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1、第5单元 IT句视译英汉汉英视译教程上篇 英译汉第5单元 IT句视译 n 相对于中文思维习惯而言,英文的IT 句式极具个性,而且使用频率非常高。IT 句式与中文之间所形成的鲜明反差给翻译,尤其是口译带来很大障碍,使得每位译者需要高度重视该句式,更需花费足够时间和耐心反复练习,方可熟能生巧。IT 句式常见形式之一是it+be+n/adj+(for sb.)to do sth./that(clause),英语句式是行为结果在先,而中文对应句的句式多数与之相反,是行为在先,结果在后。当IT 句式的主语、行为和行为结果构成复杂时,更是给视译造成极大困难。因此,建议译者处理该句式时只阅读 it+be+n

2、./adj.部分,而不翻译,阅读至(for sb.)to do sth./that(clause)时再开始视译,这部分视译完毕后,再重新接续视译it+be+n./adj 部分,此时译文当然须删去英文里it 的先行代词或形式主语功能,这样中文译文便可表述流畅,逻辑清晰。第5单元 IT句视译n IT 句式的另一个常见形式便是it 在句子里作为先行代词充当宾语,而其后紧跟着的名词或形容词便是宾语补足语(v.+it.+n./adj.+to+v.),如:“We found it an impossible task/very difficult to persuade him to give up hi

3、s position.”每遇该句式同样需要译者把表示谓语行为结果的宾语补足语部分(an impossible task/very difficult)延缓至宾语之后再翻译,这样可保证译文的结构和逻辑符合中文习惯,易为中文受众所熟悉、所接受,最大程度地确保原文信息借助译文传递的准确性。第5单元 IT句视译(要点梳理)nIT 句式使用频率非常高n常见形式:1.it+be+n/adj+(for sb.)to do sth./that(clause)n英语句式:行为结果在先n中文对应句:行为在先,结果在后n阅读至(for sb.)to do sth./that(clause)再翻译n删去英文里it 的

4、先行代词或形式主语功能 2.v.+it.+n./adj.+to+vn宾语补足语部分延缓至宾语之后翻译第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n1.It is a good custom for young people to give up their seats to old people in the buses.n【笔译】n【视译】在公共汽车上青年人给老年人让座是个好风尚。年轻人在公交车上给老年人让座是一种好风尚。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n译评因为与中文句式结构反差较大,主语和宾语的语序在中英文里恰好是颠倒的,此句式属视译难点句式。遇到此句式时,聪明的做法是迅速寻找带主语的不定式结构,立刻将其作

5、为译文主体,接着翻译其行为结构,然后再与英文句首的语义表语或宾语予以对应。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n2.It encouraged us greatly that they came to help/their coming to help.n【笔译】n【视译】他们来帮忙对我们是莫大的鼓舞。我们受到极大鼓舞,因为他们来帮忙了。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n译评 笔译版本无疑已经很好,但是,有时此类句子的后续说明很多,句子很长,如:“It encouraged us greatly that they came to help when we got stuck in the middle

6、of developing a new product.”可译为“我们受到极大鼓舞,因为在我们开发新产品遇到阻碍时,他们伸出了援手。”此时采取顺势翻译更符合视译规律。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n3.It has been decided that the meeting shall be postponed to 3 p.m.next Friday.n【笔译】n【视译】已经决定会议将延期到下周五下午3 点举行。已决定本次会议将延期举行,时间为下周五下午3 点。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n译评 在句子结构比较简短的情况下,无论笔译还是视译版本都是可行的,也较为常见。但是在翻译较长句子结构时最

7、好借鉴视译版本,作断句处理,翻译会更显流畅。如:“It has been decided that the meeting shall be postponed until further notice.”译成“已决定延期举行本次会议,何时召开,另行通知。”第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n4.It hasnt been announced when the match will take place;it could be sometime this month or someday next month.n【笔译】n【视译】比赛什么时候举行还没有宣布,可能在本月举行,也可能在下个月举行。何时比

