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1、说明: 1.答题前,请将你的姓名和准考证号认真填、涂在试卷和答题卡上。答题前,请将你的姓名和准考证号认真填、涂在试卷和答题卡上。 2.全卷十项试题,共全卷十项试题,共 4 页。页。 3.第九题、第十题写在答题卡的相应位置上,其余的答案都必须全部填涂在答题卡的相应第九题、第十题写在答题卡的相应位置上,其余的答案都必须全部填涂在答题卡的相应 位置上。位置上。 4.考试时间为考试时间为 50 分钟,请合理安排答题时间。分钟,请合理安排答题时间。 5.考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2018 年春学期综合练习 四年级英语(一) 姓名: 准考证号: 一、选出

2、下列各组词中不同类的一项(共 5 小题,计 10 分。每小题四个选项中,只 有一项是最佳选项,将正确选项前的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置) 1. A. spring B. autumn C. summer D. season 2. A. long B. jeans C. sweater D. coat 3. A. cough B. matter C. fever D. headache 4. A. climb B. drawing C. swimming D. skating 5. A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. week D. Monday 二、单项选择(共 10 小题

3、,计 10 分。每小题四个选项中,只有一项是正确的,将正 确选项前的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置) 6. Wang Bing ill? No, he . Hes tired. A. Are; isnt B. Is; arent C. Is; isnt D. Are; arent 7. is it? Its Wednesday. A. What time B. What day C. When D. Where 8. Su Hai and Su Yang have a cake. A. want to B. wants to C. want D. wants 9. trousers are the

4、y? Helens. A. Whos; Theyre B. Whose; Theyre B. Whos; Its D. Whose; Its 10. Can I have water? A. any B. some C. a D. a glass 11. We can in summer. A. go swimming B. skating C. swimming D. go skateing 12. He is ill. He come to school today. A. can B. cans C. cant D. isnt 13. Go home and show your nose

5、 to Rose. 上句四个斜体单词画线部分读音与众不同的是 . A. Go B. home C.nose D. to 14. Whats the matter with ? He has a bad cold. A. him B. he C. she D. her 15. May I to Mr Green? This is Mr Green . A. speak; speaking B. speaking; speak C. speaks; speaking D. speak; speaks 三、口语交际(共 4 小题,计 8 分。把正确选项的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置) Mary: He

6、llo, Tom. 16 Tom: Its nice. Whats in it? Mary: Please come and have a look. Tom: OK. Mary: 17 Tom: I can see a cat. Mary: 18 What can you see now? Tom: Oh! A tiger. 19 四、从栏中选出与栏句子相对应的答语(共 4 小题,计 8 分。把正确选项的字母 填涂在答题卡相应的位置) 20. Whose trousers are these? A. No. Shes at school. 21. Whats the matter? B. T

7、heyre my mothers. 22. Its cold today. C. I have a headache. 23. Is Helen there? D. Heres your jacket. 五、对话排序(共 2 小题,计 8 分。将正确排序的字母填涂在答题卡相应的位置) A. Not so good. B.Whats the matter with you? C. I have a bad cold. D. Take a pill, and drink some warm water. E. How are you, Lily? A. All right. Look at me

8、now! B. Oh, theyre too long. Try these, Su Hai. C. Look at my jeans, Su Yang. D. Great! E 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A. Try again. B. Its great fun. C. Look! I have a big box. D. What can you see? 六、图文匹配(共 8 小题,计 16 分。将下列图片与句子对号入座,并把正确选项的字 母填涂在答题卡相应的位置) A. B. C. D. 32. Liu Tao wants to go to bed. 33. I

9、n spring, it is warm. We fly kites. We go boating. We like spring. 34. Yang Ling cant come to school. She has a cold and a fever. 35. Mike goes to bed at nine every day. A. B. C. D. 36. Ting Ting and Ping Ping hunt for the treasure in the sea. 37. In autumn, the class is in the forest. They want to

10、collect the leaves. 38. Mum has eight strong arms. She always does things quickly. 39. Santa is in Beijing now. Hes flying over the Great Wall. Its very very long. 七、阅读短文并选择正确答案(共 5 小题,计 10 分。把正确选项的字母填涂在答题卡 相应的位置) Sarah: May I come in, doctor? Doctor: Come in and sit down, please. Whats the matter?

11、Sarah: I have a bad cough. Doctor: Open your mouth and let me have a look. Sarah: Ah Doctor: OK, I see. You have a cold. Here are some pills for you. Please drink more hot water and stay in bed for a few days. You will get better soon. Sarah: Thank you, doctor. 40. Sarah is in the now. A. classroom

12、B. hospital C. playground D. park 41. Sarah has . A. a headache B. a cold C. a toothache D. a fever 42. The doctor gives to Sarah. A. some pills B. some fruit C. some water D. some juice 43. The doctor wants Sarah to . A. go to school B. stay in bed C. go to the park D. go to the party 44. Sarah sho

13、uld . A. drink more coffee B. drink more hot water C. drink more juice D. eat some ice creams 八、阅读短文并判断正误(共 5 小题,计 10 分。阅读并判断下列句子是否正确,正确 的在答题卡上涂 A,错误的涂 B) Dad works in the yard this Monday. Our dog Floppy walks on the concrete. Mum takes floppy to the Park this Tuesday. Floppy walks in the mud. This

14、 Wednesday, Floppy chases after a butterfly and pulls the washing down. Floppy comes to my room and pushes my Lego over this Thursday. This Friday, Floppy takes one of Dads slippers to the kitchen. On Friday night, Floppy barks a lot. Dad cant sleep. Dad is mad at Floppy for making so much noise. It

15、 turns out that the kettle is on fire. Floppy tries to let us know. What a good dog! We love Floppy. ( ) 45. Floppy walks on the concrete on Monday. ( ) 46. Dad takes Floppy to the park this Tuesday. ( ) 47. The kettle is on fire, so Floppy barks a lot. ( ) 48. Floppy barks a lot, because he is naug

16、hty(顽皮). ( )49. This Wednesday, Floppy chases after a dragonfly(蜻蜓), and pulls the washing down. 九、用所给词的适当形式填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分。根据所给单词或中文等提示在 答题卡相应的位置上写出所缺单词) 50.Mary (have) lunch at school every day. 51.Can Liu Tao (come) to school tomorrow? 52. Its my (father) coat. 53. How many (lesson) do you have

17、 this morning? 54. Here (be) some milk for you. 55. Your new (连衣裙) are very nice. 56. He is not ill, but he is (累的). 57. I (通常) go to school at seven. 58. In spring, we go (划船). 59. Lets (画) some pictures in the park. 十、根据中文提示完成句子(共 10 空,计 10 分。根据所给中文提示在答题卡相应 的位置上填出所缺单词) A. 你什么时候回家? 在 4 点 40 分。 When do you 60 61 ? 62 four forty. B. 这是你的衬衫吗? 是的,它太短了。 63 this 64 65 ? Yes, its too 66 . C. 你怎么了? 我感冒了。 听到这个消息我很难过。保重。 Whats the matter with you? I have a cold. I sorry to 67 that. 68 69 .


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