Unit3 Writing (ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、UNIT 3ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION本单元的写作任务是写一篇关于环境问题的报道。写作时应注本单元的写作任务是写一篇关于环境问题的报道。写作时应注意以下几点:意以下几点:1.1.以事实为依据,对事实给予明确的、实事求是的报道。以事实为依据,对事实给予明确的、实事求是的报道。2.2.要有明确的文章结构。要有明确的文章结构。3.3.语言要具体、准确、简练,通俗易懂。语言要具体、准确、简练,通俗易懂。常用表达常用表达 1.It is reported that an activity was organized to get the 1.It is reported that

2、an activity was organized to get the students close to nature.students close to nature.2.As is reported/According to the report2.As is reported/According to the report,a terrible a terrible earthquake happened.earthquake happened.3.They said it was such a beautiful day that they would 3.They said it

3、 was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.remember it forever.4.What they did brought joy to others and enriched their 4.What they did brought joy to others and enriched their own livesown lives.5.Apart 5.Apart from knowledgefrom knowledge,we also learned to cooperate with we als

4、o learned to cooperate with each other and came to realize the importance of teamwork.each other and came to realize the importance of teamwork.6.The activity benefited us a lot./The activity was of 6.The activity benefited us a lot./The activity was of great benefit to us./The activity was benefici

5、al to us.great benefit to us./The activity was beneficial to us.东湖曾经是一处旅游胜地,但近年来受到严重的污染。当地政东湖曾经是一处旅游胜地,但近年来受到严重的污染。当地政府采取了一些有效措施,使得污染情况有所减轻。假设你是李华,府采取了一些有效措施,使得污染情况有所减轻。假设你是李华,请根据以下要点写一篇报道并呼吁社会关注此事。请根据以下要点写一篇报道并呼吁社会关注此事。1.1.曾经的情景曾经的情景(景美、水清、鱼儿嬉戏、游客多景美、水清、鱼儿嬉戏、游客多);2.2.后来的状况后来的状况(工厂废水污染、游客乱扔垃圾工厂废水污染、

6、游客乱扔垃圾);3.3.当地政府已经采取措施来拯救东湖,情况有所好转。当地政府已经采取措施来拯救东湖,情况有所好转。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第一步第一步审题谋篇审题谋篇 审题审题 写作要求是写关于旅游胜地东湖的污染及治理情况。写作时应注意写作要求是写关于旅游胜地东湖的污染及治理情况。写作时应注意下面几点:下面几点:1.1.确定文体:这是一篇报道,写作中应注意报道的常规格式。确定文体:这是一篇报道,写作中应注意报道的常规格式。2.2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。主体时态:文章应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。3.3.主体人称:由于是

7、写关于旅游胜地东湖的污染及治理情况,所以主体人称:由于是写关于旅游胜地东湖的污染及治理情况,所以人称应该以第三人称为主。人称应该以第三人称为主。谋谋篇篇 第一段:介绍东湖以前的情况。第一段:介绍东湖以前的情况。第二段:东湖的污染情况。第二段:东湖的污染情况。第三段:采取措施改善后的情况。第三段:采取措施改善后的情况。_第二步第二步遣词造句遣词造句 核心核心词汇词汇 1.1.渴望做某渴望做某事事2 2.垃圾垃圾3 3.许多;许多;很多很多4 4.发起发起运动运动5 5.被被罚款罚款6 6.要不是要不是由于由于7 7.适度的适度的政策政策8 8.毫无疑问毫无疑问be starving for/st

8、arve forgarbage/waste/rubbishdozens oflaunch campaignsget finedbut formoderate policythere is no doubt that.1.东湖过去是个美丽的地方,水很清澈,鱼儿在里面快乐地游着。East Lake and the water was clear and fishes swam in it happily.2.来自全国的游客渴望来参观这个湖,欣赏它的美。Travelers from all over the nation a visit to the lake and .连词成句连词成句 used

9、to be a beautiful placeare starving forappreciate its beauty3.随着数百万吨来自周围工厂的废水夜以继日地排入湖中,这个湖已经随着数百万吨来自周围工厂的废水夜以继日地排入湖中,这个湖已经被污染得如此严重了。被污染得如此严重了。_,the lake has been polluted so badly.4.垃圾经常被游客扔进湖里,严重污染了湖水。垃圾经常被游客扔进湖里,严重污染了湖水。Rubbish is often thrown into it by the visitors,_.With millions of tons of was

10、te water from factories around poured into it day and nightpolluting the lakebadly5.当地政府再也不能容忍这种危险的情况了,因此它已经发起了各种各样的运动宣传环保的重要性。The local government _ ,so it has launched various campaigns to publicize the importance of environmental protection.6.毫无疑问,向湖里倾倒废水的一些工厂以及把垃圾扔进湖里的游客将被罚款。some factories which

11、 pour waste water and the visitors who throw garbage into the lake will get fined.cant tolerate the dangerous situation anylongerThere is no doubt that7.7.要不是由于许多适度的但有效的政策,这个湖不会变得越来越要不是由于许多适度的但有效的政策,这个湖不会变得越来越美丽。美丽。,the lake wouldnt have become more and more beautiful.the lake wouldnt have become mo

12、re and more beautiful.But for dozens of moderate but effective policiesBut for dozens of moderate but effective policies第三步第三步句式升级句式升级1.1.用定语从句改写句用定语从句改写句1 1。_East Lake used to be a beautiful place and the water was East Lake used to be a beautiful place and the water was clearclear,in which fishes

13、swam happily.in which fishes swam happily.2.2.用非谓语动词改写句用非谓语动词改写句2 2。_Travelers from all over the nation are starving for a Travelers from all over the nation are starving for a visit to the lakevisit to the lake,appreciating its beauty.appreciating its beauty.第四步第四步组句成篇组句成篇用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,

14、组用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇英语短文。成一篇英语短文。East Lake used to be a beautiful place and the water East Lake used to be a beautiful place and the water was clearwas clear,in which fishes swam happily.Travelers from all in which fishes swam happily.Travelers from all over the nation are starving for a

15、visit to the lakeover the nation are starving for a visit to the lake,appreciating its beauty.appreciating its beauty.UnfortunatelyUnfortunately,with millions of tons of waste water with millions of tons of waste water from factories around poured into it day and nightfrom factories around poured in

16、to it day and night,the the lake has been polluted so badly.Moreoverlake has been polluted so badly.Moreover,rubbish is often rubbish is often thrown into it by the visitorsthrown into it by the visitors,polluting the lake badly.polluting the lake badly.参考范文参考范文 The local government cant tolerate th

17、e dangerous The local government cant tolerate the dangerous situation any longersituation any longer,so it has launched various so it has launched various campaigns to publicize the importance of environmental campaigns to publicize the importance of environmental protection.There is no doubt that

18、some factories which protection.There is no doubt that some factories which pour waste water and the visitors who throw garbage into pour waste water and the visitors who throw garbage into the lake will get fined.But for dozens of moderate but the lake will get fined.But for dozens of moderate but effective policieseffective policies,the lake wouldnt have become more the lake wouldnt have become more and more beautiful.and more beautiful.返 回Thank you for listening!


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