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1、Unit 5The Battle Against AIDS NHCE-BI-Unit 5 MENUI.ObjectivesII.PreviewIII.Leading-inIV.Section A-TextV.Answers to ExercisesVI.Extensive TasksVII.Testing Yourself VIII.Homework NHCE-BI-Unit 5 I:Objectives MENUObjectivesStudents would:1.Learn and practice theme expressions about AIDS.2.Share the know

2、ledge of and views on AIDS.3.Complete tasks(LSRW)focused on the theme.4.Write paragraphs of the problem-solution pattern.5.Build up the awareness how to prevent and control AIDS,and how to peacefully coexist with the AIDS patients in the same world.NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II:PreviewMENU1.Watch and thinkWhat

3、is peoples reaction to an HIV patient?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II:PreviewMENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 II:PreviewMENU 2.Slogans and Themes1988,Join the Worldwide Effort 全球共讨,征服有期 1989,Our Lives,Our World-Lets Take Care of Each Other 我们的生活,我们的世界-让我们相互关照 1990,Women and AIDS 妇女与艾滋病 1991,Sharing the Challenge 共同迎接艾滋病的挑战 19

4、92,A Community Commitment 预防艾滋病,全社会的责任 1993,Time to Act 时不我待,行动起来 1994,AIDS and the Family 艾滋病和家庭 1995,Shared Rights,Shared Responsibilities 共享权利,共担责任 1996,One World,One Hope 同一世界,同一希望 1997,Children Living in a World with AIDS 生活在有艾滋病世界的儿童 1998,Force for Change:World AIDS Campaign with Young People

5、青少年-迎接艾滋病的生力军1999,Listen,learn,live!关注青少年,预防艾滋病-倾听、学习、尊重 2000,Man make a difference 预防艾滋病,男士责无旁贷 2001,I care,do you?预防艾滋病,你我同参与!2002,Live and let live 相互关爱,共享生命 2003,Stigma and Discrimination 消除歧视和偏见 2004,Women and AIDS 女性与艾滋病 2005,Stop AIDS,Keep the Promise 遏制艾滋、履行承诺2006,Stop AIDS,Keep the Promise遏

6、制艾滋、履行承诺/Accountability责任2007,Stop AIDS,Keep the Promise遏制艾滋、履行承诺/Leadership全民动员Unit 5The Battle Against AIDS NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU1.全球防控艾滋病每年花费_。2.于_年发现首例艾滋病,至今全球感染艾滋人数升至 _,其中_%在25岁以下,而且_%的人不知 道自己感染艾滋病病毒(2007年)。3.2007年新感染艾滋病毒的人数为250万,艾滋病死亡人 数为210万。4.全球每隔_就有1人感染艾滋病,每天大约有_ 成为新的艾滋病病毒感

7、染者(2007年)。5.全世界死于艾滋病的人已达_。6.未来10年内全球被感染者可能达_以上,_会 在发展中国家。5000亿3320万95%12.6秒6850人1400万1亿90501980 NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU65万1000万1.我国_发现首例艾滋病2.中国已有_HIV携带者,其中艾滋病病人 75000例,死亡26000例,性传染趋升(2006)3.据联合国艾滋病规化署(UNAIDS)估计,如果未 能采取有效的预防措施,到2010年我国艾滋病 病毒感染者可能达

8、到_人。(2006.4.)NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUChoose what you can do when being with an AIDS patient.2.Discuss in Pairs NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUDiscuss in PairsDiscuss in Pairs kisskissshake handsshake handsshare a bookshare a bookhughugswim in the poolswim in the poolsit side by

9、sit side by sidesidedance dance togethertogethershare a shavershare a shaver NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUReference:A Acquired cquired I Immunommunod deficiency eficiency S Syndrome(yndrome(后天性免疫缺陷综合症后天性免疫缺陷综合症)It is a disease that limits the bodys ability to fight infection.A It is a disea

10、se that limits the bodys ability to fight infection.A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system,turning person with AIDS has a very weak immune system,turning normally mild or rare diseases into potentially fatal conditions.normally mild or rare diseases into potentially fatal conditions.3.Do y

11、ou know?1)What is AIDS?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUReference:Human Immunodeficiency Virus (人类免疫缺陷病毒人类免疫缺陷病毒)AIDS is different from HIV in that the former usually causes death while HIV may lead to AIDS.2)What is HIV?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUHIV NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Task

12、s MENUReference:1)contact with infected blood1)contact with infected blood2)HIV mother-to-child2)HIV mother-to-child3)sexual intercourse3)sexual intercourse3)How many ways can HIV spread?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUReference:Anyone can become infected with HIV.HIV Anyone can become infecte

13、d with HIV.HIV is transmitted sexually or through drug is transmitted sexually or through drug use by contaminated blood.use by contaminated blood.4)Who is most likely to become infected?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUcuresourcedevelopsactiveperiodshiddenpregnantcontactHumansexualHIV is the _

