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1、CHAPTER Eight第八章 商务合同的翻译商务合同的翻译 CONTENTS 背景知识背景知识 TEACHING AIMS 教学目标 学习本章之后,需掌握以下知识点:1.1.商务合同的概念商务合同的概念 2.2.解读商务合同的条款解读商务合同的条款 3.3.商务合同的语言特征商务合同的语言特征 4.4.实际运用商务合同翻译实际运用商务合同翻译背景知识引入Preview 商务合同的概念在英语中,合同一般称为Contract。何谓“Contract”?1999年中国合同法第二条对Contract定义为:A contract in this Law refers to an agreement

2、establishing,modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subject of equal footing,that is,between natural persons legal persons or other organizations.根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。Steven H.Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract定义为“contract is a promise or a set of promises,for b

3、reach of which the law gives remedy,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救济,某种意义上法律履行承诺也看成是一种责任。L.L.B Curzon在其编纂的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement.”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。总而言之,合同是用以规定当事人的权利与义务,预防与解决

4、争议的依据。商务合同,按其繁简程度的不同,可以采用正式合同(CONTRACT)、协议书(AGREEMENT)、确认书(CONFIRMATION)、备忘录(MEMORANDUM)、订单(ORDER)等书面形式。本章主要讨论比较复杂的正式合同及协议书的翻译。结尾条款(WITNESS CLAUSE)A合同使用的文字及其效力(LANGUAGE AND VALIDITY)B签名(SIGNATURE)C盖印(SEAL)二、商务合同的条款解读二、商务合同的条款解读 CONTRACT DATE(签约日期条款)PROVISION(条款):This Agreement is made on date.本合同签订于

5、【日期】。说明:签约日期通常是合同的生效日,除非合同中另作规定。如果据此确定交货时间或付款时间,该日期就显得格外重要。在国际贸易中,应记住日期的格式各国不尽相同。有些日写在月前面,另一些则反之。为避免误解,建议在写签约日时避免用数字表示月份。IDENTIFICATION OF PARTIES(合同方定义条款)PROVISION:This Agreement is made between full name of party A of address of party A,a/an description and nationality of party A,and full name of

6、party B of address of party B,a/an description and nationality of party B.【甲方的全称】【地址】【性质描述】【国籍】【“卖方”】和【乙方的全称】【地址】【性质描述】【国籍】【“买方”】签订本合同。说明:签约方要受合同的约束,因此应在此条款中列明各签约方。为避免误解,应写出全称。签约方的性质(合伙企业、有限责任公司、非营利机构等)也应写清。签约前,应确认签约方或其代表是否有权签署该合同。按照惯例,此处所说的地址为营业地址。如果某一方的营业地址超过一处,应使用注册地址或主要营业地址。若不另作说明,此条款中所列的地址将作为货物

7、、款项和相关通知的接收地址。GOODS-DESCRIPTION,QUANTITY,AND PRICE(货物描述、数量和价格条款)PROVISION:SALE AND PURCHASE OF GOODS.The Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer,and the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller,goods(the Goods)that are specify either as described in the attached Exhibit A,which is incorporated into this

8、Agreement or of the following type for the price and quantity stated:Model Number:Description:Quantity:Price:Item:Total Price:买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下所述(或本合同附件1所述)货物:型号:描述:数量:价格:细目:总价:PAYMENT TERMS(支付条款)PROVISION:TERMS OF PAYMENT.The Buyer will pay the purchase price specify e.g.,on or before(date)or not lat

9、er than(number)days before the Delivery Date.The payment must be remitted to the Seller at the address stated above or specify other address.The payment must be made in currency by means of instrument of transfer.在【日期】之前或发货前一天,买方向卖方支付货款【金额】。付款必须以【币种】形式通过【支付手段】汇至如下【地址】。COSTS AND CHARGES(费用条款)PROVISIO

10、N:COSTS AND CHARGES.The buyer is responsible for the following costs and charges incurred in the sale and transport of the goods:list.The seller is responsible for the following costs and charges incurred in the sale and transport of the goods:list.在货物的销售和运输过程中,买卖双方承担的费用如下:【列表】TRANSPORTATION AND DEL