8、赛尚未公布,本月或下月都有可能。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n译评 视译版本不但简洁明了,且通俗易懂。视译的原则之一是不拘泥于原文词语特性或语言结构,视译时既可转换词性,也可搬移结构,需要强调的是笔译时轻车熟路的翻译技巧运用到视译时可能倍感困难,原因只有一个,即视译时间十分紧迫。因此,视译需要大量的词性、结构转换训练,才可能熟能生巧。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)n5.It was John who wore a white suit at the dance last night.n【笔译】n【视译】昨晚在舞会上穿一套白衣服的是约翰。约翰在昨晚的舞会上身着白色西装。第5单元 IT句视译(例句)

9、n译评笔译版本显然更符合通常预期,但是在通篇连续视译的情况下,需要刻意关注的往往是逻辑主体结构部分所集成的句子主体实意,而不是更微妙的次要语义。视译时有时刻意忽略强调句式的强调意味,而采取简叙的手法,只表述基本逻辑关系,目的只是为了降低精力耗费,最大限度地保证基本语意的准确。第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n1.The financial system in the West has gone out of control.Bankers are awarded huge bonuses for reckless gambling,and it made tax payers angry that

10、 they bailed out the banks in the 2019 crisis.第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n1.The financial system in the West has gone out of control.Bankers are awarded huge bonuses for reckless gambling,and it made tax payers angry that they bailed out the banks in the 2019 crisis.西方国家的财政体系已经失控。银行家们通过高风险投资攫取了巨额利润,而令纳税人气愤不已的是,面

11、对2019 年危机,他们曾向银行施以援手。第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n【笔译】n【视译】西方的财政系统已经失去控制。银行家们进行不计后果的投机,却获得了巨额红利。而让纳税人气愤的是,在2019 年的危机中,他们曾帮助银行摆脱危机。西方国家的财政体系已经失控。银行家们通过高风险投资攫取了巨额利润,而令纳税人气愤不已的是,面对2019 年危机,他们曾向银行施以援手。第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n译评通过比较以上两个版本,读者不难发现,视译版本的意译成分较多,几处中文通俗词语的运用使译文更加流畅、易懂,如专业术语“红利”bonuses 翻译成了语义更宽泛的“利润”,reckless gamblin

12、g 翻译成了“高风险投资”,更像行话,bailed out 翻译成了“施以援手”,具有与原文同样的写意效果,in the 2019 crisis 沿用了英文的时段思维习惯,但在此语境下“2019 年危机”在中文的思维习惯里的语意是个逻辑客体,而不是状语,所以翻译成“面对2019 年危机”。第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n2.Without Sheri and Barbara it would be impossible for us to do what we do here,so join me in showing appreciation for our better halves for

13、 supporting us through all of this.They not only make it possible for us to do this but make it a great endeavor due to their support.第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n2.Without Sheri and Barbara it would be impossible for us to do what we do here,so join me in showing appreciation for our better halves for supporting

14、 us through all of this.They not only make it possible for us to do this but make it a great endeavor due to their support.如果没有雪莉和芭芭拉,我们今天所做的事情就无从谈起。所以请和我一起,对我们的另一半,为她们对我们一直以来的支持表示敬意。她们不仅使我们能够做这件事,而且我们所做的事情也因她们的支持而变得意义重大。第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n【笔译】n【视译】没有雪莉和芭芭拉,我们不可能做我们今天在做的事。所以和我一起,来对我们的另一半,为她们对我们一直以来的支持表示

15、敬意。她们不仅使我们能够做这件事,而且也因她们的支持我们才得以把这件事做得轰轰烈烈。如果没有雪莉和芭芭拉,我们今天所做的事情就无从谈起。所以请和我一起,对我们的另一半,为她们对我们一直以来的支持表示敬意。她们不仅使我们能够做这件事,而且我们所做的事情也因她们的支持而变得意义重大。第5单元 IT句视译(例段)n译评 英语先行代词it 做主语,代表后续的动词不定式十分多见,视译时需刻意把其连带系表结构后移,先译真正的主语,后译系表结构或谓语结构。第二句的句式结构更为典型,是先行代词作宾语,加上宾语补足语,真正的宾语却在后面,这一特点需反复练习方能掌握。第5单元 IT句视译(例篇)n Its bes

