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1、UNIT 15Based on tourism system(Leipers model),explain the reasons why the sustainable should be adopted in the large-scale and dominant tourism industry参照旅游系统(模型),解释为什么要在大参照旅游系统(模型),解释为什么要在大规模和占主导地位的旅游业中开展可持续发展旅游规模和占主导地位的旅游业中开展可持续发展旅游Appreciate the emergence of the new travelers as an important mark

2、et segment and the main characteristics of new travelers领会领会新旅游者成为市场细分的重要性,以及新旅游者的主要特征新旅游者成为市场细分的重要性,以及新旅游者的主要特征Cite the sustainable practices taken by larger corporations in tourism industry列举旅游业中较大的旅游公司采取的可持续发展的措施列举旅游业中较大的旅游公司采取的可持续发展的措施Understand the business ethics code and the social practices

3、taken by tourism sectors to promote sustainable tourism了解商了解商业伦理道德和旅游业为推动可持续发展旅游所采取的社会责任的举措业伦理道德和旅游业为推动可持续发展旅游所采取的社会责任的举措Appreciate the forms of new tourism and its application in the world了解新旅游的各种形态以及在世界各地的运用情况了解新旅游的各种形态以及在世界各地的运用情况Differentiate the characteristics of unsustainable mass tourism and

4、 deliberate alternative tourism区分不可持续发展的大众旅游与区分不可持续发展的大众旅游与有计划的替代旅游的不同特征有计划的替代旅游的不同特征Ability goals:能能力目标力目标Case study:案案例分析:例分析:生存还是生存还是毁灭:大毁灭:大堡礁海洋堡礁海洋公园的未公园的未来来Reading Box:阅读阅读分析:分析:New Tourism 新旅游新旅游掠夺性的开掠夺性的开发旅游资源发旅游资源粗放式的粗放式的旅游管理旅游管理旅游设施的旅游设施的病态扩张病态扩张旅游对环境的破坏随处可见littering游客环境保护意识淡薄graffiti在国外,比


6、,而且提出了“主人”和“客人”,代际公平发展的思想对旅游可持续发展的国际认定具有重要的指导意义。二是1995年可持续旅游发展宪章中所指出的:“可持续旅游发展的实质,就可持续旅游发展的实质,就是要求旅游与自然、文化和人类生存环境是要求旅游与自然、文化和人类生存环境成为一个整体成为一个整体”,即旅游、资源、人类生存环境三者的统一,以形成一种旅游业与社会经济、资源、环境良性协调的发展模式。The concept of sustainable tourism suggests“economic growth is only acceptable if it can maintain,at a mini

7、mum,the stock of tourist assets from one generation to another”.可持续发展定义的进一步解读可持续发展定义的进一步解读Growth of the new traveler marketProfitability of sustainabilitySuitability of larger corporations to adopt sustainable practices3.13.23.3遵循的原则遵循的原则环境限制环境限制性原则性原则综合效益最综合效益最大化原则大化原则自然资本的自然资本的原则原则公平的原公平的原则则道德伦理道德

8、伦理原则原则4.实现可持续发展遵循的原则实现可持续发展遵循的原则提高道德水准提高道德水准树树立良好形象立良好形象带来较带来较高收益高收益保护未来保护未来旅游开发旅游开发赖以存在赖以存在的环境质的环境质量量 改善旅游改善旅游接待地区接待地区的生活质的生活质量量促进旅游促进旅游的公平发的公平发展展 增进人们增进人们对旅游所对旅游所产生的环产生的环境影响与境影响与经济影响经济影响的理解,的理解,强化人们强化人们的生态意的生态意识识 向旅游者向旅游者提供高质提供高质量的旅游量的旅游经历经历发发重视科学技术在可持续旅游发展战略中的作用重视科学技术在可持续旅游发展战略中的作用 加强法规建设加强法规建设积极

9、开展教育和培训,提高公众的环境意识积极开展教育和培训,提高公众的环境意识借助与各种富有哲学思想的旅游方式来加以实现借助与各种富有哲学思想的旅游方式来加以实现12345生存还是毁灭生存还是毁灭2.世界上最好的工作世界上最好的工作世界上最好的工作世界上最好的工作1979年被辟为海洋公园年被辟为海洋公园 1981年被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录年被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录 世界水域七大奇观世界水域七大奇观 世界十大潜水胜地之一世界十大潜水胜地之一世界上最长最大的活珊瑚礁群世界上最长最大的活珊瑚礁群 有有“透明清澈的海中野生王国透明清澈的海中野生王国”之美誉之美誉“珊瑚礁将成为世界上第一个