11、IVERY OF GOODS(装运条款)PROVISION:DELIVERY AND TRANSPORT OF GOODS.The Goods will be delivered trade term,e.g.,F.O.B.place on or before date(Delivery Date).The Seller will deliver the Goods in a single shipment.The mode of transport to the point of delivery is at the Sellers discretion.The Seller will ma

12、ke every effort to commence transport of the Goods so that they will arrive by the Delivery Date.If there is any delay,the Seller will immediately notify the Buyer of the delay,the expected time for delivery,and the reason for the delay.The Buyer will then have the option to renegotiate with the Sel

13、ler for a new Delivery Date,which the parties will confirm in writing as a modification to this Agreement,or to notify the Seller that the Agreement is terminated.卖方应于【发运日期】前将合同的货物一次运至【贸易术语,如FOB】【地点】。运输方式由卖方决定。卖方应尽量将货物按时运抵交货地。如有延误,卖方应及时通知买方以及预期到达的时间和延误的原因。买方有权选择重新谈判,确定新的交货期,或是终止合同。对合同的修改应以书面形式加以确认。I

14、TLE TO GOODS(货物的物权条款)PROVISION:TITLE TO GOODS.Title to the Goods will pass to the Buyer at the time the Goods are delivered to place,provided the Buyer has transmitted payment to the Seller by that time.货物的物权将在货物运抵【地点】时转移给买方,如果此时买方已向卖方付款。ITLE TO GOODS(货物的物权条款)PROVISION:TITLE TO GOODS.Title to the Go

15、ods will pass to the Buyer at the time the Goods are delivered to place,provided the Buyer has transmitted payment to the Seller by that time.货物的物权将在货物运抵【地点】时转移给买方,如果此时买方已向卖方付款。三、商务合同的语言特点分析三、商务合同的语言特点分析 合同文本不同于文学作品也不同于日常会话,不可能使用谚语、俚语等,也不可能借助于华丽的词藻和形象的修辞手法如夸张、拟人、比喻等手法表情达意。所以,商务合同中的语言用词是冷静的,要严谨庄重、清楚准

16、确,切忌情绪型词汇。1.Diction多使用正式或法律用语。例如:1)At the request of Party B,Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment.(应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。)2)The Employer shall render correct technical guidance to the personnel.(雇主应对有关人员给予正确的技术指导。)3)This Contract shall be governed by and c

17、onstrued in accordance with the laws of China.(本合同的签订与解释均根据中国法律。)4)In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed,the other party shall have the preemptive right.(如一方想出售或转让其投资的全部或一部分,另一方应有购买优先权)5)The authorities approved(the)said application of 3rd November,2004

18、.(the said或said 此处是公文体,意为“该”、“上述的”。)11)herewith:with this 同此,因此12)thereafter:afterwards 其后13)thereby:by that means;in that connection 因此,从而14)therefrom:from that从此15)therein:in that:in that particular 在那里16)thereinafter:later in the same contract,etc.以下17)thereinbefore:in a preceding part of the sam

19、e contract,etc.在上文18)thereon:on that 在其上 19)thereof:of that:from that source 其中20)thereto:to that 另外,到那里21)thereunder:under that 依据22)thereupon:then;as the result of that 因此23)therewith:with that or it 与此24)whereas:considering that:but 尽管 25)whereby:by what;by which 为何26)wherein:in what:in which 在何处

20、 27)whereof,of what;of which 关于28)whereon:on what:on which 在上 多用成双成对的同义词以限定或确定或强调其意义,例如:1)The parties may,through consultation,make amendments to and revisions of this Contract as and when the need arises.(双方可在必要时通过协商修改本合同)2)This Agreement is made and entered into by and between ABC Co.and DEF Co.(A

21、BC公司和DEF公司双方签订本协议)3)Each party to this Agreement shall fulfill or perform any of the obligations under this Agreement.(本协议双方应履行协议规定的义务)4)This Agreement and any rights or obligations hereunder are not transferable or assignable by one party to this Agreement without the consent of the other party her

22、eto.(本协议以及本协议规定的权利和义务,未经另一方同意不得擅自转让)5)The amendments to or alterations of this Contract become effect only after they are signed by both parties and approved by the original approving authorities.(本合同的修改只有在双方签字并在原审批主管机关批准后才能生效)多用“shall”代替“will”或“should”以加强语气和强制力,1)The persons employed by Party A sha