16、t to keep you cool and consider the following steps when dealing with a poor review:n Prepare,Prepare,Prepare:In advance of the annual appraisal meeting,its a good idea to maintain a log of your achievements and failures throughout the year.This can save you from becoming a victim of critical apprai

17、sal just because you didnt perform well in a recent project.n If needed,bring a listalong with any documentary evidenceto support your accomplishments to the meeting.The appraisal meeting is“a time for you to highlight(your)successes,”says an HR manager of a World Top 500.n As much as possible,“you

18、should highlight the achievements that have had the maximum impact on the company,”also says the manager.n Analyze:In case your company provides you a written review in advance of the meeting,read it thoroughly and calmly.If it includes some criticism of your work which you dont agree with,first try

19、 to understand why the reviewer has made that criticism.n Although we may think we are doing a great job,its important to be critical of our own performance and aware of our shortcomings.“Try to be more objective,”as says the manager finally.第5单元 IT句视译(例篇)n【视译】n 保持冷静,并思考以下步骤是应对糟糕的考评结果的最明智做法:n 精心准备:在

20、年度考评会召开之前,不妨先梳理一下自己在一年中所取得的成绩和存在的失误。这样可以避免自己成为严格考评的批评对象,而原因仅仅是近期自己所做的某个项目不够优秀而已。n 必要时,可以拉一张单子并且同时附上所有证明文件以便在考评会上说明你取得的成绩。考评“是你展示自己成就的时候。”一位世界500 强企业的人力资源部经理如是说。n 这位经理还表示,你应该尽可能多地“展示那些对公司产生了最大影响的成就。”n 分析思考:假如你的公司在考评会前给了你一份书面的考核评语,要认真、冷静地阅读。如果其中包含了一些你并不认同的非议之词,那么你首先应该尽力理解考核人员为什么会提出这样的批评意见。n 尽管我们可能觉得自己

21、的工作十分出色,但是严格要求自己、了解自己的不足也意义重大。这位经理最后说道:“我们应该尽量做到更加客观。”第5单元 IT句视译(例篇详解)n Its best to keep you cool and consider the following steps when dealing with a poor review:n Prepare,Prepare,Prepare:In advance of the annual appraisal meeting,its a good idea to maintain a log of your achievements and failures

22、保持冷静,并思考以下步骤是应对糟糕的考评结果的最明智做法:精心准备:在年度考评会召开之前,不妨先梳理一下自己在一年中所取得的成绩和存在的失误。nthroughout the year.This can save you from becoming a victim of critical appraisal just because you didnt perform well in a recent project.第5单元 IT句视译(例篇详解)这样可以避免自己成为严格考评的批评对象,而原因仅仅是近期自己所做的某个项目不够优秀而已。n If needed,bring a listalong

23、 with any documentary evidenceto support your accomplishments to the meeting.The appraisal meeting is“a time for you to highlight(your)successes,”says an HR manager of a World Top 500.第5单元 IT句视译(例篇详解)必要时,可以拉一张单子并且同时附上所有证明文件以便在考评会上说明你取得的成绩。考评“是你展示自己成就的时候。”一位世界500 强企业的人力资源部经理如是说。n As much as possible,

24、“you should highlight the achievements that have had the maximum impact on the company,”also says the manager.Analyze:In case your company provides you a written review in advance of the meeting,read it thoroughly and calmly.第5单元 IT句视译(例篇详解)这位经理还表示,你应该尽可能多地“展示那些对公司产生了最大影响的成就。”分析思考:假如你的公司在考评会前给了你一份书面

25、的考核评语,要认真、冷静地阅读。第5单元 IT句视译(例篇详解)nIf it includes some criticism of your work which you dont agree with,first try to understand why the reviewer has made that criticism.如果其中包含了一些你并不认同的非议之词,那么你首先应该尽力理解考核人员为什么会提出这样的批评意见。第5单元 IT句视译(例篇详解)n Although we may think we are doing a great job,its important to be

26、 critical of our own performance and aware of our shortcomings.“Try to be more objective,”as says the manager finally.尽管我们可能觉得自己的工作十分出色,但是严格要求自己、了解自己的不足也意义重大。这位经理最后说道:“我们应该尽量做到更加客观。”第5单元 IT句视译(例篇)n译评(1)视译与其他口译形式有很多相同之处,比如在处理不同层次的信息时正确的对应策略是抓大放小,即牢牢抓住第一层信息或主体信息,在可能的情况下根据轻重缓急,依序兼顾其他信息。文章中consider the

