苏州市译林版六年级下册英语第三单元Checkout time&Ticking time 教案及反思.doc

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1、英语(六年级下册)Unit 3 A healthy dietCheckout time & Ticking timeTeaching contents 教学内容Checkout time & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 复习并熟练运用Is/Are there? 的句型,并能在这一句型中再一次准确运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。2. 能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。3. 能熟练运用所学知识介绍自己的饮食和健康的饮食。4. 能在笔头练习中准确使用

2、there be 的结构。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 复习并熟练运用Is/Are there ? 的句型,并能在这一句型中再一次准确运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。2. 能熟练运用所学知识介绍自己的饮食和健康的饮食。3. 能在笔头练习中准确使用there be 的结构。教学难点:能在笔头练习中准确使用there be 的结构。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings.2. Lets tal

3、k.T: How is Mikes diet? How is Yang Lings diet. (通过让学生讨论Mike和杨玲的饮食来复习Story time 的课文内容)【设计意图:热身环节,通过小组讨论的方式复习本单元Story time的主要内容。】Step2 Presentation1. Lets discuss.T: Wang Bing has a good friend. Hes Billy. Look! Theyre coming.2. Read and discuss.T: Heres a passage about Billy. Please read it in pairs

4、, and then discuss.(同桌之间自由读,并对Billy的饮食做讨论。)T: Is Billys diet healthy? Why?S: No, his diet is unhealthy.T: Can you give some suggestions to him? (同桌讨论后给出回答)S: To keep healthy, you should eat/drink a lot of/ some/ a few/ a littleYou shouldnt eat/drink too much/too manyT: We hope Billy can change his d

5、iet.T: How about Wang Bings? Lets fill in the blanks and see Wang Bings diet.(学生根据首字母填空,完成王兵的饮食情况并讨论) 【设计意图:在第五课时中对学生能力的要求要比前几课时更高,所以设计了阅读和根据首字母填空活动,培养学生综合语言运用能力。】T: What do you think of his diet? Why?S: I think3. Ask and answer.T: Yes. Wang Bing has a healthy diet. He and his parents want to cook a

6、 big dinner. Lets go and see.T: They buy a lot of things. What do they buy? Can you guess?S: Is/Are there ?(学生用there be 结构的一般疑问句来猜,并要求他们用上a lot of/ some/ a few/a little)T: Great. Lets go and see the food they buy.(让学生用there is, there are的句型分类将这些食物说一说,最后将这些食物组成一个金字塔)4. Do some exercise!T: Lets do som

7、e exercise! (PPT呈现一些there be句型的练习)T: OK. Please try to describe the food pyramid in pairs.【设计意图:这里复习了There be句型的用法,此处是学生易错的部分,be动词需要和后面的量词联系在一起进行分析。增加一些实例让学生更清楚并准确运用be动词。】Step 3 Practice1. Finish Look and write on page 35. 2. Lets design.T: Now, we know a lot about healthy diet. Can you design a hea

8、lthy diet for Billy? S: Yes!T: OK. First, please introduce your healthy diet to Billy. (让学生说一说他们的健康饮食)T: OK, very good, now please write down Billys diet. (出示Tips:恰当地使用a lot of, some, a little, a few)Step 3 Consolidation1. Ticking timeT: Look at todays learning aims. How many starts can you get?(学生在

9、小组间进行讨论并完成自评)2. Exercise1. She likes_(eat) fish.2. There isnt _(many) food in the fridge. 3. I _ (have) go to the supermarket.4. Do you _ (want) come with me?5. Sam sees a lot of _ (juice) in the bottle.6. Now they have some _ (mango) at home.7. Mike _ (have) some bread and milk for breakfast.8. Doe

10、s Mike _ (have) a healthy diet?9. He only _(drink) a little water every day.10. Do you have a _ (health) diet.【设计意图:在巩固环节设计一些和本单元重难点内容相契合的课堂练习,巩固学生所学。】Homework 家庭作业1. 完成补充习题 D& E。 2. 以Billys diet为题,写一篇小短文,可以对照Billy以前的饮食和建议的饮食。 Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:图字卡、教学课件。板书设计: Unit3 A healthy diet Is/Are there? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. Yes, there are./ No, there arent.说课:本课是本单元的最后一课时,为了避免话题和前几个单元的重复,教师通过一系列的任务设计,既活跃了课堂气氛,又达到了复习的效果。对Billy和Mike的饮食环节的处理,不仅考验了学生的知识水平,还考验了他们对本单元知识的综合运用。教师鼓励学生通过总结自己的饮食习惯,发现自己饮食当中的健康与不健康之处,从而更有指向性地给别人合理的饮食建议。


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