11、6%84.3%ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.可持续发展:可持续发展:环境限制性环境限制性综合效益最大综合效益最大化化公平公平道德伦理道德伦理ABCD自然资本自然资本政府政府旅游企旅游企业业游客游客4.1 大堡礁环境保护措施大堡礁环境保护措施分区管理分区管理合作管理合作管理 计划管理计划管理公众参与公众参与法律法规法律法规分区管理分区管理商业旅游区商业旅游区 商业捕捞区商业捕捞区资源保护区资源保护区将不同的地方划为不同的地区,尽最大的可能将经济利益最大化,也

12、尽可能的保护环境,不因人类活动而影响到珊瑚礁的生活。合作管理合作管理有关资源的使用者都参与有关资源的使用者都参与公园管理,管理不再只是公园管理,管理不再只是政府的事情。政府的事情。结果管理结果管理关爱我们的故乡关爱我们的故乡前景报告前景报告25 年战略计划年战略计划举措举措 三亚珊瑚礁保护区,位于三亚珊瑚礁保护区,位于三亚市鹿回头半岛沿岸、东三亚市鹿回头半岛沿岸、东西瑁洲、牙龙湾海域,海陆西瑁洲、牙龙湾海域,海陆总面积为总面积为8500公顷,其保公顷,其保护对象为珊瑚礁及由珊瑚礁护对象为珊瑚礁及由珊瑚礁构成的典型热带海洋生态系构成的典型热带海洋生态系统与海洋生物物种。统与海洋生物物种。积极的公

13、众参与积极的公众参与健全的法律法规健全的法律法规体系体系成熟高效的管理成熟高效的管理体制体制合理的管理手段合理的管理手段严密完整的管理计划严密完整的管理计划三亚珊瑚礁自然能保护区三亚珊瑚礁自然能保护区中国南海群岛中国南海群岛澳大利亚大堡礁澳大利亚大堡礁可持可持续发续发展展生生态态平衡平衡新旅游新旅游制定法制定法规规保保护资护资源源环环境保境保护护提高能效提高能效New Tourism阅读与阅读与分析分析即学即用:可引用一案例进行分析 综观国内外现有关于生态旅游的各种定义,大致可以概综观国内外现有关于生态旅游的各种定义,大致可以概 括为两大类:括为两大类:一是从旅游产品分类的角度来认识,认为一是

14、从旅游产品分类的角度来认识,认为 生态旅游只是众多旅游形式中的一种,是为满足少数人生态旅游只是众多旅游形式中的一种,是为满足少数人 特殊兴趣爱好和需求而专门开发设计的特殊旅游产品,特殊兴趣爱好和需求而专门开发设计的特殊旅游产品,并因此而将生态旅游与大众旅游对立起来;并因此而将生态旅游与大众旅游对立起来;二是从旅游资二是从旅游资 源的开发和利用的角度来认识,认为生态旅游应该是在旅源的开发和利用的角度来认识,认为生态旅游应该是在旅 游资源的开发和利用方面达到可持续发展的有效手段和途游资源的开发和利用方面达到可持续发展的有效手段和途 径。从全球已有的生态旅游实践来看,这些关于生态旅游内径。从全球已有

15、的生态旅游实践来看,这些关于生态旅游内 涵的认识都是不够充分和全面的。涵的认识都是不够充分和全面的。1.生态旅游 2.绿色旅游绿色旅游 Green Tourism3.软旅游软旅游Soft TourismABCD替代旅游是替代旅游是旅游者直接旅游者直接住在当地居住在当地居民家中,并民家中,并在居民家中在居民家中获取其他服获取其他服务和设施的务和设施的一种旅游形一种旅游形式。式。替代旅游是旅替代旅游是旅游者和当地人游者和当地人之间的接触和之间的接触和沟通、对平等沟通、对平等的渴望、对个的渴望、对个性的追求、对性的追求、对环境的意识和环境的意识和关注的旅游形关注的旅游形式。式。替代旅游是基替代旅游是

16、基于于“实现自我实现自我”的需求心理的需求心理,目的性特别,目的性特别突出的非大众突出的非大众旅游形式,旅旅游形式,旅游的生态原则游的生态原则是贯穿各种产是贯穿各种产品链的主线。品链的主线。替代旅游是为替代旅游是为不同社区的成不同社区的成员提供一种适员提供一种适宜的旅游形式宜的旅游形式的活动,寻求的活动,寻求的是旅游相关的是旅游相关利益者的相互利益者的相互了解和团结平了解和团结平等。等。Circumstantial alternative tourismDeliberate alternative tourismDAT可控制的可控制的可持可持续发续发展旅游展旅游 CAT比比较随较随意意有可能影

17、有可能影响响 可持可持续续旅游旅游比比较较Sensitive to local culturesConscious of social justice concernsMore independent-minded and discerningKnowledgeable about environmental issuesPrefers flexible and spontaneous itineraries 新型旅游者的特征新型旅游者的特征Green consumer 07 Carefully assesses tourism products in advance09 Wishes to