27、following steps的复数概念便属于可译可不译的次要信息,这是中英文差异决定的。在口译情境下即使是the following five proposals 也经常翻译成“以下若干建议”,甚至“以下建议”,第5单元 IT句视译(例篇)n译评 而不是必须翻译成“以下五个建议”。此类处理方式在交传情况下更为常见,因为这样可以给后续翻译留有更多回旋余地,或许根据客观需要译员可以把某两项合并成一项,从而无需顾及前面的数字。第5单元 IT句视译(例篇)n译评(2)对英语常用词语结构应该进行多样式翻译练习,因为在不同语境下此类词汇结构会有不同的译文适宜词汇结构,如:its best to此处译成“

28、最明智”,highlight 译成“展示”,重叠词汇结构prepare,prepare,prepare 译成“精心准备”,victim 译成“批评对象”,its important to be 译成“意义重大”,to be critical of our own performance 译成“严格要求自己”,等等,与他们的常见汉语对应词汇相比译文都显得更加贴切,更贴近现时语境的需要。第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语句)n(1)It is because he has behaved so badly that he must be punished.n(2)It struggled on f

29、or years,this fight between the peasants and the landlords.n(3)It is easy to hope when there is evidence all around you of how good God is.n(4)To start with,it makes sense to go with things you can understand.n(5)It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New World,and 32 year-old Thomas Jef

30、ferson who proclaimed that“all men are created equal.”第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)他表现拙劣,所以必须受到惩罚。n(2)这场斗争持续了多年,这是一场农民与地主之间的斗争。n(3)当你透过身边的事例而意识到上帝之能时,你便充满希望。n(4)首先,你选择自己能理解的事情是明智的。n(5)发现新世界的是一名年轻的意大利探险家,而宣告“人人生而平等”的是年仅32 岁的托马斯杰弗逊。第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语段)n(1)There are questions that worry regulators and also

31、investors.How does HFT(High-frequency Trading)affect the market?Does it add liquidity and make it easier for other traders and investors to execute their trades?第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语段)n(2)It is a revolutionary world that we all live in,and thus,it is the young people who must take the lead.Thus,you,and

32、your young compatriots everywhere,have had thrust upon a greater burden of responsibility than any generation that has ever lived.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)一些问题困扰着监管者,以及投资者。高频交易会对市场产生怎样的影响?高频交易是否会增加资金的流动性,从而更便于其他交易人和投资者做生意?n(2)我们所生活的世界是一个正在变革的世界,因此年轻人必须冲锋在前。所以,你们以及世界各地的年轻爱国者们已经肩负起了比前人更加艰巨的重任。第5单元 IT句

33、视译(视译练习:语篇)n(1)Research suggests that,once a certain level of comfort has been attained,there is no connection between greater wealth and greater happiness.It is also hard to think of a moral philosophernot even Adam Smithwho argued that the pursuit of wealth should be an end in itself.Slogans such

34、as“Poverty sucks”and“The one who dies with the most toys wins”are bumper stickers favoured by junior investment bankers,rather than quotes from the great philosophers.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)n But while taking a more relaxed attitude towards the pursuit of wealth may make sense as a personal philosophy,i

35、t is an uncertain guide to public policy.It is relatively easy for the comfortable middle classes to play down the need for economic growth.But absolute poverty still exists,even in western societies,and adjusting to a stagnant national income can be a painful process,as many European countries may

36、soon discover.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)n It is also clear that for China,now the worlds second-largest economy,high rates of growth remain an absolute imperativeboth to buy social peace and to drag hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.Even among Indian intellectuals,the Gandhian disdain for mater

37、ialism is becoming less common,as economists,politicians and a burgeoning middle class embrace the pursuit of wealth as both a personal and a national goal.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)n(2)It is a special pleasure for me to return to China and to visit this great university which is a powerful center that bri

