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1、201120112011All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization are termed _.A.middle managers.B.first-line managers.C.supervisors.D.foremen.E.coaches.4、Management The process of coordinating work activities so thatthey are completed efficiently and effective

2、lywith and through other peopleIf you use less resources to produce a certain amount of product,that means you have increased efficiency.If you can get more output from the given inputs,youve got higher efficiency.Efficiency:doing things rightEffective:do the right thingsAn automobile manufacturer t

3、hat increased the total number of cars produced at the same cost,but with many defects,would be _.a.efficient and effective.b.increasing efficiency.c.increasing effectiveness.d.concerned with inputs.e:concerned with outputs.5.Management Skills:二、管理思想发展史二、管理思想发展史Scientific management(Taylor)General a

4、dministrative theorists(Henri Fayol and Max Weber)The Hawthorne studies and Mayos theory 早期阶段重要人物:早期阶段重要人物:Adam Smith “The Wealth of Nations”division of labor 古典管理思想:古典管理思想:Scientific management:Frederick Taylor “Principles of Scientific Management”was written by Frederick Taylor.“One best way”is th

5、e phrase most a s s o c i a t e d w i t h s c i e n t i f i c management.一般管理理论:一般管理理论:Fayol&Webber.Henry Fayol 亨利 法约尔 -concerned with making the overall organization more effective -developed theories of what constituted good management practiceMax Weber 马克斯马克斯韦伯(科层组织理论)韦伯(科层组织理论)Seeks to create an

6、 organization that leads to both efficiency and effectiveness.Max Weber developed the concept of bureaucracy.Bureaucracy-ideal type of organizationA formal system of organization and administration to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.Weber developed the Six principles:(P33)Division of Labor Autho

7、rity Hierarchy Formal Selection Formal Rules and Regulations Impersonality Career Orientation中期管理思想:中期管理思想:Mayo 的霍桑实验的霍桑实验 工业人际关系学说工业人际关系学说 组织行为学。组织行为学。在美国在美国Chicago郊外西方电器公司的霍郊外西方电器公司的霍桑工厂中进行的一系列实验桑工厂中进行的一系列实验开创了工业人际关系研究的先河。开创了工业人际关系研究的先河。Mayos Theory 1、Economic rewards(incentive pay)by themselves h

8、ave little effect in production levels.工人是社会人,而非经济人。2、Informal work groups and the social environment have great influence on productivity.3、Leadership is a crucial element in the work situation and there is a difference in formal and informal leadership.三、Planning Management Environment Decision Ma

9、king Planning&Strategic Management 1、Decision-MakingThe decision-making process Three perspective on how to make decisions:rationality;bounded rationality and intuition Types of problems and decisions Decision-making conditions(1)决策过程 Decision:A choice from two or more alternatives(2)Decision Making

10、 决策风格:理性,有限理性,直觉Managerial decision-making is assumed to be rational.Intuition:subconscious process of making decisions on the basis of experience and accumulated judgment,does not rely on a systematic or thorough analysis of the problem Managers regularly use their intuition in decision-making.(3)W

11、ell-Structured Problems-straightforward,familiar and easily defined Programmed Decisions-used to address structured problems procedure-series of interrelated sequential steps used to respond to a structured problem rule-explicit statement of what to do or not to do policy-guidelines or parameters fo

12、r decision makingPoorly-Structured Problems-new,unusual problems for which information is ambiguous or incompleteNonprogrammed Decisions-used to address poorly-structured problems(4)Decision-Making Conditions2、战略管理战略管理战略类型战略类型:公司层公司层 Determines the direction that the organization is going and the ro

13、les that each business unit in the organization will play in pursuing that direction.业务层业务层职能层职能层公司层公司层:稳定战略、增长战略和紧缩战略稳定战略、增长战略和紧缩战略增长战略(growth):concentration Integration vertical integration backward-become your own supplier forward-become your own distributor horizontal integration-grow by combini

14、ng with other organizations in the same industry Diversification 多元化多元化BCG Matrix HighLowHigh Low Product Sales Growth RateRelative Market Share Cash cows(low growth,high market share)businesses in this category generate large amounts of cash,but they prospects for future growth are limited.Stars(hi

15、gh growth,high market share)these businesses are in a fast-growing market,and hold a dominant share of that market.Their contribution to cash flow depends on their need for resources.Question marks(high growth,low market share)these businesses are in an attractive industry,but hold a small market sh

16、are percentage.Dogs(low growth,low market share)businesses in this category do not produce,or consume,much cash.However,they hold no promise for improved performance.事业层战略 cost leadership -to become the lowest-cost producer in the industrydifferentiation -offer unique products that are widely valued

17、 by customersfocus集聚集聚-aims at a cost advantage or differentiation advantage in a narrow segment四、组织四、组织 Departmentalization Chain of command Span of control Centralization and decentralization Functional structure and divisional structure 1、Departmentalization 部门化根据某个标准,把工作和人员组编成可供管理的单元,即形成不同部门,规定各