18、have a positive impact on the destination10.Motivated by a desire for self-fulfillment and learning11.Searches for physically and mentally challenging experiences 08 In search of authentic and meaningful experiences新型旅游者的特征新型旅游者的特征拥拥有社有社会会正正义义感感对当对当地文化很敏感地文化很敏感绿绿色消色消费费者者灵灵活自然的行程路活自然的行程路线线环环境知境知识识丰富丰

19、富独独立意立意识识和洞察力和洞察力寻寻找能找能带来带来挑挑战战的的经历经历预预先先评评估旅游估旅游产产品品寻寻找有意找有意义义自然的自然的经历经历希望希望带来带来正面影正面影响响容易被容易被学习学习欲望激欲望激发发Discussion:Discussion:What other characteristics do the What other characteristics do the new travelers have?new travelers have?Mass TourismThis chapter has discussed the emergence of the new t

20、ravelers as This chapter has discussed the emergence of the new travelers as an important market segment and the importance of sustainable an important market segment and the importance of sustainable development of tourism industry.Tourism sectors must observe development of tourism industry.Touris

21、m sectors must observe the business ethics codes;and social practices should be enforced,the business ethics codes;and social practices should be enforced,too.Both governments and tourism sectors play a key role on too.Both governments and tourism sectors play a key role on promoting the sustainable

22、 tourism.Public education and promoting the sustainable tourism.Public education and comprehensive environmental audits,recycling and reduction comprehensive environmental audits,recycling and reduction programs,community improvement schemes,and job programs,community improvement schemes,and job opp

23、ortunities that give priority to local residents are important opportunities that give priority to local residents are important practices that secure the sustainable development of tourism.practices that secure the sustainable development of tourism.Alternative tourism is a kind of new tourism that

24、 is quite Alternative tourism is a kind of new tourism that is quite different from the unsustainable mass tourism.At present,different from the unsustainable mass tourism.At present,various forms of new tourism has been put into practice,and the various forms of new tourism has been put into practi

25、ce,and the new travelers market has become more popular and more new travelers market has become more popular and more profitable in the world.profitable in the world.Chapter ReviewPart I Text第一部分第一部分 课文课文Exercise1.Fill in the blanks with proper words to complete the following statements.harmony;sus

26、tainable;release;mass;eliminate;criteria;beneficial;effective(1)Attention hadnt been paid to this idea before the _ of the Brundtland Report entitled Our Common Future in 1987,even though this term was already being used in the early 1980s.(2)Once sustainable tourism is properly defined,we should se

27、t up some _ to determine whether the tourism is sustainable or not.(3)Considering the fact that mass tourism takes up the majority of the worlds tourism market,the connection between sustainable tourism and _ tourism is reasonably a more important issue.release criteria issue(4)It is justifiable to

28、adopt _ practices within the large-scale,dominant tourism industry.(5)Even if this is not the case,to capture this high-spending and growing market is still most _ to tourism businesses.(6)In addition,if the community relations can develop positively,the host and the tourist will be able to live in

29、_ with each other.(7)Sustainable tourism is a(n)_ way adopted by tourism sectors for long-term benefits.(8)The continuing and rapid growth of tourism has brought too much pressure on the worlds resources and makes it necessary to adopt sustainable development to _ the growing negative impact on the

30、planet.sustainable beneficial harmony effective eliminate 2.Questions for discussion(参见国家双语示范参见国家双语示范课程课程旅游学概论旅游学概论网站:网站:“网络课堂网络课堂)(1)According to the Brundtland Report,what is sustainable development?Sustainable development is development that aims to meet the needs of the present while ensuring th

31、at future generations will have the ability to meet their own needs.(2)Why should the tourism industry focus onthe new travelers?The tourism industry has been aware of the significance of the new traveler in the tourist market and is sure that the new traveler market will grow rapidly during the nex

32、t few decades whether it is measured by comparing with other tourist markets or not.If society is indeed attaching much importance to environmental protection while furthering the development,then it is possible for the new traveler to emerge as the most important tourist market and gradually replac

33、e the conventional mass tourists.As a result,tourism businesses will have to develop along a more sustainable way;otherwise,they would not survive.Even if this is not the case,to capture this high-spending and growing market is still most beneficial to tourism businesses.(3)What are the main charact

34、eristics of thenew travelers?1.Green consumer;2.Sensitive to local cultures;3.Conscious of social justice concerns;4.More independent-minded and discerning;5.Knowledgeable about environmental issues;6.Prefers flexible and spontaneous itineraries;7.Carefully assesses tourism products in advance;8.In

