Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 短语背诵及默写(ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 短语背诵及默写(ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 短语背诵及默写(ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 短语背诵及默写(ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 短语背诵及默写(ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 短语背诵及默写(ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、Abby菏泽思源学校选择性必修二 Unit 4 Reading and Thinking 短语背诵及默写1.Rather than do,sb decide to do 不去.,某人决定去.2.by commercial airline 乘坐商务航班3.all the way 一路上;完全地4.the thought of 一想到.Para.1默写1._ 不是去做,某人决定去做2._ 乘坐商务航班3._ 一路上;完全地4._一想到.1.start out 出发;着手进行(to do sth)2.a couple of 三两个;一对3.be typical of 是的典型特征;特有的4.desp

2、ite the weather 尽管天气不好5.take a boat ride out into the bay 泛舟驶入海湾6.selling crafts and antiques出售手工艺品和古董7.The next day was clear and mild.天气晴朗温和8.Sb be pleased to do sth 某人高兴地做某事9.looking out over the city 俯瞰整个城市10.took a pleasant hike 进行愉快的徒步旅行11.in a forest just a short distance away 在森林的不远处Para.2 1

3、.start out to do sth _;_2._ 三两个;一对3._ 是的典型特征;特有的4._ 尽管天气不好5.take a boat ride out into the bay _6.selling crafts and antiques_7._ 天气晴朗温和8._ 某人高兴地做某事9._ 俯瞰整个城市10._ 进行愉快的徒步旅行11.in a forest just a short distance away _默写Bay1.looked massive 看起来非常壮观2.literally took their breath away真地令人惊叹/摄人心魄3.with its e

4、xceptional beauty 美丽异常4.take a coach bound north坐一辆开往北方的长途汽车5.(take)the most awesome journey(经历)最棒的旅行6.In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests除了欣赏壮丽的山峰和森林7.one highlight of their trip旅程的亮点之一Para.3 1._ 看起来非常壮观2._ 真地令人惊叹/摄人心魄3._ 美丽异常4._坐一辆开往北方的长途汽车5._(经历)最棒的旅行6._除了欣赏壮丽的山峰和森林7._ 旅程

5、的亮点之一默写Canadian RockiesLake Louise1.caught the train towards 坐上了开往.的火车2.the provincial capital 省会3.oil and gas drilling industry 油气开采业中心4.is freezing cold 十分寒冷 5.with daily temperatures averaging日平均气温为6.be home to.的家园(=be the home of.)7.In fact 事实上;实际上Para.4 1._坐上了开往.的火车2.the provincial capital _3.o

6、il and gas drilling industry _4._ 十分寒冷 5.with daily temperatures averaging_6._ .的家园(=be the home of.)7._ 事实上;实际上默写Edmonton1.headed southeast 朝西南2.the great Canadian Prairie 加拿大草原3.slightly(adv.稍微)over(adv.大于;多于)4.anticipate doing料想做某事5.were truly amazed.十分惊讶6.went through 穿过7.a bunch of farms 大片农场8.

7、covered a very large area 覆盖(占)大片区域Para.5 the great Canadian Prairie1.headed southeast _2.the great Canadian Prairie _3._(adv.稍微)over(adv._)4._ 料想做某事5._ 十分惊讶6._ 穿过7._大片农场8._ 覆盖(占)大片区域默写1.an urban area 市区2.thundered on 轰隆隆地向前行驶3.through the rolling hills 穿过绵延的群山4.The bushes and maple trees 灌木丛和枫树林5.N

8、ight came again 夜幕再次降临6.pulled back the curtain拉开窗帘7.the wide stretch(n.一片陆地或水域)of Lake Huron宽阔的休伦湖8.It was not until 9 a.m.that 直到上午九点才终于9.all in all 总而言之,总的说来10.take a duration of 历时.天Para.6 1._ 市区2._轰隆隆地向前行驶3._ 穿过绵延的群山4._ 灌木丛和枫树林5._ 夜幕再次降临6._ 拉开窗帘7.the wide _(n.一片陆地或水域)of Lake Huron宽阔的休伦湖8._直到上午九点才终于9._ 总而言之,总的说来10._历时.天默写3:1Thank You!


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