Unit 4 Reading and Thinking (ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、XB2U4 Reading and Thinking高中英语新人教版选择性必修二JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND在一段足够远的旅行中,你会遇到(内心的)自己。Warm-upPA R T 1 What you will see if you go on a rail journey across CanadaINTENSIVE READINGPA R T 2 Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went to Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax on the Atlantic coast.Rather

2、 than travel by commercial airline all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train.For both of them,the thought of crossing the whole country by rail was exciting.句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.visit their cousins(sb.)探望某人2.rather than=instead of而不是mercial airline商业航班4.all the way一路;全程5.fly to

3、sp.飞到某地6.take the train乘火车7.【句式】The thought of xxx is exciting.一想到激动不已标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and difficult sentences and useful expressions of para.1译文李黛予和表妹刘倩前往加拿大探望居住在大西洋海岸哈利法克斯市的表兄妹。她们没有一路乘坐商业航班,而是决定先飞到温哥华,然后再乘坐火车。一想到可以坐火车横穿整个国家,姐妹俩就激动不已。Read for the detailed information and main ide

4、a of para.1 and translate it Main ideaThe introduction of the tripLi Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went to Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax on the Atlantic coast.Rather than travel by commercial airline all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train.For both of them,the

5、 thought of crossing the whole county by rail was exciting.WHOLi Daiyu and her cousin Liu QianWHATwent to CanadaHOWfly to Vancouver and then take the trainFEELINGexciting句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.start out 出发 2.see the sight 欣赏风景3.be typical of 是特有的,典型的4.take a boat ride乘船5.be pleased to do做某事感到很高兴6.look out o

6、ver the city俯瞰这座城市7.take a pleasant hike徒步8.a short distance away不远处标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and difficult sentences and useful expressions of para.2Before starting out,they spent a couple of days in Vancouver,seeing the sights.During their first day,as is typical of Vancouver,it rained.D

7、espite the weather,they were able to take a boat ride out into the bay,and later visit an island that had wonderful shops selling crafts and antiques.The next day was clear and mild,and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city.Later they took a pleasant hike in a fo

8、rest just a short distance away.Before starting out,they spent a couple of days in Vancouver,seeing the sights.During their first day,as is typical of Vancouver,it rained.Despite the weather,they were able to take a boat ride out into the bay,and later visit an island that had wonderful shops sellin

9、g crafts and antiques.The next day was clear and mild,and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city.Later they took a pleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away.译文出发前,她们在温哥华待了两天,欣赏当地风光。第一天温哥华一如往常细雨蒙蒙。尽管天气不佳,她们仍然泛舟驶入海湾,接着游览了一座岛屿。岛上有精致的店铺,出售手工艺品和古董。第二天,天气晴朗,温

10、度适宜,她们看到壮美的群山俯瞰着整座城市,甚是欣喜。随后,她们在不远处的森林中徒步旅行,十分惬意Read for the detailed information and main idea of para.2 and translate it PlaceInformationOften rains;a harbour;beautiful mountains looking out over the city;a forest just a short distance awayVancouverMain ideaThe stay in Vancouver before the rail tr

11、ip句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.pass through穿过2.The blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty.湛蓝的湖水,异常美丽,令人惊叹【句式】xxx take ones breath away with its xxx.3.take a coach bound north乘坐前往北部的长途汽车标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and difficult sentences and useful expressions of para.3The

12、next morning,the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise,passing through the Canadian Rockies.Seen from the train window,the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.When the train arrived at the station,they took a taxi to Lake Louise where the blue water literally took their b

13、reath away with its exceptional beauty.They spent the night,and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper.句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.It was the most awesome journey they had ever taken这是她们所经历过的最棒的一次旅行【句式】It was the most xxx that sb.had ever done.2.in addition to除了3.see spectacular mou

14、ntain peaks and forests欣赏壮丽的山峰和森林4.one highlight of their trip was being able to see many different creatures.旅程的亮点之一是能看到种类繁多的动物【句式】One highlight of sth.is xxx标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and difficult sentences and useful expressions of para.3Looking at the beautiful scenery,they both agreed

15、 that it was the most awesome journey they had ever taken.In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests,one highlight of their trip was being able to see many different creatures,including deer,mountain goats,and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.The next morning,the two girls arose ea

16、rly to take the train to Lake Louise,passing through the Canadian Rockies.Seen from the train window,the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.When the train arrived at the station,they took a taxi to Lake Louise where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional bea

17、uty.They spent the night,and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper.Looking at the beautiful scenery,they both agreed that it was the most awesome journey they had ever taken.In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests,one highlight of their trip was be

