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1、A Lesson of WritingExample:Example:Imagine that you are Li Ming,write a composition about the changes taken place in your hometown.Key points:1.Topic(主题)(主题):changes 2.who:Li Ming3.Where:Li Mings hometown4.tense(时态时态):past tense&present tense 一般过去时一般过去时&一般现在时一般现在时Living conditionCell phonesjobstrans

2、portationchangeshousecars(头脑风暴头脑风暴)educationshopsfoodroadscomputersclothesbuildingworking tools农耕工具农耕工具reasongovernmenteffortslive in a low houselive in a low houselive in a tall buildinglive in a tall buildingplant crops with the plant crops with the help of farm animalshelp of farm animalsplant cr

3、ops with the plant crops with the help of farm machineshelp of farm machinesstudy in an old study in an old schoolschoolstudy in a study in a modern schoolmodern schoolLiving conditionWorking toolseducationLiving conditionWorking toolseducationchanges(正文正文)a.Changes in living conditions.b.Changes in

4、 working tools.C.Changes in education.OutlineTitle题目题目:Changes in Li Mings HometownHeading开头开头:Great changes have taken place in Body正文正文:a.Changes in living conditionsb.Changes in working toolsC.Changes in educationConclusion结尾结尾:Thanks to the governments efforts(努力努力),Li Mings hometown is becoming

5、 better and better.提纲提纲Changes in Li Mings Hometown Great changes have taken place in Li Mings hometown since the reform and opening-up.In the past,people lived in low houses.The farmers planted crops only with the help of farm animals.Children studied in old schools.But now,most people live in tall

6、 buildings.The farmers can plant crops with the help of farm machines.And children study in modern schools.Thanks to the governments efforts,Li Mings hometown is becoming better and better.One possible version:heading开头开头body正文正文conclusion结尾结尾A Writing PracticeA Writing PracticeWrite your own compos

7、ition Write your own composition about about Great changes in my Great changes in my HometownHometown.以以Great changes in my Hometown 为题,按为题,按下列提示要求写一篇下列提示要求写一篇80词左右短文,介绍自己词左右短文,介绍自己家乡的变化。家乡的变化。1、过去过去生活贫困,房屋破旧阴暗;道路窄交通不便。2、现在现在住房宽敞、明亮;现代学校,孩子可接受良好的教育;马路宽广,许多人有小车,交通方便;人们生活大为改善。3、未来未来会更加富饶和美丽4、我的感受是希望记住

8、过去,展望未来是很重要的。可能会用到的词汇:poor and backward贫穷落后的;traffic 交通;convenient 方便的;Thanks to 多亏;the country and the government国家和政府;take place 发生;education教育;modern现代;dream about憧憬 Requirement:1.topic:2.who:3.Where:4.What changes:5.Tense时态时态:great changesI/myselfmy hometownliferoadshousespast tense&present tens

9、e Living conditiontransportationchangeshouse(头脑风暴头脑风暴)educationroadsbuildingExample:Example:Outline提纲提纲Title题目题目:Great changes in my HometownHeading开头:开头:Body正文正文:a.Changes in b.Changes in c.Changes in Conclusion结尾结尾:LifeHouseRoadshouselifeeducationtransportationnowUsed to beOnce曾经曾经pastMany years a

10、gois/areIn the pastAt presentbeforenowadaystodayWas/wereMake sentences.eg:1.In the past,my hometown was poor.2.My hometown used to be poor.Then:(时态时态)Living conditionCell phonestransportationwideroadscleancars(正文正文)dirtybetternarrowpoorclothesConvinent方便的方便的improveeg:1.Many years ago,the roads in my

11、 hometown was narrow and dirty.2.Nowadays,the roads in my hometown are wide and clean.3.Today,many families have cars.schoolhouse(正文正文)以以Great changes in my Hometown 为题,按为题,按下列提示要求写一篇下列提示要求写一篇80词左右短文,介绍自己词左右短文,介绍自己家乡的变化。家乡的变化。1、过去生活贫困,房屋破旧阴暗;道路窄交通不便。2、现在住房宽敞、明亮;现代学校,孩子可接受良好的教育;马路宽广,许多人有小车,交通方便;人们生活大

12、为改善。3、未来会更加富饶和美丽4、我的感受是希望记住过去,展望未来是很重要的。可能会用到的词汇:poor and backward贫穷落后的;traffic 交通;convenient 方便的;thanks to 多亏;the country and the government国家和政府;take place 发生;education教育;modern现代;dream about憧憬 The Changes in My Hometown I am Li Ming,today I have interviewed my grandmother.She has lived in my home

13、town for more than seventy years.She has seen the changes in my hometown herself.In the past,my hometown was very small and poor.The roads were narrow.The people couldnt get enough food.But now,the roads were so wide,and there are more and more kinds of food to satisfy peoples needs.And now,each fam

14、ily has telephones,TVs,computers and so on.I think my hometown will be more and more beautiful in the future!Changes in My Hometown My hometown used to be a backward place,because it was deep in the mountains,where there were no nice buildings and the roads were so narrow and dirty.People lived a po

15、or life.While in recent years,with the development of society,my hometown has been greatly changed.Now the roads are getting much wider.Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads.They can provide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutions.So the sky becomes cleaner and brighter

16、.Whats more,you can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere,and the living conditions are improving.People are enjoying a comfortable life now.Goodbye!Goodbye!1、考前物质准备 考试前一天要整理好学习生活用具。首先是准考证;其次是钢笔、铅笔、圆规、直尺、量角器、三角板、橡皮等;再次是必要的如手绢、清凉油和生活用品。2、考前心理准备 成绩优秀的考生应记住:“没有常胜将军”、“不以一次成败论英雄”;成绩不太好的考生要有“破釜沉舟”的决心。3、高考当天早晨,应有良好的心理暗示 如“我很放松,今天一定能正常发挥”、“今天我很冷静,会考好的”等。4、注意早餐 早晨一定要吃丰盛的早饭,但不能过于油腻。5、浏览笔记、公式、定理和知识结构 主要是浏览一下重要的概念、公式和定理,或记一些必须强记的数据。6、进考室前10分钟 在考室外最好是一人平静地度过,可就近找个地方坐一会儿,或看一下笔记,再次浏览知识结构。设法避开聊天设法避开聊天。


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