23、ll be responsible to the Manager of Party A(甲方雇用的所有人员都必须向甲方的经理负责。)2)Party A Shall,at most favorable prices,supply PartyB With spare parts of the 1eased equipment(甲方应以最优惠价格向乙方供应所租设备的备件)3)This Contract shall become effective Upon and from the date on which it is signed (本合同应于签字之日开始生效)注意:在合同中,“shall”并非

24、单纯的将来式,而是常常用来表示法律上可以强制执行的义务;它译成中文为“应”、“应该”、“必须”,以表示其具有的约束力。“will”在合同中虽也用作表示承担义务的声明,但语气比“shall”弱,强制力也比“shall”差;它译成中文应为“将”、“愿”、“要”。“should”在合同中通常只用来表示语气较强的假设“万一”,极少用来表示“应该”这都是英语合同用词与基础英语用词的不同之处。2.Expression 用语要力求准确、明白、严密,举例说明如下:1)Payment shall be made by Party B in a week。这句话模棱两可,因为它既可理解为在一个星期之内,又可理解为

25、在一个星期之后。因此,如果想说前者就应用within a week;如果想说后者就应用after a week 2)Party A shall send technicians to train Party Bs personnel 这句话含糊不清、不够具体,因为费用由谁负担和技术员何时派出均不明确。因此,必须明确而具体地规定:Party A shall send technicians at Party Bs expense to train Party Bs personnel within 30 days after signing the Contract (甲方应于签约后三十天内派遣

26、技术人员培训乙方人员,有关费用,由乙方承担)3)The goods are to be shipped by a steamer at a port or ports on the West Coast as per bill Or bills Of lading dated or to be dated not later than April 30,2000这句话的用语不够清楚,以致是否可以分批装运不明确。因为它既说由一艘船装运,又说可由一个港口或二个以上的港口以一个提单或二个以上的提单装运因此不如明确地说:The goods are to be shipped by a steamer

27、at a port on the West Coast as per bill of lading to be dated not later than April 30,2000即明确地说“不准分批”。4)Shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 600 metric tons each这句话用语模棱两可,以致装船的时间和数量无法确定。因为“bimonthly”这个词,既可解作“两个月”,也可解作“半个月”。因此就难免产生歧义究竞每两个月运出六百公吨,还是每半个月运出六百公吨。多用主动语态,少用被动语态因为主动语态比较自然、明确、直接,有力。试比较:1)

28、A:The rules and regulations of the worksite shall be observed by workers(工地的规章应被工人遵守)。B:Workers shall observe the rules and regulations of the worksite(工人应遵守工地的规章。)2)A:Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore(乙方被甲方委托为在新加坡的独家销售代理。)B:Party A hereby appoints Part

29、y B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore(甲方委托乙方为在新加坡的独家销售代理)多用现在时态尽管合同的条款是规定签约以后的事项,通常仍以使用现在时态为原则,例如:Before completion of the project,Party A may at any time increase or decrease the amount of work of the project(在工程竣工之前,甲方可以随时增加或减少工程数量。)上述条款是规定签约以后的事项,但是不用将来时态而用现在时态。多用直挂表达方式,少用间接表达方式,例如:A:This

30、 Article does not apply to bondholders who have not been paid in full(本条款不适用于尚未全部偿付的债券持有者)B:This Article applies only to bondholders who have been Paid in full(本条款只适用于已经全部偿付了债券的持有者。)相比较而言,合同中应使用B句。能以一个动词表达者就用一个单独的动词,避免使用与其同义的动词短语。例如:1)Party A shall make an appointment of its representative within 30

31、 days after signing the Contract.(甲方应于签约后30天内指派其授权代表。)如果我们用“appoint”取代“make an appointment of”这句话将变得更为简洁、有力。2)Party A will give consideration to Party Bs proposal of exclusive agency(甲方愿意考虑乙方独家代理的建议。)应用“consider”取代第二句中的“give consideration to”。多用某些特殊用语,例如:1)WHEREAS鉴于 它是在合同前文中用作引出签约背景和目的的连词。正式而重要的合同,尤

32、其是英美法系的合同,多有此条款。2)WITNESS证明 它在合同前文中常用作句首的谓语动词。This Agreement,made by W1TNESSES WHEREAS,it is agreed as follows:(本协议由签定证明:鉴于特此达成协议如下:)3)IN WITNESS WHEREOF(作为所协议事项的证据)这个短语常在合同结尾条款中使用。IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the