14、 Immunodeficiency Virus.This is the virus that spreads through _ with infected blood,infected _ partners or within the womb of an infected _ mother.After infecting a person,HIV can remain _ in the body for long and different _ of time until it becomes _ and _ into AIDS for which no known _ exists.Th

15、e virus spreads very fast once contact has been made with an infected _.NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUReference:This is the Red Ribbon.It is an international This is the Red Ribbon.It is an international symbol(symbol(标志标志)of AIDS awareness.People wear the)of AIDS awareness.People wear the r

16、ibbon,particularly around World AIDS Day,to ribbon,particularly around World AIDS Day,to show care and concern(show care and concern(关注关注)about HIV and AIDS.)about HIV and AIDS.5)Have you ever seen this design?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUReference:December,1st was established as World Dece

17、mber,1st was established as World AIDS Day in 1988.It is the only AIDS Day in 1988.It is the only international day of coordinate international day of coordinate action(action(协调行动协调行动)against AIDS.)against AIDS.6)What do you know about World AIDS Day?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU NHCE-BI-U

18、nit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUReference:blood test;positive;blood test;positive;negative negative 7)How can a person know whether he is infected with AIDS or not?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU8)How to protect yourself from AIDS?-AIDS is transmitted in 3 ways.-AIDS is transmitted in 3 ways.-Av

19、oid unnecessary injection,-Avoid unnecessary injection,transfusion.transfusion.-Have a fixed partner.-Have a fixed partner.-Dont abuse drugs.-Dont abuse drugs.But dont panic.Flies,flees,But dont panic.Flies,flees,mosquitoes,air,hug and even having meals mosquitoes,air,hug and even having meals toget

20、her with the AIDS patients will not together with the AIDS patients will not make you infected with AIDS.make you infected with AIDS.NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUReference:9)

21、Pu Cunxin and AIDS?NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU Pu Cunxin(濮存昕)is a household name in China.Hes known for his accomplished career on stage,in films,on television and,most recently,as one of China s foremost spokespersons on AIDS.He was appointed by the Ministry of Health in a raise public a

22、wareness of the AIDS epidemic-the first person to play such a role in China s public health history.Pu fights stigma and discrimination against AIDS through public speaking and visits with AIDS patients and families.He has also set up a personal fund of more than 400,000 RMB to help children from im

23、poverished AIDS families continue their education.濮存昕 NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENU4.Theme Words and ExpressionsHIV carrier,AIDS patient,AIDS sufferer,AIDS-infected people,children orphaned by AIDS,vulnerable/high-risk groupHIV test(positive,negative),immune systemepidemic,HIV prevalence,vi

24、rus,a killer disease,threat,risk,symptom,HIV status,death due to AIDS,case,cure,prevention,control,infection,spreading,treatment,awareness and commitment,policy,regulation,pamphlet,leaflet NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUTo be infected with/spread/transmitTo share needleTo catch(the disease,a

25、cold,)/carry/haveTo suffer fromTo be at risk for AIDSTo be diagnosed/reportedTo combat/fight/guard against To wipe outTo underestimate,detect,test,prevent,control,co-ordinate,publicize,legalize,launch,eradicate NHCE-BI-Unit 5 VI:Extensive Tasks MENUThree ways of infection with HIV:1.(practice)unsafe

26、/unprotected sex,sexual intercourse,make love,MSM,gay,lesbian,homosexual(heterosexual),partner,condom,prostitution 2.contact with infected blood,injecting/intravenous drug user,blood and plasma donation/donor,blood transfusion,illegal blood collection activities 3.HIV mother-to-baby,parent-to-child

27、transmissionUnit 5The Battle Against AIDSMENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in In contrast to the governments inactivity,some local organizations have made efforts to fight against AIDS creatively.The organization has generalized some practical methods which are useful to other similar groups.Fighting

28、against AIDS entails everyones involvement and forces each of us to be an educator and learn to live.A serious disease named as AIDS was diagnosed in the U.S.A.in the late 1970s;and since then it has been a big threat to the American society.1.Structure of TextPara.1-2Para.3-6Para.7-13Para.14MENU NH

29、CE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in Reference Words:More than 102,000 people.2.Questions to Comprehension1)How many American people have been killed by AIDS in the past few years?(Para.1)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:Women and youth in rural Southern communities.2)Accord

30、ing to the passage,who are the ones most likely to be infected with AIDS?(Para.2)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:The spread of AIDS and government inactivity in stopping it.3)What are the reasons why some local organizations emerged?(Para.3)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:

31、Leading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:Hand out AIDS information to the clients in beauty shop and show videos on AIDS prevention.Speak to your community in a way they can hear.Train teenagers to educate their peers.Redefine”at risk”to include women from different backgrounds and marriage status

32、.4)What are the lessons learned by the local organizations in their battles against AIDS?MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:To reduce the number of AIDS cases.5)What is the purpose of forming the South Carolina AIDS Education Network?(Para.4)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Le

33、ading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:Because most of the people have a low literacy level.6)Why is it impossible to hand out AIDS literature and expect people to read it in some communities?(Paras.8-9)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:They make it simple and expl

