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1、The weekly testLearning aims:1.To correct the mistakes in the Week3-Test.2.To consolidate some important knowledge points.Guide One 1.Correct your mistakes according to the right answers.(5)ACBBC DCBAA ABCBD DAABC DCABC IV.词汇运用(1).travelling (2).shopping (3).dead (4).northern south(5)municating comm

2、unication(6).impossible (7).ride driving(8).cartoons (9).kept;borrowed (10).married (11).been;arrived (12).bought;had (13).conditions;environment V.1.runs through 2.Exactly 3.has been on 4.to have a look 5.such as 6.is dying 7.all our lives 8.did;keep in touch with 9.At the end of 10.cant stopVI.1.d

3、ont think;have been2.are having a good time/are enjoying themselves3.1).have been away from their home for 2).It is/has one month since;left4.How long has;worked5.hasnt left6.havent seen each other since then 附加题 A.(1).climbing (2).brought (3).best(4).songs (5).dream B.(1).pity (2).fun (3).shopping

4、(4).end(5).highest (6).most (7).natural (8).sand(9)fantastic (10)except Guide Two 1.Think over your mistakes by yourselves.(8)Think over your mistakes by yourselves.You can write the reasons.If you cant know the reason.Please put?beside the problem.2.Learn from each other.(20)Conclusion1.yet 1).用于一般

5、疑问句译为:已经 2).用于否认句译为:还Practice:-你已经吃过了吗?-还没呢。2.短暂性动词不能和for或since用于完成时,要想与此连用需变成延续性动词就可以。短暂性动词有die、begin/start、finish/stop、come/go/arrive、leave、borrow、join、get married、buy、open、close、同义句转换同义句转换;1 The film has been on for 20 minutes.The film _ since 20 minutes ago.The film _ 20 minutes ago.2 The parade

6、 has been over for hours.The parade _since hours ago.The parade _ hours ago.3 Kitty has been in Hong Kong since two days ago.Kitty _ HongKong_ two days.Kitty _ in HongKong two days ago.has been onbegan/startedhas been overfinished/stoppedhas been inforarrived4.She left home last Tuesday.She _home _

7、last Tuesday.5.She has kept this book since last week.She _this book _ a week.She _ this book last week.6.Simon joined the Football Club last year.Simon _ the Football Club _ a year.7.They married 15 years ago.They _ since _.has been away fromsincehas keptforborrowedhas been in/a member offorhave be

8、en married15 years ago8.The old man died two days ago.The old man has _ two days.9.Miss Li bought this expensive coat the day before yesterday.Miss Li _this expensive coat _ two days.been dead forhas hadfor.1.The film started 20 minutes ago.The film _ 20 minutes.2.The parade finished an hour ago.The

9、 parade _ an hour.3.Did they arrive in Donghai yesterday?_ they _ Donghai _ a day?4.Did she leave her home last week?_ she _ home for a week?5.When did he borrow the book?How long _ the book?6.When did he join the club?_ he been in the club/a member of the club?7.His wife died two years ago.His wife

10、 _ for two years.8.The couple married ten years ago.The couple _ for ten years.has been on forhas been over forHavebeen inforHasbeen away fromhas he keptHow long hashas been deadhas been married fit _ _ plan _ _ hit _ _ put _ _ meet _ _ make _ _ eat _ _ sell _ _ give _ _ write _ _ think _ _ carry _

11、_ catch _ _ lend _ _ forget _ _ fall _ _ draw _ _ fittedfittedplannedplannedhithitputputmetmetmademadeateeatensoldsoldgavegivenwrotewrittenthoughtthoughtcarried carriedcaughtcaughtforgotforgottenlentlentfellfallendrewdrawn go _ _ try _ _ stop _ _ leave _ _ take _ _ buy _ _ spend _ _ do _ _ feel _ _

12、marry _ _ begin _ _ come _ _ run _ _ hurry _ _ know _ _wentgonetriedtriedstoppedstoppedleftlefttooktakenboughtboughtspentspentdiddonefeltfeltmarriedmarriedbeganbeguncamecomeranrunhurriedhurriedknewknownHe has the habit of reading.n.习惯习惯the four great classical Chinese novelsadj.古典的古典的Mr Wu wants to

13、find out about his students reading habits.He drafted the following questions for the survey.Complete it with your own information.1 How much time do you spend reading each week?a Less than 1 hour.b 1-2 hours.c 3-4 hours.d More than 4 hours.2 When do you usually read books?a Any time I can.b Every n

14、ight.c At weekends.d During holidays.3 What is your favourite type of book?a Novel.b Science.c History.d Travel.Other:_4 How do you get most of your books?a Borrow from libraries.b Buy at bookshops.c Borrow from friends.d Receive as gifts.5 Why do you usually read?a To relax.b To improve my knowledg