33、 date first above written (作为所协议事项的证据,双方授权代表于上面首次写明的日期正式签署本协议一式两份。)4)IN CONSIDERATION OF以为约因 In consideration of the premises and the covenants herein contained,the parties hereto agree as follows:(兹以上述各点和契约所载条款为约因,订约双方协议如下:)多用主动语态,少用被动语态因为主动语态比较自然、明确、直接,有力。试比较:1)A:The rules and regulations of the w

34、orksite shall be observed by workers(工地的规章应被工人遵守)。B:Workers shall observe the rules and regulations of the worksite(工人应遵守工地的规章。)2)A:Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore(乙方被甲方委托为在新加坡的独家销售代理。)B:Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in

35、Singapore(甲方委托乙方为在新加坡的独家销售代理)四、商务合同的翻译四、商务合同的翻译 商务合同属于法律语篇,法律语篇重在“规约”,所以译文的语言必须符合文本的类型特征和实际意义,同时也必须着眼于特定读者对象的反应。在我国的商务贸易业务中,合同一般都采用中英两种语言文字写成,而且两种文本具有同等的法律效力。一般认为,商务合同的翻译需要注意以下四点:1)、忠于原文。即译文要忠实再现原文的涵义,不能有任何的违反和疏漏,尤其对合同的前文(Preamble),及本文(Body)中的具体条款(Specific conditions)和有效期限(Duration)的翻译要特别慎重!具体来讲,对于价

36、格条款、数量、单价等重要数据万万不可以译错,否则很可能会因小的疏错而造成巨大的经济损失。2)、符合国际贸易惯例。一个合同的当事人对于对方国家的习惯解释,往往不甚了解,常会引起当事人之间的误解、争议和诉讼。为此,一些国际组织制定了在国际上已被广泛采用的规则,形成了一般的国际贸易惯例,最典型的就是贸 易术语。而英语合同的格式、条款、用词和符号等也都应该按照该行业的国际贸易惯例翻译,力争做到对合同的翻译符合国际贸易惯例。3)、尽量使用规范的法律用语。由于依法成立的合同是具有法律约束力的文件,起草合同的业务人士习惯使用法律术语,以显示其准确、规范、威严的特色。因此,翻译过程中尽量使用确切的法律名词、术

37、语和用词,是译文准确而不含糊,严谨而无漏洞。例如对下句的翻译:In case one party desires to sell or assign all of part of his investment subscribed,theother party shall have the preemptive right.如一方想出售或转让其所投资的全部或一部分,另一方应有优先购买权。(assign 和preemptive 都是法律用语)多用主动语态,少用被动语态因为主动语态比较自然、明确、直接,有力。试比较:1)A:The rules and regulations of the work

38、site shall be observed by workers(工地的规章应被工人遵守)。B:Workers shall observe the rules and regulations of the worksite(工人应遵守工地的规章。)2)A:Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore(乙方被甲方委托为在新加坡的独家销售代理。)B:Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Sin

39、gapore(甲方委托乙方为在新加坡的独家销售代理)4)、英文合同汉译过程中,最好采用半文半白(half literary and half vernacular)。这样,译文容易读懂的同时,又精简有力。商务合同翻译准则主要归纳为三点:准确、简练、通达。由于商务合同关系到国际贸易中签合同的双方的经济利益,并且它有法律效力。所以,商务合同的翻译就要求准确和严谨。译文一定要忠实于原文,不能随意添加或者削减内容。尤其对于商务术语和法律专业术语一定要谨慎翻译,不能够曲解文意,要避免歧义 1、词语准确(Accuracy)。词语是构成合同文件最基本的单位,对合同文件中的一些主要词语的准确无误的翻译,是翻译合同文件的最基础的工作。2译文完整(Completeness)。合同文件的翻译一定要保持译文的完整性,决不能只求保持原文与译文在词量上的对等。3、专业术语的准确应用4、风格的规范化商务合同英语具有独特的实用语体特征和文体风格。翻译时应顺应其需要按照一定程度将其内容表达形式和体例风格与原文直接对应,严密切合做到得体合适。5、通顺合同翻译除风格的规范化外,还要做到通顺。


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