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1、 ADVANCED ENGLISH(Revised Edition)高级英语高级英语张汉熙 主编 王立礼 编外语教育与研究出版社FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESERCH PRESS1.Textbook2.Course description3.Teaching contents4.Teaching hours5.Teaching procedures6.Examination7.The types of examination8.RequirementsTextbook Advanced English(Book I&Book II)by Zhang Hanx

2、i Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1995Teaching Contents Advanced English is a very important required senior course.It focuses on the training of language skills,which undertakes the ultimate analysis of the deeper structure of language system.It aims at the further improvement of the s

3、tudents feel of language and their ability in reading and writing.Teaching Procedures1.Introduction2.Detailed study of the text3.Organizational pattern of the text4.Writing style analysis5.Rhetorical devices6.Text analysis7.Exercises and assignmentsExamination1.The assessment of this course will be

4、close-book examination.2.Students will be tested how much they have learned about the texts,and their abilities to grasp vocabularies,to understand the texts,to analyze the organizational patterns,to appreciate the language features,and to translate the passages.The types of Examination1.Vocabulary

5、2.Comprehension of the Text3.True or false questions4.Analysis of the rhetorical devices5.Reading comprehension6.Error correction7.Short-answer questions8.Paraphrase9.Term definition10.Translation11.WritingParaphrase 1.What is paraphrasing?2.Two pre-conditions of paraphrasing 3.Plagiarism 4.Properti

6、es of a paraphrase 5.Guidelines to Paraphrasing1.What is paraphrasing?Paraphrasing is the rewording of some given material into simpler language,often stated as“rewrite in your own words”.2.Two pre-conditions of paraphrasing 1)You have fully understood what you have read.2)You know how to reword the

7、 difficult parts into your simpler language without changing the original meaning.3.PlagiarismParaphrasing is not a simple process of substituting difficult words and expressions with synonyms or synonymous terms,or changing the structure of some sentences,for example,changing an active-voiced struc

8、ture into passive-voiced,or vice versa.This will be considered plagiarism.e.g.The time is ripe to sweep the language field of American politics.Plagiarism:a)The time is right to clean up the language field of American politics.(Use of synonyms)b)The time is ripe for the language field of American po

9、litics to be swept.(Changing the sentence structure)Acceptable:It is time to clean up the language field of American politics.4.Properties of a paraphrase 1)The wording should not copy too much from the original material,or it should be considered plagiarism.2)The meaning should be as close as possi

10、ble to the original,but the wording should be as different as possible.3)The language of the paraphrase should be simpler and easier to understand than the original.4)Lengthy expressions in the original could be made more concise,but condensation is not required of paraphrasing.In fact,a paraphrase

11、could even be slightly longer than the original,if necessary.5)Technical words,specific terms in different fields of study do not need to be paraphrased.5.Guidelines to Paraphrasing Step One:Read the original material carefully a few times to fully understand its contents and implications.Step Two:P

12、araphrasing the“total recall”approach the“part-by-part”approach A checklist based on the prosperities of a good paraphraseThe“total recall”approach 1.After having read and digested the contents of the materials,this materials is then put aside.2.To“recall”as much as possible of the original,and writ

13、e it down in your own words.3.Go over your version to see how much you have recalled correctly,and how much you have missed.4.Return to the original,compare your version with it,and revise your version.The“part-by-part”approach 1.Read and digest the contents of the materials 2.Word-by-difficult word

14、,phrase/clause-by-difficult phrase/clause,change the original wording to simpler wording in various ways 3.Combine the separate parts into a coherent and grammatical whole,making sure that the final version conforms generally in meaning and structure to the original 4.Check your version with the ori

15、ginal.Teaching Hours Advanced English will be finished in one and a half academic years.In the first year,there are six periods per week.In the third term,four periods per week.In the two books,there are 30 texts altogether(16 in Book I and 14 in Book II).Course Description This textbook is more adv

16、anced as far as teaching contents and requirements are concerned.In classroom teaching,we are to approach various types of writing and texts and pay more attention to the analysis and the appreciation of the theme,the background information,the intentions of the authors,the organizational pattern,la

17、nguage features,rhetorical devices as well.Requirements 1.Full attendance 2.Duty report 3.Glossary book 4.Exercises 5.Quiz(dictation,writing,etc.)6.Note-taking 7.Performance in classAdvanced English(Book I)Lesson 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar1.Background Information2.Detailed Study of the Text3.Organi

18、zational Pattern of the Text4.Writing Style Analysis5.Rhetorical Devices6.Text Appreciation 7.Exercises and Assignments1.Advanced Comprehension and Appreciation Pieces for Overseas Students2.Middle East3.Bazaar 1.The Origin of the Term“Middle East”2.The Map of Middle East3.What occurs to you when th

19、e term Middle East is mentioned?4.The Features of Middle EastThe Origin of the Term“Middle East”1.It refers to the area around the eastern and southern Mediterranean Sea(from Turkey to North Africa and eastward to Iran).2.Historically Europe was considered the center of the world(欧洲中心论),and London w

