Unit4Exploring literature Welcome to the unit 教案(表格式)-2023新牛津译林版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.docx

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1、Book 2 Unit 4 Exploring literatureWelcome to the unit教学目标By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. list and categorize the basic knowledge of literature;2. interpret the meanings of the two excerpts in the textbook;3. share their favourite works of literature with classmates. 教学重难点1. T

2、o expand ones own knowledge of the topic of literature;2. To interpret the meanings of the two excerpts in the textbook.教学过程步 骤教学活动设计意图互动时间&模式Lead-in Step 1The teacher introduces the World Book Day by asking the question “What day is April 23rd?” Students share their knowledge about the festival (ac

3、tivities, purpose, sponsor).The teacher shares a piece of interesting information about the choice of the date of World Book Day with students.创设互动情境,引导学生走入“阅读”这一主题语境,激发学生的学习兴趣,为单元学习做好准备。4Individual Work Class WorkStep 2The teacher inspires students to introduce their reading experiences by asking t

4、he following questions. Students share their answers with their partners.Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like to read?由世界读书日的介绍转向学生个人的阅读体验,引导学生反思自己是否热爱阅读,常见的阅读种类有哪些,为接下来有关文学信息的讨论做铺垫。4Pair WorkHomework checkingStep 3Before class, the teacher has asked students to surf the Internet or r

5、efer to some reference books to get some information about literature. Topics related to literature may include genres of literature, famous writers and their works and famous quotes, etc. Students work in groups and report their works in the form of a mind-map. 引导学生自主探究总结出有关文学的基本信息,并开展小组合作,将组员收集的各种

6、信息利用思维导图进行梳理和整合。在活动中培养学生的协作能力、思维能力。10Individual Work Group WorkFree talkStep 4The teacher asks students to have a further discussion about the topic of literature. 1. Who are the people involved?Someone who writes drama is called a _.Someone who writes poems is called a _.Someone who writes short st

7、ories is a _. Someone who writes novels is a _.2. Who are the following masters? Try to name some of their works.3. Where are the following quotes from? All happy families resemble one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy It is a truth universally ackno

8、wledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austine基于话题语境进行拓展讨论,拓展学生的相关词汇储备和视野;通过赏析名著中的名言,提升学生的审美情趣。10Class WorkPair WorkIndividual WorkStep 51. The teacher asks students to work in pairs and read the two excerpts from two famous

9、works of literature on Page 43. Try to answer the following questions. What message is conveyed in them respectively? Which one makes you feel like reading the whole book? Why?2. The teacher asks students to think about qualities of good literary works and then try to translate and appreciate Ezra P

10、ounds famous quote about great literature. Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree. Ezra Pound 让学生通过讨论深刻理解课本中两段名著节选所传达的意思。引导学生通过对比,选出两段中自己更喜欢的一段,促进学生思考自己的阅读倾向。借由单元起始处提供的庞德名言,引导学生思考优秀文学作品的特点。5Individual WorkPair WorkDiscussionStep 61. Students share thei

11、r favourite work of literature and present reasons why they like it so much. The teacher provides some help if necessary. 2. Students discuss in groups about the benefits of reading literature. What benefits can we get from reading literature?让学生结合过往的阅读经验,初步思考优秀文学作品的魅力,在训练语言输出技能的同时,促进学生批判性思维能力的形成。延伸话题讨论,引导学生思考阅读的益处,拓展学生思维的广度与深度。5Group WorkClass Work5Group Work Class WorkHomework1. Write a short paragraph on the benefits of reading.2. Preview the text in Reading.2


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