38、ngs together some of Chinas brightest minds for progressive economic,scientific,political,and social thought.n It was here that May 4th movement began among students in 1919,partially as a reaction against the decision at the Paris peace talks to transfer the former German concessions in Shantung pr

39、ovince to Japan,instead of returning them to Chinese control.Chinese intellectuals 第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)nwanted to strengthen their country and decided that China needed both science and democracy.What this meant was unclear,and the movement produced differing answers.Idealistic ambitions were soon dr

40、owned in the civil war,the war of resistance against Japan,and the following fervent revolution.n Debates concerning the definition of democracy have continued to this day.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)n I first came to your country in April 1949 as a young submarine officer to participate in naval exercises o

41、ff the coast of some of your most important seaports.It was obvious then that the days of the Nationalist regime were numbered.Chiang Kai-shek left the mainland only a few months later,and the Peoples Republic of China was founded on Oct.1,which happened to be my 25th birthday.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)n D

42、uring 1978,I conducted intense negotiations with Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping,and we announced that full diplomatic relations would be established between our two nations on the first day of 1979.This was one of the wisest decisions I made during may time in the White House,and it has brought immeasur

43、able economic,social,and political benefits to the people of China,the United States,and to others who value the maintenance of peace and stability in this region of the world.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)n On my several visit here during the past 22 years,I have enjoyed hours of discussion with Deng Xiaoping

44、 and his successors and have had an opportunity to visit many regions of your country to witness its economic progress and its dramatic moves toward a more open society.More freedom of worship,the movement of your people,the rights of free enterprise,and Chinas increasing involvement in the World Tr

45、ade Organization and other international organizations have been very gratifying to me.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)n Among the issues that Deng Xiaoping discussed with me were his plans to initiate economic reforms and encourage free and open elections within the small villages of China.The peoples National

46、Congress adopted a constitutional amendment in 1982,and a basic law was passed in 1987 to outline the principles by which this goal could be reached.The vice premier made it plain to me that small villages were not part of the overall communist party system,but he thought it would第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:语篇)

47、nbe beneficial to their own citizens and to higher governments to permit locally elected officials to manage their own affairs.Mr.Peng Zhen,former chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress,would repeatedly say that village elections were a seminar on democracy that all Chin

48、ese rural residents should experience.It was an important step for China to the eventful path to achieve full democracy.第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)研究表明,一旦生活达到一定的安逸程度,财富增加和幸福增加之间就再无关联。此外,很难想象某位伦理哲人,即便是亚当斯密(Adam Smith)会说出追逐财富本身应成为人生目标这样的观点。诸如“贫穷可耻”、“死时玩具最多的人是赢者”之类的口号,只能是低级投资银行家的信条,而不会是伟大哲学家的格言。第5单元 IT句视

49、译(视译练习:参考答案)n 但是,虽说放宽逐富心态作为一种个人哲学有其意义,在公共政策上却不足取。淡化经济增长的必要性,对生活安逸的中产阶级来说相对容易。可当今社会依然存在绝对贫困,即使是在西方社会。而且,要适应国民收入增长停滞的状况将是一个痛苦的过程,许多欧洲国家可能很快就会发现这一点。第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 还有一点也是显而易见的:对已成为全球第二大经济体的中国来说,高增长率仍是绝对必要的这既是为了保障社会稳定,也是为了让数亿人脱贫。即便是在印度知识分子当中,甘地对物质主义的鄙弃也越来越不受欢迎,经济学家、政界人士和新兴中产阶级反而把追逐财富奉为个人及国家目标。第5单

50、元 IT句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(2)很高兴能够再次回到中国并访问这所著名的大学,北京大学是一个权威的学术中心,这里汇集了有着中国最先进经济、科学、政治和社会思想的优秀人才。n 1919 年,学生们在这里发起了“五四运动”,这次运动爆发的部分原因是为了反对在“巴黎和会”上作出的关于将德国在山东的特权全部转让给日本而不是归还给中国的决定。中国的知识分子想要振兴自己的国家,并坚信中国需要科学和民主。然而他们对于科学和民主的定义都还不是很明确,此次运动给予了不同的答案。理想主义者的雄心壮志也很快被淹没在内战、抗日战争和随后热情高涨的革命之中。第5单元 IT句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 关于民


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