18、ing able to see many different creatures,including deer,mountain goats,and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.译文次日清晨,两个女孩早早起床,登上开往路易斯湖的火车穿越加拿大落基山脉。从车窗往外望去,加拿大巍峨的山脉和辽阔的森林尽收眼底。火车到站后,她们乘坐出租车前往路易斯湖。那里湛蓝的湖水美丽异常,摄人心魄。住了夜之后,她们乘坐长途汽车,向北穿过加拿大落基山脉,直达贾斯珀。望着眼前的美景,两人一致认为这是她们所经历过的最棒的一次旅行。除了欣赏壮丽的山峰和森林,旅程的亮点之一是能看到种类繁

19、多的动物,如鹿、山羊、甚至还有一只灰熊和一只老鹰。translate para 3 The next morning,the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise,passing through the Canadian Rockies.Seen from the train window,the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.When the train arrived at the station,they took a taxi to Lake Loui

20、se where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty.They spent the night,and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper.Looking at the beautiful scenery,they both agreed that it was the most awesome journey they had ever taken.In addition to

21、 seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests,one highlight of their trip was being able to see many different creatures,including deer,mountain goats,and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.Read for the detailed information and main idea of para.3 Main ideaThe experience in Lake Louise and Jasper.Pla

22、ceInformationThe Canadian RockiesBlue water of Lake Louise;spectacular mountain peaks and forests;different creatures such as deer,mountain goats,grizzly bears,and eagles句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.catch the train towards sp.坐上了开往某地的火车2.one of the trains first stop is in sp.列车的前几站有一站是某地3.the provincial capital o

23、f sp.某地的省会4.freezing cold及其寒冷5.with daily temperatures averaging-10。C日平均气温零下10摄氏度6.too cold to go outdoors太冷不能去室外7.be home to 是所在地/家园标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and difficult sentences and useful expressions of para.4From Jasper,they caught the train towards Toronto.One of the trains first s

24、tops was in Edmonton,the provincial capital of Alberta(同位语),the centre of Canadas huge oil and gas drilling industry(同位语).Edmonton is freezing cold in winter,with daily temperatures averaging-10。C.Since it can be too cold to go outdoors,Edmonton is home to many shopping malls.In fact,one of the larg

25、est shopping malls in North America is in Edmonton.From Jasper,they caught the train towards Toronto.One of the trains first stops was in Edmonton,the provincial capital of Alberta,the centre of Canadas huge oil and gas drilling industry.Edmonton is freezing cold in winter,with daily temperatures av

26、eraging-10。C.Since it can be too cold to go outdoors,Edmonton is home to many shopping malls.In fact,one of the largest shopping malls in North America is in Edmonton.译文在贾斯珀,她们坐上了开往多伦多的火车。火车的头几站中有一站是埃德蒙顿,这是阿尔伯塔的省会,也是加拿大庞大的油气开采业中心。埃德蒙顿冬季十分寒冷,日平均气温为零下10摄氏度。由于天寒地冻,不适合户外活动,因此埃德蒙顿拥有众多大型购物中心。事实上,北美最大的购物中心

27、之一就在埃德蒙顿。Read for the detailed information and main idea of para.4 and translate it Main ideaThe introduction of EdmontonPlaceInformationEdmontoncentre of Canadas huge oil and gas industry;cold in winter,with daily temperatures averaging-10C;home to one of the largest shopping malls in North America

28、句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.head southeast前往东南方向2.they did not anticipate seeing such an open country,and were truly amazed.未曾料想能看到如此辽阔的国度,真是惊叹不已【句式】sb.did not anticipate doing xxx and were truly amazed.3.a bunch of farms that covered a very large area一片片广阔的农场标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and difficult sen

29、tences and useful expressions of para.5From Edmonton,the train headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie.At school,Daiyu and Liu Qian had leant that Canadas population is only slightly over thirty-seven million.However,they did not anticipate seeing such an open country,and were truly amaze

30、d.They went through two wheat-growing provinces,where they saw a bunch of farms that covered a very large area.From Edmonton,the train headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie.At school,Daiyu and Liu Qian had leant that Canadas population is only slightly over thirty-seven million.However,

31、they did not anticipate seeing such an open country,and were truly amazed.They went through two wheat-growing provinces,where they saw a bunch of farms that covered a very large area.译文火车从埃德蒙顿出发,向东南方行驶,一路穿越加拿大大草原。黛予和刘倩在学校学过,加拿大的人口才刚过3700万。但两人还是未曾料想能看到如此辽阔的国度,真是惊叹不已。她们穿越两个种植小麦的省份,看到一片片广阔的农场。Read for

32、the detailed information and main idea of para.5 and translate it Main ideaJourney across the Great Canadian PrairiePlaceInformationthe Canadian Prairiean open country;two wheat-growing provinces;a bunch of farms that covered a very large area句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.ba back in an urban area回到城市地区2.travel thr

33、ough the night连夜前行3.wake up醒来-woke/waked(p.)-woken/waked/woke(pp.)4.a land of forests and lakes森林湖泊密布之地5.The train thundered on火车轰隆轰隆的向前行驶6.through the rolling hills穿过绵延的山脉7.The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold,and orange,and there was frost on the ground,confirming that au