20、as the partition of the eastern and the western hemisphere.China,Japan,India and southeastern countries are far to London,so this part is referred as Far East.3.And there is another term of Near East,which generally refers to the east part of Europe.Note:The three terms are not geographical ones.The

21、re is no agreement on the exact classification of far east,middle east and near east.What occurs to you when the term Middle East is mentioned?wveiled womenwmen in robes or turbanswbelly dancewcopper vesselswcarpets(rug,tapestry)wspiceswthe mosquewMuslimswthe KoranwAllahwdesertwoasisw miragewcamelsw

22、sandstorm,sand dustwtrade caravan wmerchants wsilk roadwcaravansaryw Pyramids wmummies wsphinxwpetroleumwThe NilewGulf warswJerusalem(Holy City)wwcarpets(rug,tapestry)trade caravan&silk roadCaravan Stop in the DesertPicture of Jerusalem Israel Picture of Jerusalem Israel 1.Introduction of bazaar 2.S

23、ome picturesIntroduction of bazaar 1.Origin:Bazaar is a word from the Persian word bazar,which is a term used commonly in eastern Asia and southern Asia,referring to a market place,where a variety of goods are sold.2.In the past it referred to a rural market,now it also refers to a market center in

24、the city.In Chinese,we call it 巴刹,for example,in Singapore.The photo of the Middle Eastern bazaar The photo of the Middle Eastern BazaarDetailed Study of the TextThe Middle Eastern BazaarDetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextDetailed

25、Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the TextNotesQ:Why does the bazaar takes you back hundreds even thousands of years?A:Because it was possibly built centuries ago,the architecture was ancient,the

26、 bricks and stones were aged and the economy was a handicraft economy which no longer existed in the West.is entered:The present tense used here is called historical present”.It is used for vividness.This word,Gothic,is from“Goth”which is one of the German tribes.Gothic architecture哥特式建筑:a typical s

27、tyle of building in western Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries,with pointed arches,arched roofs,tall thin pillars,and stained glass windows Gothic arch 尖顶拱门 Gothic novel:characterized by an atmosphere of mystery and horror and having pseudo-medieval setting哥特式小说 the first written by Mary She

28、lley in the 18th century1)Contrast:Here“the heat”is contrasted with“cool”,“glare”with“dark”,and“open square”with“cavern”.2)glare:shining intensely,harshly,uncomfortably,and too strong;in a way unpleasant to the eyes3)“cavern”here does not really mean a cave or an underground chamber.From the text we

29、 can see it is a long,narrow,dark street of workshop and shops with some sort of a roof over them.Contrast/antithesis In front of the gateway there is a big,open square.It is hot there and the brightness of the sunlight is most disagreeable.But when you enter the gateway,you come to a long,narrow,da

30、rk street with some sort of a roof over it and it is cool inside.你首先要穿过一个赤日耀眼、灼热逼人的大型露天广场,然后走进你首先要穿过一个赤日耀眼、灼热逼人的大型露天广场,然后走进一个凉爽、幽暗的一个凉爽、幽暗的“洞穴洞穴”。The word eye and ear are used in the singular.Why?It does not mean the concrete organ of sight or hearing but something abstract;they are often used figur

31、atively.Here the eye means mans power of seeing or sight.e.g.1)She has an eye for beauty.(She is capable of recognizing and appreciating beautiful things.)2)She has an ear for music.(She is sensitive to music.)3)The boy has a sharp eye.(He overlooks nothing.)4)The big poster caught my eye.(my attent

32、ion)5)Keep an eye on that mischievous boy.(Keep a watch on him.)6)To turn a blind eye to sth.or sb.7)To turn a deaf ear to sth.or sb.8)His words are unpleasant to the ear.9)The view is unpleasant to the eye.(1)full of shadows e.g.They took a stroll along a long,shadowy,cobbled path,hand in hand.(2)o

33、f uncertain identity or nature.This word suggests shifting illumination and indistinct vision.e.g.A shadowy figure appeared through the mist.(3)used figuratively e.g.1.The shadow of war fell across Europe.2.He lived in the shadow of his father.The place is dark,so when the street is long,objects in

34、the distance become unclear and indistinct.这市场一直向前延伸,一眼望不到尽头,消失在远处的阴影里。thread their way:move carefully or skillfully in and out of obstacles The donkeys went in and out among the people from one side to the other.make penetrate squeeze elbow eel push The words“entering”and“leaving”go with the word“t

35、hrong”which differs from“crowd”in that it carries a stronger implication of movement and of pushing and a weaker implication of density,e.g.The crowd jammed the hall.There are always throngs of people on Tian An Men Square.赶集的人们络绎不绝地进出市场,(一些挂着铃铛的小毛驴穿行于这熙熙攘攘的人群中,边走边发出和谐悦耳的叮当叮当的响声。)goods of every conc

36、eivable kind:goods of every kind you can think of e.g.1.people of every conceivable age,nationality;2.building of every conceivable shape stall:(BrE.)a table or small open-fronted shop in a public place,sth.not permanent,often can be put together and taken away,on which wares are set up for sale.The