34、ain the risk of catching AIDS to their peers much better than adults.7)In what way can teenagers do much better than adults according to the passage?(Para.10)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:Everyone is at risk regardless of marriage status.8)Who can be at risk acco

35、rding to the author?(Para.12)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in Reference Words:Reference Words:Everyone should take part in the war against AIDS.9)What should people do in order to win the war against AIDS?(Para.14)MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in aloneconstitut

36、eliteracyriskstatus3.Key Words MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 1)alone:You shouldnt leave a child alone in the house.你不应该把孩子单独留在家里。He was left to raise their two children alone.他独自一人抚养两个孩子。The case will cost thousands of pounds in legal fees alone.这个案子仅法律费用一项就要用几千磅。adj.without any other people独自;

37、without any help from others独立;used after a noun or pronoun to show that the person or thing mentioned is the only one单独,仅仅MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in I didnt have any clothes,_alone a passport.Ive told you before-_ my things alone!Shes asked to be _ alone but the press photographers follow h

38、er everywhere.These islands are too small to _ alone as independent states.I like _alone in the house.letleaveleftstandbeingMENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in alone,lone,lonely,solitary He was _when we met him.the _skier on the mountain A _fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel.a _ soul a _traveleralon

39、elonelonelylonelysolitaryMENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 3)literacy:The literacy rate there is the highest in America.那个地区的文化普及率是美国最高的。Mass literacy was only possible after the invention of printing.发明了印刷术后文化教育才得以普及。n.the ability to read and write识字,读写能力 MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in literac

40、y illiteracy literate Illiterate computer literacy 计算机文化计算机文化MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 4)risk:n.danger危险,风险 take/run the risk of(doing)sth.冒着 的危险take/run the risk to do sth.冒险做 at any risk at all risks不管冒什么风险at the risk of(doing)sth.冒着的危险MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 5)status:n.the leg

41、al position of a person,group or country 法定地位;the social or professional position of sb/sth in relation to others 社会地位,职业地位Womens social status hasnt changed much over the years.这些年来妇女的社会地位没有多大改变。He is after wealth and status.他追求财富和地位。Whats the status of the peace talks?目前和谈的情况如何?MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5

42、 III:Leading-in socio-economic status social/economic status marital status legal status educational status employment status professional status financial statusMENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 美容店美容店 发型师发型师高文盲率高文盲率同龄人压力同龄人压力占比例占比例婚姻状况婚姻状况 报名参加报名参加 一场不宣而战的战争一场不宣而战的战争20 20 世纪世纪7070年代末期年代末期毁灭整整一代人毁

43、灭整整一代人 beauty shophair stylistlow literacy rate/high illiteracy ratepeer pressuremake up/account formarriage statussign up foran undeclared warin the late 1970swipe out an entire generation4.Useful Expressions MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 患上艾滋病患上艾滋病分发艾滋病资料分发艾滋病资料安全措施安全措施 防止感染艾滋病防止感染艾滋病消灭、抹杀消灭、

44、抹杀艾滋病患者艾滋病患者免疫系统免疫系统高危人群高危人群接触受污血液接触受污血液注射吸毒者注射吸毒者输血输血献血献血进行无防护性交进行无防护性交与抗争与抗争 be infected with AIDSpass out AIDS literaturesafety measuresprevent from being infected with HIVwipe outAIDS patients/suffersimmune systemhigh-risk groupcontact with infected bloodInjection drug abuserblood transfusionblo

45、od donationpractice unsafe/unprotected sexual intercoursefight against MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 1)While no one way of winning the war against AIDS exists,the network shares these lessons learned in its battle against AIDS.(L29)5.Key and Difficult SentencesAlthough there isnt a way of stopp

46、ing the spread of AIDS yet,the network lets others know about the experience which is learned in the battle against AIDS.while=although;even though e.g.While they are related,they dont get along.虽然他们是亲戚,却相处得不好。虽然还没有一种能战胜爱滋病的方法,但这一网络机构在与爱滋病的抗争中获得了以下经验。MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 2)Many communi

47、ties have a low literacy rate,making impossible passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it.(L31)Most of the people in many communities are not able to read and write,and this makes it impossible to hand out the materials about AIDS and expect them to read them.很多社区的居民受教育的比例低,这使得向他们散

48、发爱滋病资料,希望他们自己阅读这一做法不切实际。MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 3)They also show people who look like those we need to educate,since people can relate more when they see familiar faces and language they can understand.(L36)They also use pictures that look like those people that need the education so they

49、 can understand more when they find familiar faces and language they know.这些书籍也展示一些看上去和那些需要接受教育的人很相似的图片,当居民看到那些熟悉的脸和能理解的语言时,就会发表更多的议论和看法。MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 4)As a result,such books actually have more effect in the communities where they are used than government publication,.(L38)It t

50、urns out that such books are in fact more effective than the books or magazines printed by the government in the communities where they are used.这样一来,这些书在使用它们的社区里所产生的影响比政府出版的书籍大,MENU NHCE-BI-Unit 5 III:Leading-in 5)These lessons are not the only solutions to the crisis but until there is a cure for


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