15、e.c To collect information for a report.d Because someone has recommended a book.6 Who do you usually ask for advice on books?a Teachers.b Parents.c Friends.d Librarians.Millie is writing about her reading habits.Here is her report.Read and answer the questions.1.How many paragraphs in the passage?2

16、.A.Two B.Three3.2.What is the passage about?4.A.Reading habits B.Eating habits5.3.Can good books open up a whole new world to us?A.Yes.B.No.6.4.How much time does Millie spend reading different types of books?7.A.over seven hours a week8.B.less than five hours a week5.How long does Millie usually re

17、ad before going to bed at weekdays?A.about thirty minutes B.about twenty minutes6.What book does Millie like best?A.History B.Science C.novels 7.Where does Millie get most of her booksfrom?A.Sunshine Library B.Her teachers C.Her friends8.Who gives her lots of advice on books?A.Her friends B.her pare

18、nts I love reading.I spend over 1_ hours reading different types of books.On weekdays,I usually read for about an hour 2_ going to bed.I am 3_ in history books,but I like 4_ best.The four great 5_ Chinese novels are my favourite.I get most of my books from Sunshine Library-it is just 6 _ my home.My

19、friends give me lots of 7 _ on books.We often meet together and discuss 8_ to read.sevenbeforeinterestednovelsclassicaloppositeadvicewhat Passage 1 Where to get books How to read What to read the meaning of reading Read and match the main ideas.Passage 2 Passage 3 1.I spend over seven hours a week r

20、eading different types of books.我一个星期花费七个多小时的时间来我一个星期花费七个多小时的时间来阅读不同种类的书。阅读不同种类的书。over意为意为“超过、多于超过、多于,相当于相当于more than。e.g.There are over five hundred students in our school.我们学校有我们学校有500多个学生。多个学生。different types of 意为意为“不同种类的不同种类的。e.g.There are many different types of books in the library.图书馆里有许多不同种

21、类的书。图书馆里有许多不同种类的书。2.it is just opposite my home.它就在我家对面。它就在我家对面。opposite prep.在在对面对面,与与相反相反 e.g.The post office is opposite the bank.邮局在银行对面。邮局在银行对面。3.My friends give me lots of advice on books.我的朋友们给了我许多有关书的建我的朋友们给了我许多有关书的建议。议。advice n.建议建议,忠告忠告,劝告劝告 e.g.I asked the teacher for her advice.我征求了老师的意见

22、。我征求了老师的意见。give sb.some advice on sth.给某人一些关于给某人一些关于.的建议的建议e.g.Could you give me some advice on my plan?你能就我的方案给点儿建议吗?你能就我的方案给点儿建议吗?4.They also open up a whole new world to me.而且他们给我开辟了一个全新的世界。而且他们给我开辟了一个全新的世界。open up 翻开翻开;开发开发;开辟开辟 e.g.This new job will open up a whole new world to me.这项新工作将为我开辟一个全

23、新这项新工作将为我开辟一个全新 的世界。的世界。Write a report on your own reading habits.You can use the following useful expressions to help you.I spend hours a week reading.On weekdays,I usually I at the weekend.I am interested in books.My favourite book is.I get most of my books from.My friend(s)/teacher(s)often.I love

24、 reading because.1.我非常喜欢读书,我通常一周读六小时的书。like reading very much/spend six hours a week reading books.2.在工作日,我在早上或者中午读书;在周末,我在晚上读书。at weekdays/in the morning/at noon/at the weekend/in the eveningI like reading very much.I usually spend six hours a week reading books.At weekdays,I read books in the morn

25、ing or at noon.At the weekend,I read in the evening.3.我喜欢科幻书,我最喜欢我喜欢科幻书,我最喜欢the Harry Potter series./science and fantasy books4.我经常从图书馆借书,因为那儿有各种各我经常从图书馆借书,因为那儿有各种各样的书。样的书。borrow books from library5.读书的意义,至少给出两点。读书的意义,至少给出两点。good friends/make me forget my sadness.I love science and fantasy books.I l

26、ike the Harry Potter series best.I often borrow books from our school library,because there are many kinds of books there.范文展示范文展示:My reading habits I like reading very much.I usually spend six hours a week reading books.On weekdays,I read books in the morning or at noon.At the weekend,I read in the

27、 evening.I love books and fantasy books.I like the Harry Potter series best.It is very interesting and the main character is amazing.I often borrow books from our school library because there are many kinds of books there and I can always find books easily.I like talking with my classmates about what to read.We often give each other useful information about books.That is really helpful.Books are my good friend.Whenever I feel sad,I will get an interesting love reading.Homework:1.L e a r n t h e k e y w o r d s a n d p h r a s e s.2.Read the passage fluently on Page 61.


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