34、tumn had arrived in Canada.(秋景描写)标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and difficult sentences and useful expressions of para.6After another day on the train,eventually they were back in an urban area,the city of Winnipega(同位语).From there,they travelled through the night,and woke up in Ontario a land

35、of forests and lakes.The train thundered on,through the rolling hills.The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold,and orange,and there was frost on the ground,confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.句 式 和 词 块 积 累1.pull the curtain拉开窗帘2.the wide stretch of Lake Huron辽阔的休伦湖3.It

36、 was not until 9:30 a m.that they finally reached the capital of Ontario,Toronto.上午九点半,她们终于抵达安大略的省会多伦多【句式】It was not until xxx that 句子(强调not until时间状语)It was not until 11:00 p.m.that I finished my homework.4.all in all总的来说、总而言之5.take a duration of four days历时四天标注从句标注非谓语and不同颜色标注并列成分Read for long and

37、 difficult sentences and useful expressions of para.6Night came again,and the train turned south towards Toronto.When they woke up the next morning and pulled back the curtain,they could see the wide stretch of Lake Huronone of the four Great Lakes on Ontarios southern border.It was not until 9:30 a

38、 m.that they finally reached the capital of Ontario,Toronto.All in all,their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a duration of four days.After another day on the train,eventually they were back in an urban area,the city of Winnipeg.From there,they travelled through the night,and woke up in Onta

39、rio a land of forests and lakes.The train thundered on,through the rolling hills.The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold,and orange,and there was frost on the ground,confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.Night came again,and the train turned south towards Toronto.When t

40、hey woke up the next morning and pulled back the curtain,they could see the wide stretch of Lake Huronone of the four Great Lakes on Ontarios southern border.It was not until 9:30 a m.that they finally reached the capital of Ontario,Toronto.All in all,their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a

41、 duration of four days.译文她们在火车上又度过了天,最终回到了都市区域温尼伯市。从该市出发,她们连夜前行,从梦乡中醒来时火车已抵达森林和湖泊密布的安大略省。火车继续轰隆隆地向前行驶,穿过绵延的群山。窗外的灌木丛和枫树林呈红色、金色和橘黄色,地面盖着一层霜,表明加拿大已进入秋季。夜幕再次降临,火车转向南行,开往多伦多。次日清晨,她们醒来,拉开车窗窗帘,辽阔的休伦湖映入眼帘。休伦湖是安大略省南部边境的四大湖之一。上午九点半,她们终于抵达安大略的省会多伦多。从温哥华到多伦多,她们的旅行总共历时四天。Translate para.6After another day on the

42、 train,eventually they were back in an urban area,the city of Winnipeg.From there,they travelled through the night,and woke up in Ontario a land of forests and lakes.The train thundered on,through the rolling hills.The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold,and orange,and there w

43、as frost on the ground,confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.Night came again,and the train turned south towards Toronto.When they woke up the next morning and pulled back the curtain,they could see the wide stretch of Lake Huronone of the four Great Lakes on Ontarios southern border.It was n

44、ot until 9:30 a m.that they finally reached the capital of Ontario,Toronto.All in all,their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a duration of four days.Read for the detailed information and main idea of para.6Main ideaThe sightseeing on the train towards TorontoPlaceInformationOntarioa land of

45、forests,lakes,and rolling hills;four Great Lakes on its southern border;capital is TorontoRead for the routePA R T 3 Read for the routeRead for two clues for the passageRead for two clues for the passageRead for the skillPA R T 3 Read for the skill-discourse markersRead for the skill-Review using co

46、nnectors in Unit 2Read for the skill-Review using signposts in unit 5 book 41.Add more information:,but also;,and as well;In addition,;Moreover2.Explain or support a point:For example,;For instance,3.State a conclusion:Therefore,;Hence.4.Say something that contrasts with what has just been said:,but

47、;,however,;nevertheless.5.Sequencing:In turn,6.Emphasizing:In fact,Read for the skill-Discourse markersAddingmoreover,tooContrastwhile,by contrastReasonas,becauseResultconsequently,accordinglyEmphasisindeed,above allOrder of eventsfirst,second,nextTimeas soon as,meanwhileGiving examplesfor example,s

48、uch asComparingsimilarly,likewiseConcludingto conclude,in summaryMatch each of these discours markers with the correct purpose.1.however2.since3.when4.in addition to5.in fact6.later7.eventuallyA.to add somethingB.to show contrastC.to explain a reasonD.to show an end point in timeE.to show timeF.to e

49、mphasiseG.to describe the order of eventsAnswers:B C E A F G DFind more discourse markers in the passage1.Rather than travel by commercial airline all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train.2.Before starting out,they spent a couple of days in Vancouver,seeing the sights.3.D

50、espite the weather,they were able to take a boat ride out into the bay4.Later,they took a pleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away.5.When the train arrived at the station,they took a taxi to Lake Louise6.In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests,one highlight of their


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