37、 small shops lining the street try to expand their shop space by encroaching on the street,so the street becomes narrow every few yards.,但每隔几码远就会因为设在路边的小货摊的挤占而变窄 The expression“crying their wares”is now considered old fashioned.Wares:rather literary,meaning articles for sale,usu.not in the shops.e.g

38、.The baker traveled round the town selling his wares.to remove from(as a space)all that occupies or encumbers,or that impedes or restricts use,passage or action 让道 The loud,confused noises of the stall-holder,donkey-boys,porters,and possible buyers continue without interruption and makes you feel me

39、ntally confused.你一走进市场,就可以听到摊贩们的叫卖声,赶毛驴的小伙计和你一走进市场,就可以听到摊贩们的叫卖声,赶毛驴的小伙计和脚夫们大着嗓门叫人让道的吆喝声,还有那些想买东西的人们与脚夫们大着嗓门叫人让道的吆喝声,还有那些想买东西的人们与摊主讨价还价的争吵声。各种各样的噪声此伏彼起,不绝于耳,摊主讨价还价的争吵声。各种各样的噪声此伏彼起,不绝于耳,简直叫人头晕。简直叫人头晕。penetrate:to enter or force a way into;to pierce or pass into or through.The word penetrate is used he

40、re to indicate that you have to pass through a big crowd in order to go deeper into the market.e.g.1.院子里弥漫着一股树枝和树叶烧焦的气味。A smell of burnt branches and leaves penetrated the courtyard.2.Dell penetrated the home-computer market with an affordable new model.戴尔以大众购买力可承受的新机型打入家用电脑市场 fade away:go slowly ou

41、t of hearing,gradually disappear;to lose strength,colour,freshness,etc.(The farther you push/force your way into the bazaar,the lower and softer the noise becomes until finally it disappears.)Then you arrive at the cloth market where the sound is hardly audible.e.g.1.As evening came the coastline fa

42、ded away into darkness.2.She became ill and slowly faded away.3.Hopes of peace faded.4.The sound of the footsteps faded away.Why is it quiet there?It is muted because the earthen floor deadens the sound of footsteps and people in the market speak in low,soft tones.Muslim style of architecture measur

43、ed:calm,without unnecessary excitement or noise;steady,slow and deliberate;rhythmical e.g.1.Instead of screaming and shouting his players to get them to play well,the managers tone is more measured now.2.She walked down the hall with measured steps.overwhelm:overcome,control completely and usu.sudde

44、nly e.g.1.Sorrow overwhelmed the family.2.She was overwhelmed with grief.3.They won an overwhelming victory/majority.sepulchral:suggesting death or places where the dead are buried,related to grave,gloomy,dismal e.g.a sepulchral face 阴沉的脸色 speak in a sepulchral tone 用低沉的语调说话 follow suit:to do the sa

45、me as someone else has done e.g.1.The teacher read the text in a slow,measured tones,and the students followed suit.2.When the others went swimming,I followed suit.The buyers,overcome by the grave-like atmosphere,also speak in slow,measured tones.(布店的店主们一个个都是轻声轻气、慢条斯理的样子;)买布的顾客们在这种沉闷压抑的气氛感染下,自然而然地也学

46、着店主们的榜样,变得低声细语起来。peculiarity:a special feature that is different from normal or usual,strangeness.e.g.The large fantail is a peculiarity of the peacock.knit:unite firmly and closely guild:society of persons for helping one another,forwarding common interests persecution:cruel treatment;cause to suff

47、er,esp.for religious or political beliefs Here so-called“persecution”comes from,perhaps,the tax collectors and government officials.)e.g.1.Many intellectuals were persecuted in the Cultural Revolution.2.suffer from political/religious persecution Shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods usually

48、 scatter themselves over the bazaar so as to avoid competition.(It would then be more difficult for customers to compare goods and prices.)But in the Middle Eastern Bazaar they come together in the same area in order to form a closely-knit guild against injustice and persecution(coming from,perhaps,

49、the tax collectors and government officials.)中东集市的特点之一是经销同类商品的店家,为避免相互间的竞争,中东集市的特点之一是经销同类商品的店家,为避免相互间的竞争,不是分散在集市各处,而是都集中在一块儿,这样既便于让买主知道不是分散在集市各处,而是都集中在一块儿,这样既便于让买主知道上哪儿找他们,同时他们自己也可以紧密地联合起来,结成同盟,以上哪儿找他们,同时他们自己也可以紧密地联合起来,结成同盟,以便保护自己不受欺侮和刁难。便保护自己不受欺侮和刁难。(the)order of the day(deriving from French:Lordre

50、 du jour):common,popular or suitable at a particular time or for a particular occasion;that which is of the greatest general interest at a particular time;prevailing state of things.某个时间最普遍,很流行的事情、习惯、做法 e.g.1.Going to the dining-hall,hurrying to the classroom and then coming back to the dorm is the


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