35、search of authentic and meaningful experiences;9.Wishes to have a positive impact on the destination;10.Motivated by a desire for self-fulfillment and learning;11.Searches for physically and mentally challenging experiences.(4)Why can sustainable tourism measuresbe better implemented in larger corpo

36、rations?Sustainable tourism measures can be better implemented in larger corporations because of their size.Such businesses can raise enough funds to support those specialized jobs working at sustainability-related issues such as environmental officer,community relations officer.They can also suppor

37、t relevant staff training,public education programs and comprehensive environmental audits.Whats more,recycling and reduction programs can be carried out efficiently with the lowest possible cost because of the high levels of resource and energy consumption.At the same time,the extensively integrate

38、d structures of the company allow it to organize its sustainability efforts in a harmonious way through its broad linkages.(5)What sustainable practices have been adoptedby the tourism industry?Sustainable corporate practices in the tourism sector encompass environmental,societal and organizational

39、categories.Waste reduction involving such components as garbage,sewage,water,packaging and atmospheric emissions is one of the common environmental practices.Some waste products can be recycled,such as metals,glass,paper and plastics,while other materials can be re-used,like the almost unused bars o

40、f soap left in hotel rooms.Besides these,various tourism companies have adopted many other environmental measures such as applying natural substitutes to reduce the use of pesticides,the use of“naturalization”techniques to beautify corporate grounds,and the use of organic foodstuffs and support for

41、local or national conservation programs.As far as energy conservation is concerned,accommodations can use exhaust heat from its absorption chiller to heat the swimming pool,etc.Another important sustainable practice is social practices because sustainability can be applied not only in the natural en

42、vironment but also in other aspects.Many measures can be taken such as donation to local charities,establishment of scholarships and community improvement schemes,managerial positions of tourism sectors that give priority to local residents,designs that take into consideration the harmonious co-exis

43、tence of architecture and local styles,and policies that give special consideration to local suppliers of goods.旅游知识测试旅游知识测试正误判断:请在正确的选题上划正误判断:请在正确的选题上划,错误的选题上划,错误的选题上划。1.旅游可持续发展系统由旅游经济系统、旅游生态系统、旅游社会文化系统、旅游支持保障系统等具有不同属性的子系统构成,是旅游经济、社会文化、资源环境等因素耦合而成的复杂系统。2.由于旅游产业具有明确的经济属性,而实现社会福利或实际纯收入的最大化是所有经济活动的最高目

44、标,因此旅游可持续发展的中心原则是经济发展的持续性。3.“可持续发展”的核心词是“发展”,而“发展”必须建立在环境、经济和社会三者和谐统一的基础上,只有这样的发展观才是可持续的发展观,这与科学发展观的核心要旨是高度统一的。4.旅游发展要切实满足地方现实的经济发展需要,为旅游者提供高质量的旅游体验,因此地方政府和旅游企业是旅游可持续发展的主体,旅游者不是旅游可持续发展的主要责任人。5.道德伦理原则是可持续发展的重大问题,其中基于对人类自然的道德关怀的环境伦理观和基于生物多样性的公平性是其核心内容之一。道德观念应成为人与自然和谐的指导原则。Part IV Reading Box第四部分第四部分 阅

45、读与分析阅读与分析New TourismTopic discussion(参见国家双语示范课程参见国家双语示范课程旅游学概论旅游学概论网站:网站:“网络课堂网络课堂)1.What is alternative tourism?The alternative tourism was thought of as substitute for mass tourism rather than other types of tourism.Contrary to mass tourism,alternative tourism is usually of small scale and“good”.W

46、e can find that attractions of mass tourism are regarded as being artificial and unnatural while attractions of alternative tourism are authentic;and that mass tourism tends to be controlled by outside forces which may result in high revenue leakage while alternative tourism encourages local control

47、 and close connections with local businesses.In essence,tourism activities or development that are viewed as non-traditional.It is often defined in opposition to large-scale mass tourism to represent small-scale sustainable tourism developments.Alternative tourism is also presented as an ideal type,

48、that is,an improved model of tourism development that redresses the ills of traditional,mass tourism.2.How can alternative tourism help topromote the development of sustainabletourism?The development of sustainable tourism focuses on small-scale tourism projects and destinations.Small-scale tourism

49、such as alternative tourism is more likely to bring positive environmental,economic and socio-cultural impacts within a destination.For example,we can find that attractions of alternative tourism are authentic and that it encourages local control and close connections with local businesses.Moreover,

50、a DAT destination can better maintain a sustainable,low intensity tourism option under the guidance and control of specific policies.3.What are the differences between masstourism and alternative tourism in terms offood,transport and accommodation?4.What are CAT and DAT?Which do youprefer?Circumstan


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