18、个部门的职责以及他们之间的相互关系。(横向分工)functional product geographical-process-customerGrouping sporting equipment in one area,mens clothing in another area,and cosmetics in a third area,is an example of what kind departmentalization?a.customerb.product c.geographicd.processe.outcome2、纵向:、纵向:chain of command 命令链 职

19、权和职责职权和职责 AuthorityResponsibility管理幅度:管理幅度:span of control number of employees that a manager can efficiently and effectively manageCentralization and DecentralizationCentralization:the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization,usually in the upper levels

20、of the organization.Decentralization:the handing down of decision-making authority to lower levels in an organization.3、Organizational StructureSimple structureFunctional structureDivisional structure -composed of separate divisions(SBU)Matrix structure五、五、领导领导Motivating employees Maslows hierarchy

21、of needs theory Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory Equity theory Expectancy theoryIndividual behaviorsv Personality,perception,learning,and motivationGroup behaviorsv Norms,roles,team-and conflictMotivation&Leadership、激励:Motivation从被领导者地角度来分析组织成员行为产生、发展的规律。、Leadership这是从领导者的角度来研究,为了诱导成员提供组织所需的贡献,领导

22、者应该具备哪些素质?运用何种领导方法?1、激励马斯洛理论双因素理论 公平理论 期望理论According to Herzberg,in order to provide employees with job satisfaction,managers should concentrate ona.hygiene factors.b.issues such as pay.c.motivator factors.d.extrinsic factors.e.non-motivators.LeadershipPower 权力来源 领导行为方式理论领导行为方式理论Examples of an organ

23、izations _ power include performance appraisals,promotions,and interesting work assignments.A.legitimate B.statusC.expertD.coerciveE.Reward1、是非题(True/False Question)14题 每题1分 共14分 只需判断对错,无需改错。2、单项选择(Multiple Choice)18题 每题2分 共36分3、简答题(Essay Questions)3题 每题10分 共30分4、论述题 20分 Part I.True/False Question(1

24、4*1=14)1、Conceptual skills become less important as a manager moves into top management.()2.According to the text,the goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs.()3、Porters competitive strategies framework outlines how management can create and sustain a competitive advantage that will give a

25、company above-average profitability.()4、When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in an organization,the organization is said to be decentralized.()5、A nontaxable organization,such as the Boy Scouts,cannot be considered an organization.Part II.Multiple Choice(18*2=36)The power utilized when a b

26、oss threatens to dismiss an employee if he/she does not comply with a demand is _.a.reward power.b.coercive power.c.expert power.d.referent power.e.legitimate power._ are organizational members who integrate and coordinate the work of others.a.Managers b.Team leadersc.Subordinatesd.Operativese.Agent

27、sScenarios and QuestionsImagine that you are the CEO of PepsiCo and you are having your annual meetings to make strategic decisions and formulate plans for the future.You need to consider several new potential business purchases and decide upon how to best support the many diverse companies within t

28、he corporate family.1、When you and the rest of the top management team are deciding upon whether you should purchase a hardware chain,more restaurants or food-related businesses,i.e.,deciding on which types of businesses you should be in,this would be considered developing a _ strategy.a.functionalb

29、.strategic business unitc.business-leveld.globale.corporate-level 2、When PepsiCo decided to sell their KFC and Taco Bell companies,this is known as developing _ strategy.a.functionalb.strategic business unitc.business-leveld.globale.corporate-level 3、If you decide to develop unique missions and stra

30、tegies for Frito-Lay,separate from other PepsiCo businesses,they would be known as aa.business chain.b.strategic business unit.c.corporate functional unit.d.planning group.e.work team.Part III.Essay Questions(3*10=30)In a short essay,list three related questions that can apply to decisions for each

31、of the following management functions:planning,organizing,leading,and control.In a short essay,list and discuss the three essential skills according to Katz that managers need to perform the duties and activities associated with being a manager.AnswerTechnical skills include knowledge of an proficie

32、ncy in a certain specialized field,such as engineering,computers,accounting,or manufacturing.These skills are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organizations work.Human skills involve the ability to work well with other pe

33、ople both individually and in a group.Managers with good human skills are able to get the best out of their people.They know how to communicate,motivate,lead,and inspire enthusiasm and trust.These skills are equally important at all levels of management.Conceptual skills these are the skill that man

34、agers must have to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations.Using these skills,managers must be able to see the organization as a whole,understand the relationships among various subunits,and visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment.These skills are mo

35、st important at the top management levels.In a short essay,describe and provide examples of first-line,middle,and top management positions.In a short essay,discuss the Boston Consulting Group(BCG)matrix,include a discussion of the characteristics for each of the four categories based on the BCG matr

36、ix.What is Victor Vrooms expectancy theory?In a short essay,list and discuss the five competitive forces,according to Porter,which determine industry attractiveness and profitability.Part IV.论述题论述题(1*20=20 此题请用中文回答)科学管理理论是谁提出的?其主要内容是什么?请结合目前中国实际探讨科学管理的现实意义。什么是霍桑实验?该实验对现代管理学有哪些贡献?经理人员应该具备哪些技能?分别阐述这些技能在计划、组织、领导和控制中的重要性。谢谢谢谢


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