注意标志。它是针对商品的特性提出的在运输和保管过程中应注意的事项,一般都是以简单、醒目的图形或文字在包装上标出。在使用文字时,最好是

45、使用进口国和出口国的文字,但一般是使用英文n我国常用的有17种nTwo reason:protect the goods from poor handling and protect the goods from theft and pilferage81To protect the goods from poor handlingnUse as many of the international pictorials for cargo handling as are relevant(standardized by ISO)accompanied by the translation in

46、 the language of the portsnNet weight and gross weight should be displayed both in metric units and so-called English units on the outside of the packagenThe outside dimension should also be displayed82To protect the goods from being lostnMark the package with the consignees name as well as the ship

47、ment numbernConsignee should not include information that can indicate the brand or the type of goodsn1of 4,particular color(a color not associated with a specific company and also change the color regularly)nThe identity of the shipper or the content of the package should be avoided at all costs838

48、4运输包装件内装易碎品,因此搬运时应小心轻放85表明运输包装件的正确位置是竖直向上 86不能翻滚运输包装 搬运货物时此面禁放手推车 不能用升降叉车搬运的包装件 相同包装的最大堆码层数,n表示层数极限 该包装件不能堆码并且其上也不能放置其他负载 起吊货物时挂链条的位置本标志应标在实际的起吊位置上 873警告性标志警告性标志(Warning Mark)n警告性标志又称危险货物包装标志,是针对危险货物为了在运输、保管和装卸过程中,使有关人员加强防护措施,以保护物资和人身的安全而加在外包装上的标志。凡包装内装有爆炸品、易燃物品、自燃物品、遇水燃烧物品、有毒品、腐蚀性物品、氧化剂和放射性物品等危险品,应

49、在运输包装上刷写清楚明显的危险品警告标志。n我国常用的警告性标志有21种8889air transportationnLess hazardous than ocean transport,but some perils still existnWater condensation and air pressure changesnThe biggest problem is theft and pilferagen14-4a containersn14-4b packaging materialsn14-4c markings90containersnContainers used much

50、 different from the one used in ocean cargo and are not intermodal(with the exception of 20-foot container)nMade of wood,Plexiglas or aluminum,lightweight and cleannDamage may occur in voyage but most damage occur in the handling91packaging materialsnSecondary packaging,not an appropriate method for


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